Implementing Software Update Management System Based on ISO 24089
An examination of the engineering processes and analyses required to implement consumer software updates, with a focus on ISO 24089.
This comprehensive one-day training explores the critical building blocks of software update management systems and emphasizes the application of ISO 24089 to perform software update activities. The training leverages exercises and case studies to enhance learners' understanding of the principles behind a safer and more secure software update management system.
Key Takeaways
- Overview, background and need for software updates
- Automotive software update mechanisms
- Update via physical methods
- Wireless/over-the-air (OTA) updates
- The update framework (TUF)
- Uptane - Securing Software Updates for Automobiles
- ISO 24089 deep dive
- Organizational processes
- Software update project processes
- Infrastructure functions
- Vehicle and vehicle system functions
- Software update package assembly
- Software update campaign
- Case study - Applying ISO 24089 principles and requirements in real life
Target Audience
- Engineering managers
- Software engineers
- IT security officers
- Those with software update responsibilities
- Those with SUMS Governance responsibilities
A sound knowledge of software engineering is recommended.
Further Information
For online trainings, all materials are offered digitally. For in-person trainings, all materials are offered digitally and may be supplemented with hard copies. Copies of any relevant standards must be provided by the learner.
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