January 16, 2014
On February 28, 2014, EN ISO 12312-1:2012 will replace EN 1836:2005+A1:2007. ISO 12312-1:2012 is applicable to all afocal (plano power) sunglasses and clip-ons for general use, including road use and driving, intended for protection against solar radiation.
Why It Matters
Primary changes include:
- Modified Requirements for UV Transmittance and Refractive Power
- Modified Requirements for Traffic Signals and Visible Light Transmittance
- Wide Angle Scattering
- Polarization Efficiency
- New Requirements on Protective Coverage
How UL Can Help
UL can help ensure retailers, importers and manufacturers selling sunglasses into the European market and any sunglasses with CE marking into other countries are in compliance with EN ISO 12312-1 requirements.