February 24, 2020
Additional information regarding circuit integrity systems and circuit integrity cable (-CI suffixed) is available in UL’s Product iQTM database. Product IQ is free to use, but does require a one-time registration.
A: To verify UL certified Circuit Integrity Systems
For the UL Mark, there are two types of systems:
- Systems (FHIT) incorporating cable protected with Electrical Circuit Protective Material (FHIY) and
- Systems (FHIT) constructed with Fire-resistive Cable (FHJR)
For the ULC Mark, there is one type of system:
- Systems (FHIT7) Constructed with Fire-resistive Cable Certified for Canada (FHJR7)
These systems, as referenced in codes and standards such as NFPA 70 are defined by their fire-resistive rating (in hours) when the product and corresponding system is installed in accordance with the applicable code or standard, the manufacturer’s instructions (referenced by date in Product iQ) and the associated system CCN.
Additional information, such as the requirements used for certification, is contained in the Guide Information available from the above links to the Product iQ.
To verify UL certified Circuit Integrity Cable (-CI suffixed)
For the UL Mark, there are four types of circuit integrity cables (-CI suffixed):
- Communications Cable (DUZX)
- Nonpower-limited Fire Alarm Cable (HNHT)
- Power-limited Circuit Cable (QPTZ)
- Power-limited Fire Alarm Cable (HNIR)
These cables, as referenced in codes or standards such as NFPA 70, are defined by a duration of fire survivability when the products are installed within free air (not within raceway).
Additional information, such as the requirements used for certification, is contained in the Guide Information available from the above links to each product CCN, using UL Product iQ.