February 17, 2019
Question: I have seen some products with a UL Mark that says UL Certified instead of UL Listed or UL Classified. What is this Mark and what does it mean?
Answer: This Mark is our Enhanced Certification Mark, and it includes information to assist in verifying the product is certified and describing the scope of the certification.
Here are all the items that are part of the Enhanced UL Certification Mark.

1. BASIC UL CERTIFICATION MARK: The basic UL Certification Mark consists of the letters U-L; the word “Certified” that describes the service UL delivered; and the registered trademark symbol.
2. ATTRIBUTES: To describe a product’s UL Certification, descriptive attributes may now appear in the enhanced Mark. These designations detail the type of requirements for which the product has been certified. Depending on the product and its Certifications, one or more of these attributes may appear in the module of the Mark. In addition, some attributes are used in conjunction with the SAFETY attribute within the module. The attributes include:
3. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: This is the service that we provided in order to receive the UL Certification Mark.
4. MODULE: A module is added to the Basic UL Certification Mark to house attributes, country codes and unique identifiers.
5. COUNTRY CODES: The UL Certification Mark design uses a two-digit ISO country code to indicate the geography whose standards are used for Certification. In some cases, such as certification to ISO or IEC standards, a country code will not appear in the Enhanced Mark module. Please refer to the appropriate category for more information. The current country codes used with the Enhanced UL Mark include:
US = United States, CA = Canada
AU = Australia, CN = China, CO = Colombia, EU = Europe, JP = Japan, UK = United Kingdom
6. UNIQUE ID: Our Certification Marks may have a unique identifier or a file number located in a module; others will also have a product identity adjacent to the Certification Mark. This aids with traceability and provides more information about a product’s Certification. This information can be verified on the UL Product iQ database at https://productiq.ul.com by entering the identifier/file number in the keyword search field. This will link you to the Certification information including the product category guide information and Certification record.
Question: When did UL start using this Mark?
Answer: We launched the enhanced version of the Certification Mark in 2013.
Question: Does “Certified” on a product label mean the same as Listed?
Answer: “Certified” is a general term encompassing Listed and Classified and meeting the definition of “listed” in all model codes, so it carries the same meaning as our traditional Listing or Classification Marks.
Question: Are the current Listing and Classification Marks still valid?
Answer: Although we may be transitioning to the enhanced Mark over time, all current variations of our Listing and Classification Marks remain valid and should continue to be accepted as an indication of certification.

We expect the transition to the Enhanced Mark to happen over time. For more information, please visit our Marks Hub at markshub.ul.com. Access to the Marks Hub is free and open to all regulators, but registration is required.