The Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions From Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, an expanded standard for what is commonly known as California Specification 01350, is one of the most widely used standards to evaluate building and interior products for low chemical emissions.

Materials are prepared according to standard usage instructions and conditioned for 10 days prior to chamber testing. The samples are then introduced into a dynamic environmental chamber for volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements at the 11-, 12- and 14-day equilibrium times. Air samples from the chamber are analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry for VOCs and high performance liquid chromatography for formaldehyde and other aldehydes. The data reports include emission rates for the product and predicted indoor concentrations in various environments, such as in the office, classroom and residential areas. Predicted concentrations for 36 listed VOCs are compared to the maximum allowable levels. These levels are derived from the Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (chRELs) published by California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).
The CDPH Standard Method is referenced by some of the most widely used green building rating systems and codes, including LEED, IgCC, CalGreen, ASHRAE 189.1 and others. This enables manufacturers to make an investment in a product emissions test that meets a broad range of requirements.
As a world leader in product emissions testing, UL Solutions has evaluated more than 70,000 products and cataloged more than 10,000 chemicals from those product emissions. Our state-of-the-art technology allows us to measure chemicals in a wide range of products with the utmost precision. Our familiarity with both national and international emissions testing standards, green building codes and rating systems enables UL Solutions to partner with manufacturers to conduct product emissions testing in ways that maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Why UL Solutions
As a world leader in product emissions testing, UL Solutions has evaluated more than 70,000 products and cataloged more than 10,000 chemicals from those product’s emissions. Our state-of-the-art technology allows us to measure chemicals in a wide range of products with the utmost precision. Our familiarity with both national and international emissions testing standards, green building codes and rating systems enables UL Solutions to partner with manufacturers to conduct product emissions testing in ways that maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Related standards
- UL2818 - GREENGUARD Certification Program for Chemical Emissions for Building Materials, Finishes, and Furnishings
- CDPH Standard Method, v1.2