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Learn more about the safety standards for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances and be aware of the impact the sixth edition may have on your products.
Navigating the regulatory landscape of global markets requires understanding each country’s or region’s rules and regulations that dictate what requirements may apply to specific products and how product compliance must be demonstrated.
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the world’s leading organization in preparing and publishing international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. The aim of the IEC is to remove barriers to international trade by harmonizing standards, ensuring products are tested to the same safety requirements wherever they’re manufactured.
IEC 60335-1 is a safety standard for electrical appliances used for household and similar purposes. It covers appliances with voltage ratings not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. The standard provides general testing requirements, markings, classifications, and instructions for household appliances and similar devices.
The standard includes a second part, IEC 60335-2, which details requirements for specific types of appliances, including but not limited to:
In 2020, the IEC published the sixth edition of the IEC 60335-1, incorporating significant technical changes in many sections of the standard.
Since 1970, the IEC has published a series of standards to enhance the safety of household devices. As the technologies have evolved, with the introduction of the digital environment into consumer goods and with the growing complexity, the safety of household appliances was more important than ever. The sixth edition of IEC 60335-1 provides technical changes and new safety requirements in many sections of the standard to address cybersecurity and software management concerns, battery-operated products issues, as well as clarifications for protected extra-low voltage (PELV) circuits, moisture resistance testing and the mechanical strength for appliances with integral pins used in socket outlets.
The table below gives some further details about the main changes over the previous edition.
Standard clause/ section | Details |
12; Annex B; Annex S | Changed requirements for battery-operated appliances |
22.62; Annex U | Added requirements for appliances intended for remote communication through public networks |
22.59 | Added requirement for separation between parts operating at PELV and SELV |
24.1.10; 32 | Added requirements regarding optical radiation hazards (photo-biological hazards) of lamps and lamp systems |
24.8 | Added additional requirements for motor-capacitors in unattended appliances |
8; 20.2 | Added test probe 18 of IEC 61032; “child test finger” as a test probe to be used when determining access to live parts and moving parts |
22.58 | Added requirements specifying that appliances provided with non-standardized appliance inlet shall be delivered with cord-set |
24.2 | Interpretation clarifying that detachable power supplies are not covered by the prohibition of power supplies |
The sixth edition of IEC 60335-1 is only to be used in conjunction with part 2 that have been established based on this new edition. However, manufacturers may still have to use older versions of the standards if the adoption process and publication of national standards are still ongoing, with no mandatory effective dates published yet.
UL Solutions experts can walk you through the full list of requirements, harmonized standard and products where the applicable part 2 has been aligned with the sixth edition and is listed as standard operated in the scheme.
As a leading issuer of International Electrotechnical Commission for Electrical Equipment (IECEE) CB test certificates worldwide and a single source provider for global market access, we offer services for safety testing, interoperability, energy efficiency, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, advisory and more.
UL Solutions can help you determine which requirements apply, including, but not limited to, the following:
We provide global compliance expertise with the convenience of local service. UL Solutions has accredited certification bodies and laboratories throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia, so you can work with UL Solutions experts close to you.
An early engagement with UL Solutions experts in the product design process can help speed time to market, avoid redesign costs and incorporate the necessary testing and compliance plans into your design road map.
Contact us to learn how we can help you prepare for compliance today.
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