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Switzerland Amends List for Food Contact Plastics and Packaging Inks

Switzerland’s amended positive list for food contact plastic and packaging inks has gone into effect. Annex 2 “List of permitted substances for the manufacture of plastic materials and articles and related requirements (Edition 3.2)” and Annex 10 “List of permitted substances for the manufacture of packaging inks and related requirements’ (Edition 3.2)” have been updated in Switzerland’s Ordinance on Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food Stuffs.

Vegetables in plastic containers

February 18, 2025

On January 1, 2025, Switzerland’s amended positive list for food contact plastic and packaging inks became effective. Annex 2 “List of permitted substances for the manufacture of plastic materials and articles and related requirements (Edition 3.2)” and Annex 10 “List of permitted substances for the manufacture of packaging inks and related requirements (Edition 3.2)” have been updated in Switzerland's Ordinance on Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food Stuffs.

RO 2024/755 makes the following changes to the specific migration limits of several substances in these lists:

Changes to Annex 2 - (List of permitted substances for the manufacture of plastic FCM)

Substance New specific migration limit (SML) Previous specific migration limit (SML)
Phthalic acid, dibutyl ester (DBP) 0.12 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction nos. 32 and 43
0.30 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction no. 32
Phthalic acid, benzyl butyl ester (BBP) 6.0 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction nos. 32 and 43
30.0 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction no. 32
Phthalic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (DEHP) 0.6 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction nos. 32 and 43
1.5 mg/kg
Total SML group restriction no. 32
Phthalic acid, diesters with primary, saturated C8-C10 branched alcohols, more than 60% C9 (DINP) Total SML = 1.9 mg/kg (sum of DINP and DIDP, group restriction no. 26)
Not to be used in combination with substance nos. 160, 168, 621 or 5353 (DIBP)
Total SML = 9 mg/kg (sum of DINP and DIDP, group restriction no. 26)
Phthalic acid, diesters with primary, saturated C9-C11 alcohols, more than 90 % C10 (DIDP) Total SML = 1.8 mg/kg (sum of DINP and DIDP, group restriction no. 26) Total SML = 9 mg/kg (sum of DINP and DIDP, group restriction no. 26)

Changes to Annex 10 (List of permitted substances for the manufacture of packaging inks)

  • Similar to changes in Annex 2 (see above)
  • Addition of adipic acid and diacetone acrylamide

Official source

Ordonnance du DFI sur les matériaux et objets destinés à entrer en contact avec les denrées alimentaires (Ordonnance sur les matériaux et objets)


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