Watch now: EU cybersecurity: Challenges of creating a common framework
The debate included participants speaking on behalf of the industry, public entities and end users. As a member of the TIC Council, UL Solutions represented the TIC industry, with Chante Maurio, vice president and general manager of the Identity Management and Security team, as their voice.
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Date of recording
Sept. 20, 2022
First announced by President von der Leyen in her State of the Union Address in September 2021, the European Commission published the proposal of the European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) on Sept. 15, 2022.
The Act establishes common cybersecurity requirements for digital/connected products and associated services, such as software, that enter the European single market. The initiative takes the form of an EU legislation that will be adopted (now it is a draft) by all EU Member States and economic operators.
To foster further discussion on the topic, the TIC Council — an international nonprofit association acting as the voice of the testing, inspection and certification (TIC) industry — and EURACTIV — an independent pan-European media network specialized in EU affairs — organized a hybrid event. The discussion explored options for reinforcing the cybersecurity of connected devices and ways to help improve the security of all digital products, throughout their whole lifecycle.
The discussion provided an opportunity for panelists to offer their views about the new Cyber Resilience Act, just presented, and how these measures may ensure that digital products, such as wireless and wired products and software, will be more secure for consumers across the EU.
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