Disruptions to standard business operations can leave buildings sitting empty. Having a plan for re-occupancy can allow you to act quickly if your building is impacted and help provide confidence to occupants entering a building that supports good indoor environmental quality (IEQ).
UL Solutions offers services to help prepare your buildings for re-occupancy and position you to provide good IEQ for the long term. Whether preparing for occupants to return following an extended period of vacancy or low occupancy or putting measures in place for buildings to support human health and wellness now and in the future, UL Solutions offers a full suite of offerings to support your healthy building goals.
UL Solutions re-occupancy inspections
UL Solutions offers on-site building inspections for proper due diligence following limited building use to help you build trust with occupants returning to work. UL Solutions evaluates building operations for indoor air quality (IAQ), water quality, HVAC hygiene, filtration, ventilation and janitorial efficacy. Portions of the inspection scope include representative assessment of IEQ-related issues often found in buildings under limited operation for extended periods of time, such as water leaks, stagnant domestic water, etc.
Our inspections include comprehensive reports and helpful documents such as executive summaries and certificates of inspection. We provide recommendations where appropriate, following industry guidelines and best practices from the World Health Organization (WHO), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and others.
UL Verified Healthy Building Mark
The UL Verified Healthy Building program demonstrates the accuracy of your claims that indoor spaces provide a healthier environment for occupants in up to five areas: IAQ, water quality, building hygiene, lighting and acoustics.
It helps demonstrate that building owners, managers or corporations are committed to a built environment that supports occupant health, well-being and comfort, backed by UL Solutions globally-recognized expertise.
The tiered program assesses that indoor spaces achieve indoor environmental performance based on a range of criteria. Choose the tier that best represents your focus and accomplishments to date.

Learn more about the UL Verified Healthy Building Mark.
ASHRAE 188 Legionella compliance
Legionnaires’ disease, caused by Legionella bacteria, is a major concern for commercial building owners, specifically following long periods of inoccupancy when standing water can become infected. UL Solutions can help customers demonstrate compliance to ASHRAE Standard 188, which covers risk management for building water systems as it relates to Legionnaire’s disease. UL Solutions supports compliance with ASHRAE 188 through the development of proactive control measures.
ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation assessments
ASHRAE Standard 62.1 is a widely accepted standard that specifies the amount of ventilation air delivered in commercial buildings by HVAC systems to support acceptable IAQ. The introduction of outside air into an occupied space is critical to ensuring occupants’ health, safety and productivity. Proper engineering controls, such as adequate ventilation rates, can help reduce airborne contaminant transmission and manage IAQ. Meeting ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation standards is one of the most cost-effective safeguards and mitigation techniques building owners and operators can employ. ASHRAE Standard 62.1 outlines the minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide IAQ that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.
Indoor environments that support healthy occupants
For real estate owners preparing their buildings for re-occupancy and advancing on the path to excellent IEQ that supports occupants’ health and well-being, UL Solutions is a trusted resource that can offer comprehensive services and support to help you achieve your objectives.
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