Continually expanding your knowledge and skills is crucial to developing and operating critical software-intensive systems while advancing safety, security and quality. Our experts offer online trainings and in-person workshops covering today’s most important software, engineering and process topics, as well as emerging technologies transforming your industry.
AUTOSAR - Concepts and Strategies
This training provides a detailed overview of AUTomotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) and related development...
AUTOSAR Classic Platform in Practical Applications
This training provides practical examples to help participants understand the techniques and procedures for developing...
This training covers basic concepts of AUTomotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) and provides the essentials to...
AUTOSAR in Practical Applications for Software Developers
This training for software developers provides practical examples demonstrating techniques for developing AUTOSAR...
Automotive Systems Engineering Training
The training provides an overview of systems engineering implementation, from systems requirements engineering, system...
IREB® CPRE — Foundation Level
The IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering — Foundation Level training covers techniques, methods...
RE(@)Agile Primer
This training covers how to implement requirements engineering (RE) in agile processes and shows how agile techniques...
Automotive Requirements Engineering - Introduction
This training covers techniques, methods and tools for the analysis and management of requirements for automotive OEMs...
iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture
Gain an understanding of the definition of software architecture and how to establish effective architecture in...
iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Advanced Level (Dependable Embedded Systems)
This training takes a methodical approach to architecture design that considers both software architecture and system...
Modern Systems Architecture
This training presents a systematic approach to designing system architectures.
Analysis, Architecture and Detailed Design with UML
This training covers unified modeling language (UML) concepts and practical examples illustrating how to apply these UML...
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