ECOLOGO® 认证可证明产品的整体可持续性。
UL ECOLOGO® 认证以多属性、基于生命周期的可持续性标准为基础。根据 ECOLOGO 标准认证的所有产品必须符合或超过列出的每项标准才能获授权使用该标志。ECOLOGO 认证被分类为国际标准化组织 (ISO)1 型生态标签,并且已成功通过全球生态标签网络的评估,以进一步证明其可信度。
我们的 ECOLOGO 认证项目提供可靠的第三方产品和服务认证,以建立和加强采购商与供应商以及消费者与制造商之间的信任。ECOLOGO 认证有助于证明您的产品具有引人注目的价值,该认证可用于各种产品,包括清洁产品、卫生产品、卫生和办公用纸、移动电话、电子设备等。
UL ECOLOGO® 标志不仅可以证明您的产品符合严格的环境性能行业标准的第三方认证,也会在亚马逊的气候友好承诺计划中得到认可。如果亚马逊是您的产品的分销渠道,则亚马逊气候友好承诺计划将特别展示您的 ECOLOGO 认证产品,并且消费者可以搜索到这些产品。
ECOLOGO 已获得数百种规范和标准的认可或引用。我们致力于通过我们公共事务和宣传团队的有力支持,进一步提升市场采用率。
ECOLOGO 标准注重环保,并按照科学方法制定环境可持续性发展标准,经过多方利益相关方审查,并通过了严格审核。
- UL 100 石膏板和石膏心墙板
- UL 2761 密封剂和填缝剂(原 CCD 045)>
- UL 2762 粘合剂(原 CCD 046)
- UL 2766 建筑物采暖和冷却系统(原 CCD 001)
- UL 2768 建筑表面涂层(原 CCD 47)
- UL 2769 腐蚀防护控制(原 CCD 60)
- NSF 140 地毯的可持续性评估
- NSF 332 弹性地板的可持续性评估
- UL 2759 硬表面清洁剂(原 CCD 146)
- UL 2776 液体衣用洗涤剂和衣物柔顺剂(原 CCD 105)
- UL 2777 硬质地板护理用品(原 CCD 147)
- UL 2780 洁厕块(原 CCD 165)
- UL 2781 泳池和浴池水处理产品(原 CCD 171)
- UL 2783 免洗洗手液 (原 CCD 170)
- UL 2784 洗手液(原 CCD 104)
- UL 2791 排水和/或油脂分离添加剂(原 CCD 113)
- UL 2792 生物基清洗及除油化合物(原 CCD 110)
- UL 2794 消毒剂和消毒清洁剂(原 CCD 166)
- UL 2795 地毯和室内装饰品清洁剂(原 CCD 148)
- UL 2796 气味控制添加剂(原 CCD 115/107)
- UL 2797 休旅车及船用储槽处理(原 CCD 114)
- UL 2798 清洁和气味控制用生物消耗型添加剂(原 CCD 112)
- UL 2829 洗衣漂白剂(原 CCD 106)
- UL 2830 化粪池添加剂(原 CCD 116)
- CCD 035 办公设备
- UL 110 移动电话
- UL 2710 便携式电子产品可持续性调查大纲
- UL 2801 打印墨水(原 CCD 40)
- UL 2803 打印服务/数码打印(原 CCD 041/141)
- UL 2810 数码相机
- UL 2773 钢笔、自动铅笔和其他书写工具(原 CCD 168)
- IEEE1680.1 标准
- IEEE1680.2 标准
- IEEE1680.3 标准
- UL 126 塑料薄膜产品
- UL 175 卫生纸产品
- UL 2771 纸制品(原 CCD 77)
- UL 2826 纸板
- UL 2845 个人护理(原 CCD103)
- UL 2854 可再生环保电力产品(原 CCD 003)
- UL 172 玩具(原 CCD 172)
- UL 2770 商业洗车服务(原 CCD 061)
A growing number of so-called “ecolabels” have made it difficult to differentiate between products or suppliers that are genuinely environmentally preferable. Customers need to see demonstrated credibility on sustainable product attributes, which can help companies avoid accusations of greenwashing. Here’s how UL Solutions helps customers determine which companies stand out in that crowd.
ECOLOGO® Certification demonstrates overall product sustainability
UL ECOLOGO® Certification is based on multi-attribute, lifecycle-based sustainability standards. All products certified under the ECOLOGO® program must meet or exceed each of the listed criteria of these specific standards before receiving the ECOLOGO® Mark. ECOLOGO® Certification is classified as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Type 1 ecolabel and has been successfully assessed by the Global Ecolabeling Network, further demonstrating its credibility.
ECOLOGO Standards offer environmental leadership and scientifically-developed environmental sustainability criteria reviewed and robustly vetted by multiple stakeholders. They consider attributes such as corporate practices, resource use, human and environmental health, packaging, labeling, performance and manufacturing as part of the overall environmental and health impact of a product.
ECOLOGO product categories
ECOLOGO recognition in the market
ECOLOGO® is recognized or referenced in hundreds of specifications, standards and purchasing programs including — but not limited to:
- Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly Program
If Amazon is a distribution channel for your products, the Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly Program will feature your ECOLOGO® Certified products and be searchable by consumers. - LEED
LEED provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon-intensive and cost-saving green buildings. Their program recognizes ECOLOGO® Certifications for cleaning products and materials, as well as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for Canada. - U.S. EPA Federal Purchasing Program
The U.S. EPA Federal Purchasing Program helps U.S. federal government purchasers utilize private sector standards and ecolabels to identify and procure environmentally preferable products and services. This program recognizes the ECOLOGO® Certification across a wide range of categories.

Why green product certification is important
UL ECOLOGO® Certification helps retailers, brand owners and manufacturers gain a competitive edge in the marketplace by credibly communicating the reduced environmental impact of their product, service or package.
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