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Windographer Support

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Windographer Support

Access a library of new feature videos, FAQs and other materials to support the use of Windographer software.

Depiction of Windographer software showing multiple screens

Utilize UL Solutions’ Windographer training resources to further develop and enhance your skills

If you are new to the Windographer software or looking for support on how to use a feature, we invite you to access our videos on version 5’s updates and review the technical frequently asked questions

Check out the Windographer features video library 

The user interface

UL Solutions’ Windographer 5 doesn’t look the same as earlier versions, but we think you’ll like what can now be done in the user interface. Follow Tom Lambert, UL Solutions’ Windographer team lead, in a quick tour of what Windographer 5 allows you to do.

Primary columns

Primary columns, a new concept in UL Solutions’ Windographer 5, help you to compare datasets. Watch as Tom Lambert demonstrates how to specify primary columns, and how primary columns can change automatically as a dataset evolves.

High-frequency data

UL Solutions’ Windographer 5 can read 1Hz data. Earlier versions of Windographer couldn’t handle time steps shorter than one minute, but version 5 can handle time steps of one second or even shorter.

Data flagging

Get an overview of Windographer’s data flagging capabilities. The feature can be used for quality control and categorizing data. Define your own flags, apply flags to data segments manually or automatically, and use flags as filter criteria.

FAQ technical

Data and file formats

What data format does it read?
Windographer reads almost every file type commonly used in the wind and solar power industries, including RLD, RWD, Ammonit, Kintech, Campbell Scientific, NDF, Triton, AQSystem, ZX Lidars, Windcube, and Pentalum. It interprets files automatically, detecting date format, time step, data type, measurement height, and so on. If it has trouble opening your data file, let us know so we can investigate.

Can it read RLD and RWD files?
Yes, if you install the free software from NRG Systems, Windographer can read RLD files and RWD files, including calibration constants.

Can it read data from remote sensing devices like SoDAR and LiDAR?
Yes, it works with data from ASC, AQSystems and Triton SoDARs, as well as ZX Lidars, Windcube, and Pentalum LiDARs. Please contact us if you have trouble opening any data file.

Can it read high frequency data?
Yes, it can read data with time steps down to milliseconds.

Can Windographer read multiple data files into a single dataset?
Yes, you can use File > Append or Append Folder to append many data files to an existing dataset.

How much data can it handle?
There is no hard limit, as it depends on the computer capacity and the characteristics of the data. Above about 15 million data points (rows * columns) processing will probably slow down. We hope to implement improved memory management techniques to allow Windographer to handle larger datasets in the future.

Does Windographer provide long-term reference data?
Yes, it allows free download of MERRA2 and ERA-5 datasets, which are suitable for long-term reference.

Exporting data

Does Windographer let me export graphs for my reports?
Yes, you can right click on any graph or wind rose to copy it to the clipboard or export it to a PNG or EMF file.

Does it let me export data?
Yes, the Export Data window lets you export some or all of the dataset, and it lets you change the time step so you can export, for example, hourly or daily averages.

Can I control the export format of my data?
Yes, you can specify the date and time format, and you can specify any text string to indicate missing data.

Can Windographer export to Openwind, WAsP, Meteodyn WT, WindSim, or WindPRO?
Yes, Windographer can export multi-height time series data for Openwind, as well as TAB files and formats specific to Meteodyn WT and WindSim.

Wind data calculations and corrections

Does Windographer calculate wind flow over terrain?
No, Windographer is not a wind flow model. It analyzes time series data and lets you prepare that data for input into a wind flow model such as Openwind.

Can it correct for an error in the offset of a wind vane?
Yes, the Calibration window (or the Apply Scale and Offset window) allows you to adjust the offset and/or slope of any data column.

Other technical questions

Can Windographer compare different datasets, or fill gaps in one dataset using data from another?
Yes, with Windographer 5 you can compare multiple datasets in many graphical and tabular formats and use powerful data reconstruction modules to fill gaps in each dataset using the others as reference data.

How do I share my favorite flags and flag rules?
You can create a windog file containing the flags and flag rules you want to share. When another user opens that windog file, they can add those flags and flag rules to their existing favorites.

Windographer stores a small file for each favorite flag and favorite flag rule which you can copy and share. The location of these files is controlled from Tools > Options > Folders. Note that if you replace your favorite flag files, you will lose any previous favorites that you had.

Can I run Windographer on my Mac?
Windographer runs on Windows, so to use it on a Mac you will have to run Boot Camp, Wine, or a virtualization application like Parallels, VMWare Fusion, or VirtualBox.

Can I take a Windographer training course?
Please watch the training videos on our website for an overview of the software. We can provide customized training in-person or online.

Additional training and support

Contact us if you are interested in additional training or support.


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