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Updates on the Progress for Mandating the Water Efficiency Label for Water Use Products in Malaysia

The Malaysia National Water Services Commission (SPAN in Malay) had introduced a voluntary Water Efficient Products Labeling Scheme (WEPLS) and media news, SPAN, is currently drafting laws to mandate this labeling requirement.


September 24, 2019

By Chian Haw YONG, ASEAN Global Market Access lead

The Malaysia National Water Services Commission (SPAN in Malay) had introduced a voluntary Water Efficient Products Labeling Scheme (WEPLS) in 2016, and based on media news, SPAN is currently drafting laws to mandate this labeling requirement. 

WEPLS covers water use products such as water taps and mixers, water closets, urinal equipment, showerheads and clothes washing machines.

The evaluation and tick rating criteria are summarized in the below table for washing machines.

​Water use products 
(water consumption unit)

Test standard​




​Clothes Washing Machine 
(v - litre/kg)

  • Front loading
  • Top loading
  1. ​Clause 8.6 of MS IEC 60456:2012
  2. Clause 8.6 of IEC 60456:2010

Excluding the performance test specified in 8.2

​12 < v ≤ 15

​9 < v ≤ 12 

​v ≤ 9 

The WEPLS products are rated according to its water consumption based on the 3-star rating system. WEPLS label is available in the following versions, to be affixed or hanged on the products.

AA Image 4

The WEPLS label displays the following keys information: ​

  • Star rating indicating its water efficiency
  • WEPLS registration number
  • Product information such as brand, model and water consumption

SPAN is targeting to complete the draft regulation by 2019 and then submit to Malaysia Parliament for approval. There will be a transition period given from voluntary to mandatory once it is officially mandated. 

How UL can help:

We can help with testing and submission of WEPLS on behalf of manufacturers for voluntary labeling. We can also monitor and keep manufacturers informed about the mandatory implementation. For more information, email us at


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