December 8, 2016
The Official Gazette of Turkey has published Toy Safety Regulation No. 29 847 to update the regulation that was published in 2013. This regulation sets the minimum safety standards for toys to be used by children under the age of 14, as well as obligations for producers, authorized representatives, importers and distributors.
This updated regulation aims to tighten the rules for toy safety. Specifically, the updated regulation includes the following provisions:
- Definition of safety requirements for toys within the scope of the Regulation.
- Requirements for warning labels (including a requirement that safety instructions and warnings must be written in Turkish).
- Principles for EC conformity declarations.
- Procedures and principles for using the "CE" Mark.
- Details of safety checks which producers must conduct
This regulation will come into force on April 4, 2017.
Source URL: Toy Safety Regulation No. 29 847