June 12, 2019
Update on Our Anti-Counterfeiting Initiative for the Wire and Cable Industry
The UL brand protection team works diligently to protect and maintain the integrity of the UL family of Marks from counterfeiting activities. Here are key figures for some of our 2019 brand protection activities in China that were specifically for wire and cable products:
Case Investigations: 51
Customs Cases (China only): 40
• Seized: 6
• Recalled: 1
Administrative Actions: 10
Criminal Action: 1
Online Enforcement Action (for authorized claim of UL certified cable): more than 10,544 links taken down.
On top of investigation, UL also provides the following value-added services for the wire and cable industry:
• Investigation support for UL clients together with global law enforcement authorities
• Training for UL clients, including customized courses about their products for law enforcement, through the International IP Crime Investigators College
• Networking with global law enforcement and private sector stakeholders through UL brand protection conferences and workshops
For more information, please email us at ACF@ul.com, or visit www.ul.com/about/anti-counterfeiting.