New to the Marks and Label Hub?
Whether you have UL certified products, processes, facilities, personnel or systems, the Marks and Label Hub is your comprehensive source for assets. Here’s where you can find or develop artwork to fulfill certification requirements or support your marketing efforts. Depending on label type, order and reorder through UL Solutions or find an Authorized Label Supplier. Plus, get tips on how to best use enhanced or smart UL Marks and badges in promotions and packaging.
Order standard labels
Choose from standard labels for specific product categories that may be sourced directly from UL Solutions.
Create combination labels
Use our all-in-one design tool or your own software to design labels that meet product and certification needs.
Submit labels for review
UL Solutions must review and approve all combination labels before use.

Design a badge
Develop badge variations.
Artwork by geography
Review our complete selection of Marks available through UL Solutions.
Frequently asked questions
Review answers to these common questions about the Marks and Label Hub.