UL Solutions Standards of Business Conduct 2024-2025
Our Ethics and Compliance Office
We invest in ethics and compliance to promote and maintain our values-driven culture, ensuring that the principles of integrity, honesty, quality, and fairness are integrated into our business practices on a consistent basis around the world.
Standards of Business Conduct (UL Solutions Code of Conduct)
Our core values guide all our work. We operate with a clear understanding of legal and regulatory requirements, our policies and procedures, and shared principles of integrity and respect for our business, for property, for people, and the planet. We govern our behavior in accordance with our Standards of Business Conduct. These standards inform each UL Solutions associate of our obligations to UL Solutions, to our customers, to society and to each other. They apply to all UL Solutions associates, in every role and every location.
Our Standards of Business Conduct cover legal compliance and ethical areas. It includes provisions on respect for human rights and fair treatment of employees, environmental compliance, fair competition and safe workplaces. The Standards of Business Conduct incorporate our Test for Integrity, reminding everyone who works for UL Solutions to be honest and fair, and to adhere to applicable laws and rules. The standards also require employees to comply with other UL Solutions policies including our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy, Confidential Information Policy and Conflict of Interest Policy.
Our stand on modern slavery
As part of the public safety industry, we recognize our responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. Our Standards of Business Conduct and Global Supplier Standards of Conduct set out our expectations of everyone working with us — or on our behalf — to support and uphold our policy commitments and provides guidelines for employees, partners and agency workers to report any suspicions or concerns relating to compliance with the policy.
2024 Modern Slavery Act Statement
UL Solutions Human Rights Policy
UL Solutions is committed to respecting human rights. This commitment includes respecting the dignity and worth of all employees, encouraging all employees to reach their full potential and providing equal opportunities to all employees.
Human Rights Policy