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Product Category Rules (PCRs)

A PCR establishes product-specific requirements for creating life cycle assessments (LCA) and reporting their findings through Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) or footprint communications.

Replacing old attic mineral wool insulation.

What are product category rules (PCRs)?

PCRs are necessary tools that define the rules and requirements for creating product category-specific life cycle assessment studies and summarizing the results in Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) or footprint communications. PCRs are developed openly and collaboratively, much like industry standards. Interested parties and stakeholders may participate in an open development process, which allows them to review the draft PCR, ask questions and share comments electronically. Stakeholders may include material suppliers, manufacturers, trade associations, purchasers, users, consumers, nongovernmental organizations, public agencies, life cycle assessment practitioners and certification bodies.      

UL Solutions maintains all comments and questions received during the development process and then posts PCRs for a public comment period. Then, UL Solutions will submit a final version of the PCR to a review panel for approval. Once approved, it is published on the UL Standards website. Most PCRs expire every five years and must be reviewed at that time to address relevant changes in the industry. However, PCRs are living documents subject to updates within this window if needed.

To move forward with certifying an EPD with UL Solutions, a PCR must already exist for the product type. UL Solutions can certify EPDs using existing PCRs created by any program operator. When no PCR exists for a product group or particular geography, UL Solutions will work with stakeholders to establish one or address regionally specific requirements for existing PCRs created for another market.

Below are links to PCRs and geographic-specific addenda developed and published by UL Solutions:

PCRs - current

Building related products I Part A
Building related products I Part B
PCR Status Publication date Expiration date
Aluminum Construction Products Active 16-Feb-2022 16-Feb-2027
Asphalt Emulsion Products In Development    
Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Call for Participation   14-02-2025
Asphalt Roofing Products Public comment 17-Jul-2010 1-Jul-2025
Builder’s Hardware Update in development 15-Oct-2019 25-Jul-2025
Building Envelope Thermal Insulation Public comment 17-Jan-2025 30-Jun-2025
Cladding Product Systems Active 13-Apr-2021 13-Apr-2025
Concrete Masonry and Segmental Concrete Paving Products Active 11-Nov-2020 11-Nov-2025
Commercial Steel Door and Frame Active 1-Sep-2020 1-Sep-2025
Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Lightweight Aggregates Active 25-Jan-2022 25-Jan-2027
Flooring (North America) Call for Participation 8-Sep-2019 1-Jul-2025
Insulated Metal Panels, Metal Composite Panels, and Metal Cladding Public comment 12-Jun-2022 31-Jul-2025
Kitchen and Bath Fixture Fittings and Accessory Products EPD Requirements Active 8-Oct-2020 8-Oct-2025
Joint Compound (North America) Active 6-Dec-2022 31-Dec-2024
Liquid Asphalt Additives In Development    
Mechanical, Specialty, Thermal and Acoustical Insulation Products Active 3-Sep-2019 3-Sep-2024
Metal Ceilings and Interior Wall Panel System Active 5-Jan-2020 31-Jul-2025
Non-Metal Ceiling Panels Active 13-Apr-2021 13-Apr-2025
Plumbing Vessels Expired 16-Jan-2018 16-Jan-2023
Processed Glass (North America) Expired 6-Dec-2022 30-Jun-2024
Revolving and Power Operated Doors Call for Participation    
Roof Cover Board Active 2-Nov-2021 2-Nov-2026
Sanitary Ceramics Expired 7-Jun-2018 31-Jan-2023
Sealants (North America) Update in development   31-Jul-2025
Steel Construction Products (North America) Active 25-Aug-2020 25-Aug-2025
Water Cooled Chillers (NA Addendum) Expired 28-Jun-2018 28-Jun-2023
Wall and Door Protection Products Expired 22-May-2019 31-Jul-2025
Wooden Pallets (North America) Expired 19-Jun-2019 19-Jun-2024
Wood Products Public Comment 21-Oct-2019 31-Jul-2025
Non-building related products
PCR Status Publication date Expiration date
Hand Dryers (Global) Public comment until April 10th 18-Aug-2017 31-Jul-2025
Tires New Version in Development 8-Jul-2022 31-Jul-2025

PCR status definitions by UL Solutions


The PCR is active and in use. Active PCRs approaching expiration may need funding before they can be renewed; contact UL Solutions if you are interested in the status or helping to sponsor the creation of these PCRs.

Call for participation

A PCR development committee is responsible for developing the content within each PCR. The committee provides product-specific LCA-based expertise and identifies appropriate information to present in the EPD. UL Solutions is currently seeking committee members for the PCRs with the “Call for participation” status in the table above. If you are interested in participating in one of these committees, please download and complete the PCR committee application form at the bottom of this page. All applications should be submitted to


The PCR is expired. A PCR may be allowed to expire for a variety of reasons, including being replaced by another PCR, lack of interest in renewal or a need for funding. Please contact UL Solutions if you are interested in learning more about the status of these PCRs.

In development

These PCRs are currently in development with an existing PCR development committee. If you are interested in learning about the status, please contact us for more information at

Open consultation

After a PCR is drafted through a PCR development committee, it is posted so interested parties and stakeholders can review the draft, ask questions and share comments electronically.

Public comment

As a PCR approaches its expiration date, UL Solutions posts it for a 30-day open comment period to collect feedback on the need for revisions. Upon completion of the comment period, UL Solutions will synthesize the comments. If the PCR needs significant methodological or technical changes, a new PCR committee will be formed to draft those revisions. Comments on the existing PCR should be submitted to using the provided PCR comment template, which you can download at the bottom of this page.


PCR Committee Application Form

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