December 8, 2014
The DIN test method standard for textile products in which phthalates might be present is changed. The document for modification of the EN ISO 14389:2014 was prepared by the Technisches Komitee für Textilien [Technical Committee for Textiles] in cooperation with the Technisches Komitee für Texilien und textile Erzeugnisse [Technical Committee for Textiles and Textile Products]. The German commission is the Normenausschuss für Materialprüfung [Standards Committee Materials Testing] which is responsible for textile-chemical test methods and fibre separation*.
Source (In German)
Why It Matters
The reason for the modification is the revision of the test methods for quantification of phthalates.
The modification involves that the draft DIN EN ISO 14389:2013-10 was withdrawn and DIN EN 15777:2009-12 was replaced by DIN EN ISO 14389:2014-10.
Your Restricted Substances List (RSL) will need to be revised accordingly, taking the new test method into consideration, where applicable.
How UL Can Help
Across our global network of laboratories, UL’s testing services can help ensure regulatory compliance requirements. UL laboratories apply the updated DIN EN ISO 14389:2014-10 test method and continue to provide chemical testing services based on the latest regulatory standards.
To learn how UL´s chemical management services can help ensure regulatory compliance for each country in which you source or sell, contact and a UL representative will contact you.