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Labels – Surfaces and Conditions

  • Fact Sheet

Labels – Surfaces and Conditions

Common application surfaces on which Marking and Labeling Systems are recognized.

Fire extinguisher with UL Mark


Application surfaces

This list includes some of the more common application surfaces on which Marking and Labeling Systems are recognized. All surfaces referenced in Recognitions are considered smooth, flat and rigid unless otherwise specified. Painted surfaces are on metal substrates.

Application surface (abbreviation)

Acrylic  (AC)
Acrylic paint  (AC PT)
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene  (ABS)
Alkyd paint  (AK PT)
Aluminum  (AL)
Chromate treated metal  (CTM)
Epoxy  (EP)
Epoxy paint  (EP PT)
Epoxy powder paint  (EP PDR PT)
Galvanized steel  (GS)
Melamine  (ME)
Nylon, polyamide  (PA)
Phenolic, Phenol Formaldehyde  (PH)
Polybutylene terephthalate  (PBT)
Polycarbonate  (PC)
Polyester paint  (PER PT)
Polyester powder paint  (PER PDR PT)
Polyethylene  (PE)
Polyethylene terephthalate  (PET)
Polyphenylene oxide/ether  (PPOX)
Polyphenylene sulfide  (PPS)
Polypropylene  (PP)
Polystyrene  (PS)
Polyurethane powder paint  (PUR PDR PT)
Polyvinyl chloride  (PVC)
Porcelain  (PRCLN)
Stainless steel  (SS)
Unsaturated polyester, thermoset  (UP)

Labels for use in special environments

In addition to being evaluated for indoor use, indoor dry use or outdoor use, labels may be evaluated for environmental conditions specific to certain end-product applications. Below is a list of some of the additional conditions for which labels could be evaluated.

Code and additional conditions
C Occasional exposure to Cooking Oil
DD Occasional exposure to Dishwashing Detergents
DL Occasional exposure to Laundry Detergents
E25 Occasional exposure to splashing of gasoline/ethanol blends up to 25% ethanol
E85  Occasional exposure to splashing of gasoline/ethanol blends up to 85% ethanol
F1 Occasional exposure to Fuel Oil No. 1
F2  Occasional exposure to Fuel Oil No. 2
FE  Suitable for use on Fire Extinguisher shells
G Occasional exposure to Gasoline splashing
HZ Suitable for use on Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D Hazardous Location products
Occasional exposure to Kerosene
O Occasional exposure to Lubricating Oil
PL  Also suitable for use on portable ladders
RT(1)  Also complies with UL 514A, UL 60950-1, UL 60335-1, UL 60745-1, UL 60974-1, UL 61058-1 and UL 60065 marking durability rub test requirements


We are uniquely positioned to provide a comprehensive view of how products function within a given system. This is particularly critical in the plastics and components industry, as interactions between substances, parts, systems and the environment can be the cause of a significant number of hazards. These failures are rarely apparent when components are tested individually.

Our technical experts can also help align your products to the appropriate UL Certification category and the applicable Standards. This enables manufacturers of UL Certified products to easily source components that demonstrably meet their compliance needs and project specifications.

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Our trustworthy reputation provides an important product differentiator in a crowded marketplace. Working with us is just one more way in which you can communicate your product’s safety and quality to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), purchasers and regulatory authorities.

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Our broad capabilities enable us to help you address a wide variety of key business needs that may arise throughout your product development life cycle and deployment phase. Working with one provider allows you to take advantage of our cost- and time-saving service bundles, and our integrated testing and certification plans assists you to achieve your go-to-market plans in a timely manner.

Compliance Guidelines for Marking and Labeling Systems

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