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UL Schemes and Certification Bodies

Accelerating Global Market Access with UL certification services

The UL Family of Companies delivers certification services through specific certification bodies (legal entities). Unless stated otherwise below, the following information applies to each certification body (CB) described on this page:

  • Independence – The CB operates under its own authority as an independent, non-governmental organization.
  • Conformity Assessment – The CB fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065: Conformity Assessment – Requirements for Bodies Certifying Products, Processes and Services or ISO/IEC 17021-1: Conformity assessment - Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Management Systems.
  • Finances – The CB is financially funded by the fees it charges clients seeking product certification. Fees are charged for the initial evaluation process and for ongoing maintenance, where applicable.
  • Non-Discriminatory Conditions – The CB makes its services accessible to all applicants whose activities fall within the scope of its operations. The CB’s procedures are not used to impede or inhibit access by applicants, except for reasons such as the client participating in illegal activities, having a history of repeated non-compliances with certification requirements, or similar or related issues. Access is not conditional on the size of the client or its membership in any association or group. Access is not conditional on the number of certifications already issued by the CB. The CB does not impose undue financial or other conditions.
  • Contractual Agreements – The CB documents the responsibilities of the CB and its clients in legally enforceable agreements. The agreement used by the CB consists of several documents as described in the Service Terms for UL Services although exceptions exist due to national considerations. The referenced Service Terms to each scheme are identified in each scheme description. Agreements must be executed prior to initiating the certification process.
  • Appeals – Formal processes are available to address questions concerning interpretations and decisions made by the CB. An appeal can be initiated by contacting Customer Service or the engineer that was involved with the project.
  • Complaints – Concerns about UL certified products or complaints about a service provided by the CB can be submitted as described in the Complaint Process FAQ
  • Customer Service – Questions related to products, standards, or services offered by UL can be submitted by contacting Customer Service. This includes evaluation procedures and the procedure for granting, maintaining, extending, suspending, withdrawing, refusing, or reducing the scope of certification.

DEWI-OCC Offshore Certification Centre GmbH

Address: Contrescarpe 45, 28195 Bremen, Germany

DEWI-OCC GmbH is the leading certification body of UL Solutions for renewable international and national certification or permitting procedures, meaning that DEWI-OCC can make use of UL Solutions tools and resources as needed. DEWI-OCC is entered in the commercial register at Bremen District Court under the name DEWI-OCC Offshore and Certification Centre GmbH (DEWI-OCC) under HRB 35702.

The requirements of ISO 9001 “Quality management systems — Requirements” and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 “Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services” constitute the basis of the quality management system.

DEWI-OCC Offshore Certification Centre GmbH operates the following certification scheme:

Component, Type and Project Certification

The Scheme covers certification of wind turbine related components and wind turbine types or platforms. A wind farm realization including wind turbines, support structures, substations and cabling can be accompanied by a site-specific design assessment or project certification. 

Used methods and procedures represents state of the art of the industry and can cover, upon request, other well-known national or international certification requirements.

Our Type and Component Certification Scheme for Wind Turbines complement the products of the well-known IEC(RE) schemes with certificates along the development stages of wind turbines or wind farms from proof-of-concept to a site-specific certificate.

Composite Material (for the Application in Wind Turbines) Type Approval Scheme

The Scheme covers certification of composite materials intended for use in wind turbines. It is a voluntary Scheme and is highly regarded by various interested parties and sends the signal that an independent third-party has certified the composite material.

Issuance of a Material Type Approval Certificate (MTAC) indicates that a composite material complies with various elements of the Scheme including the applicable technical standards.

The Scheme includes both testing and evaluation of material samples as well as ongoing surveillance of production of such materials.

Grid Code Compliance

Grid Code Compliance Certification covers the evaluation of electrical characteristics of decentralized and centralized power generating units, their components and power generating systems. 

The accredited scope of the Grid Code Compliance Certification Body covers multiple international Grid Codes like NetCode RfG (EU)2016/631, German VDE-AR-N 41xx-series, Spanish NTS, Italian CEI Grid Codes and many more. A Grid Code Compliance Certificate by UL Solutions ensures the quality of the produced electrical power which will be fed into the grid of a distribution of transmission grid operator and ensures the acceptance for connection and operation on power generating unit level like photovoltaic inverter, wind turbine, storage system, CHP or gas turbines as well as on system level like photovoltaic power plants, wind farms or other power plants and hybrid power stations. 

IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Renewables Energy Applications (IECRE)

The certification under the IECRE System covers component and type certification following the IECRE Operational Document (OD) 501 and site suitability evaluation, project design certification and project certification following the IECRE OD 502. These two main operational documents (OD) are used in connection with supporting sub-ODs, clarification sheets (CSH) and IECRE Rules of Procedures. 

Note: The schemes OD 501 and OD 502 replace the withdrawn IEC 61400-22 certification procedure.

Lifetime Extension

The Scheme covers the lifetime extension certification of wind turbines. The certification will be carried out based on ANSI/ISO UL4143 and covers, upon request, additional requirements from other standards or guidelines (i.e., DIBt 2012, DNV-ST-0263). 

The certification covers the analytical evaluation of the Remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) assessment, the evaluation of the risk analysis according to the criteria of ANSI/ISO UL4143, and the evaluation of the real condition of the wind turbines by means of on-site inspection and review of operation & maintenance (O&M) concept. A final evaluation report summarizes the outcome of the evaluation, and a Lifetime Extension Certificate (LTEC) can be issued.

Monitoring Systems

The Scheme covers certification of monitoring systems intended for use in wind turbines. A Monitoring System Certificate (MSC) indicates that the evaluated monitoring system complies with various elements of the Scheme, including the applicable technical standards and specific requirements agreed with the customer and documented in the design basis.

The Scheme includes concept and design evaluation as well as a witness audit to proof the performance of the system. The Scheme can cover, upon request, other well-known requirements for condition monitoring. 

International Accreditations & Acceptances

  • ISO 9001 certification
  • Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17065
  • IECRE acceptance

References & Lists of Certificates

  • Type certificates - onshore and offshore
  • Conformity statements - onshore and offshore
  • Offshore Reference
  • Lifetime extension certificates
  • Lifetime extension conformity statements
  • List of valid certificates

Contractual agreements

  • Certification Regulations: English | German
  • General Terms of Contract: English | German
PT. UL International Indonesia


Address: Altira Business Park, Block E/03, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia

PT. UL International Indonesia operates the following product certification schemes.

SNI Mark

SNI is the only standard nationally applicable in Indonesia and is mandatory covering various products. To obtain SNI certification, the product in question must successfully undergo the testing and certification process conducted locally in Indonesia through a third-party laboratory accredited by National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN). Affixing the SNI Mark on the product is an indication that it meets the standard requirements (SNI) in place to allow it to be sold anywhere in the Republic of Indonesia.

PT. UL International Indonesia in Jakarta is accredited by KAN and designated by Ministry of Industry (MOI) and Ministry of Energy (MOE) as a Certification Organization (CO) also known as LSPro, for the local Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Certification for the following products:

  • Cables
  • Plug and Socket Outlets
  • Fans
  • Televisions
  • Car Head Unit
  • DVD/Blu-ray player
  • Active Speaker
  • Set Top Box

The authorized Mark is shown below.

image of SNI mark

To learn more about UL’s SNI services or UL’s full range of market access and other service offerings for the wire and cable industry, please reach out directly to

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Indonesia – SNI Certificate Services

UL-CCIC Company Limited


Address: No. 2, Chengwan Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 215122, P.R.China

UL-CCIC Company Limited operates the following certification schemes.

Saudi Product Safety Program (Saleem)

The Saudi Product Safety Program “Saleem” is an initiative by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) aimed at ensuring that all products entering the Saudi market meet the highest safety and quality standards. The program plays a vital role in protecting consumers, public health, and the environment by establishing a robust framework for product conformity assessment.
Under the SALEEM program, products are classified based on their level of risk:

  1. High-Risk Products: Products with significant potential impact on safety, health, or the environment, requiring rigorous conformity assessment procedures according to the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 5 Scheme. These products must undergo extensive evaluation, including factory audits and continuous surveillance, to ensure compliance with applicable standards. Additionally, High-Risk Products are required to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) as a mandatory indication of their compliance with Saudi standards.
  2. Medium-Risk Products: Products with moderate risks, requiring conformity assessment procedures based on the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 1a and Type 3 Schemes, as defined in the applicable SASO Technical Regulations. These procedures include a review of technical documentation and as required “product sampling, type testing, and factory audits” to ensure compliance with safety and performance standards.
  3. Low-Risk Products: Products with minimal risks, requiring basic verification of compliance, often through a Self-Declaration of Conformity supported by required documentation. 

The Saleem Program is implemented through a robust framework of SASO Technical Regulations. These regulations specify the mandatory technical and safety requirements for various product categories and define the certification procedures needed to demonstrate compliance before entering the Saudi market. Each regulation outlines the applicable product categories and the certification requirements for Product Certificates of Conformity (Product COC) and Shipment Certificates of Conformity (Shipment COC).
To streamline the certification process, SASO introduced the SABER Platform, an official online portal for registering products and obtaining necessary certifications. The SABER platform enables businesses to Register products, identify product risk classifications and applicable technical regulations, request and receive Product COC and Shipment COC and track the status of the requests and certificates.
UL Solutions has four Certification Bodies (CB) that are approved by SASO to operate under the Saleem Program:

Our role is to issue Product COC and Shipment COC for products entering the Saudi market. By aligning with SASO Technical Regulations, we help ensure that products meet the required safety, quality, and performance standards.
As a Certification Body, we uphold the principles of impartiality, independence, and confidentiality. All certification decisions are made based on objective evidence and are free from undue influence.

We are committed to addressing any complaints or appeals related to certification decisions promptly and fairly. Procedures for submitting complaints or appeals are available on Customer Confidentiality and Complaint Process FAQ.
Contractual Agreement - SASO SALEEM Scheme Service Terms


UL China Mark Product Certification Scheme

This scheme is one of the voluntary product safety certification services owned by UL LLC and carried out by UL-CCIC. The certification model is type testing + initial factory inspection + follow-up inspection. The Scheme requirements are based on compliance with officially released Chinese national or industrial standards. The products under this Scheme include household appliances, electric vehicles charging products, batteries, information technology equipment, audio and video equipment, etc. If a product carries the UL China Mark, it means UL has determined that representative product samples comply with the Scheme and its relevant safety requirements. With UL’s century-long spirit that “know by test, and state the facts”, UL-CCIC maintains a strict and independent attitude to carry out scientific, professional, accurate and reliable testing, inspection, and certification work to verify product safety. The UL China Mark aims to promote product quality improvement, provides consumers with credible evidence in selecting the products, and protects consumers’ personal and property safety.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

UL CN mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute
  • ISO country code of CN for China
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

For more information, please contact us at

UL de Colombia S.A.S.


Address: Cr 62 #103-44 Oficina 305, Edificio Torre del Reloj, Bogotá, Código, 111121, Colombia

UL de Colombia S.A.S. fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065 as described in the Product Certification Rules document located here.

UL de Colombia S.A.S. operates the following schemes.

RETILAP Certification Scheme

Read more about the RETILAP Certification Scheme.

RETIQ Certification Scheme

Read more about the RETIQ Certification Scheme.

RETIE Certification Scheme

Read more about the RETIE Certification Scheme.

Gas Appliances Certification Scheme

Read more about the Gas Appliances Certification Scheme.

UL de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

Address: Blas Pascal 205 2nd. Piso, CP 11510 Los Morales, Mexico City, Mexico

UL de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065 as described here.

UL de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. operates the following product certification schemes.

NOM Mark Scheme

Read more about the NOM Mark Scheme.

NOM Verification Unit Scheme

Read more about the NOM Verification Unit Scheme.

UL India Private Limited

Address: Kalyani Platina, 3rd Floor,Block I, No. 24, EPIP Zone, Phase II, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066, India

Certification Scheme for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

The Scheme scope covers all scenarios of drone operation, including flying in visual line of sight, flying beyond the visual line of sight, day operations, night operations, flying below 400 feet, flying in segregated airspace and flying alongside manned aircraft.

The Quality Council of India (QCI) owns and maintains the Scheme where UL India Private Limited is an Authorized Testing Entity (ATE) referred to as a certification body (CB) to issue a CSUAS Statement of Conformity (SoC) based on the criteria for the certification.  

UAS are organized into three categories: Aeroplane, rotorcraft and hybrid. They are further organized into the following three subcategories: 

  • Model remotely piloted aircraft
  • Remotely piloted aircraft
  • Autonomous unmanned aircraft system

UAS are classified based on maximum all-up weight including payload as follows:

  • Nano – Less than or equal to 250 grams
  • Micro – Greater than 250 grams and less than or equal to 2 kg
  • Small – Greater than 2 kg and less than or equal to 25 kg
  • Medium – Greater than 25 kg and less than or equal to 150 kg
  • Large – Greater than 150 kg

Applicants shall submit Form D-1 through the Digital Sky Platform. UL India issues an SoC valid for five years to drones that are found to comply with UAS requirements. The drones are then registered with QCI. 

To obtain the CSUAS SoC: 

  • Customer requests an SoC and submits the application on the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) portal with their preferred CB
  • CB sends a quote for CSUAS Certification Fees and the certification agreement to the customer for acceptance
  • CB conducts the application review required for Stage 1 evaluation by providing Required Documents
  • CB witnesses the testing at the customer’s facility for Stage 2 evaluation as per Flight Testing Guidelines (Annexure B)
  • CB complies and reviews full report of Stage 1 and Stage 2 with evaluation documents
  • CB issues SoC; DGCA endorses the SoC
  • DGCA issues final type certificate (TC) and may approach CB or client if more details are required 

Type certification is not required for model remotely piloted aircraft and nano unmanned aircraft systems. All other UAS require type certification before their operation. 

View Scheme FAQs or visit the QCI CSUAS website for more information. 

Contractual Agreement – UAS Certification Scheme Service Terms

List of SOC Issued

Information Security Management System (ISMS) Certification Scheme

This service assesses an organization’s compliance to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management Systems and Cybersecurity). Activities may include a gap analysis, documentation review, certification audit, resolution of nonconformities, and issuance of a certification audit report and certificate.

Certificates are valid for three (3) years, subject to contractual agreements. Surveillance audits are performed after one (1) year and two (2) years.  This cycle will repeat if you choose to recertify before the certification expires.

Click here for additional information.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Identity Management and Security (IMS) Certification.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V.

Address: Westervoortsedijk 60, 6827 AT Arnhem, The Netherlands

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. fulfills the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17065.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. operates the following product certification and quality audit schemes.

Construction Products Regulation (CPR)

Construction Products Regulation (no. 305/2011) is a regulation that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products. It is adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council and it replaced Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC). The scope of this scheme includes safety and performance testing, certification and inspection of Fire Protection (Materials) and Fire Detection products covered by the Construction Products Regulation.

CPR is one of the CE marking legislative acts which includes that the manufacturer is eligible CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. is appointed as Product Certification Body as a “System 1” body which means that the following conformity assessment methods are covered:

  • Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control;
  • Initial inspection of factory and of factory production control; and
  • Initial type-testing of the product (ITT).

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. scope as Product Certification Body:

  • Doors, windows, shutters, gates and related building hardware.
  • Fixed firefighting equipment (fire alarm/detection, fixed firefighting, fire and smoke control and explosion suppression product).
  • Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes. Internal partition kits.
  • Flat glass, profiled glass and glass block products.
  • Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products. Fire retardant products.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Construction Products Regulation Notified Body Services

Machinery Directive (MD)

Machinery Directive (no. 2006/42/EC) is a European Union directive concerning machinery and certain parts thereof. Its main intent is to ensure a common minimum level of safety for machinery and equipment and products placed on the market or put in service in all member states and to ensure freedom of movement within the European Union. The scope of the Directive includes machinery, interchangeable equipment, safety components, lifting accessories, removable mechanical transmission devices, partly completed machinery.

The MD is one of the CE marking legislative acts which requires the manufacturer to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable requirements.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. scope as Notified Body under Annex IV, categories 19, 20 and 21:

  • Protective devices designed to detect the presence of persons
  • Power-operated interlocking movable guards designed to be used as safeguards in machinery referred to in points 9, 10 and 11 (of Annex IV of MD)
  • Logic units to ensure safety functions

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Machinery Directive Notified Body Services

Marine Equipment Directive (MED)

Marine Equipment Directive (no. 2014/90/EU) is a European directive that improves safety at sea, prevents marine pollution and ensures that international safety standards for equipment on EU ships are interpreted in the same way across the EU. This Directive applies to equipment for use on existing EU-flagged ships and on new EU-flagged ships, even if they were constructed outside of the EU.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. is appointed as Notified Body to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures of EU-type Examination (module B), Production Quality Assurance (module D), Product Quality Assurance (module E) and Product Verification (module F).

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. certification scope includes life-saving appliances.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Marine Equipment Directive Notified Body Services

Personal Protective Equipment Directive (PPED)

Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (no. EU) 2016/425) is a European Regulation on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE) are products that the user can wear or hold, in order to be protected against hazards either at home, at work or whilst engaging in leisure activities.

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. is appointed as Notified Body to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures of EU-type Examination (Module B), System for ensuring EU quality of production by means of monitoring (Module D) and EU quality control system for the final product (Module C2).

UL International (Netherlands) B.V. scope as Notified Body:

  • Equipment providing eye protection
  • Equipment protection
  • Equipment foot and leg protection
  • Equipment providing general body protection (clothing)
  • Equipment providing hand and arm protection
  • Equipment providing hand protection against biological agents
  • Equipment providing head protection
  • Protective equipment against drowning and buoyancy aids
  • Protective equipment against falls from a height

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Personal Protective Equipment Regulation Notified Body Service

To learn about the product certifications and quality audit schemes available in the Netherlands, please visit

UL International (UK) Ltd – Radio and Telecommunication / EMC

Address: Unit 1-3 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom

UL International (UK) Ltd fulfills the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17065.

The associated rights and responsibilities of UL International (UK) Ltd are detailed in the referenced Service Terms that must be executed prior to initiating the certification process.

A formal Appeals and Complaints Process is available to applicants to address questions, interpretations, and decisions made by UL International (UK) Ltd  An appeal or complaint can be initiated by contacting

Additional information can be obtained from

UL International (UK) Ltd operates the following certification schemes.

ISED Canada Certification Body (CB) Program

The CB program is a program overseen by the Mutual Recognition Agreement between Canada and the UK.  The program allows entities based in non-Canadian countries to issue Technical Acceptance Certificates for Radio and Telecommunications equipment placed upon the Canadian market.

The Scope of Accreditation for UL International (UK) Ltd is available at Certification Bodies.

Contractual Agreement - Radio and Telecommunication Certification Body Programs Service Terms

Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) Program

The TCB program is a program overseen by the Mutual Recognition Agreement between the USA and the UK.  The program allows entities based in non US countries to issue Grants of Certification for Radio and Telecommunications equipment placed upon the US market.

The Scope of Accreditation for UL International (UK) Ltd is available at TCB Search.

Contractual Agreement - Radio and Telecommunication Certification Body Programs Service Terms

UKCA-CAB / Notified Body Program (Radio and EMC Equipment)

The UKCA-CAB/NB program follows the Radio Equipment Regulations (UK SI 2017 No 1206) that was enacted into UK law from the EU Directive (2014/53/EU): Radio Equipment Directive.  The UK Radio Equipment Regulations have subsequently been amended by Product Safety and Metrology amendments (EU Exit) 2019 and 2020

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures as described in UK SI 2017, No 1206, schedule 3 (aka Annex III) for the following types of Equipment:

  • Base Station for Mobile Network
  • Broadcast (including Programme Making and Outside Broadcast)
  • Citizens’ Band
  • Cordless telephone
  • Fixed Links
  • Mobile (Cellular) Telephone Handsets
  • Private/Professional Mobile Radio
  • Telemetry/Telecommand
  • Short Range Devices
  • Wireless Microphones

The UKCA-CAB/NB program follows the EMC Regulations (UK SI 2016 No 1091) that was enacted into UK law from the EU Directive (2014/30/EU): EMC Directive.  The UK EMC Regulations have subsequently been amended by Product Safety and Metrology amendments (EU Exit) 2019 and 2020

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures as described in UK SI 2016, No 1091, schedule 3 (aka Annex III) for the following types of Equipment:

  • Air Traffic Management
  • Alarm Systems
  • Automotive Systems
  • AV Equipment
  • Domestic Appliances
  • Industrial Equipment
  • Information Technology Equipment
  • Laboratory and Test Equipment
  • Maritime Equipment
  • Military Equipment
  • Railway Systems
  • Transmission Systems

Contractual Agreement - Radio and Telecommunication Certification Body Programs Service Terms

UL International (UK) Ltd - Safety and Performance

Address: Unit 1-3 Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom

UL International (UK) Ltd fulfills the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17065.

UL International (UK) Ltd operates the following product certification and quality audit schemes.

Boiler Efficiency Directive 92/42/EEC (BED)

Boiler Efficiency Directive (92/42/EEC) is a UK Directive that lays down harmonized conditions for the boilers efficiency. The scope of this scheme includes regulation 813/2013. BED is one of the UK marking legislative acts which includes that the manufacturer is eligible to UKCA mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to UKCA.

UL International (UK) Ltd. is appointed as Approved Body (AB 0843) and provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination
  • Module C: Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised product checks at random intervals
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Boiler Efficiency Directive Notified Body Services

For complaint or appeal, contact UL International (UK) Ltd Notified Body at Customer Service contact or by e-mail at

Construction Products Regulation

Construction Products Regulation (no. 305/2011) is a regulation that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products.

In UK legislation the EU Construction Products Regulation has been amended by the Construction Products (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and Construction Products (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020.

The scope of this scheme includes safety and performance testing, assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of Fire Protection (building products), suppression, wire & cable, and Fire Detection products covered by the Construction Products Regulation.

UL International (UK) Ltd. is appointed as UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) in particular as a “System 1/1+” body which means that the following AVCP methods are covered:

  • Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control;
  • Initial inspection of factory and of factory production control; and
  • Initial type-testing of the product (ITT).

In addition, UL International (UK) Ltd is a Technical Assessment Body where this route to conformity is required.

UL International (UK) Ltd. scope as an Approved Body includes:

  • Fire doors, windows, shutters, gates and related building hardware.
  • Fixed firefighting equipment:
    • fire alarm systems
    • fixed firefighting systems, e.g. sprinkers, valves, hydrants
    • Smoke and heat control systems
  • Internal and external wall and ceiling finishes. Internal partition kits.
  • Flat glass, profiled glass and glass block products.
  • Fire stopping, fire sealing, and fire protective products. Fire retardant products.
  • Wire & Cable

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Construction Products in UK

Equipment/Protective Systems for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Certification Scheme

The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU covers equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The directive defines the essential health and safety requirements and conformity assessment procedures, to be applied before products are placed on the EU market.

The UK regulation is the Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016.

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as a UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures of EC/UK-Type Examination (as described in Module B of the ATEX Directive), Conformity to Type based on Quality Assurance of the production process (as described in Module D of the ATEX Directive), Conformity to Type based on product Quality Assurance Examination (as described in Module E of the ATEX Directive) and Conformity based on Unit Verification (as described in Module G of the ATEX Directive) for the following type of equipment:

  • Gas
  • Dust
  • Mining
  • Mechanical

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Equipment for use in Potentially Explosive Atmosphere for UK

Gas Appliances Regulation 2016/426 (GAR)

Gas Appliances Regulation (2016/426) is a UK regulation that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of gas appliances. The scope of this scheme includes Essential Safety Requirements assessment and certification of gas appliances.

GAR is one of the UKCA marking legislative acts which includes that the manufacturer is eligible to UKCA mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to UKCA marking.

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as Approved Body (AB 0843) and provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination
  • Module C2: Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised product checks at random intervals
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance
  • Module F: conformity to type based on product verification
  • Module G: Conformity Based on Unit Verification

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Gas Appliances Regulation Notified Body Services

For complaint or appeal, contact UL International (UK) Ltd Notified Body at Customer Service contact or by e-mail at

Machinery Certification Scheme

Machinery Directive (no. 2006/42/EC) is a European Union directive concerning machinery and certain parts thereof.

The UK legislation is the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008.

Its main intent is to ensure a common minimum level of safety for machinery and equipment and products placed n the market or put in service in UK. The scope of the Regulation is machinery, interchangeable equipment, safety components, lifting accessories, removable mechanical transmission devices, partly completed machinery.

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures as described in Annex IV of the Machinery Directive, for categories 19, 20 and 21:

  • Protective devices designed to detect the presence of persons
  • Power-operated interlocking movable guards designed to be used as safeguards in machinery referred to in points 9, 10 and 11 (of Annex IV of Machinery Directive)
  • Logic units to ensure safety functions

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Machinery in UK

Marine Equipment Certification Scheme

Marine Equipment Directive (no. 2014/90/EU) is a European directive that improves safety at sea, prevents marine pollution and ensures that international safety standards for equipment on EU ships are interpreted in the same way across the EU. This Directive applies to equipment for use on existing EU-flagged ships and on new EU-flagged ships, even if they were constructed outside of the EU.

The UK regulations are the Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) Regulations 2016 SI 2016/1025 (“the Regulations”) as amended by the Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 SI 2019/470 and by the Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) (Amendment) (UK and US Mutual Recognition Agreement) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, MSN 1874 Amendment 3 (M+F), and MIN 590.

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as a UK Approved/Notified Body (NI) to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures of EC/UK-type Examination (as described in module B of the MED), Production Quality Assurance (as described in module D of the MED), Product Quality Assurance (as described in module E of the MED) and Product Verification (as described in module F of the MED).

UL (International) UK Ltd. certification scope includes life-saving appliances.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Marine Equipment in UK

Personal Protective Equipment Certification Scheme

Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU 2016/425) is a European regulation on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE) are products that the user can wear or hold, in order to be protected against hazards either at home, at work or whilst engaging in leisure activities.

The UK regulations are the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations (Regulation (EU) 2016/425 as brought into UK law and amended) and the Personal Protective Equipment (Enforcement) Regulations 2018.

UL International (UK) Ltd is appointed as a UK Approved/Notified Body (NI)  to issue certificates according to the conformity assessment procedures of EC/UK-type Examination (as described in Article 10 of the PPR), System for ensuring quality of production by means of monitoring (as described in Article 10B of the PPR) and quality control system for the final product (as described in Article 10A of the PPR).

  • Equipment providing eye protection
  • Equipment protection
  • Equipment foot and leg protection
  • Equipment providing general body protection (clothing)
  • Equipment providing hand and arm protection
  • Equipment providing hand protection against biological agents
  • Equipment providing head protection
  • Protective equipment against drowning and buoyancy aids
  • Protective equipment against falls from a height

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Personal Protective Equipment in UK

UL-EU Mark Scheme for Construction Products

The UL-EU Mark is a European safety mark, indicating that the product has been tested and found to comply with the applicable Technical Specification (e.g. EN safety standards and EAD) and with the requirements specified in the CCN.

A UL-EU Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix UL Solutions’ registered safety mark, the UL-EU Mark, on products which, from a safety, performance and constructional point of view, are representative of the tested and certified product. Only those products bearing the UL-EU Mark for Europe should be considered as being covered by UL Solutions’ UL-EU Mark Service.

To obtain and maintain the UL-EU Mark certificate, an initial factory assessment at the customer’s production site is required, as well as a routine factory assessment which is required at least once per year at the customer’s production site or at greater frequency depending upon the relevant standard and guide card information.

The UL-EU Mark certificate is issued exclusively by UL Solutions. The certification is valid for 10 years unless otherwise specified in the Scheme and/or the product and/or the requirements change.

The UL-EU Mark sends the signal to the industry stakeholders, consumers and relevant authorities that an independent third party has found the product to be in compliance with relevant safety standards.

The UL-EU Mark is operated by UL International (UK) Ltd in respect to the certification of construction products.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

UL EU Mark

The UL-EU Mark with the following elements: 

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • ISO country code of EU for Europe, located under the symbol

Other ISO country codes and/or text statements may also appear in additional to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

UL EU Mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute (which may be joined by other attributes such as MARINE, SECURITY, and/or SIGNALING that indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to these special uses)
  • The ISO country code of EU for Europe, located either immediately adjacent to the SAFETY attribute if only that attribute is applicable for Europe, or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable to Europe.
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

Also see the Promotion and Advertising Guidelines for the UL-EU Mark Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for UL-EU Mark Testing and Certification Services.

UL International (UK) Ltd. - Security and Performance

Address: Unit 1-3 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom

UL International (UK) Ltd fulfills the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17065.

UL International (UK) Ltd. operates the following product certification schemes.

Building Envelope Security & Performance for Use in the United Kingdom

In the following schemes, samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfils applicable requirements. Evaluation of the manufacturing process is also conducted. Fulfilment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before certification is granted. A Certificate bearing a UL Mark, along with a Test Report, is issued to the client. Certification is valid for three (3) years. None of these schemes cover fire performance of the certified products. Certification Scheme Customer Guidance is available upon request by email at Additional information can be found at Building Envelope Certification.

Surveillance includes a minimum of one visit per year to the manufacturing locations to confirm ongoing compliance and assure the original demonstration of fulfilment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfil requirements and certification can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of the certification.

Certification can also be terminated voluntarily. The issuance of a Certificate and the use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL International (UK) Ltd. to indicate a product has been certified using the scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products described on a Certificate and in a Test Report are certified.

Enhanced Security Performance of Windows and Doors for Use in the United Kingdom Scheme

In this scheme, windows and doors are evaluated and certified according to PAS 24:2016. and Secured by Design requirements.  The windows and doors may be of the following types:

  • Single, Casement, Tilt and Turn, Vertical Sliding, Parallel opening, Multilight Windows
  • Single, Double, Sliding, Lift and Slide, Bi-fold, Bi-parting sliding Doors

The authorized Marks are shown below.

UL UK Security Mark

The UL Mark appearing on the Certificate consists of the following elements if the product is certified only to this Scheme:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SECURITY attribute

Information concerning the requirements to which the product is certified will appear on the Certificate.

UL UK Security Performance Mark

The UL Mark appearing on the Certificate consists of the following elements if the product is certified to both this Scheme and the General Performance of Windows and Doors for Use in the United Kingdom Scheme:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SECURITY and PERFORMACE attributes

Information concerning the requirements to which the product is certified will appear on the Certificate

Contractual Agreement Building Envelope Security & Performance for Use in the United Kingdom

General Performance of Windows and Doors for Use in the United Kingdom Scheme

In this scheme, windows and doors are evaluated and certified according to the relevant standard for the specific material of Windows and Doors:

  • BS 7412:2007 for PVC
  • BS 4873:2009 for Aluminium
  • BS 644:2012 for Timber
  • BS 8529:2010 for Composite

The authorized Marks are shown below.

UL UK Performance Mark

The UL Mark appearing on the Certificate consists of the following elements if the product is certified only to this Scheme:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • PERFORMANCE attribute

Information concerning the requirements to which the product is certified will appear on the Certificate

UL UK Security Performance Mark

The UL Mark appearing on the Certificate consists of the following elements if the product is certified to both this Scheme and the Enhanced Security Performance of Windows and Doors for Use in the United Kingdom Scheme:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SECURITY and PERFORMANCE attributes

Information concerning the requirements to which the product is certified will appear on the Certificate

Contractual Agreement – Building Envelope Security & Performance for Use in the United Kingdom

Performance of Curtain Walling, Rainscreen Cladding and Cladding Support Systems for Use in the United Kingdom Scheme

In this scheme, building products are evaluated and certified according to the NHBC and Premier Guarantee Technical Manual requirements. Products include:

  • Curtain Walling Systems
  • Rainscreen Cladding Systems
  • Brickslip Cladding Systems
  • Cladding Support Systems
UL UK Performance Mark

The UL Mark appearing on the Certificate consists of the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • PERFORMANCE attribute

Information concerning the requirements to which the product is certified will appear on the Certificate.

Contractual Agreement – Building Envelope Security & Performance for Use in the United Kingdom

UL International Demko A/S

Address: Borupvang 5a, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark

UL International Demko A/S operates the following product certification schemes.

ATEX Directive

ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU) is a European directive relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The scope of the Directive includes:

  • Equipment and protective systems intended to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres;
  • Safety devices, controlling devices and regulating devices intended for use outside potentially explosive required for or contributing to the safe functioning of equipment and protective systems with respect to the risks of explosion;
  • Components intended to be incorporated into equipment and protective systems

Once a product complies with the ATEX Directive, and any other applicable European Directives, it is eligible to be marked with the CE mark.

UL International Demko A/S is appointed as Notified Body (#0539) to issue the EU-type Examination Certificates (under Annex III), Production Quality Assurance Notifications (under Annex IV), Product Quality Assurance Notifications (under Annex VII) and Certificates of Conformity (under Annex IX). Additionally, UL International Demko A/S is also able to provide storage of the technical documentation as required by Article 13.1b).

UL International Demko A/S scope as Notified Body:

  • Electrical products;
  • Non-electrical products;
  • Components;
  • Protective systems.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for ATEX Directive Services

Bahrain Energy Efficiency Labelling and MEPS Scheme

The Bahrain Energy Efficiency and MEPS Scheme is currently mandatory for the category of Air Conditioners and more specifically for products under the Ministerial Decree 70/2015. The performance requirements included in the decree are to be considered in addition to the approval under the Gulf Type Examination Certification Scheme, required as pre-requisites for the same products and covering safety and EMC requirements.

UL International Demko A/S is a Notified Body that is authorized to operate the Bahrain Energy Efficiency Labelling and MEPS Scheme by the regulatory authority, the Bahrain Testing and Metrology Directorate of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (BTMD).

The process includes the technical verification and the registration on the BTMD EER system (online database of the authority) done by UL as Notified Body. A Letter of Approval and an Energy Efficiency Label are issued through the online system and delivered to the registration holder.

Key highlights of the scheme include:

  • The registration holder shall be the manufacturer or his authorized representative in Bahrain.
  • The Letter of Approval is valid for a period of 3 years, with annual reconfirmation.
  • Testing shall be performed by testing laboratories of the Notified Body or by another 3rd party laboratory or manufacturer’s in-house testing laboratory holding valid accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 issued by an ILAC Signatory Accreditation Body.
  • A valid Gulf Type Examination certificate, when required, is a pre-requisite for the Bahrain Energy Efficiency registration and both approvals are needed for Bahrain Market Access.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Oman EE label The Bahrain Energy Label is generated by the BTMD EER System and it is affixed by the manufacturer on the product/packaging. The dimensions, location, layouts and other requirements related to the label are given in the relevant Ministerial Decree

Contractual Agreement – Bahrain and Oman EE Service Terms

CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is a vast international arrangement established Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for mutual acceptance of test reports among participating certification organizations in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

The CB Scheme benefits product manufacturers and distributors engaged in international trade by providing:

  • A single point of product testing for efficient global market access
  • Global acceptance of test reports leading to national certification in CB Scheme member countries
  • Unilateral acceptance of test reports in many developing countries that are not yet participating in the CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is an international network of product certification organizations in more than 50 countries around the world. The IECEE website at contains comprehensive information about the CB Scheme.

Each participating country has one or more organizations accepted by the IECEE as National Certification Bodies (NCBs). UL is one of the largest and most active CB Scheme members, and we operate four NCBs in different countries and over 50 CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) to provide local service with global coverage for our Customers.

UL NCBs in Denmark, USA, Japan and Canada, with CBTLs in all major regions, can assess your products to a broad range of IEC standards, with any relevant National or Group Differences. The product categories and standards covered by UL in the CB Scheme are listed on the IECEE Website via the following links: UL (Demko), UL (US), UL (JP) and UL (CA).

CB Scheme Process
  • UL will test your product to all harmonized standards and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you want to market your product.
  • UL will then issue a CB Test Certificate and a CB Test Report that you can use to obtain national certifications in participating countries.
  • You must still apply to the NCBs in your target countries for national certifications, or UL can do it for you. Please note that NCBs have the right to request product samples or ask manufacturers to develop additional data. The CB Test Certificate and associated CB Test Report you receive from UL will minimize the need for additional testing.
  • National Differences are special requirements that the IECEE CB Scheme permits each country to adopt in order to address local safety concerns. UL keeps up to date with the National Differences of CB Scheme member countries, so your products are evaluated to the most current requirements of the countries you target.
  • Additional information can be found on the CB Scheme Web site at
Applying to UL for CB Scheme Certificate
  • Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with:
    • A description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate, and any appropriate product details
    • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations.
  • Tell us also about the countries where you intend to sell your products and UL’s Global Market Access experts can make it easy for you to gain the relevant national certifications for your target markets. Contact for additional information.
  • After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable IEC standard(s) and the National/Group Differences of the countries you choose, a CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report will be issued.

Note that additional information may be requested as part of the application process, e.g. registration.

Please refer to the following document for the CB Scheme Services Requirements Overview

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for CB Scheme Services

D Mark Scheme

The D Mark is a Danish safety mark, indicating that the product has been tested and found to comply with the electrical safety requirements of European Standards with Danish national differences. The D Mark is voluntary and is highly regarded by consumers. The D Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix UL Demko’s registered electrical safety mark, the D Mark, on products which, from a safety and constructional point of view, are identical with the tested and certified product. Only those products bearing the D Mark are considered certified.

The D Mark demonstrates that the tested product complies with electrical safety requirements. These electrical safety requirements are usually EN standards that are harmonized under various European Directives; e.g., Low Voltage Directive, Machinery Directive, and Medical Device Directive.

In order to obtain and maintain the D Mark certificate, an initial factory inspection as well as yearly factory inspection is required at the customer’s production site. The Factory Inspections are performed using the CENELEC CIG Factory Inspection Procedures.

The D Mark sends to all consumers and relevant authorities the signal that an independent third party has found the product to be in compliance with relevant electrical safety standards.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

DMark image
  • The size of the mark may be reduced or enlarged on the condition that it remains readable and that the proportions of width and height are maintained.
  • The use of dark text for the D Mark on light backgrounds and light text for the D Mark on dark backgrounds is permitted.
  • Also refer to the Promotion and Advertising Guidelines for the D Mark.

In addition to the D Mark, an NCS Notification can be issued as a supplement to the D mark. The NCS Notification can be used to obtain national certificates from the other Nordic Certification Bodies.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for D-Mark Services.

ENEC Mark Scheme

ENEC is the high quality European Mark for electrical products that demonstrate compliance with European safety standards. The ENEC Mark is voluntary and is highly regarded by consumers. An ENEC Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix the ENEC Mark on products which, from a safety and constructional point of view, are identical with the tested and certified product. Only those products bearing the ENEC Mark are considered certified.

The ENEC Mark Scheme procedures constitute a full certification scheme that includes third party testing and certification, pre-license inspection followed by an annual factory inspection according to the harmonized European CIG procedures, as well as ongoing product and production monitoring by yearly retesting of selected certified products. Furthermore, the visible use of on products is the customer’s assurance that the safety is guaranteed for the certification lifetime.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

ENEC 15 mark
  • The size of the mark may be reduced or enlarged on the conditions that it remains readable and that the proportions of width/height are maintained.
  • The use of dark text for the ENEC Mark on light backgrounds and light text for the ENEC Mark on dark backgrounds is permitted.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for ENEC Services.

Additional information can be found on the ENEC Scheme Web site.

ENEC+ Mark Scheme

The ENEC+ Mark for LED products (modules and complements the ENEC safety certification of these products with the addition of performance testing to specific ENEC+ Requirement Sheet including relevant requirements IEC standards. The ENEC+ scheme verifies performance claims and assesses the robustness of product design, providing an objective basis for comparing lighting products. Only products bearing the ENEC mark and meeting the additional performance testing requirements are eligible to carry the ENEC+ Mark.

The ENEC+ Mark Scheme procedures constitute a full certification scheme that includes third party testing and certification, pre-license inspection followed by an annual factory inspection according to the harmonized European CIG procedures, as well as ongoing product and production monitoring by yearly retesting of selected certified products. Furthermore, the visible use of on products is the customer’s assurance that the performance is guaranteed for the certification lifetime.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

ENEC+ mark
  • The size of the mark may be reduced or enlarged on the condition that it remains readable and that the proportions of width and height are maintained.
  • The use of dark text for the D Mark on light backgrounds and light text for the D Mark on dark backgrounds is permitted.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for ENEC Services

Additional information can be found on the ENEC Scheme Web site.

GS Mark Scheme

The GS Mark is a German safety mark, indicating that the product has been tested and found to comply with the applicable safety requirements of European Standards as well as other relevant additional GS Requirements (e.g. , PAH, EMC, DMF). A GS Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix the German safety mark, the GS Mark, on products, which, from a safety and constructional point of view, are identical with the tested and certified product. Only those products bearing the GS Mark are considered certified.

In order to obtain and maintain the GS Mark certificate, an initial factory inspection as well as yearly factory inspection is required at the customer’s production site. The Factory Inspections are performed using the CENELEC and the CIG Factory Inspection Procedures.

The GS Mark indicates a product’s compliance with relevant applicable standards and other additional GS Requirements, and products carrying the GS Mark fall under UL’s Factory Inspection program to determine ongoing conformity with requirements. The certification is valid for 5 years unless the product and / or the requirements change. Also see the Promotion and Advertising Guidelines for the GS Mark.

The GS Mark sends to all consumers and relevant authorities in Germany the signal that an independent third party has found the product to be in compliance with relevant GS requirements.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

GS mark

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for the GS Mark Services.

Gulf Type Examination Certificate Scheme

The Gulf Type Examination Certificate is a third-party certificate required by the Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances – BD-142004-01 for products covered by TC 143307-01 list 2 of the regulation. The Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances – BD-142004-01 covers electrical and electronic devices and appliances and fixtures that contain electrical and/or electronic components designed for use with a voltage rating between 50 and 1000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 V for direct current. List 2 contains a list of 13 categories of household products, as well as Plugs, Socket Outlets, Adaptors, and Cord Extensions and Sets.

The Gulf Type Examination Certificate is applicable when products are to be placed on the market in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen).

UL International Demko A/S is appointed as Notified Body (#0021) to issue the Gulf Type Examination Certificate for products on list 2 in the regulation (see below details for actual scope) and can provide testing globally through our local offices in Italy, Taiwan, Northbrook, Hong Kong, Suzhou and Guangzhou.

Gulf Type Examination Certificate Process:

  • UL will evaluate your product to all relevant electrical safety and EMC standards, national differences, and conditions of each targeted country, as well as evaluate the risk analysis provided by you (the manufacturer).
  • UL International Demko A/S will then issue a Gulf Type Examination Test Certificate after a successful evaluation and register your certificate in the GSO database.
  • Additional information about the Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances – BD-142004-01 regulation can be found on the GSO website.

Applying to UL for Gulf Type Examination Certificate:

  • Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website or your local Customer Service to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with
    • The technical documentation: description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate and manual in Arabic Language, and any appropriate product details; and,
    • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations and storage location;
    • If relevant for accredited in-house laboratories, submit test report(s) with list of standards applied.
  • After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable GSO/IEC standard(s), a Test Report(s) and Gulf Type Examination Certificate will be issued and registered in the GSO Conformity Tracking System which allows of the certificate and product in Gulf country’s markets.

The GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol for products (GCTS), in different shapes and sizes, will be issued by the GSO Certificate Tracking System and delivered together with the certificate. The GCTS shall be placed on the product and its packaging according to “GSO Rules for the Use of the GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS)”, under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

The authorized GCTS is shown below.

GSO conformity tracking symbol
  • Includes three elements are considered as a single entity:
    • Gulf Conformity Marking – G-Mark logo
    • Identification number of the Notified Body
    • QR code
  • Shall comply with the minimum dimension requirements and maintain the proportion
  • Shall be easily visible, permanent and readable by QR scanners

The symbol includes three elements (Gulf Conformity Marking – G-Mark logo, of the Notified Body and QR code) and is considered as a single entity. It shall comply with the minimum dimension requirements and maintain the proportion; it shall be easily visible, permanent and readable by QR scanners.

UL International Demko A/S scope as Notified Body:

  • Household appliances, general requirements
  • Domestic electric fans
  • Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment
  • Centrifugal clothes dryers and clothes washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry
  • Food grinders and mixers, fruit or vegetable juice extractors
  • Toasters
  • Electro-thermic apparatus and hand dryers
  • Domestic electric heating apparatus
  • Microwave ovens
  • Other ovens; cookers, boiling rings, grillers and roasters
  • Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters
  • Electric irons
  • Air conditioners
  • Plugs, socket outlets, adaptors, cord extension sets and chargers

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Gulf Type Examination Notified Body Services.

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme

IECEx System is one of the IEC’s Conformity Assessment Systems. The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is a vast international arrangement established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for mutual acceptance of test reports among participating certification organizations in the field of equipment for use in locations with potentially explosive atmospheres (Hazardous Locations). In addition to the evaluation of the equipment design, the Scheme also involves surveillance activities which are based on the requirements that the manufacturer’s quality system have to fulfill.

The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme benefits product manufacturers and other stakeholder engaged in international trade by providing:

  • A single point of product testing for efficient global market access;
  • Global acceptance of test reports leading to national or regional certification in IECEx System member countries;
  • Unilateral acceptance of test reports in many developing countries that are not yet participating in the IECEx System.

The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is an international network of product certification organizations in more than 30 countries around the world. The IECEx website at contains comprehensive information about the IECEx System and its schemes.

Each participating country has one or more organizations accepted by the IECEx as IECEx Certification Bodies (ExCBs). UL is one of the largest and most active IECEx System members, and we operate three ExCBs in different countries and two IECEx Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) supported by additional testing facilities to provide local service with global coverage for our Customers.

UL ExCBs in Denmark, USA and Brazil, with testing laboratories in all major regions, can assess your products to a broad range of IEC Ex standards, with any relevant National or Group Differences.

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme Process:

  • UL will test your product to all involved IEC standards and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you want to market your product.
  • UL will assess the quality system of the manufacturer producing the involved products.
  • UL will then issue an IECEx Certificate of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and a Quality Assessment Report that you can use to obtain national certifications in participating countries.
  • You must still apply to the national ExCB or equivalent in your target countries for national/regional certifications, or UL can do it for you. Please note that ExCBs have the right to request product samples or ask manufacturers to develop additional data. The IECEx Certificate of Conformity and associated IECEx Test Report and Quality Assessment Report you receive from UL will minimize the need for additional testing.
  • National Differences are special requirements that the IECEX Certified Equipment Scheme permits each country to adopt in order to address local safety concerns. UL keeps up to date with the National Differences of IECEx member your products are evaluated to the most current requirements of the countries you target.
  • Additional information can be found on the IECEx Web site at

Applying to UL for IECEx Certificate of Conformity:

Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with:

  • A description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate, and any appropriate product details
  • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations

Tell us also about the countries where you intend to sell your products and UL’s experts can make it easy for you to gain the relevant national certifications for your target markets. Contact us via for additional information.

After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable IEC standard(s) and the National/Group Differences of the countries you choose, an IECEx Certificate of Conformity and IECEx Test Reports and Quality Assessment Report will be issued.

Note that additional information may be requested as part of the application process, e.g. registration.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for IECEx System Services

Oman Certificate of Conformity – Low Voltage Type Examination

The Oman Certificate of Conformity is currently mandatory for Washing Machines, Dishwashers, and Vacuum Cleaners and more specifically for products included in the scope list DGSM PL-1-22. The safety and EMC requirements included in the Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment BD-142004-1 are to be considered in addition to the Omani Ministerial Decrees 4/2017 and 190/2021.

UL International Demko A/S is a Notified Body that is authorized to operate the Omani Certification Scheme for Low Voltage Equipment by the regulatory authority, the DGSM Directorate General for Standards and Metrology of the MOCIIP Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion.

The process includes the evaluation, the certification and the registration on the OCTS Oman Certificates Tracking System (online database of the authority) done by UL Demko as Notified Body. A Certificate of Conformity is issued and delivered to client.

Key highlights of the scheme include:

  • The certificate holder shall be the manufacturer or their authorized representative in Oman.
  • The certificate is valid for a period of 1 year.
  • Testing shall be performed by testing laboratories of the Notified Body or by another 3rd party laboratory or manufacturer’s in-house testing laboratory holding valid accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 issued by an ILAC Signatory Accreditation Body.

Contractual Agreement – Oman Type Examination on Notified Body Service Terms

Oman Energy Efficiency Labelling and MEPS Scheme

The Oman Energy Efficiency and MEPS Scheme is currently mandatory for the category of Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, Water Heaters, Refrigerating Appliances and more specifically for products under the standard GSO 2530/2016, OS 1651/2022, OS 1652/2022, OS 1653/2022. The performance requirements included in the standards are to be considered in addition to the approval under the Gulf and Oman Low Voltage Type Examination Certification Scheme, required as pre-requisites, when applicable and covering safety and EMC requirements.

UL International Demko A/S is a Notified Body that is authorized to operate the Omani Energy Efficiency Labelling and MEPS Scheme by the regulatory authority, the Directorate General for Standards and Metrology (DGSM) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Sultanate of Oman.

The process includes the technical verification and the registration on the HAZM (online registry developed by the authority) done by UL Demko as Notified Body. A Letter of Approval  and an Energy Efficiency Label are issued through the online platform and delivered to the client.

Key highlights of the scheme include:

  • The registration holder shall be the manufacturer or his authorized representative in Oman.
  • The Letter of Approval is valid for a period of 3 years for Air Conditioners and 2 years for Washing Machines, Water Heaters and Refrigerating Appliances.
  • Testing shall be performed by testing laboratories of the Notified Body; another 3rd party laboratory or manufacturer’s in-house testing laboratory holding valid accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 issued by an ILAC Signatory Accreditation Body.
  • A valid Gulf or Oman Low Voltage Type Examination certificate is a pre-requisite for the Oman Energy Efficiency registration (when applicable) and both approvals are needed for Oman Market Access.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Oman EE label (air conditioners)
Air conditioners
Oman EE label (washing machines)
Washing machines

The Oman Energy Label is generated by the online platform and it is affixed by the manufacturer on the product/packaging.

The dimensions, location, layouts and other requirements related to the label are given in the relevant standards.

Contractual Agreement – Oman EE Labelling Service Terms

UL-EU Mark Scheme

The UL-EU Mark is a European safety mark, indicating that the product has been tested and found to comply with the applicable safety requirements of European Standards. A UL-EU Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix UL’s registered safety mark, the UL-EU Mark, on products which, from a safety and constructional point of view, are identical with the tested and certified product. Only those products bearing the UL-EU Mark for Europe should be considered as being covered by UL Solutions’ UL-EU Mark Service.

In order to obtain and maintain the UL-EU Mark certificate, an initial factory inspection as well as yearly factory inspection is required at the customer’s production site. The Factory Inspection is conducted using the CENELEC CIG Factory Inspection Procedures.

The UL-EU Mark is issued exclusively by UL Solutions. The certification is valid for 10 years unless otherwise specified in the Scheme and/or the product and/or the requirements change.

The UL-EU Mark is operated by UL International Demko A/S in respect to the certification of general products which in practice means electrical and electronic products, components, PV cables and their associated materials.

The UL-EU Mark sends the signal to all consumers and relevant authorities that an independent third party has found the product to be in compliance with relevant electrical safety standards.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

UL EU Mark

The UL-EU Mark with the following elements: 

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • ISO country code of EU for Europe, located under the symbol

Other ISO country codes and/or text statements may also appear in additional to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

UL-EU Certified mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute (which may be joined by other attributes such as MARINE, SECURITY, and/or SIGNALING that indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to these special uses)
  • The ISO country code of EU for Europe, located either immediately adjacent to the SAFETY attribute if only that attribute is applicable for Europe, or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable to Europe.
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

Also see the Promotion and Advertising Guidelines for the UL-EU Mark

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for the UL-EU Mark Testing and Certification Services.

UL Type Examination Certification Scheme

The UL Type Examination Certification is a voluntary certification scheme, owned by UL Solutions, indicating that a product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements of the standard(s) listed on the UL Type Examination Certificate.

Products to be certified under the UL Type Examination Certification Scheme are those covered by applicable International and European standards for electrical safety, explosion safety, EMC, performance and/or standard(s) having construction, testing or other requirements containing clear pass/fail criteria for the products in the scope of the standard(s).

Standards other than International (IEC/ISO) and European (EN), such as National Standards based on IEC standards or other standards (e.g., issued by IEEE, ICEA) may be considered by UL International Demko A/S for issuance of UL Type Examination Certificate.

Compliant end-products and components are eligible for certification under this scheme and will be authorized by the authorized Certification Body to be referred to as certified under the UL Type Examination Certification Scheme.

Contractual Agreement - Service Terms for UL Type Examination Certification Service Terms.

Yemen Energy Efficiency Scheme

The Yemen Energy Efficiency Scheme has been mandatorily implemented by the Yemen Standardization Metrology and Quality Control Organization under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Yemen through the Board of Directors Decree no. 1/2024 on the implementation of “Energy labelling and minimum energy performance requirements for air conditioners”.

The scheme is currently mandatory for air conditioners, specifically for products falling into the scope of GSO 2530:2016, ISO 5151 and ISO 13253. Such standards specify the applicable performance requirements which are to be considered in addition to the safety and EMC requirements in force under the Gulf Type Examination Scheme, when applicable.

UL International Demko A/S is an appointed Notified Body authorized by the Yemen Standardization Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Yemen to operate the Yemen Energy Efficiency Scheme.

The process includes technical verification and registration of the products found to be compliant with the scheme requirements on the Yemen EER platform (online directory developed by YSMO in cooperation with GSO) performed by UL Demko as third-party appointed Notified Body. 

Upon approval by the authority, a Letter of Approval and an Energy Label are issued through the online platform and delivered to the client.

Key highlights of the scheme are summarized below: 

  • The registration holder shall be manufacturer or his authorized representative in Yemen
  • The Letter of Approval and the Energy Label are valid for two years and do not require annual reconfirmation 
  • Testing can be performed by testing laboratories of appointed Notified Bodies, any third-party laboratories or manufacturers’ in-house laboratories holing valid accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 issued by an ILAC Signatory Accreditation Body
  • For products falling into the scope of the Gulf Technical Regulation for Low Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances – BD-142004-01 – and included in List (2), G-Mark Certificate is required as pre-requisite
  • Yemen Energy Label shall be affixed by the manufacturer to the product or its packaging according to the provisions of the relevant standards

The authorized Label is shown below:

Yemen EE Label

Contractual Agreement – Bahrain, Oman and Yemen EE Service Terms

UL International Italia S.r.l.

UL International Italia S.r.l. meets the requirements of the following standards:

  • ISO/IEC 17065:2012 with the certificate number 0287PRD issued by ACCREDIA
  • ISO/IEC 17020:2012 with the certificate number 0540ISP issued by ACCREDIA
  • ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 with the certificate number 0170MS issued by ACCREDIA

UL International Italia S.r.l. is a European Notified Body (NB 2052) and operates the following conformity assessment schemes:

Boiler Efficiency Directive 92/42/EEC (BED)

Boiler Efficiency Directive (92/42/EEC) is a European Directive that lays down harmonized conditions for boiler efficiency. The scope of this scheme includes regulation 813/2013. BED is one of the CE marking legislative acts which states that the manufacturer is eligible to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination
  • Module C: Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised product checks at random intervals 
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Boiler Efficiency Directive Notified Body Services

Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMCD)

Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU) is a European Directive that lays down test conditions for the emissions and immunity behavior of apparatus and fixed installations, as the means to meet the Essential Requirements set out in the Directive. EMCD is one of the CE marking legislative acts which states that a manufacturer is eligible to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Notified Body Services

Gas Appliances Regulation 2016/426 (GAR)

Gas Appliances Regulation (2016/426) is a European regulation that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of gas appliances. The scope of this scheme includes Essential Safety Requirements assessment and certification of gas appliances.

GAR is one of the CE marking legislative acts which states that the manufacturer is eligible to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination
  • Module C2: Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised product checks at random intervals
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance
  • Module F: conformity to type based on product verification
  • Module G: Conformity Based on Unit Verification

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Gas Appliances Regulation Notified Body Services

Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED)

Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU) is a European regulation that lays down harmonized conditions for the marketing of pressure equipment. The scope of this scheme includes Essential Safety Requirements assessment and certification of pressure equipment.

PED is one of the CE marking legislative acts which states that the manufacturer is eligible to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module A2: Internal Production Control plus Supervised Pressure Equipment Checks at random intervals
  • Module B: EU-Type Examination (Production Type and Design Type)
  • Module C2: Conformity to Type based on Internal Production Control plus Supervised Pressure Equipment Checks at random intervals
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process
  • Module D1: Quality assurance of the production process
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on pressure equipment quality assurance
  • Module E1: Quality assurance of final pressure equipment inspection and testing
  • Module F: Conformity to Type based on Pressure Equipment verification
  • Module G: Conformity Based on Unit Verification
  • Module H: Conformity based on full quality assurance
  • Module H1: Conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following additional services related to PED:

  • Welding/brazing procedure qualification

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Pressure Equipment Directive Notified Body Services

Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED)

Radio Equipment Directive (2014/53/EU) is a European Directive that lays down the test conditions for radio equipment and related to radio performance as the means to meet the Essential Requirements. set out in the Directive. RED is one of the CE marking legislative acts which states that the manufacturer is eligible to CE mark their product once it complies with all applicable legislation related to CE marking.

UL International Italia S.r.l. provides the following conformity assessment methods (Modules):

  • Module B: EU-Type Examination

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Radio Equipment Directive Notified Body Services

Saudi Product Safety Program (Saleem)

The Saudi Product Safety Program “Saleem” is an initiative by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) aimed at ensuring that all products entering the Saudi market meet the highest safety and quality standards. The program plays a vital role in protecting consumers, public health, and the environment by establishing a robust framework for product conformity assessment.
Under the SALEEM program, products are classified based on their level of risk:

  1. High-Risk Products: Products with significant potential impact on safety, health, or the environment, requiring rigorous conformity assessment procedures according to the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 5 Scheme. These products must undergo extensive evaluation, including factory audits and continuous surveillance, to ensure compliance with applicable standards. Additionally, High-Risk Products are required to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) as a mandatory indication of their compliance with Saudi standards.
  2. Medium-Risk Products: Products with moderate risks, requiring conformity assessment procedures based on the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 1a and Type 3 Schemes, as defined in the applicable SASO Technical Regulations. These procedures include a review of technical documentation and as required “product sampling, type testing, and factory audits” to ensure compliance with safety and performance standards.
  3. Low-Risk Products: Products with minimal risks, requiring basic verification of compliance, often through a Self-Declaration of Conformity supported by required documentation. 

The Saleem Program is implemented through a robust framework of SASO Technical Regulations. These regulations specify the mandatory technical and safety requirements for various product categories and define the certification procedures needed to demonstrate compliance before entering the Saudi market. Each regulation outlines the applicable product categories and the certification requirements for Product Certificates of Conformity (Product COC) and Shipment Certificates of Conformity (Shipment COC).
To streamline the certification process, SASO introduced the SABER Platform, an official online portal for registering products and obtaining necessary certifications. The SABER platform enables businesses to Register products, identify product risk classifications and applicable technical regulations, request and receive Product COC and Shipment COC and track the status of the requests and certificates.
UL Solutions has four Certification Bodies (CB) that are approved by SASO to operate under the Saleem Program:

Our role is to issue Product COC and Shipment COC for products entering the Saudi market. By aligning with SASO Technical Regulations, we help ensure that products meet the required safety, quality, and performance standards.
As a Certification Body, we uphold the principles of impartiality, independence, and confidentiality. All certification decisions are made based on objective evidence and are free from undue influence.

We are committed to addressing any complaints or appeals related to certification decisions promptly and fairly. Procedures for submitting complaints or appeals are available on Customer Confidentiality and Complaint Process FAQ.
Contractual Agreement - SASO SALEEM Scheme Service Terms

For complaint or appeal, contact UL International Italia Notified Body at Customer Service contact or by e-mail at


UL International Limited (Hong Kong)

Address: 18/F, Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

UL International Limited operates the following schemes.


PSE Mark Scheme

​This scheme may also be referred to as Japan’s Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN Law) Scheme. The Scheme is regulated by Japanese governmental agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The PSE Mark is a Japanese electrical and electronic safety mark, indicating that a representative sample(s) of the product has been evaluated and found to comply with the requirements of DENAN Law. UL International Limited (Hong Kong) is registered by METI as a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for conducting product evaluation and factory inspection, and issuing a DENAN certificate for products within the scope approved by METI.

There are Specified Products (SPs) and Non-Specified product (NSPs) under DENAN Law to be evaluated by a METI-registered CAB. For NSP, third party evaluation is optional.

In order to obtain the DENAN certificate, safety/EMC evaluation and factory inspection are required. The DENAN certificate is valid for 3, 5 or 7 years depending on the product. Although annual factory surveillance is not required by a METI-registered CAB, METI conducts annual market surveillance, and the factory is required to conduct product inspections for 100% products.

The authorized Mark is shown below.


Please refer to METI website about Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN Law):

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for DENAN Services.

UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd

Address: 1 Fusionopolis Walk, #10-01, Solaris South Tower, 138628, Singapore

UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd operates the following product certification schemes.

Singapore Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Registration Scheme

The objective of the Singapore Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Registration Scheme or CPS Scheme is to safeguard by ensuring household products, designated as controlled goods, meet the specified safety standards. More information can be found in the Enterprise CPS Scheme Information Booklet.

All Controlled Goods registered with the Safety Authority must bear the SAFETY Mark before they can be supplied to the Singapore market. Registered Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their registered Controlled Goods are affixed with the SAFETY Mark in accordance to the guidelines stipulated by the Safety Authority. See Guidelines on the usage of the Safety Mark.

The registration must be supported with a Certificate of Conformity (COC) issued by a designated Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) located in Singapore or MRA partners, i.e. CABs (Certification) or CABs (Certification – MRA) respectively.

UL International Singapore-Pte Ltd is recognized by Enterprise Singapore as a CAB (Certification) and under the CPS Scheme for certifying and testing the following types of Controlled Goods:

  1. Air Cooler
  2. Adaptor
  3. Home computer system
  4. Audio and Video products
  5. Coffee maker, slow cooker, steam boat and similar appliances
  6. Stationary cooking range
  7. Hair Care appliances
  8. Iron
  9. Liquid heating appliances
  10. Kitchen machines
  11. Refrigerator
  12. Rice cooker
  13. Table/Stand lamp
  1. Table/Standing fan
  2. Vacuum cleaner
  3. Decorative lighting fixture
  4. Microwave oven
  5. Washing machine
  6. Isolating transformer for down-light fitting
  7. Lamp control gears
  8. Toaster, grill, roaster, hotplate, deep fryer, electric wok, and similar appliances
  9. Domestic electric wall switch
  10. Water heaters
  11. Gas cooking appliances

Once the model has been registered with the Safety Authority, the controlled goods can then be advertised and/or supplied in Singapore.

Key highlights of the scheme include:

  • Suppliers who wish to supply the controlled goods into Singapore must first register with the Safety Authority before submitting their controlled goods to a CAB (Certification) for certification.
  • The COC is valid for a period of 3 years.
  • All electrical products must be tested to 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
  • Test certificates / Test reports more than three (3) years old cannot be accepted.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Singapore Consumer Protection mark

For more information, please see Singapore CPS Registration Scheme Brochure or contact us at

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Singapore CPS Scheme Services

Singapore Product Listing Scheme (PLS)

The objective of the Singapore Product Listing Scheme (PLS) is to safeguard by ensuring Building Materials and Equipment regulated by Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) under the Product Listing Scheme meets the specified safety standards.

All regulated fire safety products shall be certified and have a valid Certificate of Conformity (CoC) with PLS Label before they can be used on/in buildings as part of fire safety works within Singapore.

UL International Singapore-Pte Ltd is an accredited Certification Body (CB) by Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) and recognized by SCDF under the PLS for certifying the following types of Building Materials and Equipment:

  • Centrifugal Fire Pumps
  • Wet Chemical Solution Extinguishing System Units
  • Water Assisted Wet Chemical Solution Extinguishing System Units

The scheme process is as follows:

  1. Customer requests a PLS Certificate of Conformity (CoC)
  2. Customer accepts the Certification Agreement
  3. Customer submits application documents and evaluation reports (if available)
  4. UL Singapore performs Factory Inspection in accordance with CIG023 and PLS requirements
  5. UL Singapore performs certification review and decision
  6. UL Singapore issues PLS CoC if product meets the scheme requirements
  7. CoC and Product Details are published in UL Product iQ under the "SGFP" category.
  8. Customer requests issuance of labels
  9. UL Singapore performs routine factory & site inspection

For more information, please see SCDF Regulated Fire Safety Products.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

Example UL Certified Mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute
  • ISO country code of SG for Singapore
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Optional QR code
  • Product type
  • Serial number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

For more information, please contact us at

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Singapore Product Listing Scheme (PLS)

Singapore Type Certification Scheme (STCS)

This scheme is one of the voluntary product safety certification services owned by UL LLC and carried out by UL International-Singapore Pte Ltd. The scheme requirements are based on compliance with Singapore Technical References (TR) and IEC Standards.

The products under this scheme currently cover Electric Vehicle Charging System (EVCS). A product that has been tested and certified under the Scheme will be issued a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) valid for 3 years.

With our globally accredited laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025), we provide a comprehensive range of testing and certification solutions for EVCS. We provide testing services to the following standards, including but not limited to TR 25:2022, IEC 61851‐1, IEC 61851‐21‐2, IEC 61851-23, IEC 61851-24 and IEC 62752.

To obtain the Certificate of Conformity (CoC):

  1. Customer requests CoC
  2. Customer accepts the Certification Agreement
  3. Customer submits the technical documentation including the test report complying to the relevant technical specifications
  4. We review that application for certification
  5. We issue the CoC if the documentation is found to be in order and meets the scheme requirements

For more information, please contact us at

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Singapore Type Certification Scheme (STCS)

Singapore Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS)

The objective of the Singapore Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) is to advocate the use of water efficient products and hence conserve water in Singapore by certifying water-use products according to water efficiency ratings and requirements published by (PUB) of Singapore.

All appliances, apparatuses and products covered under WELS that are registered with PUB must bear the WELS Label before they can be supplied to the Singapore market. The Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their products bear the WELS Label in accordance the guidelines stipulated by PUB specified in the Singapore Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) Guidebook.

UL Singapore is recognized by PUB as a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under WELS for certifying the following products covered under WELS:

  • Clothes Washing Machine for household use
  • Commercial Dishwashers
  • Commercial Washer Extractors
  • Dishwashers for household use

Once a product is certified, UL Singapore shall upload all information the certified the supplier’s information, test reports, and other information required by PUB into PUB’s front-end system. Once accepted, PUB will publish the product on and send the WELS Label to UL Singapore. UL Singapore then sends the WELS Label and the CoC to the Client.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

WELS mark

For more information, please contact us at

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Singapore Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS)

UL Japan, Inc

Address: 4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken, 516-0021 Japan

UL Japan, Inc. operates the following schemes.

Japan Radio Law Scheme

Read more about the Japan Telecommunications Business Law Scheme.

Japan Telecommunications Business Law Scheme

Read more about the Japan Telecommunications Business Law Scheme.


Read more about the ECHONET Scheme.


Address: 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL, 60062, USA

UL LLC operates the following product certification schemes.

AECO Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the AECO Program. The certifications issued under this scheme are based upon the requirements defined in the elevator codes of the United States and Canada. The Scheme requirements are contained in ASME A17.7.1/CSA B44.7.1 – General Requirements for Accredited Elevator/Escalator Certification Organizations.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. For products intended for use in the Canadian market, the evaluation includes assessment of dual language safety labeling. A Certificate of Conformance is provided as part of the scheme, in addition to the marking of the product. The Certificate (and accompanying document if any) is intended to provide Authorities Having Jurisdiction with basic information on the requirements for installation and maintenance of an elevator or escalator system, subsystem or component and related functions for conformance to the requirements.

Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before the Certificate of Conformance is issued, and before authorization is granted to apply the certification mark used in this scheme. Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark. Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL LLC to indicate a product has been certified using the AECO Scheme.

Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

AECO mark

The AECO mark with the following elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word CLASSIFIED
  • The words “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B447″
AECO Certified mark

Any Enhanced Marking configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute
  • ISO country code of US for the United States and CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the SAFETY attribute if only that attribute is applicable for the United States and Canada, or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable for the United States and Canada.
  • Unique ID, such as File Number.
  • The words “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B44.7”

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme

Contractual Agreements:

Canada Safety Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the cUL Listing and Recognition Program. In this scheme, tangible products are certified to requirements for safety that are associated with fire, shock and casualty hazards. Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. For products intended for use in the Canadian market, the evaluation includes assessment of dual language safety labeling. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting. Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue.

Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark. Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL LLC to indicate a product has been certified using the Canada Safety Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

Canada Safety legacy

The cUL Listing Mark, with the following elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • ISO country code of C for Canada, located to the left of the symbol
  • The word LISTED
  • Product name or company name/file number
  • Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number
US Safety Classified

The cUL Classification Mark, which consists of the following required elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • ISO country code of C for Canada, located to the left of the symbol
  • The word CLASSIFIED
  • Product ID (name or company name/file number)
  • Statement further describing the certification

NOTE: If the statement is “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B447″ then the product bearing has been certified under the AECO Scheme, not the Canada Safety Scheme.

  • Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number
C Recognized logo

The Recognized Component Mark with the following elements.

  • “Backwards UR” symbol
  • ISO country code of C for Canada, located to the left of the symbol

The Mark may not be present on all Recognized Components when other identification methods of the certification status of the component are utilized, as described in the associated certification documentation.

CA safety mark

Any Enhanced Marking with all of the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute (which may be joined by other attributes such as MARINE, SECURITY, and/or SIGNALING that indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to these special uses)
  • ISO country code of CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the SAFETY attribute if only that attribute is applicable to Canada, or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable Canada.
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

If there is a statement near the Enhanced Marking that indicates “In accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B44.7” then the product has been certified under the AECO Scheme, not the Canada Safety Scheme.

Contractual Agreements:

CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is a vast international arrangement established Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for mutual acceptance of test reports among participating certification organizations in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

The CB Scheme benefits product manufacturers and distributors engaged in international trade by providing:

  • A single point of product testing for efficient global market access
  • Global acceptance of test reports leading to national certification in CB Scheme member countries
  • Unilateral acceptance of test reports in many developing countries that are not yet participating in the CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is an international network of product certification organizations in more than 50 countries around the world. The IECEE website at contains comprehensive information about the CB Scheme.

Each participating country has one or more organizations accepted by the IECEE as National Certification Bodies (NCBs). UL is one of the largest and most active CB Scheme members, and we operate four NCBs in different countries and over 50 CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) to provide local service with global coverage for our Customers.

UL NCBs in Denmark, USA, Japan and Canada, with CBTLs in all major regions, can assess your products to a broad range of IEC standards, with any relevant National or Group Differences. The product categories and standards covered by UL in the CB Scheme are listed on the IECEE Website via the following links: UL (Demko), UL (US), UL (JP) and UL (CA).

CB Scheme Process
  • UL will test your product to all harmonized standards and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you want to market your product.
  • UL will then issue a CB Test Certificate and a CB Test Report that you can use to obtain national certifications in participating countries.
  • You must still apply to the NCBs in your target countries for national certifications, or UL can do it for you. Please note that NCBs have the right to request product samples or ask manufacturers to develop additional data. The CB Test Certificate and associated CB Test Report you receive from UL will minimize the need for additional testing.
  • National Differences are special requirements that the IECEE CB Scheme permits each country to adopt in order to address local safety concerns. UL keeps up to date with the National Differences of CB Scheme member countries, so your products are evaluated to the most current requirements of the countries you target.
  • Additional information can be found on the CB Scheme Web site at
Applying to UL for CB Scheme Certificate
  • Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with:
    • A description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate, and any appropriate product details
    • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations.
  • Tell us also about the countries where you intend to sell your products and UL’s Global Market Access experts can make it easy for you to gain the relevant national certifications for your target markets. Contact for additional information.
  • After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable IEC standard(s) and the National/Group Differences of the countries you choose, a CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report will be issued.

Note that additional information may be requested as part of the application process, e.g. registration.

Please refer to the following document for the CB Scheme Services Requirements Overview

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for CB Scheme Services

Cybersecurity Assurance Program (CAP) Scheme

In this global scheme, UL LLC works with clients to offer different services: 

  1. Products and Systems - Manage risk for network-connectable products and systems by assessing software vulnerabilities and weaknesses, addressing known malware, reviewing security controls and increasing security awareness. Products or systems found to comply with the requirements of the UL 2900 series of standards or ETSI EN 303 645 will be issued a Certificate that is valid for 1 year, subject to contractual agreements. There is no UL Mark authorized for use under this scheme.
  2. Organizational Capabilities - Assess a company’s capabilities or application of capabilities with respect to the ability to develop and/or maintain products in a manner that is compliant with identified cybersecurity practices.  Capabilities found to comply with the IEC 62443 series of standards will be issued a Certificate that is valid for 3 years, subject to contractual agreements which include requirements for annual surveillance. There is no UL Mark authorized for use under this scheme.
    Processes – Assess a company’s processes for designing, developing, producing, and maintaining products that incorporate cybersecurity. Processes found to comply with ISO/SAE 21434 or ISO/IEC 24089 will be issued a Certificate that is valid for 3 years, subject to contractual agreements which include requirements for annual surveillance. There is no UL Mark authorized for use under this scheme.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Identity Management and Security (IMS) Certification.

Equipment Sanitation Scheme

In this scheme, tangible products are certified to NSF and UL standards, covering the sanitary (hygienic) design, construction, and performance of equipment. These are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the United States and Canadian markets.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. For products intended for use in the Canadian market, the evaluation includes assessment of dual language safety labeling. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue.

Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark. Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL LLC to indicate a product has been certified using the Food Equipment Sanitation Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

Sanitation legacy mark  
Food Sanitation mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SANITATION attribute
  • No ISO country code
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other Attributes and/or ISO country codes may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to the Equipment Sanitation Scheme.


Contractual Agreements:

Functional Safety Program

Functional safety is the critical part of the overall safety of a system or product that depends on the correct execution of specific commands and functions. A functional safety examination involves precise evaluations of:

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Environmental factors
  • Safety lifecycle management processes

With rapid advancements in digital technology driving product design and development, the significance of functional safety to product success continues to become more evident. To help achieve the safety requirements of the marketplace and help ensure product success, UL offers several certification Marks.  To be eligible for certification under this scheme, products must first be certified for safety under the US Safety Scheme and/or Canada Safety Scheme.

Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

Certified UL US mark

The Listing Mark with the following elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word LISTED
  • The words FUNCTIONAL SAFETY, located above the symbol
  • ISO country code
    • None provided, if product is certified only for the United States
    • C for Canada, if product is certified for Canada
    • US for the United States, if product is certified for the United States AND Canada
  • Product ID (name or company name/file number)
  • Alphanumeric control number
  • The words “Also Investigated to”
  • Applied standard(s) and year
  • Safety rating (Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and/or Performance Level (PL))
  • The words “See installation manual for safety functions”
Functional Safety Component

The Recognized Component Mark with the following elements:

  • “Backwards UR” symbol
  • ISO country code
    • None provided, if product is certified only for the United States
    • US for the United States, located to the right of the symbol, if product is certified for the United States
    • C for Canada, located to the left of the symbol, if the product is certified for Canada
  • Words “FUNCTIONAL SAFETY”  above symbol
  • The words “Also Investigated to”
  • Applied standard(s) and year
  • Safety rating (Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and/or Performance Level (PL))
  • The words “See installation manual for safety functions”
Enhanced Marking

Any Enhanced Marking with all of the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY and FS attributes
  • ISO country code of US for the United States and/or CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the FS attribute if only that attribute is applicable for the country(ies), or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all those attributes are applicable for the country(ies).
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Product identity
  • The words “Also Certified to”
  • Applied standard(s) and year
  • Safety rating (Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and/or Performance Level (PL))
  • The words “See installation manual for safety functions”

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

If there is a statement near the Enhanced Marking that indicates “In accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B44.7” then the product has been certified under the AECO Scheme, not the Canada Safety Scheme.

Contractual Agreements:

Functional Safety and Autonomy Safety Certificate Scheme

Functional safety is the critical part of the overall safety of a system or product that depends on the correct execution of specific commands and functions. A functional safety examination involves precise evaluations of two different types of objects of conformity:

  • Safety-Related Devices and Systems – Also referred to as Functional Safety Modules, Autonomy Safety Modules, and more generically as Modules.
  • Functional or Autonomy Safety Management Processes – Also referred to as FSMs, ASMs, or more generically as Management Processes.

The primary activities are focused on conducting functional and autonomy safety assessments, evaluation of the process lifecycle, issuing certifications related to safety-related devices (Modules), and to companies who are practicing a functional or autonomy safety management process (Management Process). 

Objects found to comply with the requirements will be issued a Certificate that is valid for 5 years (Modules) or 3 years (Management Processes), subject to contractual agreements. There is no UL Mark authorized for use under this scheme.  The certification for Management Processes also includes annual surveillance.

A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Functional Safety Certificate Services

IECEx Certification of Personnel Competencies (CoPC)

Read more about IECEx Certification of Personnel Competencies (CoPC).

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for IECEx System Services.

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme

IECEx System is one of the IEC’s Conformity Assessment Systems. The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is a vast international arrangement established by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for mutual acceptance of test reports among participating certification organizations in the field of equipment for use in locations with potentially explosive atmospheres (Hazardous Locations). In addition to the evaluation of the equipment design, the Scheme also involves surveillance activities which are based on the requirements that the manufacturer’s quality system have to fulfill.

The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme benefits product manufacturers and other stakeholder engaged in international trade by providing:

  • A single point of product testing for efficient global market access
  • Global acceptance of test reports leading to national or regional certification in IECEx System member countries
  • Unilateral acceptance of test reports in many developing countries that are not yet participating in the IECEx System

The IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme is an international network of product certification organizations in more than 30 countries around the world. The IECEx website at contains comprehensive information about the IECEx System and its schemes.

Each participating country has one or more organizations accepted by the IECEx as IECEx Certification Bodies (ExCBs). UL is one of the largest and most active IECEx System members, and we operate three ExCBs in different countries and two IECEx Testing Laboratories (ExTLs) supported by additional testing facilities to provide local service with global coverage for our Customers.

UL ExCBs in Denmark, USA and Brazil, with testing laboratories in all major regions, can assess your products to a broad range of IEC Ex standards, with any relevant National or Group Differences.

IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme Process:

  • UL will test your product to all involved IEC standards and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you want to market your product
  • UL will assess the quality system of the manufacturer producing the involved products
  • UL will then issue an IECEx Certificate of Conformity, IECEx Test Reports and a Quality Assessment Report that you can use to obtain national certifications in participating countries
  • You must still apply to the national ExCB or equivalent in your target countries for national/regional certifications, or UL can do it for you. Please note that ExCBs have the right to request product samples or ask manufacturers to develop additional data. The IECEx Certificate of Conformity and associated IECEx Test Report and Quality Assessment Report you receive from UL will minimize the need for additional testing.
  • National Differences are special requirements that the IECEX Certified Equipment Scheme permits each country to adopt in order to address local safety concerns. UL keeps up to date with the National Differences of IECEx member your products are evaluated to the most current requirements of the countries you target.
  • Additional information can be found on the IECEx Web site at

Applying to UL for IECEx Certificate of Conformity:

Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with:

  • A description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate, and any appropriate product details, and
  • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations

Tell us also about the countries where you intend to sell your products and UL’s experts can make it easy for you to gain the relevant national certifications for your target markets. Contact us via for additional information.

After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable IEC standard(s) and the National/Group Differences of the countries you choose, an IECEx Certificate of Conformity and IECEx Test Reports and Quality Assessment Report will be issued.

Note that additional information may be requested as part of the application process, e.g. registration.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for IECEx System Services.

IECEx Certified Service Facility Scheme

Read more about IECEx Certified Service Facility Scheme.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for IECEx System Services.

PSE Mark Scheme

​This scheme may also be referred to as Japan’s Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN Law) Scheme. The Scheme is regulated by Japanese governmental agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The PSE Mark is a Japanese electrical and electronic safety mark, indicating that a representative sample(s) of the product has been evaluated and found to comply with the requirements of DENAN Law. UL LLC is registered by METI as a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for conducting product evaluation and factory inspection, and issuing a DENAN certificate for products within the scope approved by METI.

There are Specified Products (SPs) and Non-Specified product (NSPs) under DENAN Law. to be evaluated by a METI-registered CAB. NSP, third party evaluation is optional.

In order to obtain the DENAN certificate, safety/EMC evaluation and factory inspection are required. The DENAN certificate is valid for 3, 5 or 7 years depending on the product. Although annual factory surveillance is not required by a METI-registered CAB, METI conducts annual market surveillance, and the factory is required to conduct product inspections for 100% products.

The authorized Mark is shown below.


Please refer to METI website about Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN Law):

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for DENAN Services.

Saudi Product Safety Program (Saleem)

The Saudi Product Safety Program “Saleem” is an initiative by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) aimed at ensuring that all products entering the Saudi market meet the highest safety and quality standards. The program plays a vital role in protecting consumers, public health, and the environment by establishing a robust framework for product conformity assessment.
Under the SALEEM program, products are classified based on their level of risk:

  1. High-Risk Products: Products with significant potential impact on safety, health, or the environment, requiring rigorous conformity assessment procedures according to the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 5 Scheme. These products must undergo extensive evaluation, including factory audits and continuous surveillance, to ensure compliance with applicable standards. Additionally, High-Risk Products are required to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) as a mandatory indication of their compliance with Saudi standards.
  2. Medium-Risk Products: Products with moderate risks, requiring conformity assessment procedures based on the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 1a and Type 3 Schemes, as defined in the applicable SASO Technical Regulations. These procedures include a review of technical documentation and as required “product sampling, type testing, and factory audits” to ensure compliance with safety and performance standards.
  3. Low-Risk Products: Products with minimal risks, requiring basic verification of compliance, often through a Self-Declaration of Conformity supported by required documentation. 

The Saleem Program is implemented through a robust framework of SASO Technical Regulations. These regulations specify the mandatory technical and safety requirements for various product categories and define the certification procedures needed to demonstrate compliance before entering the Saudi market. Each regulation outlines the applicable product categories and the certification requirements for Product Certificates of Conformity (Product COC) and Shipment Certificates of Conformity (Shipment COC).
To streamline the certification process, SASO introduced the SABER Platform, an official online portal for registering products and obtaining necessary certifications. The SABER platform enables businesses to Register products, identify product risk classifications and applicable technical regulations, request and receive Product COC and Shipment COC and track the status of the requests and certificates.
UL Solutions has four Certification Bodies (CB) that are approved by SASO to operate under the Saleem Program:

Our role is to issue Product COC and Shipment COC for products entering the Saudi market. By aligning with SASO Technical Regulations, we help ensure that products meet the required safety, quality, and performance standards.
As a Certification Body, we uphold the principles of impartiality, independence, and confidentiality. All certification decisions are made based on objective evidence and are free from undue influence.

We are committed to addressing any complaints or appeals related to certification decisions promptly and fairly. Procedures for submitting complaints or appeals are available on Customer Confidentiality and Complaint Process FAQ.
Contractual Agreement - SASO SALEEM Scheme Service Terms


UL Type Examination Certification Scheme

The UL Type Examination Certification is a voluntary certification scheme, owned by UL Solutions, indicating that a product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements of the standard(s) listed on the UL Type Examination Certificate.

Products to be certified under the UL Type Examination Certification Scheme are those covered by applicable International and European standards for electrical safety, explosion safety, EMC, performance and/or standard(s) having construction, testing or other requirements containing clear pass/fail criteria for the products in the scope of the standard(s).

Standards other than International (IEC/ISO) and European (EN), such as National Standards based on IEC standards or other standards (e.g., issued by IEEE, ICEA) may be considered by the Certification Body for issuance of UL Type Examination Certificate.

Compliant end-products and components are eligible for certification under this scheme and will be authorized by the authorized UL LLC to be referred to as certified under the UL Type Examination Certification Scheme.

Contractual Agreement - Service Terms for UL Type Examination Certification Service Terms.

U.S. Safety Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the UL Listing, Classification and Recognition Program. In this scheme, tangible products are certified to requirements for safety that are associated with fire, shock and casualty hazards.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark.

Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL LLC to indicate a product has been certified using the U.S. Safety Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

US Safety Legacy

The UL Listing Mark with the following elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word LISTED
  • ISO country code, located to the right of the symbol
    • None provided (left example), if product is certified only for the United States
    • US (right example) for the United States, if product is certified for the United States AND another geography
  • Product ID (name or company name/file number)
  • Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number
US Safety Listing Supplemental Marks

As shown in these four examples, the Listing Mark may include additional identifiers to indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to special uses:

The word MARINE to indicate the requirements pertain to use in a marine environment

The word SECURITY to indicate the requirements pertain to the performance of the security features of the product

The word SIGNALING to indicate the requirements pertain to performance of the signaling features of the product

US Safety Classified mark

The UL Classification Mark, which consists of the following required elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word CLASSIFIED
  • ISO country code, located to the right of the symbol
    • None provided (left example), if product is certified only for the United States
    • US (right example) for the United States, if product is certified for the United States AND another geography
  • Product ID (name or company name/file number)
  • Statement further describing the certification

    NOTE: If the statement is “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B447″ then the product bearing has been certified under the AECO Scheme, not the U.S. Safety Scheme.

  • Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number

Recognized mark

The Recognized Component Mark with the following elements:

  • “Backwards UR” symbol
  • ISO country code
    • None provided, if product is certified only for the United States
    • US for the United States, located to the right of the symbol, if product is certified for the United States AND another geography
The Mark may not be present on all Recognized Components when other identification methods of the certification status of the component are utilized, as described in the associated certification documentation.

US Safety mark

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute (which may be joined by other attributes such as MARINE, SECURITY, and/or SIGNALING that indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to these special uses)
  • ISO country code of US for the United States, located either immediately adjacent to the SAFETY attribute if only that attribute is applicable to the United States, or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable to the United States.
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to the U.S. Safety Scheme.

If there is a statement near the Enhanced Marking that indicates “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B44.7″ then the product bearing such mark has been certified using the AECO Scheme, not this Scheme.

US Safety mark 2

Any Enhanced Mark configuration with all of the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • SAFETY attribute (which may be joined by other attributes such as MARINE, SECURITY, and/or SIGNALING that indicate the requirements used for certification pertain to these special uses)
  • No ISO country code
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Statement further describing the certification

NOTE: If the statement is “In Accordance with ASME A17.7 / CSA B447″ then the product has been certified under the AECO Scheme, not the U.S. Safety Scheme.

Other attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.


Contractual Agreements:

WaterSense® Scheme

This scheme is owned by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Information concerning the scheme is available on the EPA WaterSense Product Certification website. The WaterSense logo is owned and controlled by U.S. EPA. Control and proper use is provided via agreements between U.S. EPA and the WaterSense partners. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database under the Category Control Number QNTW.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for WaterSense Product Certification Services

Water Systems Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the Water Systems Program. In this scheme, tangible products are certified to requirements associated with health effects and performance, and that are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the United States and Canadian markets. This scheme most closely aligns with the Type 3 product certification scheme as described in ISO/IEC 17067:2013 and below.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. For products intended for use in the Canadian market, the evaluation includes assessment of dual language safety labeling. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark.

Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL LLC to indicate a product has been certified using the Water Systems Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

UL Water Quality Classified mark

The UL Classified Water Quality Mark, with the following required elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word CLASSIFIED
  • The words WATER QUALITY
Listed Plumbing Mark


The Listed Plumbing Mark with the following elements:

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word LISTED
  • The word PLUMBING
  • ISO country code
    • None provided (top left example), if product is certified only for the United States
    • C (top right example) for Canada, located to left of the symbol, if product is certified only for Canada.
    • US and C (bottom example) for the United States and Canada, located to the right and left of the symbol as shown, if product is certified for both the United States AND Canada.

Water Health Performance mark

Any Enhanced Mark with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • HEALTH EFFECTS attribute and/or PERFORMANCE attribute
  • ISO country code of US for the United States and/or CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the HEALTH EFFECTS attribute and/or the PERFORMANCE attribute if only that attribute is applicable for the country(ies), or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable for the country(ies).
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Plumbing performance standard if PERFORMANCE attribute is utilized, located near marking

Other Attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

Contractual Agreements:

UL Middle East FZ-LLC

 Address: Lab Complex, Unit 222, Dubai Science Park (DSP), Al Barsha, Dubai, United Arab Emirates – P.O. Box 345831

UL Middle East FZ-LLC operates the following product certification schemes.

For more information, please contact us at

Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS)

The ECAS Mark is a mandatory mark approved by MOIAT indicating conformity of product to the UAE Product Certification allows the use of the ECAS Mark of Conformity.

It is a unique graphic identification of an organization with Notified Body (NB) number. In the context of product certification, it is a product certification mark given to product/s which complies with an approved standard.

The ECAS Mark currently only applies to Low Voltage Equipment (LVE) products approved under MOIAT.

Products that have been tested and found to comply with the requirements of the ECAS will be issued a Certificate of Conformity (CoC). The ECAS is to be used by suppliers in UAE for clearing products from the Ports and Customs Authority, and in trading products as a proof that the product has been approved by the Federal Government Law through MOIAT.

The ECAS CoC is valid for one (1) year and must be renewed annually to continue selling in the UAE market.

A valid IECEE CB Test Report and Certificate that no more than five (5) years old may be submitted as the basis for an ECAS CoC without the need for re-testing.

UL-ME scope as Notified Body for ECAS includes the following:

  • Low Voltage Equipment (LVE)
  • Energy Efficiency Standardization and Labelling (EESL) Program
  • Telecommunication Cables
  • Hover boards / Electric Scooters
  • Electrical Appliances Intended for Use in Explosive Areas (ECASEx)
  • Hazardous Materials in Electrical and Electronic devices (RoHS)
  • Cables and Electric Wires
  • Lighting Products
  • Laser Products

Customers who would like to apply for an ECAS should have a representative office, agent, or distributor registered in the MOIAT website.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

ECAS mark

See also the ECAS and EQM Certification Service Terms.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for CAS and EQM Certification

Emirates Quality Mark (EQM)

The EQM Mark ensures that products comply with the approved standards by giving consumers confidence in the products that carry this Mark and are circulated locally or in the external market.

In principle, the EQM Mark is a voluntary scheme. However, in some bottled drinking water, government authorities may require it as mandatory certification.

Compliant products are granted an EQM Certificate of Conformity (CoC) and License that is valid for three (3) years and authorizes use of the EQM Mark. The EQM CoC and License supersede an ECAS with respect to compliance to MOIAT regulated products.

A valid IECEE CB Test Report and Certificate that no more than five (5) years old may be submitted as the basis for an EQM Mark without the need for re-testing.

Annual Factory Audits are required for EQM Mark certification.

UL-ME scope as Notified Body for EQM includes the following:

  • Low Voltage Equipment (LVE)
  • Energy Efficiency Standardization and Labelling (EESL) Program
  • Telecommunication Cables
  • Hover boards /
  • Electrical Appliances Intended for Use in Explosive Areas (ECASEx)
  • Hazardous Materials in Electrical and Electronic devices (RoHS)
  • Cables and Electric Wires
  • Lighting Products
  • Laser Products

Customers who would like to apply for the EQM Mark should have a manufacturer license, representative office, agent, or distributor registered in the MOIAT website.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Emirates Quality mark

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for CAS and EQM Certification

Saudi Product Safety Program (Saleem)

The Saudi Product Safety Program “Saleem” is an initiative by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) aimed at ensuring that all products entering the Saudi market meet the highest safety and quality standards. The program plays a vital role in protecting consumers, public health, and the environment by establishing a robust framework for product conformity assessment.
Under the SALEEM program, products are classified based on their level of risk:

  1. High-Risk Products: Products with significant potential impact on safety, health, or the environment, requiring rigorous conformity assessment procedures according to the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 5 Scheme. These products must undergo extensive evaluation, including factory audits and continuous surveillance, to ensure compliance with applicable standards. Additionally, High-Risk Products are required to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) as a mandatory indication of their compliance with Saudi standards.
  2. Medium-Risk Products: Products with moderate risks, requiring conformity assessment procedures based on the ISO/IEC 17067 Type 1a and Type 3 Schemes, as defined in the applicable SASO Technical Regulations. These procedures include a review of technical documentation and as required “product sampling, type testing, and factory audits” to ensure compliance with safety and performance standards.
  3. Low-Risk Products: Products with minimal risks, requiring basic verification of compliance, often through a Self-Declaration of Conformity supported by required documentation. 

The Saleem Program is implemented through a robust framework of SASO Technical Regulations. These regulations specify the mandatory technical and safety requirements for various product categories and define the certification procedures needed to demonstrate compliance before entering the Saudi market. Each regulation outlines the applicable product categories and the certification requirements for Product Certificates of Conformity (Product COC) and Shipment Certificates of Conformity (Shipment COC).
To streamline the certification process, SASO introduced the SABER Platform, an official online portal for registering products and obtaining necessary certifications. The SABER platform enables businesses to Register products, identify product risk classifications and applicable technical regulations, request and receive Product COC and Shipment COC and track the status of the requests and certificates.
UL Solutions has four Certification Bodies (CB) that are approved by SASO to operate under the Saleem Program:

Our role is to issue Product COC and Shipment COC for products entering the Saudi market. By aligning with SASO Technical Regulations, we help ensure that products meet the required safety, quality, and performance standards.
As a Certification Body, we uphold the principles of impartiality, independence, and confidentiality. All certification decisions are made based on objective evidence and are free from undue influence.

We are committed to addressing any complaints or appeals related to certification decisions promptly and fairly. Procedures for submitting complaints or appeals are available on Customer Confidentiality and Complaint Process FAQ.
Contractual Agreement - SASO SALEEM Scheme Service Terms


UL International New Zealand Limited

Address: 54 Tarndale Grove, Albany, Auckland, 0632, New Zealand

UL International New Zealand Limited fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065 as described here.

UL International New Zealand Limited operates the following certification schemes.

ANZ Certification Scheme

Read more about ANZ Certification Scheme

UL-AU Mark Scheme

The UL-AU Mark is an Australian safety mark, indicating that the product has been tested and found to comply with the applicable safety requirements of Australian Standards (or joint Australian / New Zealand Standards). A UL-AU Mark Certificate entitles the holder to affix UL’s registered safety mark, the UL-AU Mark, on products which, from a safety and constructional point of view, are identical with the tested and certified product.

In order to obtain and maintain the UL-AU Mark certificate, an initial factory inspection as well as surveillance factory inspections (conducted at least annually) are required at the customer’s production site. The Factory Inspection is conducted using the CENELEC CIG Factory Inspection Procedures.

The UL-AU Mark indicates a product’s compliance with AS or AS/NZS standards, and products carrying it fall under UL’s Follow-Up Services program to determine ongoing conformity with requirements. The UL-AU Mark is based on applicable AS or AS/NZS standards and issued exclusively by UL. The certification is valid for 10 years unless the product and/or the requirements change.

Read more about the UL-AU Mark Scheme

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for the UL-AU Mark Scheme

UL Verification Services Inc. – Energy Efficiency


Address: 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL, 60062, USA

UL Verification Services Inc. following certification schemes.

Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme / ENERGY STAR

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the Energy Efficiency Certification Program. In this scheme, tangible products are certified to requirements for energy efficiency that are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the United States and Canadian markets.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

A percentage of certified products in this scheme are selected and tested on an annual basis as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. The samples shall be procured off-the-shelf, from a warehouse, or off-the-line, depending on the product category and program.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark.

Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by UL Verification Services Inc. a product has been certified using the Energy Efficiency Certification Scheme.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Energy Verified mark

The Energy Efficiency Certification Mark with the following elements:

  • UL Leaf Mark
  • The words Energy Verified
  • ISO country code
    • None provided, if product is certified only for the United States
    • C for Canada, located to left of symbol, if product is certified both the United States AND Canada.
EEC mark

Any Enhanced Mark with the following elements, provided that the product is certified to multiple attributes (e.g. Energy plus Safety):

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • ENERGY attribute and at least one other attribute, such as SAFETY
  • ISO country code of US for the United States and/or CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the ENERGY attribute if only that attribute is applicable for the country(ies), or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all those attributes are applicable for the country(ries).
  • Unique ID, such as File Number

Other Attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this Scheme.

This scheme mirrors the U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR scheme ( and UL Verification Services Inc. recognized certification body for ENERGY STAR. The ENERGY STAR logo is owned and controlled by the EPA. Control and proper use is provided via agreements between the EPA and the ENERGY STAR partners. For the ENERGY STAR scheme, product data on certified products is available on the ENERGY STAR website.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Energy Efficiency Certification Services (English and French Canadian)

Energy Verification Service Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the Energy Verification Service Program. In this scheme, tangible products, are certified to requirements for energy efficiency that are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the United States and Canadian markets.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark.

Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The markings shown and explained below are owned and controlled by UL Verification Services Inc. to indicate a product has been certified using the Energy Verification Service Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

C US Energy mark


The UL Energy Mark with the following elements (if used in conjunction with the UL Listing Mark):

  • UL in a circle symbol
  • The word LISTED
  • The word ENERGY
  • ISO country code
    • None provided (top left example), if product is certified only for the United States
    • C (top right example) for Canada, located to left of the symbol, if product is certified only for Canada.
    • US and C (bottom example) for the United States and Canada, located to the right and left of the symbol as shown, if product is certified for both the United States AND Canada.
  • Product name or company name / file number
  • Issue/Serial number or alphanumeric control number
Rec Energy mark The Energy Mark with the following elements (if used in conjunction with the UL Recognized Component Mark):
  • “Backwards UR” symbol
  • the word ENERGY across the top
  •  ISO country code
    • None provided (top left example), if product is certified only for the United States
    • C (top right example) for Canada, located to left of the symbol, if product is certified only for Canada.
    • US and C (bottom example) for the United States and Canada, located to the right and left of the symbol as shown, if product is certified for both the United States AND Canada.

The Mark may not be present on all Recognized Components when other identification methods of the certification status of the component are utilized, as described in the associated certification documentation.

Alternatively, the Energy Mark consists of the appropriate Listing or Recognized Component Mark and the statement “ALSO ENERGY VERIFIED ____” where the blank denotes the designation of the applicable regulation or standard and the issue date of the standard or latest addendum.

EVS mark


Any Enhanced Mark with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • ENERGY attribute
  • The ISO country code of US for the United States and/or CA for Canada, located either immediately adjacent to the ENERGY attribute if only that attribute is applicable for the country(ies), or immediately underneath a list of attributes if all of those attributes are applicable for the country(ies)
  • The letters “EVS” near the marking
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Other Attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this scheme.
EVS International mark


Any Enhanced Mark with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • ENERGY attribute
  • No ISO country code
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • The letters “EVS” near the marking
  • Statement further describing the certification

Other Attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this scheme.

Contractual Agreements:

UL Verification Services Inc. – Lighting Performance

Address: 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL, 60062, USA

UL Verification Services Inc. following certification schemes:

Lighting Performance Scheme

In this scheme, lighting products are certified to requirements for performance that are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the United States and Canadian markets.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

A percentage of certified products in this scheme are selected and tested on an annual basis as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. The samples shall be procured off-the-shelf, from a warehouse, or off-the-line, depending on the product category and program.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue. Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark.

Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The markings shown and explained below are owned and controlled by UL Verification Services Inc. to indicate a product has been certified under Lighting Performance Scheme.

The authorized Mark is shown below.

Lighting performan

Any Enhanced mark with the following elements:

  • Basic Enhanced Mark with the word CERTIFIED
  • PERFORMANCE attribute
  • No ISO country code
  • Unique ID, such as File Number
  • Product Identity, such as “Horticultural Lighting”
  • Reference to standard used, such as “UL S 8000 Horticultural Performance Specification”
  • Other Attributes, ISO country codes, and/or text statements may also appear in addition to the above; these pertain to other certifications not related to this scheme.

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for Lighting Performance Scheme

UL Verification Services Inc. – Radio and Telecommunication

Address: 47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA, 94538, USA

UL Verification Services Inc. following certification schemes:

  • Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB) Program
  • Industry Canada Foreign Certification Body (IC) Program
  • EU-CAB/Notify Body (CAB) Program

The associated rights and responsibilities of UL Verification Services Inc. are detailed in the various contractual agreements that must be executed prior to initiating the certification process. Additional information can be obtained from the TCB Submittals webpage.

A formal Appeals and Complaints Process is available to applicants to address questions, interpretations, and decisions made by UL Verification Services Inc. products. An appeal or complaint can be initiated by clicking Back on the left hand side of the TCB Submittals webpage.

UL Verification Services Inc. - Supplier Quality Audits & Certification (SQAC)

Address: 7036 Snowdrift Road, Suite 200, Allentown, PA, 18106, USA

As an accredited Certification Body, SQAC understands the importance of performing its management system certification activities impartially, including policies and procedures to manage conflict of interest and ensure objectivity in the certification process.

The associated rights and responsibilities of and manufacturers are detailed in the various contractual agreements that must be executed prior to initiating the certification process. Additional information is available by going to SQAC’s webpage.

A formal Complaints, Disputes and Appeals Process is available to applicants to address questions concerning interpretations and decisions made by concerning the certification process. A complaint, dispute or appeal can be initiated by contacting SQAC Client Services.

SQAC operates several certification schemes which are available for review on SQAC’s webpage.

UL Verification Services Inc. DBA UL Environment

Address: 2211 Newmarket Parkway, Suite 106, Marietta, GA, 30067, USA

UL Verification Services Inc. DBA UL Environment (hereafter referred to as UL Environment) operates the following accredited Schemes.

The associated rights and responsibilities of UL Environment and manufacturers are detailed in the various contractual agreements that must be executed prior to initiating the certification process.

Products, Services, and/or Facilities certified, verified, or validated to these schemes can be found on the UL SPOT Product Database.

BIFMA Level Certification Scheme

Read more about BIFMA Level Certification Scheme

Ecologo Certification Scheme

Read more about Ecologo Certification Scheme

Environmental Claims Certification Scheme

Read more about Environmental Claims Certification Scheme

EPA TSCA Title VI and CARB ATCM– Formaldehyde Emissions for Composite Wood – Third Party Certification

Read more about EPA and CARB Third Party Certification Services

EPEAT Certification Scheme

Read more about EPEAT Certification Scheme

FEMB level Certification Scheme

Read more about FEMB level Certification Scheme

GREENGUARD Certification Scheme

Read more about GREENGUARD Certification Scheme

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification (ISO 14064-3) Scheme

Read more about Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification Services

Additional UL Environment Schemes

Read more about UL Environment Certification Schemes

Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc.

Address: 7 Underwriters Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1R 3A9, Canada

Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. following certification schemes:

CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is a vast international arrangement established Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for mutual acceptance of test reports among participating certification organizations in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

The CB Scheme benefits product manufacturers and distributors engaged in international trade by providing:

  • A single point of product testing for efficient global market access
  • Global acceptance of test reports leading to national certification in CB Scheme member countries
  • Unilateral acceptance of test reports in many developing countries that are not yet participating in the CB Scheme

The CB Scheme is an international network of product certification organizations in more than 50 countries around the world. The IECEE website at contains comprehensive information about the CB Scheme.

Each participating country has one or more organizations accepted by the IECEE as National Certification Bodies (NCBs). UL is one of the largest and most active CB Scheme members, and we operate four NCBs in different countries and over 50 CB Testing Laboratories (CBTLs) to provide local service with global coverage for our Customers.

UL NCBs in Denmark, USA, Japan and Canada, with CBTLs in all major regions, can assess your products to a broad range of IEC standards, with any relevant National or Group Differences. The product categories and standards covered by UL in the CB Scheme are listed on the IECEE Website via the following links: UL (Demko), UL (US), UL (JP) and UL (CA).

CB Scheme Process
  • UL will test your product to all harmonized standards and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you want to market your product.
  • UL will then issue a CB Test Certificate and a CB Test Report that you can use to obtain national certifications in participating countries.
  • You must still apply to the NCBs in your target countries for national certifications, or UL can do it for you. Please note that NCBs have the right to request product samples or ask manufacturers to develop additional data. The CB Test Certificate and associated CB Test Report you receive from UL will minimize the need for additional testing.
  • National Differences are special requirements that the IECEE CB Scheme permits each country to adopt in order to address local safety concerns. UL keeps up to date with the National Differences of CB Scheme member countries, so your products are evaluated to the most current requirements of the countries you target.
  • Additional information can be found on the CB Scheme Web site at
Applying to UL for CB Scheme Certificate
  • Simply contact UL Customer Service via the website to initiate the process. You’ll be asked to provide UL with:
    • A description of your product, including illustrations, schematics, wiring diagrams, component information, a copy of the marking plate, and any appropriate product details
    • The name and address of the company responsible for the product, as well as the list of manufacturing locations.
  • Tell us also about the countries where you intend to sell your products and UL’s Global Market Access experts can make it easy for you to gain the relevant national certifications for your target markets. Contact for additional information.
  • After successful evaluation of the product according to the applicable IEC standard(s) and the National/Group Differences of the countries you choose, a CB Test Certificate and CB Test Report will be issued.

Note that additional information may be requested as part of the application process, e.g. registration.

Please refer to the following document for the CB Scheme Services Requirements Overview

Contractual Agreement – Service Terms for CB Scheme Services

ULC Mark Safety Scheme

This scheme may also be referred to in some historical texts as the ULC Mark Program. In this scheme, tangible products are certified to requirements for safety that are associated with fire, shock and casualty hazards, and that are consistent with technical and legal requirements of the Canadian market.

Samples of products are tested, inspected, examined and otherwise evaluated to gather information that demonstrates the product fulfills applicable requirements. For products intended for use in the Canadian market, the evaluation includes assessment of dual language safety labeling. Fulfillment of all applicable requirements must be demonstrated before authorization is granted to apply a certification mark used in this scheme.

Visits to factories that apply marks to products certified in this scheme are completed periodically to verify product and production characteristics as an assurance the original demonstration of fulfillment of requirements continues to be valid. For some products, factory samples are selected for retesting.

Changes to certified products are considered and, if needed, additional tests, inspections, examinations or other evaluations are completed to demonstrate a product continues to fulfill requirements and authorization to apply a mark can continue.

Unresolved noncompliances with requirements result in termination of authorization to apply the mark. Use of the mark can also be terminated voluntarily. The use of the markings shown and explained below is authorized and controlled by Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Inc. a product has been certified using the ULC Mark Safety Scheme. A directory of certified products is available online via the the Product iQ database. Only products bearing the mark are certified.

The authorized Marks are shown below.

ULC legacy mark

Contractual Agreements: