Clearing Misconceptions About Low-Smoke Halogen-Free Cables (2)
UL Solutions offers halogen free (HF) and low smoke halogen free (LSHF) optional certification marks for all wire and cable categories according to the IEC 62821 series of standards.
Non-low smoke halogen free cables can generate corrosive and toxic smoke and fumes that can damage electrical and electronic equipment during combustion. The use of low-smoke halogen free (LSHF) cables can help reduce equipment damage and smoke toxicity in commercial and residential building projects.
The term “low-smoke halogen free” consists of two separate and distinct aspects of performance that must be considered in a cable evaluation.
To be accurately considered LSHF, a cable must be evaluated for its performance against each of these criteria.
UL Solutions offers HF and LSHF evaluation as optional certification marks for compounds/components used in wire and cable and for all wire and cable categories in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62821 series of standards.
UL Solutions listed cables that have received the optional “-HF” and “-LSHF” Marks also meet all other UL Solutions requirements for the general certification. All certifications will be covered under UL Solutions' Follow-Up Service program, which is designed to monitor and test UL certified products to ensure that production is consistent and continually complies with certification requirements.
Clearing Misconceptions About Low-Smoke Halogen-Free Cables (2)
Cable manufacturers, compound/component suppliers to the wire & cable industry and brand owners can differentiate their products in a highly competitive market by adopting globally recognized test methods, rather than relying on self-declaration of unsubstantiated claims. Certification information is publicly available and individual compound/component materials are listed in UL Product iQTM. This makes applicable requirements more transparent to customers and end users.
1. Based on statistics released from 2011 to 2017 by IEC System of Conformity Assessment for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE).
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