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Hands-on Workshops

Clean Code Hands-on Workshop

Learn the importance of clean code though this hands-on workshop to help simplify future implementations and changes.

Software gradually loses quality over time. This degradation makes implementations and changes more difficult, and the code often becomes incomprehensible as a result. Clean code helps prevent this and prepares software for future challenges. This hands-on workshop imparts the techniques and practices necessary to write coherent, extensible and resilient code.

Through a hands-on knowledge transfer, trainers present the aspects of clean code based on specific exercises that are intended to help learners apply the techniques in daily practice.

Key Takeaways

Clean Code vs. Bad Code

  • Identifying bad code.
  • Identifying clean code.
  • The Boy Scout Rule.

Aesthetic Code

  • The importance of naming.
  • Identifying clean methods.
  • The characteristics of a good class.
  • How to write comments correctly.

Formats and Structures

  • Clean formatting.
  • How objects and data are structured.
  • Using refactoring.
  • Working with the limits of other systems.

Quality Assurance

  • Navigating an error.
  • How to proceed with Unit Tests.


  • Doing everything correctly.

Clean Code as a Mentality

  • Clean Code Developer Grade: How to internalize CCD principles and practices.

Following the workshop, coaching days are available. The trainer will focus on specific challenges a learner may face when implementing workshop content in everyday life.

Target Audience



Experience in software development

Further Information

  • All materials are offered digitally.
  • You will need a laptop for this workshop. Learners will work in groups and with the trainers to define the required development environment.

Course Dates

Training ID:
Date:2/7 -2/10/2024
Duration:31 Days
Time:09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Language:English (EN)
Examination Fee:$Xx per participant
Online Price:#Xx per participant, plus vat
Services Provided by:UL
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Contractual cancellation right

The registration can be cancelled free of charge 30 days before the training date, after which the following rules apply: 

  • 30 days – 14 days before the start of the training: 50% of the participation fee
  • 14 days or less before the start of the training: 100% of the participation fee
  • This shall not apply when a substitute attendee is named. This is possible until the registration at the beginning of the event.

The relevant cut-off date for the calculation of the cancellation period is the first training day of a bindingly booked training.

The cancellation must be declared in writing and sent by email to the training provider.

Naming substitutes

The participant may, after receiving the registration confirmation, name a substitute in writing prior to the beginning of the seminar.

This change of reservation is free of charge; seminars spanning several days may be transferred only in their entirety, i.e. attended by one substitute.

Date cancellations and date changes

The training provider has the right to change the location of events and/or specify a different date as a substitute. The training provider also reserves the right to cancel dates for organizational reasons (e.g. number of participants too low, illness of the speaker at short notice).

The training provider will notify the participant of the cancellation and of the reason with-out undue delay and will attempt to change the participant's reservation, provided that he agrees to a different date or event location. Otherwise, the full amount of any already paid attendance fee will be refunded in the case of a cancellation; no further claims exist, particularly no refund of travel and/or accommodation cost.

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