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Textiles, Apparel and Footwear: AFIRM Publishes Updated Restricted Substances List

The Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management (AFIRM) Group has published the 10th edition of its Restricted Substances List (RSL).

Laboratory equipment

March 14, 2025

The Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management (AFIRM) Group has published the 10th edition of its Restricted Substances List (RSL). The document is intended to “assist supply chain participants seeking to increase product quality and safety, or to reduce their environmental impact by limiting the use of certain substances in apparel and footwear.”

The 10th edition RSL includes the following changes:

Substance Modification
Azo-amines and arylamine salts
  • Updated test method for leather to EN ISO 17234-1:2024
  • BPA limit in textiles and leather lowered to 10 ppm
  • BPS, BPB and BPF limits lowered to 200 ppm in textiles and 800 ppm in leather
Chlorinated benzenes and toluenes
  • Updated test method to 17137:2024
  • Added new category for Cyclosiloxanes restricted under REACH and as SVHCs with limit of 1,000 ppm each
  • Added testing recommendation in the Testing Matrix

Brominated and organophosphorus substances

Triphenyl phosphate (TPP)

  • Renamed category from “Flame Retardants” to “Brominated and Organophosphorus Substances” since listed chemicals may have multiple uses
  • Added triphenyl phosphate (TPP) with a 500 ppm limit due to placement on the REACH SVHC list
Fluorinated greenhouse gases
  • Changed legal reference to Regulation (EU) 2024/573
Heavy metals (jewelry)
  • Updated test method to ASTM F963-23 as referenced in ASTM F2923:2020 for all metals except Nickel
Ozone-depleting substances
  • Changed legal reference to Regulation (EU) Regulation (EU) 2024/590
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Changed total organic fluorine limit to 50 ppm
  • Divided PFOS restriction into “PFOS and its salts” and “PFOS-related substances” with new limits
  • Included PFHXA and its salts and PFHxA-related substance restrictions
Bis(2-propylheptyl) phthalate (DPHP)
  • Added new orthophthalate DPHP with an information reporting requirement
UV 326
  • Added UV Absorber UV 326 with a 1000 ppm limit due to its inclusion on the REACH SVHC list
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • VOC substances moved to new Appendix D
  • Adds substances from other sections that are also VOCs, adds 22 new VOCs

The AFIRM Restricted Substances List is updated annually by Feb.1.

UL Solutions offers chemical testing, chemical management solutions and Restricted Substances List support to manufacturers, retailers and brands within the softline industry.

Official source

AFIRM Restricted Substances List


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