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Exporting Pressure Equipment to Europe – Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

Gain an overview of PED and learn how combining overlapping requirements in one project can result in UL, cUL and PED certification to streamline market access to North American and European markets.

Pressurized boiler equipment

Compliance to the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) is mandatory for pressure equipment manufacturers to market products within the European Union. Join UL experts for an overview of PED and learn how combining overlapping requirements in one project can result in UL, cUL and PED certification to streamline market access. This reduces overall certification costs while maximizing access to North American and European markets.

This webinar will help you answer the following questions:

  • What is the scope of the PED?
  • What type of products does it cover?
  • How do I select a risk category?
  • What is the PED certification process?
  • What are the potential barriers and solutions?

Exporting pressure equipment to Europe – a snapshot of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

Gain an overview of PED and learn how combining overlapping requirements in one project can result in UL, cUL and PED certification to streamline market access to North American and European markets.

Download our brochure
Thumbnail – Streamline pressure equipment certification for EU

Streamline pressure equipment certification for EU
