Utilize UL Solutions’ Windographer training resources to further develop and enhance your skills
If you are new to the Windographer software or looking for support on how to use a feature, we invite you to access our videos on version 5’s updates and review the technical frequently asked questions.
Check out the Windographer features video library
The user interface
UL Solutions’ Windographer 5 doesn’t look the same as earlier versions, but we think you’ll like what can now be done in the user interface. Follow Tom Lambert, UL Solutions’ Windographer team lead, in a quick tour of what Windographer 5 allows you to do.
Primary columns
Primary columns, a new concept in UL Solutions’ Windographer 5, help you to compare datasets. Watch as Tom Lambert demonstrates how to specify primary columns, and how primary columns can change automatically as a dataset evolves.
High-frequency data
UL Solutions’ Windographer 5 can read 1Hz data. Earlier versions of Windographer couldn’t handle time steps shorter than one minute, but version 5 can handle time steps of one second or even shorter.
Data flagging
Get an overview of Windographer’s data flagging capabilities. The feature can be used for quality control and categorizing data. Define your own flags, apply flags to data segments manually or automatically, and use flags as filter criteria.
FAQ technical
- Data and file formats
- Exporting data
- Wind data calculations and corrections
- Other technical questions
Additional training and support
Contact us if you are interested in additional training or support.
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