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France Adopts Ban of PFAS in Consumer Products

French Parliament finalized Act of Feb. 27, 2025, to protect the public from the risks associated with PFAS.

A person recycling a plastic bottle

March 18, 2025

By Donia Amara, regulatory specialist, Supply Chain team, UL Solutions

On February 20, 2025, the National Assembly and the Senate have adopted, and the President of the Republic promulgates the following law aimed to protect the population from the risks associated with perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

As of January 1, 2026, the law bans the manufacture, import, export and marketing of the following PFAS-containing products:

  • Any cosmetic product containing perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances.
  • Any wax product containing perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances.
  • Any textile clothing product, footwear and waterproofing agents for textile clothing products and footwear intended for consumers containing perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances, except for textile clothing and footwear designed for the protection and safety of persons, particularly in the performance of national defense or civil security missions, and whose list is specified by decree.

From January 1, 2030, the manufacture, import, export and placing on the market, for a consideration or free of charge, of any textile product containing perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances are prohibited. Exceptions are permitted for textile products required for essential uses, those contributing to the exercise of national security and for which no alternative solution exists, and technical textiles for industrial use, the list of which is specified by decree.

The prohibitions laid down above do not apply to products containing perfluoro alkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances present in concentrations less than or equal to a residual value defined by decree.

Controls and administrative sanctions are planned in case of violations of the new prohibitions imposed by this legislation.

Other products were targeted by the ban in the initial text. Food packaging has been removed, as this sector has recently been integrated into the new European regulation on packaging and packaging waste of December 19, 2024.

Cookware (saucepans, frying pans, etc.) has also been excluded by amendment of the deputies.

The generalization of the ban to all products containing PFAS from 2027 was also removed, in view of the completion of the European PFAS restriction proposal. This restriction dossier has been submitted to the European Chemicals Agency by 5 countries (Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden) in 2023. Following a public consultation, the restriction dossier is currently still under discussion by ECHA’s scientific committees, RAC and SEAC.

A polluter-pays tax

In accordance with the “polluter pays” principle, a fee based on PFAS discharges into water has been established. It will be charged to installations classified for environmental protection (IPCE) subject to authorization, due to their operations.

The fee threshold is set at 100 grams discharged per year. The fee is set at 100 euros per 100 grams.

Monitoring of PFAS in Drinking Water 

The law mandates that health authorities must systematically monitor the presence of PFAS in drinking water. This control will focus on PFAS listed by decree but may also extend to a broader range of PFAS, provided they are quantifiable by laboratories and their monitoring is justified based on local circumstances. By 2026, the government must submit a report to Parliament proposing updated health standards for all PFAS in drinking water.

Improved Public Information

The law requires the creation of an online map identifying all current and former PFAS-emitting sites in the environment. This map, to be updated at least once a year, must include data on PFAS emissions into the environment.


LAW No. 2025-188 of February 27, 2025, aimed at protecting the population from the risks associated with perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances

PFAS on the ECHA Registry of restriction intentions until outcome list

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