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Expanded GB/T Testing for Luminaires and Lamp Control Gear

Learn more about the recent revisions to China national standards GB/T 7000 series for luminaires and the GB/T 19510 series for lamp control gear.

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On December 28, 2023, the Standardization Administration of China released the new versions of the national standards GB/T 7000 series for luminaires and the GB/T 19510 series for lamp control gear. The UL Solutions laboratory in Suzhou, China is accredited to test to these requirements.

Background for China lighting requirements

In December 2001, when China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), and in accordance with the WTO agreements and international practices, China formally established a new national mandatory product certification system to improve and standardize its mandatory product certification system. This move aimed to address issues such as multiple regulatory sources and the lack of separation between certification and law enforcement activities.

The new mandatory product certification system, known as the CCC certification, includes a state-published unified directory that determines unified national standards, technical rules, and implementation procedures, formulates a unified mark, and stipulates unified charging standards.

Products listed in the directory must be tested by designated national testing institutions, certified by certification bodies, and obtain relevant certificates and apply the certification mark before they can be manufactured, imported, sold, and used in business service premises.

Recent changes to GB/T requirements for lighting

The most recent versions of the GB/T 7000 series for luminaires and the GB/T 19510 series for lamp control gear national standards detail new requirements for lighting manufacturers in China.

The certification body (CQC) issued a notice stating:

  1. From October 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025, enterprises may voluntarily choose to implement certification according to the new standards/new certification implementation specifications or the old standards/old certification implementation specifications. Prior to the implementation of the new standards, ongoing supervision after certification will follow the standards listed in the certificates. From January 1, 2026, certification must be carried out according to the new standards/new certification implementation specifications, and new certificates will be issued. Old certificates will no longer be issued.
  2. For products certified under the old standards, holders of old certificates should promptly submit applications to CQC for the conversion to new standard certificates. This should be completed before the implementation date of the standards and before the first follow-up inspection is completed. The main differences between the old and new standards and testing requirements should follow the technical decision from the TC05 technical expert group regarding the implementation of the certification for the revision of the lamp and light source control device standards. The conversion of all old standard certificates must be completed by December 31, 2026, at the latest. If not completed by this deadline, CQC will suspend the old standard certificates; if the conversion is still not completed by March 31, 2027, CQC will revoke the old standard certificates.

The full announcement from the CQC can be viewed at CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE CO.,LTD.-Notice and Bulletin.

How UL Solutions can help

Our laboratory in Suzhou, UL-CCIC Company Limited, was one of the first foreign-funded designated testing institutions to undertake CCC certification-related testing tasks in China. In 2014 we obtained the qualification of a CCC testing laboratory in the field of lighting appliances and we are authorized under CNCA-C10-01: Lighting Appliances category.

We have also obtained the testing capabilities for the following latest versions of CCC-related standards in lighting appliances:

  • GB/T 7000.1-2023, Luminaires - Part 1: General Requirements and Tests
  • GB/T 7000.201-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-1: Particular Requirements for Fixed General Purpose Luminaires
  • GB/T 7000.202-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular Requirements for Recessed Luminaires
  • GB/T 7000.204-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for Portable General Purpose Luminaires
  • GB/T 7000.211-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-11: Particular Requirements for Aquarium Luminaires
  • GB/T 7000.212-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-12: Particular Requirements for Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights
  • GB/T 7000.213-2023, Luminaires - Part 2-13: Particular Requirements for Ground-recessed Luminaires
  • GB/T 19510.1-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 1: General and Safety Requirements
  • GB/T 19510.203-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 2-3: Particular Requirements for AC and/or DC Supplied Electronic Control Gear for Fluorescent Lamps
  • GB/T 19510.208-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 2-8: Particular Requirements for Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps
  • GB/T 19510.209-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 2-9: Particular Requirements for Electromagnetic Control Gear for Discharge Lamps (Excluding Fluorescent Lamps)
  • GB/T 19510.212-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 2-12: Particular Requirements for DC or AC Supplied Electronic Ballasts for Discharge Lamps (Excluding Fluorescent Lamps)
  • GB/T 19510.213-2023, Controlgear for electric light sources - Part 2-13: Particular Requirements for DC or AC Supplied Electronic Control Gear for LED Modules

In addition to our rigorous safety testing and certification, UL Solutions can bundle performance testing, chemical testing, Marketing Claim Verification, sustainability certifications and other global market access services to help you bring your products to market. Connect with our experts today.


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