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Life Sciences and Safety Course Updates

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The Course Update portal lists Life Sciences and EHS/Safety Learning courses that are New, have received Major or Minor updates, and have been Retired. Retraining should be initiated for courses with Major updates, which note regulation changes. The course update explanations can help you decide whether to reassign training and identify replacement courses for retired courses, if available.

This page provides a rolling, monthly history and categorizes our courses:

  • Life Sciences – GMP, Clinical, Compliance, Sales, etc.
  • General Industry – EHS, Safety and Manufacturing, Construction, Transportation, Ethics, Corporate Compliance, etc.
  • Healthcare – Medicare Advantage, Part D, etc.

ComplianceWire® customers: Courses set to retire will be available to you until you receive word from UL Solutions regarding retirement and replacement processes for your ComplianceWire LMS.

If you have any questions about this course information or would like information on previous course changes, please e-mail UL Client Services.

EHS/Safety Product Update! Beginning November 2024, learners accessing content with PS5 course codes will notice accessibility/usability features including an improved Help page and embedded job aids. Click here for more information.

Visit LearnShare OnDemand or the UL Course Catalog for available courses. Still have questions? Contact UL Solutions for more information about Life Sciences and EHS/Safety courses.

Note: Previous course information is available as well as downloadable PDF files. To find information for a specific course, use the search feature within the PDF file.

February 2025 updates

Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New Course RS01 ISO 9001: Quality Management System Standard for Retailers Retailer and Supplier   1 This course focuses on ISO 9001, which sets forth principles for meeting customer requirements and enhancing satisfaction.
New Course PS5-103945 Ergonomics for Construction Construction Safety Catalog N/A Construction work is hard work. Most workers have had occasional back, hand and joint pains, sprains and strains. Sometimes these injuries cause workers to miss work or impact their life outside of work by making tasks difficult and painful. The good news is that these injuries are preventable. Take this course to learn about the ergonomic hazards of construction, symptoms that workers can catch early, controls or precautions that they can take to avoid injury, and their responsibility to report and prevent ergonomic hazards. Ideal learners are all construction workers.
New Course PS5-104171 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness (Spanish) High-tech/Semiconductor; Healthcare; General Industry and Manufacturing; Food Services and Distribution; Construction Safety Catalog N/A Workplaces are designed to be relatively free from hazards. Hazards that cannot be eliminated are guarded to keep workers away. Workers wear their own form of guarding, or personal protective equipment (PPE), as a final layer of protection against workplace hazards. This course is ideal for all workers who use PPE.
New Course PS5-104169 Materials Handling and Storage Awareness (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A There are hundreds of thousands of materials-handling accidents every year, ranging from small splinters, cuts or scrapes, to crushed fingers, hands and feet and even deaths. Take this course to learn about the hazards associated with materials handling and storage and proper precautions that you can take to help prevent these incidents. Ideal learners are all employees.
New Course PS5-104097 Drug and Alcohol Awareness (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Substance abuse problems in the workplace lead to accidents, low morale and an increased absentee rate. Take this course to learn the facts about commonly abused substances and any interactions they may have with other medications or drugs that a person is taking. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New Course PS5-104098 Drug and Alcohol Awareness (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Substance abuse problems in the workplace lead to accidents, low morale and an increased absentee rate. Take this course to learn the facts about commonly abused substances and any interactions they may have with other medications or drugs that a person is taking. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New Course PS5-104103 Ladder Safety Awareness (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Obviously, falling off a ladder can injure you. But did you know that falling just 1.2 meters (or 4 feet) can actually kill you? If there is ever a chance you will use a ladder at work, you need to use it safely. This course covers the types of ladders as well as guidelines for safe ladder selection, inspection, setup and use. Ideal learners include all employees who use ladders.
Major Update PS5-102799 OSHA Outreach Training Midway Progress Report (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A Fresh translation
Major Update GCP10 Ethics as the Foundation to Clinical Research QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical Catalog; Medical Device Catalog; Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library; Clinical: Medical Device Library 3 Updated course and references to include content updates and changes to ICH E6(R3) and the Declaration of Helsinki.
Major Update PS5-00133 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Overview (US) Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review


Job Aid
Major Update PS5-01378 Walking/Working Surfaces Healthcare; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog; General Industry Essentials Library; Construction Essentials Library N/A Global SME Review


Job Aid
Major Update DEV63 Brazil's Technical Regulations for Medical Devices: RDC 665/2022, 67/2009, and 23/2012 Pharmaceutical; Medical Device Pharmaceutical Catalog; Medical Device GMPs Library; Medical Device Catalog; Global Regulatory Library 4 Updated to include guidance document covering the mandatory activities needed during Filed Actions, 551/2021 throughout the training course.
Major Update PARTD11 Medicare Part D: PDP Disenrollment and Transaction Processing Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Part D Library; HealthCare Catalog 3 Annual review of course. Updated references. Incorporated changes to the enrollment/disenrollment guidance, related to requests submitted by representatives, good cause, documentation requirements for disenrollments due to disruptive behavior, and reinstatements.
Major Update PARTD05 Medicare Part D: PDP Enrollment Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Part D Library; HealthCare Catalog 14 Updated references. Edits made to language for Special Election Periods related to change in residence, dual- and other LIS-eligible individuals, individuals who gain, lose, or have a change in their dual- or LIS-eligible status, disasters, and poor performing plans. Updated language regarding legal representatives, individual acknowledgements, telephonic enrollment, and required elements to complete an enrollment request. All changes are based on the updated CMS enrollment guidance for 2025. 
Major Update PS5-102178 Fall Protection Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog; Awareness Library N/A Global SME Review, Test, Job Aid
Major Update PS5-100498 Semiconductor Fabrication Worker Safety Part 2 of 2: Semiconductor Manufacturing Process High-tech/Semiconductor; General Industry and Manufacturing High-tech/Semiconductor N/A Global SME Review


Job Aid
Major Update PS5-00637 Preventing Workplace Harassment - Managers (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review


Job Aid
Major Update MA41 Medicare Advantage: Quality Management and Utilization Management Corporate Compliance Medicare Advantage Library; HealthCare Catalog 10 Added new requirement effective 1/1/25 to conduct a health equity analysis.
Minor Update CREATE04 Course Create Overview N/A N/A 1.2 Updated to include most current interface and branding of UL Create and Ultrus. 
Minor Update PS5-103812 Competent Persons for Construction (US) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor Update DEV58 Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices in the Republic of Korea QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical Catalog; Medical Device Catalog; Global Regulatory Library 2.1 Updates include recent changes to the MFDS Regulations.
Minor Update PPACA03 Introduction to Medicaid Health Plan Compliance Trainer PPACA Library; HealthCare Catalog 5.3 Updated enrollment and spending statistics to reflect 2024 and 2025 data, including updated visual chart. Updated mandatory and optional Medicaid benefit listing. Updated the list of states that have state run vs federal exchanges, as well as the number of states that adopt certain eligibility strategies. 
Minor Update ICHreg05 Q9: Quality Risk Management QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical Catalog; Medical Device Catalog; Global Regulatory Library 2.3 Updated Risk Identification to Hazard Identification to be consistent with the latest industry thinking and align with the revised ICH Q9 Guidance. Removed dated references. Added the ICH quality risk management process.
Minor Update PS5-102018 Stacking and Storage Practices for Construction (US) Construction Safety Catalog; Construction Essentials Library N/A Test
Minor Update MAPARTD03 Parts C and D Appeals Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Part D Library; HealthCare Catalog 3.1 Updated references. Replaced Parts C and D appeal process flows with the ones in the most recent CMS guidance dated 11/18/24, which includes an update to the Amount in Controversy (AIC) in the chart and in the body of the course. Incorporated change effective 1/1/24 whereby the QIO now accepts late filings. Updated timeframe to submit an appeal based on updated CMS guidance.
Minor Update PARTD08 Medicare Part D: Medication Therapy Management and Quality Improvement Program Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Part D Library; HealthCare Catalog 12.1 Reference updated to include the effective date, and updated to include 2025 guidance. Monthly reports for Drug Therapy Management section updated to current reports. Deleted retired reports and reports that CMS no longer reports, and revised to clarify hard edits. Revisions were completed to reflect specific reporting criteria. to include other types of drugs and to include other types of drugs applicable. Also revisions were completed for positive MTMP changes section to reflect updated guidance, to update cycle window and to include CY 2024 submission deadline.
Minor Update MAPD02 MAPD: Enrollment  Corporate Compliance Medicare Part D Library; Medicare Advantage Library; HealthCare Catalog 11.1 Added eligibility requirements for special needs plans (SNPs). Also added new CMS requirements for D-SNPs effective contract years 2027 and 2030.
Minor Update MAPD02 MAPD: Enrollment  Corporate Compliance Medicare Part D Library; Medicare Advantage Library; HealthCare Catalog 11.1 Added eligibility requirements for special needs plans (SNPs). Also added new CMS requirements for D-SNPs effective contract years 2027 and 2030.
Minor Update MAPD06 MAPD: Disenrollment Corporate Compliance Medicare Part D Library; Medicare Advantage Library; HealthCare Catalog 2.4 Annual review of course. Updated references. Incorporated changes to the enrollment/disenrollment guidance, effective 1/1/25, related to requests submitted by representatives, documentation requirements for disenrollments due to disruptive behavior. Added clarifying language related to requests submitted by representatives, incomplete disenrollment requests, and eligibility.
Revision PHDV89 A Tour of Health Canada QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical Catalog; Medical Device Catalog; Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library; Clinical: Medical Device Library 4.1 Updated to correct typographical error on page 22.

Previous course updates

January 2025 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103936 Fire Protection Systems Safety Catalog General Industry and Manufacturing N/A Workplace fires can quickly endanger lives and livelihoods. Fire protection systems that are properly installed, tested and maintained can help us detect, suppress and extinguish fires so that workers may safely evacuate. Take this course to learn what fire protection systems do and how we can make sure they function as we expect them to during fire emergencies. This course is ideal for general industry workers who may choose, install, maintain or interact with fire protection systems.
New PS5-104099 Drug and Alcohol Awareness (Spanish) Safety Catalog General Industry and Manufacturing N/A Substance abuse problems in the workplace lead to accidents, low morale and an increased absentee rate. Take this course to learn the facts about commonly abused substances and any interactions they may have with other medications or drugs that a person is taking. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-104102 Hot Work Awareness (Spanish) Safety Catalog Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing N/A Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, which is cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Best practices, company policies, regulations and codes govern hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. Take course to learn about the hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.
New PS5-104162 Warehouse Safety Awareness (Spanish) Safety Catalog General Industry and Manufacturing N/A You do not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings, and correct and report unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
New PS5-104166 First Aid Awareness (Spanish) Safety Catalog Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing N/A Incidents requiring first aid can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. First aid given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course presents ways to respond to basic first aid situations until the emergency medical services (EMS) personnel arrive. Ideal learners are all employees.
Major MA38 Medicare Advantage: Claims Processing Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 8.0 Updated references. Added language regarding new requirements effective 1/1/24 related to publicly accessible criteria and that plans may not issue a denial based on internal criteria unless such criteria is approved by the Utilization Management Committee.
Major MSALES02 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Medicare Basics Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training LibraryHealthCare Catalog 14.0 Updated course to reflect Part D changes for 2025, including the changes in the standard Part D benefit and the dollar amounts associated with each phase. Also added topics that were added to the agent/broker training requirements for 2025.
Major PS5-102275 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Major PS5-102281 Lockout/Tagout/Tryout (LOTOTO) Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Title updated from ""Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Awareness"" Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Major PS5-102598 Materials Handling and Storage Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Minor EHS Library Multiple All Industries EHS for Life Sciences Catalog N/A Platform updated to UL Create. No content changes noted.
Minor ETHICS14 Global Anti-Bribery All Industries Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 1.6 Updates to include recent developments in country laws section; updated with most recent Transparency Internatinal Corruption Perception Index (CPI) results; update penalty amount information
Minor MA29 Medicare Advantage: Overview of the Medicare Program Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library 9.1 Updated 2024 statistics and cost share amounts to reflect 2025 data.
Minor MAPARTD01 Medicare Advantage (Part C) and Part D Grievances Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare Catalog Medicare Part D Library 2.2 Updated references and web links. Incorporated new language from the Parts C & D Enrollee Grievances, Organization/Coverage Determinations, and Appeals Guidance regarding when a plan must process a coverage request and dismissals
Minor MAPARTD02 Part C and Part D Coverage Decisions Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare 3.1 Incorporated new language from the Parts C & D Enrollee Grievances, Organization/Coverage Determinations, and Appeals Guidance Effective 11/18/24. Also added new requirements effective 1/1/24 regarding the role of the UM Committee in approving medical necessity criteria and its responsibility to conduct a health equity analysis.
Minor MAPD03 MAPD/PDP: Communications and Marketing Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library Medicare Part D 15.1 Added new requirements, effective 1/1/25, to provide members with a mid-year notice of unused supplemental benefits and distribution of personal beneficiary data.
Minor PS5-00287 Confined Space Hazards General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-101142 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global review by translator and update terminology to ensure consistent meaning.
Minor PS5-102276 Hot Work Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.5 Knowledge Check: Permits
Minor PS5-102708 OSHA Outreach Training Wrap-Up N/A N/A N/A 1.3.4 Reminders
Minor PS5-103736 Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103770 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Respiratory Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A "Image Ehancements 1.2.2 Introduction 1.4.1 Types of Respirators"
Minor PS5-103773 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Foot and Leg Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A "Image Ehancements 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.3 Safety Shoes 1.4.4 Electrically Conductive Shoes 1.4.7 Other Safety Shoes 1.4.9 Selecting Foot and Leg Protection 1.5.1 Wearing Foot and Leg Protection 1.6.1 Inspection 1.7.1 Summary"
Minor PS5-20000 First Aid - Module 01 - Introduction (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.1 Legal Aspects of Providing First Aid: Abandonment 1.4.3 Glove Procedures 1.5.3 Guidelines for Moving Victims 1.5.4 Guidelines for Moving Victims with Help"
Minor PS5-20001 First Aid - Module 02 - Finding Out What Is Wrong (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.2.6 Assess Victims 1.2.2 Introduction Global End Pages"
Minor PS5-20002 First Aid - Module 03 - Basic Life Support (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.4.1 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 1.5.2 Caring for a Choking Adult 1.5.4 Choking While Alone Endscreens"
Minor PS5-20003 First Aid - Module 04 - Bleeding and Wound Care (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.3 Controlling Bleeding 1.3.6 Bandaging End Pages"
Minor PS5-20004 First Aid - Module 05 - Shock and Anaphylaxis Care (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Ehnacements 1.3.2 Signs and Symptoms of Shock 1.3.5: If Shock Victims Vomit or Drool 1.4.1: Anaphylaxis"
Minor PS5-20005 First Aid - Module 06 - Burns and Electrical Shock (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.4 Third-Degree Heat Burn Treatment End screens 1.2.3 Learning Objectives"
Minor PS5-20006 First Aid - Module 07 - Serious Injuries (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.4.4 Spine Injury – Inline Stabilization and Log Roll 1.5.3 Learning Activity"
Minor PS5-20007 First Aid - Module 08 - Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.1 Bone Fractures 1.3.3 Splints and Slings 1.3.3 Splints and Slings 1.3.3 Splints and Slings"
Minor PS5-20008 First Aid - Module 09 - Sudden Illness (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Ehnacements 1.2.2 Introduction 1.5.2 Respiratory Distress – Hyperventilation 1.6.1 Seizures"
Minor PS5-20009 First Aid - Module 10 - Poisoning (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.4 Swallowed and Inhaled Poisons 1.3.5 Carbon Monoxide 1.3.8 First Aid for Poison Plants End Pages"
Minor PS5-20010 First Aid - Module 11 - Cold and Heat Emergencies (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video Performance Enhancements 1.3.1 Hypothermia Symptoms 1.3.2 Hypothermia Symptoms 1.3.5 Frostbite First Aid 1.4.3 Heat Exhaustion First Aid"
Revision ASEPTIC08 Cleanroom Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogAseptic Processing 1.1 Updated references
Revision EHS94 Self-Motivation HR Compliance & Risk Management Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HR Compliance & Risk Management Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 1.4 Updated a dates within the course
Revision FDA43 Import Operations 3: Other Activities QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.2 Updated hyperlinks
Revision PHDV103 Approach to Computerized Systems Validation and Compliance Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Medical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical GMPs LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical CatalogEmerging Business - Medical Device Library 3.3 Translations added for Eurpean Spanish and German. No content changes
Retire LAV02 Affirmative Action in the Workplace (For Employers) N/A N/A N/A This course is being retired due to changes and uncertainty regarding federal regulations surrounding DEI and Affirmative Actions regualtions. There is no replacement for this course.
Retire LAV05 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace N/A N/A N/A This course is being retired due to changes and uncertainty regarding federal regulations surrounding DEI and Affirmative Actions regualtions. There is no replacement for this course.
Retire PS5-00612 Hot Work (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-100552
Retire PS5-102268 Hot Work (US) (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103628
December 2024 updates

December 2024 updates

Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103643 Fall Protection Strategies and Techniques General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "This course replaces retired title PS5-00556 Fall Protection Each year, many workers are hurt or killed by falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. This training will present common fall hazards, explain the need for fall protection, cover the systems and procedures designed to prevent falls from elevated work locations, and discuss inspection and storage procedures as well as fall rescue plans. Ideal learners include all workers."
Major PS5-100555 Lab Safety General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101628 OSHA Outreach Training Orientation N/A N/A N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-102453 First Aid Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102707 OSHA Outreach Training Midway Progress Report N/A N/A N/A Global SME Review and Update
Minor CREATE01_LSC How to Edit in CREATE Course Create Users on Compliance Wire Course Create Training Library 1.1 Updated Course Create trademark throughout course.
Minor CREATE02_LSC How to Build a Course Create Course Course Create Users on Compliance Wire Course Create Training Library 1.1 Updated Course Create trademark throughout course.
Minor CREATE04_LSC Course Create Overview Course Create Users on Compliance Wire Course Create Training Library 1.2 Updated Course Create trademark throughout course.
Minor DEV64_LSC Canadian Medical Device Regulations "Industry Medical Device" "Global Regulatory Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs " 1.3 Updated the date of the last amendment to the CMDR, added points to describe the removal of CV-19 lanquage.
Minor MDSM02 Reporting Adverse Events for Medical Devices " Medical Device" Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library, Medical Device Catalog 3.2 Added section for Voluntary Medical Device Malfunction Summary Reporting Program.
Minor Multiple EHS for Life Sciences Batch #1 EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library N/A Courses converted to Course Create platform. No content changes have occurred.
Minor PHA72 Risk Management in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog 2.2 Updated Risk Identification to Hazard Identification to be consistent with the latest industry and updated references.
Minor PPACA04 Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act "Health Plan Compliance Trainer HR Compliance & Risk Management" "PPACA Library HealthCare Catalog" 1.2 Updates include the definition of sex discrimation, inclusion of Medicare Part B funds as funds that qualify as federal financial assistance, required policies and procedures, training requirements, and the Notice of Nondiscrimination.
Minor PS5-102425 Warehouse Safety Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103943 Static Electricity General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials N/A "Global SME Review and Update Test Job Aid"
Revision ASEPTIC05 RABs for Aseptic Processing Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogAseptic Processing Library 1.1 Graphic update only. No content Changes.
Revision GCP11_LSC Overview of the Clinical Research Process Pharmaceutical Medical Device Clinical: Medical Device Library Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog 4.1 Updated expired link.
Revision GCP15 Drug Safety & Adverse Event Reporting Pharmaceutical Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog 6.2 Updated expired link.
Revision LAV15_LSC Code of Business Conduct Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog HR Compliance & Risk Management Library Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library 1.4 Updated Course Description
Revision LAV21 Harassment in the Workplace All Industries HR Compliance & Risk Management LibraryEthics & Corporate Responsibility LibraryEmerging Business - Medical Device LibraryEmerging Business - Pharmaceutical LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 2.0 Addressed typographical error.
Revision MDSM03_LSC Massachusetts Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct Regulation (Mass. Code) and Similar State-Level Requirements Corporate Compliance "Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library Medical Device Catalog" 3.2 Updated language to modernize the course. No regulatory content changed.
Revision PCV02_A Pharmacovigilance: Global Requirements -- Regulations and Guidances "Pharmaceutical Medical Device" Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 Removed obsolete link on page 32.
Revision PHA37 Principles of Cleaning Validation Pharmaceutical Medical Device Pharmaceutical Medical Device 4.3 Modified language around when FDA provided warning letters in Chapter 1.
Revision PHA54 Collecting Samples and Establishing Limits for Cleaning Validation QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Clarified answer in Chapter 3 learning assessment.
Revision PHA74 Principles of Good Documentation QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 1.3 Translated to European Spanish
Retire PS5-00556 Fall Protection N/A N/A N/A Course Replaced by PS5-103643
Retire PS5-103416 Safe Return to Work for Construction N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-103424 Safe Return to the Workspace: Preparing Yourself N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-103425 Safe Return to the Workspace: Preparing Your Workspace N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-103426 Safe Return to the Workspace: Sharing Workspaces N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-103427 Safe Workspaces: Telecommuting N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-103507 Safe Return to Work for Construction (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
Retire PS5-30125 Safe Return to the Workspace, Parts 1-4 N/A N/A N/A The content is no longer relevant
November 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New CPC07 Introduction to Toxicology Cosmetic Manufacturing " Cosmetic Manufacturing Library" 1.0 This course explores what toxicology is and how it plays a role in the safety assessment for personal care products. This course also describes the steps of a risk assessment and some of the elements of each step.
New CPC08 FDA-Regulated Product Labeling for Cosmetic Manufacturers Cosmetic Manufacturing " Cosmetic Manufacturing Library" 1.0 This course addresses label and labeling regulations and requirements for FDA-regulated products. This course contains information on the labeling requirements for food, drugs, and other FDA-regulated products, and discusses how FDA regulates labels and labeling in both premarket and postmarket stages.
Major MSALES05 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Marketing Communication and Compensation Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 12.0 Updated course to reflect final rule and 2025 agent/broker training and testing requirements related to limitation on agent/broker contract terms, distribution of personal beneficiary data, and the CMS list of items to review during a sale, and appropriate actions during educational events.
Major PS5-00262 Applying Electrical Standards (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update Test Job Aid"
Minor ASEPTIC03_LSC Principles of Restricted Access Barrier Systems and Isolators Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogAseptic Processing Library 1.2 Updated references and related content
Minor Cwire-sys01 Welcome to ComplianceWire N/A N/A 5.5 Updated images to match ULTRUS, and updated the home page section of the course to show site. updates,
Minor MDSM05 Introduction to Medical Device Healthcare Compliance Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library Medical Device Catalog 3.3 The OIG issued a guidance document to support healthcare entities, including medical device companies’ compliance efforts. The document is linked in the course edits. Additionally, several of the penalties for Sunshine Act violations have increased.
Minor MSALES03 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan: Broker and Agent Training — MA-PD, PDP, and Cost Plan Enrollment and Disenrollment Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training LibraryHealthCare Catalog 10.1 Added requirements from the 2025 agent/broker training and testing guidelines related to monthly dual/LIS SEP for Part D and Integrated Care SEP for full benefit dual eligibles.
Minor PHSM04 Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products -- In House Corporate Compliance Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing Library Pharmaceutical Catalog 2.2 Clarifying the types of items that can be given to healthcare professionals in chapter 5.
Minor PS5-102502 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (French) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A "1.5.5 Vérification des connaissances : Quel a été le problème? 1.8.4 Vérification des connaissances : Quel a été le problème? 1.9.6 Vérification des connaissances : Entretien des EPI 1.9.7 Vérification des connaissances : Entretien des EPI Test Q4"
Minor PS5-103371 First Aid - Mental Wellness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Remove 1.5.3 Knowledge Check: Workplace Health Programs
Minor PS5-103493 Lone Worker: Concerns Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing N/A "1.3.1 What Is Lone Work? 1.3.2 Working Alone and in Isolation 1.3.3 Examples of Lone Work 1.3.4 Lone Work Is NOT Always Appropriate 1.4.2 Working Alone 1.4.4 Risks Associated with Isolation (continued) 1.4.5 Knowledge Check: Health and Safety Risks Test Q5"
Minor PS5-104000 Laser Safety: Operators General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Job aid and downloadable transcript added to Resources section Closed Captioning added"
Revision ASEPTIC04_LSC Isolators for Aseptic Processing Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Aseptic Processing Library 1.1 Update references but no content updates
Revision DEV60 An Introduction to ISO 9001:2015 _ The Quality Management System Requirements QA/GMP Trainer Cosmetic Manufacturing Library 1.2 New data table to replace current graph data on page 8
Revision DEV61_LSC A Guide to ISO 9001:2015 _ Quality Management Systems Requirements QA/GMP Trainer Medical Device CatalogFDA Inspections and Enforcement LibraryMedical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 2.1 Updated stastics to 2022 survey for ISO 9001:2015
Revision ETHICS25 Work Secure: Security Measures for Employees All Industries Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library HR Compliance & Risk Management Library HealthCare Catalog Medical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 1.1 Updated References and clarified language
Revision GCP06_LSC Overview of the Preparation Requirements for the ICH Common Technical Document QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Pharmaceutical LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 1.4 Corrected typo for the definition for Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) and a grammar correction
Revision ICHreg04_LSC Validation of Analytical Laboratory Procedures QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog 2.1 Updated regulatory references and fixed spelling error on page 44
Revision PHA77_LSC European Union Good Distribution Practices for Medicinal Products Pharmaceutical Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs Library 2.1 Updated CFR references
Revision PHA82 cGMP Refresher: Pharmaceutical Quality System and Quality Culture GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical CatalogPharmaceutical GMPs Library 1.1 Leveled audio levels through out course.
Revision PHSM09_LSC Introduction to Pharmaceutical Compliance Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Added a paragraph in the OIG section to explain the new simplified guidance document OIG published in November of 2023.
Revision PHSM11_LSC Physician Payment Sunshine Act Pharmaceutical Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog 4.1 Removed incorrect examples of applicable manufacturers and fixed a misspelled word
Retire PS5-00105 Hexavalent Chromium (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-101016.
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October 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New CPC00 Overview of the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA) Cosmetics Cosmetic Manufacturing 1.0 This course describes changes in FDA regulations for the cosmetics industry as a result of the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA). MoCRA gives FDA new authority under The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act) to enforce significant new requirements for the cosmetics industry. Topics in this course include: Definitions, Registration and Listing, Adverse Events, Safety Substantiation and GMPs, Labeling, Enforcement, Additional Changes, and Getting Ready.
New CPC06 Resolving Out-of-Specification Test Results for Cosmetics Manufacturing 0 0 1.0 Obtaining an out-of-specification (OOS) test result can be unsettling, and it is important to know how to handle batch or product samples that indicate OOS chemistry, microbiological, or physical test results during cosmetics manufacturing. This course will provide the information to respond accordingly when an OOS result is encountered.
New PS5-104059 Powered Industrial Truck Train-the-Trainer General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Do you need to train others on the safe operation of powered industrial trucks? Take this train-the-trainer course to learn about the minimum requirements for effective powered industrial truck operator certification programs. Ideal learners are supervisors and/or staff-level employees who perform or will be performing powered industrial truck training for employees as well as individuals who are involved with training programs.
New PS5-103848 Vinyl Chloride Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A If you have ever handled PVC pipes, vinyl upholstery, packaging or wire coatings, it is likely that you have been exposed to vinyl chloride. Take this course to learn about what vinyl chloride is, its hazards and how to control exposures to it. This course is ideal for general industry workers, especially those involved in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics and furniture. It is also suitable for workers who may transport vinyl chloride, especially in bulk.
New 360i_Co_Cb01_Eng_Sim Caught-In and Caught-Between Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE WORKER ACCOUNTABILITY with this interactive simulation teaching Caught-In and Caught-Between Awareness training, offering a virtual experience set in a construction jobsite environment. Participants engage in simulations observing workers in scenarios with various caught-in and caught-between hazards. This interactive approach emphasizes hazard awareness and the adoption of safe work practices, fostering a deep understanding of safety's critical role in high-risk settings. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Lddr_Eng_Sim Choose the Right Ladder Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BOOST ENGAGEMENT LEVELS with this interactive simulation teaching hot to Choose the Right Ladder while at work and home. This module educates employees on safe ladder practices emphasizing the importance of selecting the appropriate ladder for the task, proper setup procedures for both A-frame and extension ladders, and essential safety protocols. The training highlights the critical aspects of ladder safety, including correct ladder selection based on job requirements, proper placement techniques, and hazard prevention on the job. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Pr01_Eng_Sim Confined Space and PRCS Part 1 - Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. REDUCE HUMAN ERROR with this interactive simulation teaching Confined Space and PRCS Awareness. Learners are able to step into the role of an individual preparing to enter a Permit Required Confined Space (PRCS). It guides them through essential steps such as pre-entry inspections, examining entry permits, identifying potential hazards, and learning the correct responses to these risks. This hands-on method underlines the vital importance of following strict safety protocols in confined spaces. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Pr02_Eng_Sim Confined Space and PRCS Part 2 - The Types and Rescue Requirements Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. REDUCE LANGUAGE BARRIERS with this interactive simulation teaching Confined Space and PRCS - The Types and Rescue Requirements where participants step into the role of an attendant. The simulation involves performing pre-entry checks, reviewing entry permits, communicating with entrants, assessing the safety of their entry into the space, responding to hazards, and making informed decisions about approving or suspending entry permits. It also includes detailed procedures for conducting external rescues from a Permit Required Confined Space (PRCS). This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Ee01_Eng_Sim Earthmoving Equipment Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BRIDGE THE SKILLS GAP with this interactive simulation teaching Earthmoving Equipment safety. The primary aim of the simulation is to identify and understand common hazards associated with different types of earthmoving equipment. This practical approach is intended to strengthen learners' awareness of potential risks and the critical importance of following safety protocols on the job. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Ea01_Eng_Sim Electrical GFCI and AEGCP Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE RETENTION RATES with this interactive simulation teaching Electrical GFCI and AEGCP Awareness training focusing on electrical safety in the workplace. In this module, learners are placed in a virtual construction environment where they encounter various electrical hazards. The aim of this simulation is to enhance their understanding of these hazards and the importance of adhering to electrical safety protocols. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Bs01_Eng_Sim Electrical Hazards - Part 1 - Burns, Electrocution, and Shock Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. REDUCE RISK ON THE JOB with this interactive simulation teaching about Burns, Electrocution, and Shock. Set in a virtual warehouse environment, learners are tasked with identifying potential hazards that could lead to injuries or much worse. This practical exercise is aimed at increasing awareness of these risks and promoting a proactive approach to electrical safety. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Bs02_Eng_Sim Electrical Hazards: Arc Flash,Blast, Fire, and Explosion Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENHANCE SAFETY AND SECURITY with this interactive simulation teaching about Arc Flash/Blast, Fire, and Explosion. In this module, learners are placed in a variety of virtual workplace scenarios, tasked with identifying and responding to potential electrical hazards. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Ea02_Eng_Sim Electrocution Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE WORKER ACCOUNTABILITY with this interactive simulation teaching Electrocution Awareness training. This simulation centers on electrical hazards commonly encountered at work, teaching participants how to identify risks such as overhead power lines and damaged electrical equipment. Learners navigate a virtual construction site, actively searching for potential electrocution hazards. This practical approach not only enhances their awareness of these dangers but also promotes the adoption of proactive safety measures in the workplace. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Ep01_Eng_Sim Emergency Action Plan Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. FOSTER CONFIDENCE ON THE JOB with this interactive simulation teaching about the importance of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). Through the simulation, learners engage with a virtual construction site, responding to common emergencies. The aim of this training is to equip employees with the knowledge and skills to confidently react to workplace emergencies, underscoring the vital role of a comprehensive EAP in maintaining employee safety in emergency situations. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site.blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards.."
New 360i_Gi_Ee01_Eng_Sim Emergency Planning - Exits and Egress General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. RESPOND EFFECTIVELY DURING AN EMERGENCY with this interactive simulation that covers Emergency Planning: Exits and Egress. Through this simulation, learners are placed in a virtual emergency scenario, which emphasizes the practical application of exit planning and strategies. The training is designed to ensure that workers are capable of effectively navigating and understanding emergency exits, with a focus on prioritizing safety during a crises. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Fp01_Eng_Sim Fall Protection Systems - Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. COMBAT COMPLACENCY with this interactive simulation teaching Fall Protection Systems Awareness training. Learners will prioritize safety by mastering the proper use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems through this interactive simulation, covering fall protection systems awareness around the workplace and jobsite, making it ideal for onboarding and refresher training. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Fe01_Eng_Sim Fire Extinguisher Inspection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENGAGE YOUR WORKFORCE with this interactive simulation about Fire Extinguisher Inspection training. In this simulation, learners go through an in-depth, sequential process of inspecting a standard fire extinguisher and its components. This hands-on exercise allows trainees to put their learned knowledge into practice in a realistic scenario, thereby improving their proficiency in fire safety procedures. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Fe01_Eng_Sim Fire Extinguisher Use Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BUILD PRACTICAL PROFICIENCY with this interactive simulation teaching Fire Extinguisher Use training. Learners will understand how to correctly use fire extinguishers in emergency situations. In the simulation, learners are presented with various fire emergency scenarios, each differing in intensity. They must assess each situation to determine the best course of action depending on their judgment of the fire’s severity and associated risks. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Fa01_Eng_Sim Fire Prevention Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. PROMOTE PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY with this interactive simulation that focuses on strategies for Fire Prevention in the workplace. During the simulation, learners engage in a thorough scene assessment. This hands-on training method allows learners to effectively apply their knowledge to enhance their practical skills in fire prevention and hazard identification. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Fa02_Eng_Sim Fire Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. IMPROVE DECISION MAKING SKILLS with this interactive simulation focused on Fire Protection skill development. In this simulation, learners encounter various fire scenarios that require them to make pivotal decisions about using fire extinguishers or evacuating the area. The training underscores the importance of evaluating the safety of attempting to extinguish a fire versus the necessity of evacuation. Furthermore, it includes training on the P.A.S.S. technique for using fire extinguishers. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Fl04_Eng_Sim Forklift Pre-Operation - Key Off Inspection General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENHANCE WORKER SAFETY with this interactive simulation teaching Forklift Pre-Operation: Key Off Inspection geared towards forklift operators. It teaches general checks applicable to all forklift types, including examining tires, lights, and other components. The training also covers specific inspections for electric, internal combustion, and propane forklifts, focusing on elements like batteries and fuel systems. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Fl05_Eng_Sim Forklift Pre-Operation - Key On Inspection General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENHANCE WORKPLACE SAFETY with this interactive simulation teaching Forklift Pre-Operation: Key On Inspection training. Trainees learn the importance and regularity of these inspections to ensure safety. The simulation guides them through identifying and reporting any issues, marking equipment as ""out of service,"" and refraining from operation until repairs are completed. This hands-on approach equips operators with the skills needed for thorough key on inspections, contributing to a safer work environment. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Hc01_Eng_Sim Hazard Communication General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BRIDGE LANGUAGE GAPS with this interactive simulation teaching Hazard Communication training offers an immersive experience into global safety standards for handling hazardous chemicals. Participants engage with chemical labels, learn to understand the sections of Safety Data Sheets, and handle a simulated chemical spill scenario. This training equips learners with the skills to comprehend and apply hazard communication principles effectively, promoting safer chemical handling in the workplace. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Li01_Eng_Sim Ladder Inspection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE DECISION MAKING SKILLS with this interactive simulation focused on Ladder Inspection training. Participants practice inspecting various ladder types and identifying potential safety risks. This practical approach enhances their understanding and highlights the importance of thorough ladder inspections for safety. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Lu01_Eng_Sim Ladder Use Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. DEVELOP SELF-AWARENESS SKILLS with this interactive simulation about proper Ladder Use. This training involves learners in identifying potential safety hazards related to ladder usage and setup in a virtual warehouse environment. This practical method effectively reinforces safe ladder use principles, equipping learners with essential safety skills applicable in real-world scenarios. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Lt01_Eng_Sim Lockout-Tagout (LOTO) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. REDUCE RISK with this interactive simulation teaching Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) training. Learners apply their knowledge in the simulation by identifying different energy sources and selecting the appropriate lockout device for securing these sources before maintenance. This practical exercise enhances understanding and application of safe LOTO procedures. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Mg01_Eng_Sim Machine Guarding Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. DEVELOP VISUAL LITERACY SKILLS with this interactive simulation teaching about Machine Guarding hazards. Participants conduct inspections of different machinery types in a virtual workplace, identifying any insufficient or absent machine guards and suggesting corrective actions to enhance safety. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Hc01_Eng_Sim Occupational Noise - Hearing Conservation Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. REDUCE HEARING LOSS with this interactive simulation focused on Occupational Noise: Hearing Conservation. Learners interact with a sound meter to measure noise levels in different areas and assess the potential impact on hearing. Learners begin to make informed decisions about appropriate hearing protection measures, ensuring their safety and well-being in realistic work environments. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Fp02_Eng_Sim Personal Fall Arrest System - Donning The Harness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. GAIN PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE with this interactive simulation teaching Personal Fall Arrest System: Donning The Harness. The training focuses on the correct methods of wearing and adjusting a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). In the simulation, learners are placed in the role of assisting a colleague in correctly donning a harness, with particular attention given to the tightening and securing of all straps and buckles. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Fp03_Eng_Sim Personal Fall Arrest System - Inspection Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. LEARN THROUGH PRACTICE with this interactive simulation teaching about Personal Fall Arrest System: Inspection. Learners understand the significance of inspecting a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) harness. In this simulation, participants are tasked with identifying various components of the harness and examining it for common defects before use. This practical, hands-on approach is designed to underscore the importance of thorough inspections to maintain safety. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Pa01_Eng_Sim PPE - Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BUILD PRACTICAL PROFICIENCY with this interactive simulation teaching about PPE Awareness. The simulation provides an opportunity for learners to evaluate and select the appropriate PPE within a workshop environment. By the end of the course, participants will have gained knowledge on how to effectively select, use, and maintain PPE, contributing to a safer work environment. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Pp01_Eng_Sim PPE - Body, Hands, Feet General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. RAISE EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT with this interactive simulation about PPE for Body, Hands, and Feet. It covers body protection including coveralls and vests, hand protection such as various gloves, and foot protection like safety shoes. The simulation highlights the importance of choosing the right PPE based on specific job hazards, addressing risks like thermal and chemical burns, vibration hazards, and extreme temperatures. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Gi_Pp02_Eng_Sim PPE - Eyes, Face, Head General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. FILL TRAINING GAPS with this interactive simulation about PPE for Eyes, Face, and Head. The simulation helps learners understand the importance of PPE in various equipment operation scenarios. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_He01_Eng_Sim PPE - Hazardous Environments Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENCOURAGE TEAM PREPAREDNESS with this interactive simulation teaching about PPE Hazardous Environments. It covers key topics such as conducting a detailed hazard assessment, understanding Protection Levels A-D, recognizing environments that are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH), and identifying potential exposure routes. This training is essential in ensuring that employees are well-informed and capable of effectively responding to risks in hazardous chemical settings. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Dual_Rp01_Eng_Sim PPE - Respiratory Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. ENHACE WORKER SAFETY with this interactive simulation teaching about PPE Respiratory Protection. Key aspects of this module include identifying airborne hazards, understanding the Respiratory Protection Program, performing medical fit testing, and learning about different types of respirators. This training is vital in ensuring that employees are knowledgeable and proficient in using respiratory protection in environments with air quality concerns. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360_Co_CoSO_Eng_Sim Safety Overview - Construction Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE CONFIDENCE ON THE JOB by experiencing this interactive simulation titled: Safety Overview: Construction. This module facilitates a hands-on exploration of safety principles, addressing various hazards found in construction settings. Participants navigate a virtual construction site, actively identifying and understanding common risks that may lead to injuries or accidents. This immersive simulation enhances visual awareness and emphasizes the importance of hazard recognition and proactive safety measures. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360_Gi_GISO_Eng_Sim Safety Overview - General Industry General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. GO BEYOND COMPLIANCE with this interactive simulation titled Safety Overview: General Industry. It features a ""Visual Literacy for Hazard Recognition"" segment within a virtual warehouse scenario, enhancing learners' skills in spotting hazards. The simulation trains participants to proficiently recognize and mitigate hazards, emphasizing the importance of a safe work environment. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Sa01_Eng_Sim Scaffolding Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. BREAK THE COMPLACENCY CYCLE with this interactive simulation teaching about Scaffolding Awareness. Participants explore a live construction site, identifying typical scaffolding hazards. They apply scaffold safety principles to make well-informed decisions, thereby improving their ability to work safely in environments with scaffolding. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Ff01_Eng_Sim Struck-By Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. INCREASE SPACIAL AWARENESS with this interactive simulation teaching Struck-By Awareness training focusing on essential workplace safety. This experience educates workers about recognizing hazards like flying objects, falling debris, and moving equipment. It emphasizes situational awareness to predict and reduce risks. Participants learn the importance of self-awareness and alertness in their environment, monitoring coworker locations, tools, and heavy machinery operation. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360i_Co_Ta01_Eng_Sim Trenching Awareness Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. IMPROVE DECISION MAKING SKILLS with this Trenching Awareness interactive simulation. Learners are given the task of inspecting a newly constructed trench to identify potential hazards that could lead to a collapse. They apply their understanding of trench safety practices to assess the conditions and make informed decisions, contributing to a safer working environment in trenching and excavation areas. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360_CB_WWSf_Eng_Sim Walking Working Surfaces General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. EMPOWER YOUR WORKFORCE with this Walking Working Surfaces interactive simulation that teaches about the importance of maintaining safe work environments. It explores common hazards such as slippery floors and cluttered areas, and underscores the importance of prompt hazard recognition. In this simulation, learners engage in identifying potential dangers in a virtual workplace setting. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360_Co_Wd02_Eng_Sim Welding and Hot Work -c Construction Virtual Safety Simulations, Construction Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. IMPROVE JOBSITE AWARENESS with this Welding and Hot Work interactive simulation. It offers learners the opportunity to identify and rectify common hazardous welding operations on a construction site. This simulation acts as a practical tool to reinforce knowledge and skills, focusing on the implementation of safe practices in various welding and hot work scenarios. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
New 360_Gi_Wd02_Eng_Sim Welding and Hot Work -g General Industry and Manufacturing Virtual Safety Simulations, General Industry Library;Virtual Safety Simulations, Full Catalog N/A "Our Virtual Safety Simulations are available for purchase and use with a UL Learning Management System (LMS) or a UL customer's third-party, enterprise LMS. They are not available through the OnDemand Ecommerce site. IMPROVE WORKPLACE AWARENESS with this Welding and Hot Work interactive simulation. The training allows learners to enhance their practical skills in identifying and mitigating welding and hot work hazards in a warehouse environment. This interactive simulation mirrors workplace challenges, blending physical and psychological factors, and meets OSHA's 1910 and 1926 standards."
Major MDSAP_Australia Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) MDSAP Specific QA/GMP Trainer MDSAP Library Medical Device Catalog 3.0 Updated Chapter 1-Task 5 and Task 8 to clarify updated Australian requirements MDSAP-AU-P0002.009-Audit-Approach
Major PS5-102276 Hot Work Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00217 Introduction to OSHA (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.1 OSHA's Mission 1.3.2 OSHA's Coverage 1.3.3 State Plans 1.3.4 What Does OSHA Do? 1.4.5 General Duty Clause 1.4.6 Learning Activity: Who Is Covered? 1.5.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements 1.5.5 Employer Responsibilities – Provide and Pay for PPE 1.6.4 Right to Be Free from Retaliation for Exercising Safety and Health Right 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities 1.8.3 Learning Activity: Inspection Priorities 2 1.8.14 Learning Activity: Inspection Phases 1.9.6 Learning Activity: Violations 1.10.2 OSHA Resources 1.10.3 NIOSH 1.10.5 Other Resources"
Major PS5-00604 Preventing Workplace Harassment - Employees (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Major PS5-102388 Ladder Safety Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Major PS5-100332 Semiconductor Fabrication Worker Safety Part 1 of 2: Facility and Process Overview High-tech/Semiconductor;General Industry and Manufacturing High-tech/Semiconductor N/A "Global SME Review Title Updated All Slides Updated Test, Job Aid"
Minor LAV14 Antitrust Law and Competitor Relationships Corporate Compliance HR Compliance & Risk Management Library HealthCare Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog 1.8 Includes updated thresholds for the Clayton Act and DoJ/FTC merger guidelines.
Minor DEV63 Brazil's Technical Regulations for Medical Devices: RDC 16/2013, 67/2009, and 23/2012 0 0 3.1 Includes new Normative Instruction (IN) 290/2024 for streamlining evaluation processes for Med Devices approved by foreigh authorities.
Minor DEV66 Overview of UKCA, UKNI, and CE Marking for Medical Devices Medical Device Medical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryMedical Device - Sales & Marketing LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library 1.1 Updated to include clarification on UK MDR2002, EU MDD, EU IVDD devices and markings
Minor PS5-102708 OSHA Outreach Training Wrap-Up N/A N/A N/A "Global SME Review 1.3.2 Final Exam 1.3.4 Reminders"
Minor PS5-103023 Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.7 Step 6: Make Stored/Residual Energy Safe
Minor PS5-00251 Combustible Dust General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "1.5.7 Learning Activity: What Did You See? 1.5.8 Learning Activity: What Did You See? (continued) 1.6.3 Learning Activity: Pharmaceutical Facility Fire Recommendations 1.6.4 Learning Activity: Pharmaceutical Facility Fire Recommendations (continued)"
Revision DATA02                    Auditing of Computer System Validation to Ensure Data Integrity QA AuditorQA/GMP Trainer Data Integrity Library Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 3.0 Updated German Language version of the course.
Revision PHSM05 Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products: Field Facing Corporate Compliance Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing Library Pharmaceutical 3.2 Updated term "gift" to "item" for clarity with current practices.
Retire PS5-102241 Confined Space Hazards (US) (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103979 and PS5-103990
Retire PS5-101048 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101042 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101041 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101045 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101044 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101047 Environmental Responsibility Part 1 (US) - Environmental and Waste Management (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101058 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101052 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101053 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101054 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101055 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101057 Environmental Responsibility Part 2 (US) - Air, Tanks, Oil and Waste (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101079 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101073 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101074 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101075 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101076 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101078 Environmental Responsibility Part 3 (US) - Storage, Handling and Response (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30041 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30032 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30043 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30033 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30042 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-30046 Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-102759 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Canadian French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101509 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101505 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-103630 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101506 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-103631 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101508 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-102758 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Canadian French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101228 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101222 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101223 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (French) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101224 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (German) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101225 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
Retire PS5-101227 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A Low usage
September 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BRIEF01 ICH E6 Guideline for Good Clinical Practice — Transition from E6(R2) to E6(R3) N/A N/A 1.0 This course focuses on the transition and differences between R2 and R3 of the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) E6 Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. Topics in this course include: Transition and Impacts. After completing this course, learners will be aware of the differences between E6(R2) and E6(R3) as well as ways this transition affects organizations conducting clinical trials.
New BRIEF02                    21 CFR Part 820 --- Harmonization with ISO 13485:2016 N/A N/A 1.0 This course covers the key changes to 21 CFR Part 820, the Quality System Regulation (QSR), in order to synchronize the regulation with ISO 13485:2016, Medical Device Quality Management Systems — Requirements for Regulatory Purposes. Topics in this course include: Key Changes and Impacts. After completing this course, learners will be aware of the key changes to 21 CFR Part 820 to harmonize the regulation with ISO 13485:2016 and the ways that harmonization will impact medical device manufacturers.
New CPC02 Maintenance and Cleaning of Cosmetic Manufacturing Equipment Cometic Manufacturing Cometic Manufacturing 1.0 Properly designed, constructed, cleaned, and maintained equipment is the core of the process control necessary to consistently manufacture quality cosmetic products. This course discusses Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines for ensuring the safety, quality, and purity of cosmetic products.
New CPC03 Quality Agreements and Vendor Certification for Cosmetic Manufacturers Cometic Manufacturing Cometic Manufacturing 1.0 This course discusses the process of vendor certification for cosmetic manufacturers. This process is a means of ensuring that a cosmetic manufacturing company is receiving the best possible materials, products, and services from its vendors or suppliers.
New CPC04 Introduction to Cosmetic Microbiology Cometic Manufacturing Cometic Manufacturing 1.0 This course explores the importance of regulating personal care products and ensuring that they are not contaminated with certain microorganisms.
New CPC05 Failure Investigations for Cosmetic Manufacturers — Corrective and Preventive Actions Cometic Manufacturing Cometic Manufacturing 1.0 Conducting a failure investigation in a cosmetic environment is a complex process. If the root cause of a failure is not properly identified, there may be additional failures or missed opportunities for improvement of product quality. An effective system for conducting failure investigations can provide a means for preventing recurrences. For these reasons, it is important for those in a cosmetic manufacturing environment to know the characteristics of a good failure investigation.
New PS5-103943 Static Electricity General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials; N/A Static electricity is a natural, but potentially dangerous, by-product of common industrial processes. By understanding what it is, when to expect it and how to control it, you can help to prevent damage, fires and even explosions. Take this course to learn about static electricity, its causes, its potential consequences and what you can do to avoid it. This course is ideal for all employees who need information about static electricity and electrostatic discharge, or ESD.
New PS5-104054 Safety and You for Supervisors (Spanish) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Catalog N/A As a supervisor, your actions directly impact the employees you supervise. How you handle yourself, what you say and even what you do not say can influence the choices employees make. What motivates their choices? Are there ways that you can influence them to act safely? We will examine several safety management approaches to help you build an enhanced environment for safety. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.
Major GHC04 Fraud and Abuse Awareness Health Plan Compliance Trainer Healthcare: General LibraryHealthCare Catalog 6.0 Added high-level information about the following laws: FCA, Criminal Healthcare Fraud Statute, AKS, Stark, CMPL, Exclusion Statute, HIPAA (as it relates to enforcements)
Major MSALES06 Medicare Plan Broker and Agent Training Exam Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training LibraryHealthCare Catalog 6.0 Edited the test to align the questions with those of the individual MSALES courses
Major PS5-00291 Industrial Ergonomics Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Minor AsepticXX Aseptic Processing Library N/A N/A N/A All courses in tis library were converted to the Create format. No Content changes were made to these courses.
Minor DEV53 Medical Device Filings: 510(k), PMA, De Novo, and IDE QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryEmerging Business - Medical Device Library 3.1 Clarified exemtion of some Class II devices from 510(k) premarket submission & added voluntary eStar submissions use for PMA applications
Minor DEV62 Introduction to the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) QA/GMP Trainer Medical Device CatalogEmerging Business - Medical Device LibraryMDSAP LibraryMedical Device GMPs Library 1.4 Added new affiliate members (Federal Commission for Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) of Mexico and TFDA – Taiwan Food and Drug Administration) and minor formatting.
Minor PS5-102500 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Chinese) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A 1.8.1 PPE 适合性
Revision BIMO06 BIMO: In Vivo Bioequivalence Program Part I Clinical Quality Manager Medical Device CatalogPharmaceutical CatalogFDA BIMO Course Library 2.4 A guidance title was adjusted to match 2014 language and an Orange Book reference improved.
Revision DEV48 Introduction to the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP QA/GMP Trainer Medical Device CatalogEmerging Business - Medical Device LibraryMDSAP LibraryMedical Device GMPs Library 6.1 Only the Chinese Language course was updated based on Client feedback – Chapter 4 question 4.
Revision EHS112                    DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Highway) EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 Updated typographical error
Revision FDA38 Basics of Inspections: Beginning an Inspection Food Safety Manager FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog 1.4 Italicized bacteria’s genus name and added a multi species abbreviation.
Revision LAV24 Sexual Harassment Awareness for California Employees Corporate Compliance HR Compliance & Risk Management LibraryEthics & Corporate Responsibility LibraryHealthCare CatalogPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog 1.3 Corrected redundency and avoided binary language.
Revision MA28 Medicare Advantage: Member Services Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library 9.4 Changed MAO to MAPD where necessary to add clarity
Revision PHDV79 A Step-by-Step Approach to Process Validation QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library 3.1 Update references to include full title and removes dates. Make minor grammatical changes.
Revision PHSM06                    Interactions with Healthcare Professionals - In-House Corporate Compliance "Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing Library Pharmaceutical Catalog" 3.2 Updates were made to Colorado to adjust the gift ban limit for inflation. For Connecticut, clarified the due date of June 2024 for state reporting of 2023 activity. For New Jersey, Fair Market Values for meals were updated for 2024.
Retire PS5-102014 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102206 and PS5-102208
Retire PS5-102261 Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-104002
Retire PS5-102262 Safety and You for Construction: Supervisor Role N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-104002
Retire PS5-102515 Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-104054
Retire PS5-102517 Safety and You for Construction: Supervisor Role (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-104054
August 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-12134 Advanced Safety Orientation for General Industry (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.2) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A The Advanced Safety Orientation for General Industry program is a series of safety courses that target hazards and precautions common to manufacturing operations and other industrial settings. Employers and employees alike will benefit greatly from information provided in this program. This training is ideal for newly hired employees because it quickly helps increase foundational hazard identification skills.
New BDL-12143 Large Lithium-Ion Batteries, Parts 1-6 (US) (IACET=0.2) General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Lithium-ion batteries provide power to devices that we use every day, from smartphones and computers to electric vehicles and energy storage systems. However, improper handling, transportation and disposal of these batteries can pose serious safety risks including fires and explosions. Take the courses in this suite to learn about the importance of safely using, handling, transporting, storing and disposing of lithium-ion batteries so that you can mitigate potential hazards to people, property and the environment. In addition, this suite will cover emergency response protocols in the event of a battery-related incident. The courses in this suite are ideal for battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New BDL-12150 Reasonable Suspicion Training (US) Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.3) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Substance abuse affects every worker directly or indirectly. When it impacts the workplace, productivity and profits suffer and drivers under the influence of a substance put people’s lives in danger. Take this suite to learn about drug and alcohol policies in the workplace as well as the process for identifying potential drug and alcohol users including what to look for, how and when to conduct testing, and how to follow up once results are available. This suite is primarily intended for supervisors and managers to satisfy the 2-hour training requirement per the Department of Transportation (DOT) 40 CFR 382.307 Reasonable suspicion testing for controlled substances and alcohol misuse.
New CPC01 Essentials of an Effective Calibration Program for Cosmetics Manufacturing Cosmetic Compliance Cosmetic GMP 1.0 Customer dissatisfaction, complaints, or injuries can result when products are produced with out-of-calibration equipment. When a company’s reputation is in the balance, equipment must always be operating to its precise specifications. This course discusses calibration concepts and the importance of calibration reference standards and GMP calibration guidelines to ensure an effective calibration program for facilities that manufacture cosmetic products.
New PS5-103815 Hand and Power Tool Safety Awareness (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Most of us use tools in our daily work, but do you realize how dangerous tools can be if they are not handled correctly? Take this course to learn about the importance of hand and power tool safety, the hazards that can lead to injuries and deaths, and the precautions needed to work safely with these tools. Ideal learners are anyone who works with hand or power tools.
New PS5-103856 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 1 of 6: Introduction General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Large lithium-ion battery systems provide power to electric vehicles, computer data centers, commercial and residential energy storage systems, and other heavy-duty purposes. If not handled correctly, these batteries can cause fires or explosions that cause injury and damage to property. Take this course to learn about the different types of lithium batteries, how lithium-ion batteries work, their potential hazards and the importance of third-party certification. This course is ideal for battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians, and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-103857 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 2 of 6: Safe Handling General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Although lithium-ion battery incidents are very rare, when they occur, the failure can be rather spectacular, particularly for large lithium-ion batteries. Even batteries from well-known manufacturers can have quality problems, and care must be taken when handling them. Take this course to learn about safe handling practices for large lithium-ion batteries, as well as the different causes of damage and the steps to take if you suspect a battery may be damaged. This course is ideal for battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians, and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-103895 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 3 of 6: Safe Transportation (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Lithium-ion batteries are more energy dense than ever, which brings greater risk if not managed correctly. These batteries can pose unreasonable risk to health, safety and property when improperly transported in commerce. Take this course to learn about the requirements for safe transportation of lithium-ion batteries by ground, air and water. This course is ideal for battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians, and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-103930 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 4 of 6: Safe Storage General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Lithium-ion batteries are safe, but as with all batteries, proper storage conditions must be met in order to maintain safety and prevent incidents. If stored improperly, batteries may become damaged and unusable, or even dangerous. Improperly stored lithium-ion batteries may start a fire or contribute to the spread of a fire. Take this course to learn about the guidelines for safely storing lithium-ion batteries. Ideal learners are battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians and other battery manufacturing personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-103931 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 5 of 6: Safe Disposal (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A Lithium-ion batteries can be a fire hazard even when they are no longer useful in powering equipment and products. Lithium-ion batteries for disposal are considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly to avoid harm to people, property and the environment. Take this course to learn about the regulations that govern safe environmental management and disposal of lithium-ion batteries, disposal options, and how to prepare batteries for disposal. Ideal learners are battery manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians, and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-103932 Large Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Part 6 of 6: Incident Preparedness and Response Planning General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery N/A While lithium-ion batteries provide an effective and efficient source of power, the likelihood of them overheating, catching on fire, and even leading to explosions increases when they are damaged or improperly used, charged or stored. When incidents happen, it's important that you are prepared to handle them. Take this course to learn what you can do to prepare for an incident involving lithium-ion batteries. This course is ideal for manufacturers and frontline workers, shipping and receiving staff, warehouse staff, engineers, installers, service technicians and other personnel who interact with lithium-ion batteries.
New PS5-104023 PFAS Chemical Management Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A Have you heard news reports about "forever chemicals" in our drinking water? Forever chemicals is a common name for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. Take this course to learn what they are, why we should care about them, and what facilities must do about them. This course is ideal for employees and supervisors at facilities identified by regulators as sources of PFAS.
Major LAV06 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) All Industries HR Compliance & Risk Management Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 6.0 DOL issued new rules regarding work from Homw which have been incorporated. Updated section on military leave.
Major LAV08 Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees All Industries Ethics & Corporate Responsibility LibraryHR Compliance & Risk Management LibraryEmerging Business - Medical Device LibraryEmerging Business - Pharmaceutical LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 3.0 EEOC recently issued new rules and guidance regarding harassment, including pregnancy discrimination as gender harassment, as well as further guidance regarding harassment in connection with work from home.
Major LAV21 Harassment in the Workplace All Industries HR Compliance & Risk Management Library Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library Emerging Business - Medical Device Library Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog 2.0 EEOC recently issued new rules and guidance regarding harassment, including pregnancy discrimination as gender harassment, as well as further guidance regarding harassment in connection with work from home.
Major PS5-00610 Fire Watch General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-102574 Drug and Alcohol Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Minor BDL-12124 HAZMAT Transportation Suite (US) (IACET CEU=0.5) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Suite description updated
Minor EHS37 Hazard Communication EHS EHS for Life Science - Basics Library HealthCare Catalog Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog 7.1 Term Combustible liquid removed from chapter 3 to align with OSHA terminology. DOT Hazard classes oxygen has been moved to division 2.2.
Minor ETHICS22 Global Fair Competition Laws Corporate Compliance Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 1.2 Updated language in Definitions section to be more current
Minor GHC02 HP: COMPLIANCE PROGRAM GENERAL SESSION Health Plan Compliance Trainer Healthcare: General LibraryHealthCare Catalog 6.2 Added requirement to review OIG/GSA exclusions prior to hire or contracting under Compliance Officer responsibilities.
Minor MAPDED_01_LSC Health Plan Election Periods (Micro) N/A N/A 1.2 The effective date for the Chapter 2 guidance has been updated as of August 15. 2023. Updated the definition to MA OEP to align with the guidance definition. It also provides the reader with clarification to how often this election type can be used. Updated the end of sentence to “as of 2022” to reflect that guidance is effective 2022 to present. Removed the FEMA reference and updated to reflect the current guidance to this SEP in Chapter 2. Added reference to “SEP #17” that provides clarification on this specific SEP in Chapter 2. Added 2 more new SEPs that are added in the updated Chapter 2 as of 8/15/23. There are now 4 new SEP’s. They have been numbered 1 thru 4 for easy reading. Removed the FEMA reference and updated to reflect the guidance to this SEP in Chapter 2.
Minor MDSAP_Australia Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) — MDSAP Country-Specific Tasks QA/GMP Trainer MDSAP Library Medical Device Catalog 2.3 Removed date from reference. Added 3 country specific tasks and state of the art language. Changes due to regulatory document update.
Minor MDSAP_Canada Health Canada — MDSAP Country-Specific Tasks QA/GMP Trainer MDSAP Library Medical Device Catalog 1.2 Removed date from reference. Revised country specific tasks. Changes due to regulatory document update.
Minor MSALES01 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Broker/Agent Requirements Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library HealthCare Catalog 8.1 Updated references to be consistent with the 2024 Agent/Broker Training and Testing Guidelines. Updated HIPAA penalty amounts to reflect current amounts.
Minor Pharma GMP Library N/A N/A Pharmaceutical GMP N/A Library courses have been upgraded to CREATE course player, no content updates have occurred.
Minor PS5-00223 HAZMAT Transportation Part 7: Security Awareness (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00250 HAZMAT Transportation Part 2: Shipping Papers, Certifications and Manifests (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00276 Respiratory Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "1.5.11 Learning Activity: Respirator Types 1.5.12 Learning Activity: Respirator Types 1.5.13 Learning Activity: Respirator Types 1.6.2 Learning Activity: Inspecting a Respirator"
Minor PS5-00576 HAZMAT Transportation Part 1: The Hazardous Materials Table (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00578 HAZMAT Transportation Part 3: Packaging (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00580 HAZMAT Transportation Part 4: Marking (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00581 HAZMAT Transportation Part 5: Labeling and Placarding (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00582 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6a: Carrier Requirements for Highway (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00583 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6b: Carrier Requirements for Air (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00584 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6c: Carrier Requirements for Rail (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-00585 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6d: Carrier Requirements for Water (IMDG) (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Minor PS5-103494 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A Remove all videos and replace with static images on slides 1.2.2, 1.3.4, 1.4.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.7.2
Minor PS5-103771 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Body Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A Course description updated
Revision BIMO02 BIMO: General Inspection Assignment Process Clinical Quality Manager Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog FDA BIMO Course Library 2.3 Updated to correct response in Chapter 3 challenge and aligned text to match.
Revision BIMO07 BIMO: In Vivo Bioequivalence Program Part II Clinical Quality Manager Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog FDA BIMO Course Library 3.0 Updated to unclude recent FDA Laboratory for Medical Product Testing name change.
Revision EHS114 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Air) EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics LibraryHealthCare CatalogMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 2.3 Online Page 23-> Discrepancies tab-> Third bullet point-> The word “improver” was corrected to state ”improper.” Minor typo correction.
Revision FDA29 Risk Management 1: Key Concepts and Definitions QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog 1.7 US population updated to current estimates and corresponding risk based calculations in impacted sections.
Revision GHC05 Code of Conduct Health Plan Compliance Trainer Healthcare: General Library HealthCare Catalog 1.5 Added examples of sex discrimination from the Equal Employment Opportunity website.
Revision MDSAP05 MDSAP Chapter 5 — Process: Design and Development N/A MDSAP LibraryMedical Device Catalog 1.1 "ICH Q9 risk model was updated. ICH Q9 risk model was updated."
Revision MSALES04 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Beneficiary Protections Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library HealthCare Catalog 11.0 Updated amount in controversy (AIC) for judicial reviews to reflect the 2024 amount. Photos require editing.
Revision PHSM06 Interactions with Healthcare Professionals — In-House Corporate Compliance Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Updated to to include Oregon under state regulations and updated information for Connecticut.
Revision PHSM07 Interactions with Healthcare Professionals — Field Corporate Compliance Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Updated to to include Oregon under state regulations and updated information for Connecticut.
Retire PS5-01460 Mercury Exposure for Healthcare Workers (US) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-101529 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-101530 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (German) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-101531 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102263 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (US) (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaed by PS5-103979, PS5-103990
Retire PS5-102545 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102546 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaed by PS5-103979, PS5-103990
Retire PS5-102547 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (French) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102549 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Korean) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102550 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102551 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Italian) N/A N/A N/A low usage
Retire PS5-102630 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Canadian French) N/A N/A N/A low usage
July 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-12146 Confined Spaces, Parts 1-2 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Due to their design and limited ways to get in and out of them, confined spaces can be dangerous. This is especially true when you add hazards like asphyxiating or flammable atmospheres and moving parts. Take the courses in this suite to learn what confined spaces are, when they require permits and how rescues work. These courses are ideal for anyone whose workplace has confined spaces, especially those who may work in or around confined spaces.
New BDL-12147 Confined Spaces for General Industry (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Confined spaces can be dangerous on their own and even more dangerous when you add hazards like moving parts and atmospheres that can be harmful or deadly. In these courses, you will learn what confined spaces are, the hazards they may contain, how to work in them safely and the regulations that apply to them. These courses are ideal for general industry employees who work in or around confined spaces.
New BDL-12148 Confined Spaces for Construction (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Confined spaces can be dangerous on their own and even more dangerous when you add hazards like moving parts and atmospheres that can be harmful or deadly. In these courses, you will learn what construction site confined spaces are, the hazards they may contain, how to work in them safely and the regulations that apply to them. Construction and alterations in confined spaces require specific controls and precautions compared to work done for general industry confined spaces. These courses are ideal for construction employees who work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103942 Demolition Hazards (US) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Demolition is essential work that allows us to destroy hazardous structures or make way for new structures. Destruction can cause hazardous conditions for people on the site and the public. Take this course to learn about safe practices we use to ensure demolition safety before and during the work. You'll learn about how to plan for demolition and how to make safe choices during your work. This course is intended to supplement other training about specific project hazards and does not authorize people to perform demolition work on its own. Ideal learners are people who may work on, supervise or employ people who work on U.S. Army Corp of Engineer Projects or as a part of a demolition crew.
New PS5-103978 Confined Spaces: General Industry Requirements (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Did you know that the requirements that apply to a confined space task depend on whether the task meets the criteria to be part of general industry or construction? Take this course to learn more about the general industry requirements that are in place to protect workers. This course is ideal for general industry employees who may work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103979 Confined Spaces Part 1 of 2: Recognition and Responsibilities (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Many people think of a confined space as a small, dark space like a closet or crawl space. Confined spaces include much more than just tight spaces with limited light. They have shared characteristics that you can use to better identify them. Take this course to learn what confined spaces are and what your employer must do to ensure you and your co-workers remain safe. This course is ideal for anyone whose workplace has confined spaces.
New PS5-103990 Confined Spaces Part 2 of 2: Permits and Emergencies (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A What happens when confined spaces have hazards like moving parts or dangerous atmospheres? These spaces require permits that help to ensure you and your employer take adequate safety steps. This course will help you understand permit-required confined spaces and will also provide information about what happens when there is an emergency. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Ideal learners are anyone who works in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-104002 Safety and You for Supervisors Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Catalog N/A As a supervisor, your actions directly impact the employees you supervise. How you handle yourself, what you say and even what you do not say can influence the choices employees make. What motivates their choices? Are there ways that you can influence them to act safely? We will examine several safety management approaches to help you build an enhanced environment for safety. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.
New PS5-104041 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Cannabinoids, Psychedelics and Empathogens (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A One of the signs of a substance misuse problem is the deterioration of workplace performance. The physical, mental and emotional impairment that results from drug misuse can affect productivity, morale and most importantly, the safety of users and their co-workers. Mind-altering drugs produce alarming side effects and have the potential for abuse across every demographic. This course provides facts about commonly abused cannabinoids, psychedelics and empathogens, such as marijuana, PCP and MDMA. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-104042 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Stimulants (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Stimulant drugs speed up the body's systems. Users may feel great due to short-term performance-enhancing and euphoric effects. However, long-term abuse of these drugs can have significant consequences. This course provides facts about commonly abused stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, cocaine and amphetamines. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-104043 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Depressants (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Depressant drugs induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms and prevent seizures. However, individuals who abuse these substances experience serious consequences. This course provides facts about commonly abused depressants such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, kava, gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), opiates and over-the-counter drugs. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-104044 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Substance Abuse (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. This course teaches workers what substance abuse is and the effects it has on workers and their employers. It also discusses the costs substance abuse has on the organization. This course provides information on how you can help someone with a substance abuse problem and ways you can reduce the risks of substance abuse. Resources are made available to help you learn more about substance abuse, prevention and intervention. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-104047 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse: DOT Requirements (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A This course provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the transportation industry. It is specifically designed to cover requirements for drivers as specified by the DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users, including spotting the indicators of substance abuse, conducting testing, and following up once results are available. This training is intended for people who manage or supervise commercial drivers.
Major DEV58 Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices in the Republic of Korea QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 2.0 Course has been updated to better align with trminology and practices used by MFDS, and updated the MFDS structure.
Major LAV03 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Equal Pay Act (EPA) HR Compliance & Risk Management Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HR Compliance & Risk Management Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.0 Updated to include recently issued rules regarding compensation thresholds. Also updated to reflect last year’s PUMP Act for pregnancy breaks.
Major LAV08 Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees All Industries Ethics & Corporate Responsibility LibraryHR Compliance & Risk Management LibraryEmerging Business - Medical Device LibraryEmerging Business - Pharmaceutical LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 3.0 "EEOC recently issued new rules and guidance regarding harassment, including pregnancy discrimination as gender harassment, as well as further guidance regarding harassment in connection with work from home."
Major PS5-00223 HAZMAT Transportation Part 7: Security Awareness (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00250 HAZMAT Transportation Part 2: Shipping Papers, Certifications and Manifests (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00576 HAZMAT Transportation Part 1: The Hazardous Materials Table (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00578 HAZMAT Transportation Part 3: Packaging (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00580 HAZMAT Transportation Part 4: Marking (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00581 HAZMAT Transportation Part 5: Labeling and Placarding (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00582 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6a: Carrier Requirements for Highway (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00583 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6b: Carrier Requirements for Air (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00584 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6c: Carrier Requirements for Rail (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-00585 HAZMAT Transportation Part 6d: Carrier Requirements for Water (IMDG) (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-100308 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Part 1 of 2: What is WHMIS? General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Major PS5-100358 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Part 2 of 2: Employer and Worker Responsibilities General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and Update
Minor ETHICS27 US Trade Controls Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library HealthCare Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog All Industries 1.2 "added commonly used abbreviations, additional context regarding administrative monetary penalties, additional detail to Wassenaar Agreement section; added additional examples of exports based on recent ruling expansion."
Minor HIPAA05 Business Practices to Protect Personal Health Information 0 0 4.5 Added clarifying language and updated financial penalties.
Minor MAPDAG_03_LSC              Appeals and Grievances: Appointment of Representative Requirements (Micro) n/a n/a 1.1 CMS updated Part C Appeals Guidance (The Parts C and D Enrollee Grievance, Organization/Coverage Determinations and Appeals Guidance) to incorporate the new Dismissal regulations, and other revised provisions included in Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule (CMS-4190-F2), and clarifications of existing language. Also Part B examples have been added
Minor MAPDSM_02_LSC Rewards and Incentives Programs (Micro) n/a n/a 1.1 Added clarifying language throughout the course. Added an example to strengthen the material.
Minor MDSAP_Brazil  Brazil Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) — MDSAP Country-Specific Task QA/GMP Trainer MDSAP Library, Medical Device Catalog 1.2 Removed date from reference. Revised country specific tasks.
Minor PHDV81 Principles of Sterilization Medical Device Medical Device GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog 5.3 Added information concerning the requirement for sterilization dose audits for medical devices sterilized using gamma radiation and updated references throughout.
Minor PHDV86 Testing for Bacterial Endotoxins QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Medical Device GMPs Library 2.3 "Autoclave reference changed to Dry Heat. Revised to emphasize “lacking sufficient levels of endotoxins to cause a pyrogenic reaction in the patient”. Minor grammar and punctuation improvements"
Minor PS5-00177 Distracted Driving General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Driver Essentials Small Vehicles;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00207 Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00272 Hand and Power Tool Safety General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00276 Respiratory Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00286 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00291 Industrial Ergonomics Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A 1.8.3 Other Factors - Image change
Minor PS5-01416 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-100553 Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-100812 Materials Handling and Storage General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-101943 Slips, Trips and Falls for Construction Construction Construction Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Knowledge Check: Causes of Slips, Trips and Falls 1.6.4 Learning Activity: Ladder Safety"
Minor PS5-102275 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102281 Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102598 Materials Handling and Storage Awareness Construction Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102885 Heat Stress Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Video functionality fixes on the following pages: 1.2.2 Introduction 1.3.2 Internal Temperature 1.4.1 High Humidity 1.5.7 Heat Exhaustion 1.5.15 Safety Concerns 1.6.6 Acclimate to the Heat 1.6.10 Teamwork"
Minor PS5-103169 Lead Poisoning Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103287 Machine Guarding Part 1: Hazards Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103494 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103494 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A Video functionality fixes
Minor PS5-103730 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Substance Abuse General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Video functionality fixes
Minor PS5-103731 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Stimulants General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Video functionality fixes
Minor PS5-103732 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Depressants General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Video functionality fixes
Minor PS5-103733 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Cannabinoids, Psychedelics and Empathogens General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Video functionality fixes on the following pages: 1.2.2 Introduction 1.4.2 PCP: A Dissociative Drug"
Retire PS5-100844 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Spanish) This course wil replaced with PS5-104044, PS5-104043, PS5-104042, PS5-104041 N/A N/A This course wil replaced with PS5-104044, PS5-104043, PS5-104042, PS5-104041
Retire PS5-102249 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US) (Spanish) This course will be replaced with PS5-104036, PS5-104047 N/A N/A This course will be replaced with PS5-104036, PS5-104047
June 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-12149 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (US) (IACET CEU=0.2) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This suite replaces retired suites BDL-00488 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (US) (IACET CEU=0.2) and BDL-30021 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (IACET CEU=0.2). Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, sharp objects, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, and countless other hazards. By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed. Take the courses in this suite to learn about the different types of personal protective equipment that serve as a last line of defense to protect you against hazards in your workplace. This suite is ideal for all workers who are required to use personal protective equipment to safely perform essential functions of their job and their managers or supervisors.
New BDL-12144 Confined Spaces for Construction (IACET CEU=0.1) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Confined spaces can be dangerous on their own and even more dangerous when you add hazards like moving parts and atmospheres that can be harmful or deadly. In these courses, you will learn what construction site confined spaces are, the hazards they may contain, how to work in them safely and the regulations that apply to them. Construction and alterations in confined spaces require specific controls and precautions compared to work done for general industry confined spaces.These courses are ideal for construction employees who work in or around confined spaces.
New BDL-12145 Confined Spaces for General Industry (IACET CEU=0.1) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Confined spaces can be dangerous on their own and even more dangerous when you add hazards like moving parts and atmospheres that can be harmful or deadly. In these courses, you will learn what confined spaces are, the hazards they may contain, how to work in them safely and the regulations that apply to them. These courses are ideal for general industry employees who work in or around confined spaces.
New PHA84 Quality Metrics for Drug Manufacturing Pharmaceutical "Pharmaceutical Catalog Pharmaceutical GMPs Library" 1.0 Quality metrics (QMs) monitor drug manufacturing processes and drive continuous improvement of these processes beyond meeting the minimum current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) requirements. This course covers the development and future direction of QMs.
New PS5- 103768 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hearing Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01357 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 7 - Hearing Conservation (US) and PS5-101006 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Seven - Hearing Conservation. There is no cure for noise-induced hearing loss. The prevention of excessive unprotected noise exposure is the only way to avoid hearing damage. Take this course to learn about hearing personal protective equipment, or PPE, basics, the selection process, how to use it and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103455 HAZWOPER: PPE Levels A and B: Use, Care and Inspection Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Level A and B personal protective equipment (PPE) is often the only risk reduction and protection for HAZWOPER workers. That is why it is vital that they use, inspect and maintain it properly. Take this course to learn more about how to make sure PPE is functioning properly. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103463 HAZWOPER: PPE Levels C and D: Use, Care and Inspection Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Level C and D personal protective equipment (PPE) is often the only risk reduction and protection for HAZWOPER workers. That is why it is vital that they use, inspect and maintain it properly. Take this course to learn more about how to make sure PPE is functioning properly. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103766 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hazard Assessment Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01356 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 1 - Introduction (US) and PS5-101007 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part One - Introduction. There is a wide variety of personal protective equipment, or PPE. How do you know which PPE to use? Take this course to learn about the factors that influence PPE selection, including the hazards that are present, other controls and individual needs. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103767 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Head Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01360 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 2 - Head Protection (US) and PS5-101015 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Two - Head Protection. Head injuries can be life-changing or fatal. It is important to be aware of potential hazards and always wear the proper head personal protective equipment, or PPE. Take this course to learn about head protection basics, the types of head protection, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103769 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Eye and Face Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01359 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 3 - Eye and Face Protection (US) and PS5-101008 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Three - Eye and Face Protection. Your ability to see is precious, so it is important to protect it with the right personal protective equipment, or PPE. Take this course to learn about eye and face protection basics, the selection process, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103770 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Respiratory Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01438 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 8 - Respiratory Protection (US) and PS5-101013 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Eight - Respiratory Protection. Hazardous materials can enter your body by ingestion, absorption, injection or inhalation. Proper respirator usage can protect you from inhalation hazards. Take this course to learn about respiratory protection basics, the types of respiratory protection, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103771 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Body Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01354 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 5 - Body Protection (US) and PS5-101005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Five - Body Protection. Body personal protective equipment, or PPE, can help protect you from hazards from insect bites to cuts and scratches to heat and cold. Take this course to learn about body protection basics, types of body protection, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103772 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Hand and Arm Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01355 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 4 - Hand and Arm Protection (US) and PS5-101009 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Four - Hand and Arm Protection. Hand and arm injuries can be painful and can prevent you from working and doing the things you enjoy. Take this course to learn about hand and arm personal protective equipment, or PPE, basics, the selection process, how to use it, and how to care for it. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103773 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Foot and Leg Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01358 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 6 - Foot and Leg Protection (US) and PS5-101039 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Six - Foot and Leg Protection. How would your job change if you had a foot or leg injury? Does it not make sense to wear foot and leg protection when you need it? This course examines types of foot and leg protection. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103774 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Electrical Protection Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor;Food Services and Distribution Safety Catalog N/A This course replaces retired titles PS5-01440 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 9 - Electrical Protective Devices (US) and PS5-101132 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine - Electrical Protective Devices. Uncontrolled electricity can be dangerous. Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is designed to provide you with some protection from electricity when other precautions fail. Take this course to explore the types of electrical PPE as well as their classes and ratings. Ideal learners are all workers in the industrial, construction and service sectors who are required to use PPE to safely perform essential tasks for their job.
New PS5-103812 Competent Persons for Construction (US) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Being a competent person is about much more than just being good at a job or having years of experience. They have unique responsibilities that keep people safe. Their diligence and work can save companies from costly fines. Take this course to learn what a competent person is, the qualities they should have, and what their responsibilities are. This course is ideal for construction workers who are or seek to become competent persons and for supervisors who designate competent persons.
New PS5-103828 HAZWOPER: Scope, Application and Training Requirements (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A What is the link between the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, or HAZWOPER, Standard and your job? Take this course to learn about the contents and scope of the Standard and applicable laws and regulatory agencies. The course will also explain how HAZWOPER is part of your site-specific safety and health program and the training you and others must take to perform HAZWOPER tasks. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees in the United States including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103829 HAZWOPER: Scene Assessment Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A What can your senses tell you about the hazards at a HAZWOPER scene? Take this course to learn how to use what you see, smell and hear to identify hazards that may be present. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103830 HAZWOPER: Toxicology (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Toxic substances can make people very sick or even kill them. Take this course to learn what it means when we say a substance is toxic. You'll also learn how we are exposed to toxins, what exposure limits are, and the health effects we may expect when we exceed exposure limits. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees in the United States including maintenance personnel and first responders who respond to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103831 HAZWOPER: Monitoring and Medical Surveillance (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Exposure to hazards is a constant factor in HAZWOPER activities. To take appropriate actions, we must know about the hazards to which people are exposed. Take this course to learn about monitoring systems and equipment, air monitoring and medical surveillance programs. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees in the United States including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103832 HAZWOPER: Spill Prevention, Preparation and Control (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A HAZWOPER scenes may involve drums and containers either during the emergency or during cleanup. Take this course to learn how to handle them safely as well as how to control leaks. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees in the United States, including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103833 HAZWOPER: Decontamination (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A If your body or equipment are contaminated at a HAZWOPER scene, do you know what to do? Take this course to learn about decontamination planning and methods as well as how to safely dispose of contaminated materials. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103834 HAZWOPER: Emergency Response (US) Construction;Food Services and Distribution;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Emergency incidents are actual or potential spills or releases of hazardous materials into the environment. Because the possibility of damage to people, property and the environment is so serious, prompt and proper emergency response is critical. Training will reduce the chances of harm to people or property. All organizations must plan for emergencies. Depending on operations, formal HAZWOPER emergency response planning may be required and that is covered in this module. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees in the United States including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103991 Confined Spaces: Construction Requirements (Spanish) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Did you know that the regulations that apply to a confined space task depend on whether the task meets the criteria to be part of construction or general industry? Take this course to learn more about the confined space requirements that are in place to protect workers performing construction activities. This course is ideal for construction employees who may work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103993 Fire Extinguishers: Readiness and Response (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A What happens if there is a fire in your workplace? Have you taken the appropriate steps to prepare? Will you know whether to fight or flee a fire? Take this course to learn how to prepare your workplace for potential fires and what factors to consider when you are deciding to fight or flee. You'll also learn about how to put out a small fire using a portable fire extinguisher using the PASS method. Being prepared and knowing what to do can save lives. This course is ideal for workers who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-104036 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Workplace (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A This course provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the workplace. It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users, including spotting the indicators of substance abuse, conducting testing, and following up once results are available. This training is intended for people who manage or supervise employees.
Major BDL-12015 Reasonable Suspicion Training (US) Suite (IACET CEU=0.2) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Updated with newly released courses
Major BDL-12135 OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=3.2) Construction n/a N/A Updated course map to reduce runtime
Major BDL-12136 OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=3.2) (Actively Proctored) Construction n/a N/A Updated course map to reduce runtime
Major DATA02 Auditing of Computer System Validation to Ensure Data Integrity Pharmaceutical Data Integrity Library, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 3.0 Updated Chapter 3 to better align with the General Principles of Software Validation; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff
Major MA35 MAPD: Risk Adjustment and Data Validation Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Advantage Library 8.0 Made updates throughout based on changes in the CMS 2024 Final Rule. Added new quiz questions about CMS-HCCs, updated graphic for schedule, updated risk adjustment model proposed in the CY 2024 from the CMS announcement.
Major MSALES02 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Medicare Basics Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 13.0 Updated Part D benefits to reflect 2024 amounts. Added definitions of the different types of D-SNP plans, mandatory vs optional supplemental benefits, and Inflation Reduction Act changes related to vaccines, insulin, LIS, and catastrophic coverage as required in the 2024 Agent/Broker Testing and Training Guidelines.
Major MSALES03 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan: Broker and Agent Training -- MA-PD, PDP, and Cost Plan Enrollment and Disenrollment Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 10.0 Updated the effective dates of the references. Added requirements that were added to the Agent/Broker Training and Testing Guidelines for 2024, including the quarterly limitation of the SEP for LIS beneficiaries, “can-do” activities during MA OEP, use of the Pre-Enrollment checklist, and recording of marketing/sales calls.
Major MSALES05 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Marketing Communication and Compensation Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 11.0 Added requirements related to superlatives/plan comparisons, co-branding, and scope of appointment that were added to the 2024 Agent/Broker Training and Testing Guidelines.
Major PARTD03 Medicare Part D: Bid Pricing Tool and Plan Benefit Package 0 0 6.0 Aligned training with updates in Part D guidance (e.g., 2024 benefit parameters; 2025 coverage gap changes; alignment with 2024 Bid Pricing Tool instructions)
Major PS5-00575 HAZMAT Transportation Overview (US) General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Title updated All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-01286 Ionizing Radiation General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-01345 Stormwater and Erosion Control for Construction Construction Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101083 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (Fresh translation)
Major PS5-101652 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Dutch) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Leerdoelen 1.3.1 Wat is een Vlamboog? 1.3.3 Kennistest: Wat is een Vlamboog? 1.4.2 Leeractiviteit: Verwondingen als Gevolg van een Vlamboog 1.5.4 Leeractiviteit: Waarschuwingslabels voor Gevaren 1.6.1 Samenvatting Job aid"
Major PS5-101653 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (French) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objectifs didactiques 1.3.1 Qu’est-ce qu’un arc électrique? 1.3.3 Vérification des connaissances : Qu’est-ce qu’un arc électrique ? 1.4.2 Blessures résultant d’un arc électrique 1.5.4 Activité didactique : Les étiquettes d’avertissement de risque 1.6.1 Résumé Job aid"
Major PS5-101654 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (German) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Lernziele 1.3.1 Was ist ein Störlichtbogen? 1.3.3 Wissenscheck: Was ist ein Störlichtbogen? 1.4.2 Verletzungen als Folge eines Störlichtbogens 1.5.4 Lernaktivität: Gefahrenwarnschilder 1.6.1 Zusammenfassung Job aid"
Major PS5-101658 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Chinese) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 学习目标 1.3.1 什么是电弧闪光? 1.3.3 知识测验: 什么是电弧闪光? 1.4.2 学习活动: 电弧闪光导致的伤害 1.5.4 学习活动: 危害警告标签 1.6.1 总结 Job aid"
Major PS5-102134 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Canadian French) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objectifs d'apprentissage 1.3.1 Qu’est-ce qu’un arc électrique? 1.3.3 Vérification des connaissances : Qu’est-ce qu’un arc électrique? 1.4.2 Activité d’apprentissage : Blessures résultant d’un arc électrique 1.5.4 Activité d’apprentissage : Étiquettes d’avertissement de danger 1.6.1 Résumé Job aid"
Major PS5-102190 Welding, Cutting and Brazing Part 3 of 3: Health Hazards Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Title updated All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102191 Welding, Cutting and Brazing Part 2 of 3: Physical Hazards Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Title updated All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102194 Welding, Cutting and Brazing Part 1 of 3: Methods Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Title updated All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102256 Workplace Violence Prevention (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (Fresh translation)
Major PS5-102324 Applying Electrical Standards (US) (Canadian French) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.3 Activité : Normes de l’OSHA 1.5.6 Formation sur l'équipement électrique 1.5.8 Autre formation pour les travaux comportant des risques électriques 1.5.9 Formations sur l’approche limitée 1.6.1 Évaluation du risque 1.6.2 Travailler avec les tableaux de NFPA 70E® 1.6.3 Activité : Tableaux des limites d’approche 1.6.4 Activité : Probabilité d'apparition d'un éclair d'arc-éclair 1.6.5 Activité : Catégories d’ÉPI 1.6.6 ÉPI requis 1.6.7 Activité : ÉPI requis 1.7.1 Résumé Test"
Major PS5-102412 Hand and Power Tool Safety Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All slides updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102540 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Italian) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Obiettivi di apprendimento 1.3.1 Che cos’è un arco elettrico? 1.3.3 Verifica della conoscenza: Che cos’è un arco elettrico? 1.4.2 Lesioni provocate da un arco elettrico 1.5.4 Attività di apprendimento: Etichette indicanti pericolo 1.6.1 Riepilogo Job Aid"
Minor DP01 General Data Protection Regulation All Industries Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, HealthCare Catalog 1.2 Updated course to incorporate reference to UK-GDPR; other minor modifications to keep course current; incorporated fine enforcement examples and updated definitions.
Minor MA27 Medicare Advantage: Administration and Management Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 7.3 Updated references and terminology throughout the course.
Minor MA28 Medicare Advantage: Member Services Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 9.4 Updated references and terminology throughout the course. Added clarifying language regarding extensions.
Minor MAPD_MIC03 Member Issue Classification — Part Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.2 Updated references. Clarified language regarding extensions not being allowed for Part D requests.
Minor MAPD01 Medicare Health Plan and PDP: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Corporate Complia "HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library Medicare Part D Library" 7.4 Updated statistics and penalty amounts to reflect current information.
Minor MAPDAG_01_LSC          Provider Outreach Requirements: Coverage Decisions and Appeals (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.1 Updated Reference Data.
Minor MAPDAG_02_LSC          Provider Outreach Requirements: Coverage Decisions and Appeals (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.1 Updated Reference Data.
Minor MAPDAG_05 Non-Contracted Provider Appeals Process (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.2 Added clarifying language regarding member appeal rights, the timing of dismissal notices, and the requirement to send a copy of the dismissal notice to the member.
Minor MAPDAG_07_LSC           Appeals and Grievances: Member Notification Requirements for Expedited ODs and CDs Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.1 Updated terminology and requirements from the CMS guidance that was updated since this course was previously reviewed, specifically related to requirements for Part B drugs
Minor MAPDCL_01 Part C EOB Requirements Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.2 Updated references and bylines. Added clarifying language throughout the course based on EOB instructions. Added Part B drugs as a type of Part C organization determination. Updated questions in Boosters 1 – 3.
Minor MAPDCL_02 Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO) Processing of Non-Contracted Part C Claims (Micro) 0 0 1.2 Updated references and bylines. Incorporated part B drugs as a type of organization determination. Added clarifying language regarding provider disputes, Waiver of Liability forms, and dismissals.
Minor MAPDNR_01_LSC         Understanding CMS Network Adequacy Requirements (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer n/a 1.2 Updated Examples
Minor PHDV85 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Supplier Quality Management QA/GMP Trainer "Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library" 2.3 Regulatory references have been updated.
Minor PS5-00206 Hazard Communication (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00264 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;Driver Essentials Small Vehicles;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00267 Hearing Conservation General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00282 Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00287 Confined Space Hazards General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00316 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00666 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-00723 Battery and Charger Safety (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-01286 Ionizing Radiation General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-01304 Cold Stress Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-100552 Hot Work General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-100555 Lab Safety General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-101016 Hexavalent Chromium Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "1.6.4 Learning Activity: Regulated Area 1.6.3 Work Practice and Administrative Controls 1.9.1 Summary"
Minor PS5-102280 Laser Safety Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102388 Ladder Safety Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.6 Learning Objectives 1.3.2 Safety Label Information 1.5.5 Learning Activity: Fill in the Blanks 1.6.1 Safe Usage Guidelines 1.6.2 More Safe Usage Guidelines 1.6.3 Learning Activity: Ladder Usage Test"
Minor PS5-102394 Fire Extinguisher Safety Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102524 Defensive Driving Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102688 Lithium-Ion Battery Awareness Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-102885 Heat Stress Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103075 Driving Safety: Tailgating (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Driver Essentials Small Vehicles;Safety Catalog N/A Test Qs 1, 2, 3
Minor PS5-103131 Handwashing Awareness Construction;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Minor PS5-103493 Lone Worker: Concerns Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A Modifications to improve usability with assistive technologies
Revision Dietary02 Dietary Supplements -- Introduction to Part 111 cGMPs Dietary Supplements "Dietary Supplements GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog" 2.2 Graphical Theme update
Revision HIPAA02 HIPAA: Privacy Standards HIPAA Trainer "HIPAA Library HealthCare Catalog" 5.2 Updated byline and minor clarifying language changes.
Revision PARTD01                    Medicare Part D: Administration and Management Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Part D Library 6.0 Updated references.
Revision PARTD07 Medicare Part D: Pharmacy Network Health Plan Compliance Trainer "HealthCare Catalog Medicare Part D Library" 4.1 Updated references and minor terminology throughout the course.
Revision PHA64 GMP Principles of SOPs QA/GMP Trainer "Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library" 1.4 Corrected Typo in question in Chapter 5.
Revision PHDV72 Application of cGMPs to Microbiology Laboratories QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 Grammer & punctuation correction
Revision PHDV78 Application of cGMPs to Analytical Laboratories 0 Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Medical Device GMPs Library 5.2 Updated various terminology to better align with current usage and industry standards.
Retired PS5-102334 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Canadian French) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-102516 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101274 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101275 Fire Extinguisher Safety (French) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101276 Fire Extinguisher Safety (German) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-102521 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Italian) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-102520 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-102519 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Korean) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101278 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-100564 Fire Extinguisher Safety (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101069 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101063 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Dutch) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101064 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (French) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101065 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (German) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101066 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Japanese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-101068 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-01395 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 1 - Scope, Application and Training Requirements (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103828
Retired PS5-00564 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 10 - Spill Prevention (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103832
Retired PS5-00565 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 11 - Site Control (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103717, PS5-103462
Retired PS5-00566 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 12 - Decontamination (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103833
Retired PS5-00567 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 13 - Emergency Response (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103834
Retired PS5-00527 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 2 - Environmental Issues for HAZWOPER (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-00269, PS5-00260, PS5-00891
Retired PS5-00255 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 3 - Hazard Communication: Your Right to Know (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-100545
Retired PS5-00529 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 4 - Hazard and Risk Assessment Techniques (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103829
Retired PS5-00530 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 5 - Toxicology (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103830
Retired PS5-00531 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 6 - Monitoring and Medical Surveillance (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103831
Retired PS5-00532 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 7 - Respiratory Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-00266
Retired PS5-00533 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 8 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103455, PS5-103463
Retired PS5-00534 HAZWOPER Refresher Training - Module 9 - Confined Spaces (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103662, PS5-103663, PS5-103661, PS5-103664
Retired PS5-102990 Confined Space Awareness for Construction (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103991
Retired BDL-30158 Confined Spaces, 4-Parts (IACET CEU=0.1) N/A N/A N/A This suite will be replaced by BDL-12145 for General Industry or BDL-12144 for Construction
Retired PS5-01400 Welding, Cutting and Brazing N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102194, PS5-102191, PS5-102190
Retired PS5-01027 Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102711, PS5-102712, PS5-102713
Retired PS5-102010 Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Portuguese) N/A N/A N/A This course doesn't have a replacement identified at this time
Retired PS5-102728 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Health Concerns N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102190
Retired PS5-102887 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Health Concerns (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102713
Retired PS5-102729 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Methods N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102194
Retired PS5-102883 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Methods (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102711
Retired PS5-102730 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Safety Concerns N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102191
Retired PS5-102886 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction: Safety Concerns (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-102712
Retired BDL-30109 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction, Parts 1-3 (IACET CEU=0.1) N/A N/A N/A This multipart will be replaced by BDL-30064
Retired BDL-12125 Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction, Parts 1-3 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) N/A N/A N/A This multipart will be replaced by PS5-30104
Retired BDL-00488 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (US) (IACET CEU=0.2) N/A N/A N/A This multipart will be replaced by BDL-12149
Retired PS5-01356 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 1 - Introduction (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103766
Retired PS5-01360 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 2 - Head Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103767
Retired PS5-01359 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 3 - Eye and Face Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103769
Retired PS5-01355 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 4 - Hand and Arm Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103772
Retired PS5-01354 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 5 - Body Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103771
Retired PS5-01358 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 6 - Foot and Leg Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103773
Retired PS5-01357 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 7 - Hearing Conservation (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5- 103768
Retired PS5-01438 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 8 - Respiratory Protection (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103770
Retired PS5-01440 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 9 - Electrical Protective Devices (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103774
Retired PS5-01439 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 10 - Levels of Protection and Protective Gear (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103455, PS5-103463
Retired BDL-30021 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (IACET CEU=0.2) N/A N/A N/A This multipart will be replaced by BDL-12149
Retired PS5-101007 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part One - Introduction N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103766
Retired PS5-101015 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Two - Head Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103767
Retired PS5-101008 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Three - Eye and Face Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103769
Retired PS5-101009 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Four - Hand and Arm Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103772
Retired PS5-101005 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Five - Body Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103771
Retired PS5-101039 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Six - Foot and Leg Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103773
Retired PS5-101006 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Seven - Hearing Conservation N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5- 103768
Retired PS5-101013 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Eight - Respiratory Protection N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103770
Retired PS5-101132 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine - Electrical Protective Devices N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103774
Retired PS5-101004 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Ten - Levels of Protection and Protective Gear N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced by PS5-103455, PS5-103463
May 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PCV02_B Pharmacovigilance: Global Requirements — Systems "Pharmaceutical Medical Device" Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course focuses on the components of effective and compliant pharmacovigilance systems, including good pharmacovigilance practices.
New PCV03_A Pharmacovigilance Audit and Inspection: Preparation "Pharmaceutical Medical Device" Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 Pharmacovigilance audits and inspections are essential for patient safety and public health. This course discusses elements of these audits and inspections.
New PCV03_B Pharmacovigilance Audit and Inspection: Dos and Don’ts "Pharmaceutical Medical Device" Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course discusses best practices to prepare for a pharmacovigilance inspection. Topics in this course include: Dos, Don’ts, Top Inspection Findings, and Preparing for Inspection.
New PCV04_A Assessing Data: Pharmacovigilance Signaling "Pharmaceutical Medical Device" Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course explains the purpose and process of signal management for pharmaceutical manufacturers as an aspect of pharmacovigilance and risk management.
New PCV04_B Assessing Data: Data Mining and Risk Management Pharmaceutical Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course covers data mining and risk management as methods of pharmacovigilance for Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs).
New PCV05_A Device Safety and Vigilance: Assessing Pharmaceutical Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course discusses the collection of device adverse event data and the assessment of cases in the medical device vigilance process.
New PCV05_B Device Safety and Vigilance: Reporting Pharmaceutical Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course discusses regulatory vigilance reporting of adverse device events for regions including the United States (US), Canada, the European Union (EU), Japan, and Australia.
New PS5-103787 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Workplace (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A This course provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the workplace. It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users, including spotting the indicators of substance abuse, conducting testing, and following up once results are available. This training is intended for people who manage or supervise employees.
New PS5-103788 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse: DOT Requirements (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A This course provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the transportation industry. It is specifically designed to cover requirements for drivers as specified by the DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users, including spotting the indicators of substance abuse, conducting testing, and following up once results are available. This training is intended for people who manage or supervise commercial drivers.
New PS5-103952 Fire Extinguishers: Controlling the Elements of Fire (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A If you know the elements that must be in place for fire to exist, you can use that knowledge to prevent and fight fires. Take this course to learn about the elements of fire and how extinguishers work. This course is ideal for workers who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-103975 Robotics Safety General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Robots often perform tasks that would be difficult, impossible, unpleasant or unsafe for workers to perform directly. They are not always able to differentiate between workers and the work they are performing, so we must use care around them to remain safe. Take this course to learn about the characteristics of robots, the potential hazards they present, the safety programs that go into their design and integration, and precautions you should take around them. This course is ideal for anyone who may encounter or work with robots.
Major MA34 Medicare Advantage: Provider Compliance Corporate Compliance "HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library" 9.0 Updated references. Added missing contract requirements. Added new requirements from 2024 Final Rule related to minimum standards for appointment times for primary care and behavioral health services, cultural competency, continuity of care, and coverage criteria.
Major PHDV94 Japanese Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Regulations QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 4.0 Updated to align to PMDA requirements
Major BDL-12104 OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.1) (Actively Proctored) Construction N/A N/A Updated course map to reduce runtime
Major BDL-12110 OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.1) Construction N/A N/A Updated course map to reduce runtime
Major PS5-00308 Semiconductor Ergonomics for Maintenance and Service High-tech/Semiconductor High-tech/Semiconductor N/A Global SME review and content update (all slides updated)
Major PS5-00314 Workplace Violence Prevention General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review and content update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-00727 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 1 of 2 (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Title updated to include ""of 2"" Global SME review and content update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-00729 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 2 of 2 (US) General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Title updated to include ""of 2"" Global SME review and content update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101222 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101223 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (French) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101224 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (German) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101225 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101227 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101228 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101496 Pre-Job Briefings (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101497 Pre-Job Briefings (French) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101498 Pre-Job Briefings (German) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101499 Pre-Job Briefings (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101501 Pre-Job Briefings (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101502 Pre-Job Briefings (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101503 Pre-Job Briefings (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101655 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Japanese) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 学習の目的 1.3.1 アークフラッシュとは 1.3.3 学習した内容の確認: アークフラッシュとは 1.4.2 アークフラッシュによる怪我 1.5.4 学習活動: 危険警告ラベル 1.6.1 まとめ Job Aid"
Major PS5-101657 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Portuguese) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objetivos de aprendizagem 1.3.1 O que é um arco elétrico? 1.3.2 O que provoca um arco elétrico? 1.3.3 Verificação de conhecimento: O que é um arco elétrico? 1.4.2 Atividade de aprendizagem: Lesões resultantes de um arco elétrico 1.5.4 Atividade de aprendizagem: Etiquetas de advertência de riscos 1.6.1 Resumo Job Aid"
Major PS5-101661 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objetivos del curso 1.3.1 ¿Qué es un arco eléctrico? 1.3.3 Revisión de conocimientos: ¿Qué es un arco eléctrico? 1.4.2 Lesiones derivadas de un arco eléctrico 1.5.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: etiquetas de advertencia de peligro 1.6.1 Resumen Job Aid"
Major PS5-102224 Applying Electrical Standards (US) (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.5.6 Capacitación sobre equipos eléctricos 1.5.8 Otra capacitación para trabajos que involucran peligros eléctricos 1.5.9 Capacitación sobre límites de acercamiento limitado 1.6.1 Evaluación de los riesgos 1.6.2 Trabajar con las tablas de la NFPA 70E® 1.6.3 Actividad: Tablas de límites de acercamiento 1.6.4 Actividad: Probabilidad de la ocurrencia de un arco eléctrico 1.6.5 Actividad: Categorías de EPP 1.6.6 EPP requerido 1.6.7 Actividad: EPP requerido 1.7.1 Resumen Test"
Major PS5-102266 Introduction to OSHA (US) (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Content updates; Video functionality 1.3.1 La misión de OSHA 1.3.2 Cobertura de OSHA 1.3.3 Planes estatales 1.4.5 Cláusula de Obligaciones Generales 1.6.5 Actividad de aprendizaje: Derechos y responsabilidades del empleador y del empleado 1.9.2 Tipos de penalizaciones 1.9.3 Tipos de penalizaciones (continuación) 1.9.6 Actividad de aprendizaje: Infracciones"
Major PS5-102539 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Korean) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 학습 목표 1.3.1 아크 플래시가 무엇입니까? 1.3.3 지식 점검: 아크 플래시가 무엇입니까? 1.4.2 학습 활동: 아크 플래시로 인한 부상 1.5.4 학습 활동: 위험 경고 라벨 1.6.1 요약 Job Aid"
Major PS5-102757 Aggressive Driving and Road Rage Awareness General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials;Driver Essentials Small Vehicles N/A "Global SME review and content update (all slides updated) Title updated from Road Rage Awareness"
Major PS5-102758 Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102799 OSHA Outreach Training Midway Progress Report (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A "VO/OST updates 1.4.1 Recordatorio sobre el tiempo"
Major PS5-102800 OSHA Outreach Training Learner Responsibilities (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A "VO/OST updates All slides updated"
Major PS5-103676 OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting (US) (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A "Title changed from ""OSHA 300 Recordkeeping Requirements (US) (Spanish)"" Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor MAPDMS_02_LSC Medicare Call Center Requirements (Micro) n/a n/a 1.2 Updated terminology and added clarifying language throughout the course. Updated test questions in Booster 3. No update to Boosters 1 or 2.
Minor MAPDSM_01_LSC Provider Marketing — Can Do, Can’t Do, Must Do (Micro) n/a n/a 1.2 Updated references. Added clarifying language regarding permissible activities and co-branding. Added requirements that are specific to I-SNPs. Updated test question in Booster 2. No edits to Booster 1 and 3.
Minor MAPDSR_01 CMS Star Ratings Basics (Micro) Healthcare Micro 1.2 Updated statistics and other information for 2024. Updated test question in Booster 2 based on changes to the main course. No changes to Boosters 1 and 3.
Minor MDSM02 Reporting Adverse Events for Medical Devices Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library, Medical Device Catalog 3.1 Included additional information on History and some definitions. References were updated.
Minor PS5-00291 Industrial Ergonomics Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing EHS Essentials;General Industry Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A 1.8.2 Reduce Vibration
Minor PS5-102224 Applying Electrical Standards (US) (Spanish) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.6.1 Evaluación de los riesgos 1.6.3 Actividad: Tablas de límites de acercamiento 1.6.4 Actividad: Probabilidad de la ocurrencia de un arco eléctrico 1.6.5 Actividad: Categorías de EPP 1.6.7 Actividad: EPP requerido 1.5.6 Capacitación sobre equipos eléctricos 1.5.8 Otra capacitación para trabajos que involucran peligros eléctricos 1.5.9 Capacitación sobre límites de acercamiento limitado 1.6.2 Trabajar con las tablas de la NFPA 70E® 1.6.3 Actividad: Tablas de límites de acercamiento 1.6.4 Actividad: Probabilidad de la ocurrencia de un arco eléctrico 1.6.5 Actividad: Categorías de EPP 1.6.6 EPP requerido 1.7.1 Resumen Test "
Minor PS5-102245 Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.1 Conexión a tierra 1.5.2 Cableado inadecuado 1.5.6 Revisión de conocimientos: Apatía por el recorrido a tierra 1.6.1 Herramientas eléctricas defectuosas 1.6.2 Conexión a tierra incorrecta en piezas energizadas 1.6.4 Revisión de conocimientos: Infracciones eléctricas 1.7.1 Paneles eléctricos con bloqueos 1.8.1 Uso incorrecto de los cables flexibles 1.8.3 Actividad de aprendizaje: Cables flexibles Test"
Minor PS5-102305 Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US) (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.1 Mise à la terre 1.4.4 Vérification des connaissances : Mise à la terre 1.5.2 Câblage inadéquat 1.5.6 Vérification des connaissances : Apathie en ce qui concerne le trajet de mise à la terre 1.6.1 Outils électriques défectueux 1.6.2 Mise à la terre incorrecte des parties énergisées 1.6.4 Vérification des connaissances : Non-conformités électriques 1.7.1 Panneaux électriques bloqués 1.7.4 Non-marquage des dispositifs de déconnexion et des circuits 1.8.1 Utilisation inappropriée des câbles souples 1.8.3 Activité d’apprentissage : Câbles souples Test"
Minor PS5-102949 OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting (US) Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A "Text and VO update 1.4.3 Diagnoses"
Minor PS5-103661 Confined Spaces: Construction Requirements General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Title 1.2.1 Welcome 1.4.9 Learning Activity: Requirements for Construction Activities 1.3.1 Knowledge Check: Confined Spaces 1.3.5 Knowledge Check: Construction or General Industry?"
Minor PS5-103664 Confined Spaces: General Industry Requirements General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Title 1.2.1 Welcome 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Key Requirements"
Revision PHDV95 European Union GMP Requirements for Computerised Systems Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog QA/GMP Trainer 1.0 Updated course references by removing dates and duplication.
Retire PS5-00289 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103787 and PS5-103788
Retire PS5-30069 Fire Extinguisher Safety, Parts 1-2 (US) N/A N/A N/A This multipart will be replaced in 30 days with 2 individual courses PS5-103736;PS5-103668
Revision PHDV68 Biotechnology: An Overview of Compliance Considerations QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Grammar, formatting and/or clarifing edits where needed.
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April 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New DEV67 European Vigilance for Medical Devices Pharmaceutical Medical Device 0 1.0 This course discusses important concepts, terminology, and reporting information for European vigilance for medical devices.
New PCV02_A Pharmacovigilance: Global Requirements — Regulations and Guidances Pharmaceutical Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 This course covers laws, regulations, and guidance or directives as applicable for drug safety and pharmacovigilance for the United States (US), Canada, the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and Japan.
New PS5-103667 Fire Extinguishers: Controlling the Elements of Fire Ergonomics and Office Safety;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog N/A If you know the elements that must be in place for fire to exist, you can use that knowledge to prevent and fight fires. Take this course to learn about the elements of fire and how extinguishers work. This course is ideal for workers who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-103668 Fire Extinguishers: Readiness and Response Ergonomics and Office Safety;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog N/A What happens if there is a fire in your workplace? Have you taken the appropriate steps to prepare? Will you know whether to fight or flee a fire? Take this course to learn how to prepare your workplace for potential fires and what factors to consider when you are deciding to fight or flee. You'll also learn about how to put out a small fire using a portable fire extinguisher using the PASS method. Being prepared and knowing what to do can save lives. This course is ideal for workers who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-103730 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Substance Abuse Drug and Alcohol Policies;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Employment Liability and Security;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. This course teaches workers what substance abuse is and the effects it has on workers and their employers. It also discusses the costs substance abuse has on the organization. This course provides information on how you can help someone with a substance abuse problem and ways you can reduce the risks of substance abuse. Resources are made available to help you learn more about substance abuse, prevention and intervention. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-103731 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Stimulants Drug and Alcohol Policies;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Employment Liability and Security;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Stimulant drugs speed up the body's systems. Users may feel great due to short-term performance-enhancing and euphoric effects. However, long-term abuse of these drugs can have significant consequences. This course provides facts about commonly abused stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, cocaine and amphetamines. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-103732 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Depressants Drug and Alcohol Policies;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Employment Liability and Security;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Depressant drugs induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms and prevent seizures. However, individuals who abuse these substances experience serious consequences. This course provides facts about commonly abused depressants such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, kava, gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), opiates and over-the-counter drugs. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-103733 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts About Cannabinoids, Psychedelics and Empathogens Drug and Alcohol Policies;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Employment Liability and Security;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A One of the signs of a substance misuse problem is the deterioration of workplace performance. The physical, mental and emotional impairment that results from drug misuse can affect productivity, morale and most importantly, the safety of users and their co-workers. Mind-altering drugs produce alarming side effects and have the potential for abuse across every demographic. This course provides facts about commonly abused cannabinoids, psychedelics and empathogens, such as marijuana, PCP and MDMA. The physical, mental and emotional effects they have on workers are also discussed. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
New PS5-103736 Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog N/A Using the wrong type of extinguisher can actually make a fire worse. Take this course to learn about the classifications of fire and how to choose the appropriate extinguisher in a given situation. This course is ideal for workers in the United States who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-103737 Fire Extinguishers: Classifications Ergonomics and Office Safety;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog N/A Using the wrong type of extinguisher on a fire can make the fire worse. Take this course to learn about the classifications of fire and how to choose the appropriate extinguisher in various situations. This course is ideal for workers who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
New PS5-104018 Hazardous Chemical Information - Pictograms (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Hazards are universal but languages are not. To keep individuals safe in workplaces throughout the world, standardized symbols called pictograms have been created to communicate hazards in a consistent manner from workplace to workplace and from country to country. This mini-module covers pictograms and the hazards associated with them, as encountered on labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).
New PS5-104022 First Aid: Medical Emergencies (US) (Spanish) Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog N/A Illnesses on and off the job represent a significant health problem. The outcome depends on not only the severity of the illness but also on the rendering of first aid care. Prompt, properly administered first aid care can mean the difference between life and death. This course will cover a variety of emergency scenarios and the appropriate first aid care. Note: This training should not be used as the primary basis for any first aid certification. It is intended to provide the learner with knowledge-based training only.
Major FDA66 MDR Regulation 3: Requirements for Individual Adverse Event Reports QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.0 Revised content for new form (3500B for Consumers/Patients)and changes to form 3500A. Updated references and coding information
Major MAPDED_02_LSC Your Introduction to Medicare (Micro) Healthcare trainor Healthcare Micro Library 3.0 Updated amounts to reflect 2024 data. Updated question in Booster #3.
Major PARTD10 Medicare Part D: Coordination of Benefits and True Out-of-Pocket Facilitation 0 HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Part D Library 13.0 Updated Medicare cost share amounts and graphic for 2024.
Major PS5-00448 Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (US) (Spanish) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.3 Objetivos pedagógicos 1.4.4 Para que ocurra una descarga eléctrica... 1.5.1 Cantidad de corriente y daño correspondiente 1.5.2 Actividad: Rango de corriente y efectos 1.5.3 Comprobación de conocimientos: Descarga eléctrica 1.5.4 Comprobación de conocimientos: Descarga eléctrica (continuación) 1.5.5 Comprobación de conocimientos: Descarga eléctrica (continuación) 1.6.2 Flujo de corriente y resistencia de la piel 1.6.3 Ejemplo: Una esmeriladora de 120 V 1.6.6 Resultados del cortocircuito de la esmeriladora de 120 V 1.7.2 Seguridad eléctrica: sus responsabilidades 1.8.2 La norma de bloqueo/etiquetado 1.8.7 Actividades de aprendizaje-DELETE SLIDE 1.10.6 Comprobación de conocimientos: Bloqueos y etiquetas (continuado) 1.11.2 Aplicación de bloqueos y etiquetas: Pasos 4-5 1.11.3 Aplicación de bloqueos y etiquetas: Pasos 6 1.11.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Aplicación de bloqueos/etiquetas 1.12.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Retiro de bloqueos/etiquetas 1.15.1 Conclusión test Q7"
Major PS5-00678 Effective Supervision Management Skills;Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102271 Construction Safety Orientation Construction Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor HIPAA08 HIPAA Privacy: Role-Based Training III (Uses and Disclosures of PHI) HIPAA Trainer HIPAA Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.2 Minor clarifying language changes. Updated language regarding self-insured plans, and added one question pertaining to new information.
Minor MAPDNR_02 Understanding CMS Provider Directory Requirements (Micro) Healthcare trainor Healthcare Micro Library 1.2 Added the 2024 Final Rule as a reference and added language to page 10 based on final rule.
Minor PS5-103662 Confined Spaces Part 1 of 2: Recognition and Responsibilities Construction;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Course Title "
Minor PS5-103663 Confined Spaces Part 2 of 2: Permits and Emergencies Construction;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Construction Essentials;Safety Catalog N/A "Course Title 1.2.1 Welcome 1.4.2 What Is Included in the Permit? (continued) 1.3.4 Work Can Create Hazardous Atmospheres course title 1.5.6 Knowledge Check: Roles and Responsibilities 1.8.1 Summary"
Revision EHS92 Safety Signs and Color Codes EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 1.3 Removed dead link
Revision HIPAA01 HIPAA: General Awareness QA/GMP TrainerCorporate Compliance HIPAA LibraryMedical Device - Sales & Marketing Library, Pharmaceutical - Sales & Marketing Library, Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Emerging Business - Medical Device Library, Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 9.1 Clarified language regarding the annual caps associated with each penalty.
Revision HIPAA06 HIPAA Privacy: Role-Based Training I (Incidental PHI Contact) HIPAA Trainer HIPAA Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.2 Updated byline and minor clarifying language changes.
Revision HIPAA07 "HIPAA Privacy: Role-Based Training II (Internal Uses of PHI) " HIPAA Trainer HIPAA Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Updated byline and minor clarifying language changes.
Revision PCV01_A Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance: Assessing Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 0
Revision PCV01_B Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance: Reporting Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Pharmacovigilance Library 1.0 0
Retire PS5-00246 Fire Extinguisher Safety N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103667, PS5-103668, PS5-103737
Retire PS5-00326 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103730, PS5-103731, PS5-103732, PS5-103733
Retire PS5-01368 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103730, PS5-103731, PS5-103732, PS5-103733
Retire PS5-102181 Fire Extinguisher Safety: Part 1 - Fight or Flee (US) N/A N/A N/A This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103667
Retire PS5-102193 Fire Extinguisher Safety: Part 2 - Using Extinguishers (US) N/A N/A N/A This courses will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103668, PS5-103736
Retire PS5-103257 Construction Safety Orientation (Chinese) N/A N/A N/A No replacement
March 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-30162 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PCV01_A Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance: Assessing Pharmaceutical Pharmacovigalance Library 1.0 This is a new course covering Assessment for Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilnce
New PCV01_B Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance: Reporting Pharmaceutical Pharmacovigalance Library 1.0 This is a new course covering Reporting for Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilnce
New PS5-103954 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103955 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103956 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103957 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103958 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (German) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103959 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Italian) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103960 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103961 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Korean) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103962 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103964 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103965 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103966 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103967 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103968 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (German) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103969 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Italian) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103970 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103971 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Korean) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103972 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-104000 Laser Safety: Operators General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;Laboratory Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Tools Safety Catalog n/a Lasers produce a highly directional beam of light. Under certain conditions, laser radiation can cause eye or skin injury. Take this course to learn about the operating principles of lasers and laser systems, the biological effects of laser radiation exposure, and laser hazard control measures. This course is ideal for people who work with lasers or around Class 3R and higher lasers. It should be combined with site-specific and hands-on training.
New PS5-104010 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog n/a What if you could eliminate or minimize risks before an incident occurs? You can. A job hazard analysis is a systematic way to identify potential hazards for a task so you can take measures to remove or control the risks. There are also additional benefits to conducting a job hazard analysis, which you will learn about in this course. This course is ideal for all learners.
New PS5-30162 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Canadian French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders. *For course licensing customers and does not include IACET CEUs*
New PS5-30163 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30164 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30165 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30166 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (German) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30167 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Italian) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30168 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30169 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Korean) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30170 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog n/a Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
Major MA40                                    Medicare Advantage: Provider Networks Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Advantage Library 6.0 Added new requirements from 2024 Final Rule related to minimum standards for appointment times for primary care and behavioral health services and cultural competency. Added requirements for OIG/GSA screening and preclusion list screening.
Major MAPD_MIC01                    Member Issue Classification Training Health Plan Compliance Medicare Advantage Library 2.0 Updated terminology to reflect current terms and to incorporate Part D terms. Added clarifying language regarding member representatives.
Major MAPD_MIC02 Member Issue Classification — Part C Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Advantage Library 2.0 Added content for addressing multiple concers in a single grievance. Updated terminology to reflect current terms and to incorporate language and scenarios regarding multiple issues in the same request.
Major MAPD03 MAPD/PDP: Communications and Marketing Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 15.0 Clarified some language to better suite current regulations.
Major MAPDCP_01                  Medicare Part C and D Effective Compliance Program Requirements (Micro) n/a n/a 2.0 Added requirement for OIG/GSA screening.
Major MAPDCP_01_B01 Medicare Part C and D Effective Compliance Program Requirements Booster1 n/a n/a 2.0 Added requirement for OIG/GSA screening.
Major PS5-00287 Confined Space Hazards Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials n/a "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-100411 Semiconductor Hazardous Energy Control Part 3 Electrical and LOTO;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor n/a "1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.3 Semiconductor Equipment Hazardous Energy Control Curriculum 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 The LOTO Process 1.3.2 Learning Activity: Initial Steps of LOTO Process 1.3.4 Step 1: Prepare - Read the Procedure 1.3.5 Learning Activity: Step 1: Prepare - Know Your Equipment 1.3.6 Step 2: Notify Affected Employees 1.3.8 Step 4: Isolate Energy Source 1.3.9 Learning Activity: Final Steps of LOTO Process 1.3.10 Final Steps of LOTO Process: Feedback 1.3.11 Step 5: Apply LOTO 1.3.12 Step 6: Control Stored Energy - Procedures 1.3.13 Step 6: Control Stored Energy - Procedures (continued) 1.3.14 Step 6: Control Stored Energy – Exception 1.3.15 Knowledge Check: LOTO Step Sequence Exception 1.3.16 Step 7: Attempt to Power Up Equipment - Basic 1.3.17 Step 7: Attempt to Power Up Equipment - Advanced 1.3.18 Step 8: Perform Maintenance 1.3.19 Knowledge Check: LOTO Process 1.3.20 Post-Maintenance Procedures 1.3.21 Knowledge Check: Re-Energizing Equipment 1.4.1 Group LOTO Overview 1.4.2 Group LOTO Requirements 1.4.3 Group LOTO Requirements – Authorized Employees 1.4.4 Knowledge Check: Authorized Employee Responsibility 1.4.5 Additional Group LOTO Requirements 1.4.6 Additional Group LOTO Requirements (continued) 1.5.1 Summary 1.5.2 What Is Next? Footer Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-101016 Hexavalent Chromium Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials n/a "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101061 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) Construction;EHS Management Skills;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Safety Catalog n/a "Global SME review and content update All Slides updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-101145 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Chinese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101147 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Dutch) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101148 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101149 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (German) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101150 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Japanese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101152 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Portuguese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101153 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-102351 Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US) (Spanish) Construction;Crane and Rigging;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog n/a "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-102601 Laser Safety Awareness (Spanish) Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;Laboratory Safety;First Aid;Health and Wellness Safety Catalog n/a Global Content Update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-103239 Laser Safety Awareness (Chinese) Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;Laboratory Safety;First Aid;Health and Wellness Safety Catalog n/a Global Content Update (fresh translation)
Minor Cwire-sys01 Welcome to ComplianceWire n/a n/a 5.4 Updated to include Dashboards, Perferred view and new images
Minor PHDV60                    A Tour of FDA QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Medical Device Library, Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library, Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Medical Device GMPs Library 6.3 Updated PDUFA renewal dates and updated report data summaries and dates.
Minor PS5-00266 Respiratory Protection (US) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials n/a "1.5.5 Learning Activity: Disposable Dust Masks and Air-Purifying Respirators 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Seal Checks"
Minor PS5-00270 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 1a: Introduction to the GHS High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor n/a "1.5.3 Learning Activity: Pictograms and Hazards 2 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Physical Hazards 1.6.9 Learning Activity: More Physical Hazards 1.8.2 Learning Activity: Health and Environmental Hazards"
Minor PS5-00301 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 2: Hazards, Controls and Emergency Actions High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor n/a 1.2.5 Learning Activity: Chemical Forms
Minor PS5-01396 First Aid: Medical Emergencies (US) Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog n/a "1.7.2 Stings (continued) 1.7.3 Dog Bites "
Minor PS5-01413 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (US) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials n/a 1.7.4 Learning Activity: Types of PPE
Minor PS5-100319 Tasks and Corrective Actions Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials n/a "1.5.2 Learning Activity: Risk Matrix 1.5.1, 1.5.2 PDF Update"
Minor PS5-100439 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 4: Hazardous Gases and Control Systems (US) High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor n/a 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Which Precautions Apply?
Minor PS5-100498 Semiconductor Fabrication Worker Safety Part 2 High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor n/a "1.4.4 Activity: CVD Process Controls 1.12.5 (1.8.6) Learning Activity: CMP Process Controls"
Minor PS5-102388 Ladder Safety Awareness Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog n/a "1.5.5 Learning Activity: Fill in the Blanks 1.6.3 Learning Activity: Ladder Usage"
Minor PS5-102706 OSHA Outreach Training Learner Responsibilities n/a n/a n/a "1.4.1 Meeting OSHA Outreach Training Requirements 1.4.2 Spending Time in the Presentations 1.4.3 Daily Time Limit 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Learner Requirements"
Minor PS5-102707 OSHA Outreach Training Midway Progress Report n/a n/a n/a 1.4.1 A Reminder About Time
Retire ADVAMED-MINI-02 AdvaMed Guidance: Modest Meals Corporate Compliance "Medical Device Catalog Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library" n/a This course will be retired in 30 days due to low usage and will not be replaced.
Retire MAPD_MIC01 Member Issue Classification Training Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Advantage Library n/a This course will be retired in 30 days due to low usage and will not be replaced.
Retire MAPD_MIC02 Member Issue Classification _ Part C Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Advantage Library n/a This course will be retired in 30 days due to low usage and will not be replaced.
Retire MAPD_MIC03 Member Issue Classification _ Part D Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Advantage Library n/a This course will be retired in 30 days due to low usage and will not be replaced.
Retire PS5-100599 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (US) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-101061 Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
Retire PS5-102332 Ladder Safety (Chinese) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103955 and PS5-103965
Retire PS5-102335 Ladder Safety (Dutch) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103956 and PS5-103966
Retire PS5-102336 Ladder Safety (German) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103958 and PS5-103968
Retire PS5-102337 Ladder Safety (Japanese) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103960 and PS5-103970
Retire PS5-102340 Ladder Safety (Portuguese) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103962 and PS5-103972
Retire PS5-102488 Ladder Safety (French) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103957 and PS5-103967
Retire PS5-102490 Ladder Safety (Korean) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103961 and PS5-103971
Retire PS5-102491 Ladder Safety (Italian) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103959 and PS5-103969
Retire PS5-102705 Ladder Safety (Canadian French) n/a n/a n/a This course will be replaced in 30 days with PS5-103954 and PS5-103964
February 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103462 HAZWOPER: National Incident Management System (NIMS) Overview Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;EHS Manager;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Construction;Warehouse Safety;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Laboratory Safety Safety Catalog N/A When incidents involve hazardous materials, it is important that we coordinate efforts to save lives, stabilize the incident, and protect property and the environment. Take this course to learn how we can share resources and collaborate to respond quickly and effectively to incidents. In the course, we will describe what is included in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) approach to incident management. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel, first responders and other people who respond to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103994 HAZWOPER: Direct Reading Gas Detector Safety (Spanish) Construction;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A Direct reading gas detectors can provide life-saving data when you use them properly. Take this course to learn how you can use direct reading gas detectors in environments that may be immediately dangerous to life and health, or IDLH, during hazardous waste and emergency response operations. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103995 HAZWOPER: Elimination and Substitution Controls (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;EHS Management Skills;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A The most effective way to control hazards is to eliminate them or substitute them with something safer. Take this course to learn how to use elimination and substitution for risk mitigation and worker protection. We will go over some examples of how these controls can make a difference in hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER, workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103996 HAZWOPER: Engineering Controls (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;EHS Management Skills;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A When elimination and substitution are not possible, our next defense against hazards is engineering controls. Take this course to learn about the purpose of engineering controls and how we use them in hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER. By applying engineering controls in your workplace, you can protect yourself and your co-workers from chemical, heat and noise hazards. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103997 HAZWOPER: Heat Stress Awareness (Spanish) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Due to the nature of their jobs and the protective equipment required, HAZWOPER workers are particularly susceptible to heat stress. Take this course to refresh your memory about types of heat stress. In it, you will learn why HAZWOPER workers are susceptible to heat stress and how to prevent and treat it. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103998 HAZWOPER: Hierarchy of Controls Overview (Spanish) Construction;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;EHS Management Skills;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A You may already be familiar with the hierarchy of controls, but are you aware of how they work together to effectively control the hazards associated with hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER, activities? Take this course to learn more. This course is ideal for laboratory and industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103999 Excavation and Trenching Safety (Spanish) Construction Safety Catalog N/A Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily, in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, many fatalities and work-related injuries are associated with excavation and trenching incidents. Cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving you little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the safety procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are employees who work in or near excavations and trenches.
New PS5-104001 Safe Vehicle Operations (US) (Spanish) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A This course educates commercial vehicle operators and other personnel at trucking companies about how to avoid accidents caused by speeding, following other vehicles too closely and executing turns incorrectly.
Major LAV06 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) 0 0 5.0 Updated to include references to the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
Major LAV23 Sexual Harassment Awareness for New York Employees and Supervisors Corporate Compliance HR Compliance & Risk Management HR Compliance & Risk Management Library, Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 2.0 Updated to include clarification and language of the 2023 DOL training guidance.
Major MAPD02 MAPD02 Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 11.0 Updated to reflect latest CMS guidance and supporting links.
Major MDSM07 National Patient Safety Goals: HCIR Credentialing Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing 3.0 Updated to better align with C4UHC standards. Updates include the training, medical surveillance, and personal protective equipment requirements of healthcare industry representatives.
Major PS5-01363 Office Safety (US) Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-100543 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-100595 Office Ergonomics for California (US) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-100873 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (German) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101084 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101085 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (German) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101086 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Japanese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101088 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Portuguese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101089 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Chinese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-101157 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101159 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101161 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101768 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-102194 Welding, Cutting and Brazing Part 1: Methods Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials N/A "Global SME Review Title change All slides updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102466 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Italian) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-102467 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Portuguese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-102468 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Korean) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global Content Update Job Aid and Test"
Major PS5-102885 Heat Stress Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102949 OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting (US) General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Management Skills;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor PS5-00204 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials N/A 1.2.3 Learning Objectives
Minor PS5-00206 Hazard Communication (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Test and Job Aid 1.3.1 Purpose of the HazCom Standard 1.3.5 Learning Activity: Four Major HazCom Standard Areas 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Hazard Communication Responsibilities 1.6.8 Common Rating Systems Used in Labeling 1.7.1 Learning Activity: Pictograms"
Minor PS5-00217 Introduction to OSHA (US) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.1 OSHA's Mission 1.3.2 OSHA's Coverage 1.3.3 State Plans 1.4.5 General Duty Clause 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities 1.9.2 Types of Penalties 1.9.3 Types of Penalties (continued)"
Minor PS5-00263 Hearing Conservation (US) First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;EHS Essentials N/A "1.4.6 Learning Activity: Hearing Conservation Programs 1.5.2 Your Last Defense"
Minor PS5-00264 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog;Driver Essentials Large Commercial Vehicles N/A "1.2.3 Learning Activity: Fact or Myth 1.5.8 Learning Activity: Safe Driving"
Minor PS5-00279 Giving and Receiving Feedback Management Skills;Health and Safety Management;Employment Liability and Security Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.2.16 Learning Activity: Giving Feedback
Minor PS5-00284 Reporting (Data Entry) Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.4.3 Knowledge Check: Benefits of Reporting Observations, Near Misses and Incidents
Minor PS5-00554 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence Management Skills;Health and Safety Management;Employment Liability and Security Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.5 Learning Activity: Integrated System Benefits
Minor PS5-00867 Crane Operator Safety Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "1.3.8 Learning Activity: The Work Area 1.7.5 Learning Activity: Adverse Weather Conditions"
Minor PS5-01208 Basic Rigging Awareness Awareness;Crane and Rigging;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.2 Learning Activity: Rigging Equipment 1.6.3 Knowledge Check: Preparing to Rig"
Minor PS5-01304 Cold Stress Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "1.6.9 Learning Activity: Severe Effects of Cold Exposure 1.8.7 Learning Activity: Precautions"
Minor PS5-01368 Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (US) Drug and Alcohol Policies;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Employment Liability and Security;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Course description 1.2.1 Welcome 1.16.2 Learning Activity: How to Help"
Minor PS5-102193 Fire Extinguisher Safety: Part 2 - Using Extinguishers (US) Working from Home/Remote;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials N/A "1.4.4 Learning Activity: Choose Appropriate Extinguishers 1.6.4 Learning Activity: Operating an Extinguisher"
Minor PS5-102406 Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness Awareness;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Symptoms and Treatments
Minor PS5-102407 Fire Prevention Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 Activity: Workplace Fires 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Electrical Equipment"
Minor PS5-102596 Hearing Conservation Awareness First Aid, Health and Wellness;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) 1.5.5 Learning Activity: Types of Hearing Protection "
Minor PS5-102661 Latex Allergy Awareness Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A 1.7.3 Knowledge Check: Symptoms
Minor PS5-102924 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Inflamable y combustible 1.3.8 Revisión de conocimientos: Etiquetas Glossary/1.2.3 Objetivos del curso Job Aid"
Minor PS5-103418 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objetivos del curso 1.4.2 Exterior general 1.4.6 Revisión de conocimientos: Manguera 1.4.7 Comentarios: Manguera 1.4.12 Revisión de conocimientos: Horquillas, elevadores y accesorios 1.5.2 Resumen"
Minor PS5-103541 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objectifs d'apprentissage 1.4.2 Extérieur général 1.4.6 Vérification des connaissances : Tuyau flexible 1.4.7 Commentaire : Tuyau flexible 1.4.12 Vérification des connaissances : Fourches, montants et accessoires 1.5.2 Résumé"
Minor PS5-103542 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 学习目标 1.4.2 外观概貌 1.4.6 知识测验:软管 1.4.7 反馈:软管 1.4.12 知识测验:货叉、升降机和属具"
Minor PS5-103544 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objectifs didactiques 1.4.2 L’aspect extérieur général 1.4.6 Vérification des connaissances : Tuyau 1.4.7 Commentaires : Tuyau 1.4.12 Vérification des connaissances : Les fourches, levages et accessoires 1.5.2 Résumé"
Minor PS5-103545 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (German) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Lernziele 1.4.2 Allgemeines Äußeres 1.4.6 Wissenscheck: Schläuche 1.4.7 Feedback: Schläuche 1.4.12 Wissenscheck: Gabeln, Masten und Anbaugeräte 1.5.2 Zusammenfassung Test"
Minor PS5-103546 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 学習の目的 1.4.2 外観 1.4.6 学習した内容の確認:ホース 1.4.7 フィードバック:ホース 1.4.12 学習した内容の確認:フォーク、リフト、アタッチメント 1.5.2 まとめ"
Minor PS5-103547 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.4 Objetivos de Aprendizagem 1.4.2 Exterior Geral 1.4.6 Verificação de Conhecimento: Mangueira 1.4.7 Resposta: Mangueira 1.4.12 Verificação de Conhecimento: Garfos, Elevadores e Acessórios 1.5.2 Resumo"
Minor PS5-103809 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 引火性液体と可燃性液体 Glossary/1.2.3 学習の目的 Job Aid"
January 2024 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-12142 General Industry Safety Program (IACET CEU=1.3) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing N/A N/A Whether you are implementing a new general industry safety program or augmenting an existing program, it can be stressful to choose what to cover. The Top 25 General Industry package takes the guesswork out of selecting topics. Our package is composed of the 25 safety courses that general industry audiences consider the most critical to working safely and avoiding damage, injuries and fatalities. Topics include everything from working at heights and preventing back injuries to preventing workplace violence. These courses are ideal for everyone who works in general industry, from workers to supervisors.
New PS5-103849 Methylene Chloride Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Manager;Electrical and LOTO;Environmental Health and Safety Management;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety Safety Catalog N/A Do you know if the products you use for tasks like cleaning and degreasing contain potentially deadly methylene chloride? Take this course to learn about what methylene chloride is, its hazards, and how to control exposures to it. This course is ideal for general industry workers, especially those involved bathroom remodeling, industrial painting and stripping, and aircraft structural repair. This course is also appropriate for laboratory workers in the pharmaceutical industry.
New PS5-103951 Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) (Spanish) Construction;EHS Management Skills;Environmental;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Many companies are committed to achieving goals related to environmental, social and governance, or ESG. You may wonder, what are those goals and how do they affect my job? Take this course to learn about the purpose of ESG efforts and how companies measure their success, including factors you'll need to keep in mind when completing your work and sharing data with leadership. This course is ideal for all employees.
Major MA29 Medicare Advantage: Overview of the Medicare Program Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 9.0 Updated statistics related to Medicare enrollment, 2024 premiums and deductibles, and names of Recovery Audit Contractors.
Major MA36                                   Medicare Advantage: Plan Benefit Package and Bid Pricing Tool Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Advantage Library 7.0 Updated to include new CMS information on HPMS PBP Module.
Major MA41 Medicare Advantage: Quality Management and Utilization Management Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library 9.0 Added new utilization management requirements related to coverage criteria and a Utilization Management Committee based on the 2024 Final Rule CMS-4201-F.
Major MAPARTD02 Part C and Part D Coverage Decisions Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 3.0 Added new requirements from the 2024 Final Rule CMS-4201-F related to medical necessity criteria and coverage
Major MAPARTD03 Parts C and D Appeals Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 3.0 Updated to include 2024 Final Rule CMS-4201-F related to medical necessity criteria, and timeframes for Part B drugs. Clarified Notice and effectuation of Part D decisions.
Major MAPD03 MAPD/PDP: Communications and Marketing Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 15.0 Updated references and made updates throughout based on changes in the CMS 2024 Final Rule
Major PARTD08 Medicare Part D: Medication Therapy Management and Quality Improvement Program Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D LibraryIndustry 12.0 Updated to include new utilization management requirements related to coverage criteria and a Utilization Management Committee based on the 2024 Final Rule CMS-4201-F as it relates to Part B drugs
Major PS5-00212 Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.4.1 Grounding 1.4.2 Learning Activity: Electrical Grounds 1.4.4 Knowledge Check: Grounding 1.5.2 Inadequate Wiring 1.5.6 Knowledge Check: Ground Path Apathy 1.6.1 Defective Electrical Tools 1.6.2 Improper Grounding on Energized Parts 1.6.4 Knowledge Check: Electrical Violations 1.7.1 Blocked Electrical Panels 1.7.4 Failure to Mark Disconnecting Means and Circuits 1.8.1 Improper Use of Flexible Cords 1.8.3 Learning Activity: Flexible Cords Post test Q8"
Major PS5-00262 Applying Electrical Standards (US) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.5.6 Electrical Equipment Training 1.5.8 Other Training for Work Involving Electrical Hazards 1.5.9 Limited Approach Boundary Training 1.6.1 Risk Assessment 1.6.2 Working With NFPA 70E® Tables 1.6.3 Activity: Approach Boundaries Tables 1.6.4 Activity: Likelihood of Arc Flash Occurrence 1.6.5 Activity: PPE Categories 1.6.6 Required PPE 1.6.7 Activity: Required PPE 1.7.1 Summary footer Test"
Major PS5-00305 Semiconductor Electrical Safety Part 2: Developing a Risk-Based Approach to Electrical Safety Electrical and LOTO;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.1 NFPA 70E® 1.3.3 Knowledge Check: NFPA 70E® in the Semiconductor Fabrication Facility 1.4.1 Knowledge Check: Electrical Hazard Risk Assessment 1.4.2 Protective Measures 1.4.3 Hierarchy of Hazard Control 1.4.4 Hierarchy of Hazard Control (continued) 1.5.1 Steps to Establish Electrically Safe Work Conditions 1.5.4 Knowledge Check: Requirements for Energized Work 1.5.5 Authorized Energized Work 1.5.6 Authorized Energized Work (continued) 1.5.7 Knowledge Check: Authorized Energized Work Examples 1.6.2 Qualified Persons (continued) 1.6.3 Knowledge Check: Qualified Persons 1.7.1 Electrical Shock and Arc-Flash Risk Assessments 1.7.2 Knowledge Check: Electrical Shock Risk Assessment 1.7.5 Knowledge Check: Arc-Flash Risk Reduction 1.8.1 Learning Activity: Approach Boundaries 1.9 Conclusion Test"
Major PS5-00306 Semiconductor Electrical Safety Part 3: Implementing Electrical Safety (US) Electrical and LOTO;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 The Implementation Process 1.3.2 Learning Activity: Electrical Shock Protection Boundary Distances 1.3.3 Electrical Shock Protection Boundary Distances 1.4.1 Arc-Flash Risk Assessment PPE Category Method 1.4.2 Arc-Flash Risk Assessment PPE Category Method (continued) 1.4.3 Arc-Flash Risk Assessment PPE Category Method (continued) 1.4.4 Knowledge Check: Arc-Flash Hazard Tables 1.4.5 Arc-Flash Risk Assessment PPE Category Method – Equipment Label 1.5.2 Learning Activity: Incident Energy Analysis Equipment Label 1.5.3 Knowledge Check: Incident Energy Analysis Equipment Label 1.7.1 Energized Electrical Work Permit - Required Elements 1.7.3 Knowledge Check: Energized Electrical Work Permits 1.7.4 Energized Electrical Work Permit – Restricting Access Test 1.8.1 Summary "
Major PS5-00311 Semiconductor Hazardous Energy Control Part 2 Electrical and LOTO;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor N/A "Global SME review and content update All slides updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-100433 Semiconductor Electrical Safety Part 4: Electrical Safety Program Components (US) Electrical and LOTO;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety High-tech/Semiconductor N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.2 Knowledge Check: Electrical Safety Program Components 1.4.1 Knowledge Check: Examples of Safe Work Practices 1.4.2 Safe Work Practices Reminder 1.6 Electrical Safe Work Practices – Electrical Shock Protection and Arc-Related PPE 1.6.1 Knowledge Check: Items that Protect You from Electrical Shock 1.6.2 Learning Activity: Electrical Shock Protection PPE 1.6.2 Learning Activity: Electrical Shock Protection PPE 1.6.3 Arc-Rated PPE for PPE Categories Method 1.6.4 Arc-Rated PPE for Incident Energy Analysis Method 1.6.5 Knowledge Check: Arc-Rated PPE 1.8.1 Learning Activity: Tools and Ladders 1.9.1 Learning Activity: Stored Electrical Energy 1.11.2 Knowledge Check: Emergency Response to Electrical Exposure 1.11.5 Attempting Rescue Test"
Major PS5-100872 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (French) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-100874 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Japanese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-100984 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Dutch) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101003 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Chinese) General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101156 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101162 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-101163 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-102231 Electrical Safety for Construction: Cord and Plug Connected Equipment (US) Electrical and LOTO;Construction Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.1 “Be Safe” from Electrical Hazards 1.4.1 Contact with Energized Sources 1.4.2 Contact with Energized Sources (Continued) 1.4.3 Improper Use of Extension and Flexible Cords 1.4.4 Preventing Cord Hazards 1.5.2 GFCIs at Work – An Example 1.5.4 Knowledge Check: What Went Wrong? 1.6.4 Common Examples of Misused Equipment Test Q2, Q5"
Major PS5-102235 Electrical Safety for Construction: Power Lines and Lockout/Tagout (US) Electrical and LOTO;Construction Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.1 “Be Safe” from Electrical Hazards 1.3.3 Contact with Power Lines 1.3.4 Knowledge Check: Preventing Power Line Accidents 1.4.1 Contact with Energized Sources 1.4.2 Contact with Energized Sources (Continued) 1.5 Equipment Around Power Lines 1.5.1 Equipment Around Power Lines 1.5.2 Material Storage and Excavations around Power Lines 1.6.3 Lockout/Tagout Procedures (Continued) 1.6.4 Learning Activity: Lockout/Tagout Procedures 1.8.1 Summary Test Q1, Q4"
Major PS5-102280 Laser Safety Awareness Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;Laboratory Safety;First Aid;Health and Wellness Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review and content update All slides updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102425 Warehouse Safety Awareness Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review and content update All slides updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-103686 Cannabis Awareness (Spanish) Employment Liability and Security;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Minor MAPARTD01 Medicare Advantage (Part C) and Part D Grievances Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare Catalog Medicare Part D Library 2.1 Updated to include requirements related to dismissals when appropriate representative documentation is not received based on guidance received from CMS.
Minor MAPD06 MAPD: Disenrollment Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 2.3 Updated the effective date of Chapter 2 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual.
Minor MDSM05 Introduction to Medical Device Healthcare Compliance Medical Device - Sales & Marketing LibraryMedical Device Medical Device 3.2 Several sections of The AdvaMed chapter was updated to accurately reflect the latest version of the Code.
Minor PARTD05 Medicare Part D: PDP Enrollment Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 13.2 Updated pre-enrollment checklist and requirements and updated references.
Minor PHDV102 Requirements for Computerized Systems Validation and Compliance Pharmaceutical Medical Device Medical Device GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 2.1 Updated definitions, references, and figures to include GAMP5 2nd edition data.
Minor PS5-101715 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 易燃和可燃 1.3.8 Functionality Glossary/1.2.3 学习目标 Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101717 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Ontvlambaar en brandbaar 1.3.8 Glossary/1.2.3 Leerdoelen Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101718 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (German) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Entzündlich und brennbar 1.3.8 1.4.3 Potenzielle Zündquellen Glossary/1.2.3 Lernziele Job Aid "
Minor PS5-101720 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Inflamáveis e Combustíveis Glossary/1.2.3 Objetivos de aprendizagem Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102409 Incident Investigation Awareness Warehouse Safety;Management Skills;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Text Update and Job Aid 1.3.1 Incident Investigation"
Minor PS5-102702 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Inflammable et combustible 1.3.7 Comment reconnaître des liquides inflammables et combustibles Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102779 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (French) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Inflammable et combustible 1.3.7 Comment reconnaître les liquides inflammables et combustibles 1.3.8 Glossary/1.2.3 Objectifs didactiques Job Aid"
Minor PS5-103106 Office Ergonomics Essentials Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "1.2.2 Introduction 1.3.1 Knowledge Check: What Do You Think? 1.4.3 Awkward Positions 1.5.2 Plan for Stretching Resources Course Description Test"
Revision GCP16 European Union Clinical Trial Regulation QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Medical Device Library, Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 4.1 Terminology was updated to reflect current regulation terminology.
Revision PARTD11 Medicare Part D: PDP Disenrollment and Transaction Processing Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 2.0 Updated references and new ethnicity regulations.
Revision PPACA03 Introduction to Medicaid Health Plan Compliance Trainer PPACA LibraryHealthCare Catalog 5.2 Updated references, statistics, and other information for 2024.
December 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-30171 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PHDV106 Virtual and Hybrid Auditing for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Compliance PharmaceuticalMedical Device "Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Pharmaceutical GMPs Library" 1.0 This course describes information about virtual and hybrid auditing for good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliance. When regional, national, or global issues restrict or otherwise prohibit travel, traditional on-site audits may not be an option, exposing the organization to compliance risk and potentially jeopardizing the global supply chain.
New PS5-103717 HAZWOPER: Incident Command System (ICS) Overview Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;EHS Manager;High-tech/Semiconductor Safety Safety Catalog N/A How do we coordinate the facilities, equipment, personnel and procedures we use to manage incident responses? The answer is the Incident Command System (ICS). Take this course to learn about the components of the management system and how we use them. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel, first responders and other people who respond to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103950 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A At best, slipping and tripping is embarrassing. Often, it leads to strains and sprains. At worst, it causes serious injury or even death. Preventing slips, trips and falls is easy, but often ignored in the daily routine of trying to get work done quickly and efficiently. This course defines slips, trips and falls and details how you can avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103963 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103973 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
Major MDSM02 Reporting Adverse Events for Medical Devices Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library 3.0 Updated to include clarifications on FDA Warning Letters and manufacturer written procedures requirements.
Major PS5-01281 Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (US) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.4 For an Electrical Shock to Occur... 1.5.2 Activity: Current Range and Effects 1.5.3 Knowledge Check: Electrical Shock 1.5.4 Knowledge Check: Electrical Shock (continued 1.5.5 Knowledge Check: Electrical Shock (continued) 1.6.2 Current Flow and Skin Resistance 1.6.3 Example: 120V Grinder 1.6.6 Result of 120V Grinder Short Circuit 1.7.2 Electrical Safety – Your Responsibilities (continued) 1.8.1 What Is Lockout/Tagout? 1.10.6 Knowledge Check: Locks and Tags (continued) 1.14.1 Periodic Inspections 1.15.1 Conclusion Test"
Major PS5-101017 Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;First Aid, Health, and Wellness;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare; High-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Warehouse Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101158 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-102168 Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;Construction Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102571 Preventing Back Injury (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-102573 Preventing Back Injury (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Major PS5-103302 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global Content Update
Minor PS5-00204 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.3 Grounding 1.5.1 Knowledge Check: Why Electrical Incidents Occur 1.5.3 Electrical Shock 1.5.4 Effects of Electrical Shock 1.6.1 Secondary Hazards: Burns 1.6.4 Knowledge Check: Dangers of Electricity footer"
Minor PS5-00207 Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.2 Introduction 1.4.2 Capacitors 1.4.3 Controls 1.4.4 Other Elements 1.4.5 Learning Activity: Elements of an Electrical Safety Program 1.6.1 Approach Boundaries 1.7.6 PPE for Hands and Arms Post test Q6 Footer"
Minor PS5-00304 Semiconductor Electrical Safety Part 1: Basics of Electrical Safety Electrical and LOTO;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.2 Learning Activity: Characteristics of Electricity 1.3.3 Characteristics of Electricity: Voltage 1.4.3 Learning Activity: Conductors and Insulators 1.5.2 Electrical Hazards: Electric Shock (continued) 1.5.7 Learning Activity: Arc-Flash Definition 1.5.9 Arc-Flash and Arc-Blast Hazards in Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities (continued) Post test Q2 Footer"
Minor PS5-01344 Safe Vehicle Operations (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog;Driver Essentials Large Commercial Vehicles N/A "1.3.1 Speeding 1.4.2 When Are You Too Close? 1.5.1 Turn Risks 1.5.7 Learning Activity: Turning Test"
Minor PS5-101040 Electrical Arc Flash Awareness Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 What Is an Arc Flash? 1.3.3 Knowledge Check: What Is an Arc Flash? 1.4.2 Learning Activity: Injuries Resulting from an Arc Flash 1.5.4 Learning Activity: Hazard Warning Labels 1.6.1 Summary"
Minor PS5-103023 Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "SME Review - NFPA regulation updates 1.3.3 Knowledge Check: What Do You Think? 1.6.1 Removing Locks and Tags Post test"
Minor PS5-103543 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog 0.0 "1.2.4 Leerdoelen 1.4.2 Algemene buitenkant 1.4.6 Kennischeck: Slang 1.4.7 Feedback: Slang 1.4.12 Kennischeck: Vorken, liften en aanbouwdelen 1.5.2 Overzicht "
Revision ETHICS19 Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace Corporate Compliance Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, HealthCare Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Emerging Business - Medical Device Library, Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 1.3 Updated one Quiz question to ensure it was in the proper chapter.
Revision PHDV103 Approach to Computerized Systems Validation and Compliance PharmaceuticalMedical Device Medical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical GMPs LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical CatalogEmerging Business - Medical Device Library 3.3 "GAMP5 2nd edition July 2022 information added to references, formatting of hyperlinks and request for new Figures from GAMP5 2nd edition to replace current figures from the prior edition."
Revision         FDA43                 Import Operations 3:  Other Activities QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog 3.2 Updated Links and gramatical changes.
Revision             DEV66                    Overview of UKCA, UKNI, and CE Marking for Medical Devices Medical Device "Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library Global Regulatory Library" 1.0 Clarified and removed dates to maintain consistency with UK expectation.
Revision             EHS68                    PPE Assessment EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics LibraryHealthCare CatalogMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 1.3 Programing changes to unforced highlighters and jobaids.
Revision             LAV14                    Antitrust Law and Competitor Relationships Corporate Compliance "HR Compliance & Risk Management Library HealthCare Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog" 1.7 Updated to reflect Clayton Act Section 8 annual threshold updates for 2023
Retire PS5-102279 Ladder Safety (Spanish) n/a n/a N/A Replaced with PS5-103963, PS5-103973
November 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New LAV25 Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees and Supervisors (All States Except California) HR Compliance & Risk Management "HR Compliance & Risk Management Library HealthCare Catalog Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library" 1.0 New Course available to provide Sexual Harassment training for all states or employers who require a minimum of 1 hour training.
New PS5-103612 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding Safety Catalog N/A You do not want to be near a rocket or fragmentation bomb when it goes off. Well, that is what a compressed gas cylinder may become if used improperly. The course will teach you about the hazards of these highly pressurized containers, how they must be labeled, and how they must be stored, handled and transported to prevent leaks, burns and explosions. Ideal learners are employees who work with or around compressed gas cylinders.
New PS5-103900 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.
New PS5-103905 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (Chinese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103906 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (Dutch) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103907 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (French) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103908 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (German) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103909 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (Japanese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103910 Lone Worker: Risk Assessment (Portuguese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Preparation is the key to performing lone work safely. Take this course to learn about lone worker risks and factors to consider when planning for lone work activities. You will learn about considerations unique to your task and location, personal requirements and key safety precautions like monitoring lone worker safety by using check-ins. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103914 Fall Protection: Rescues (German) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
New PS5-103915 Fall Protection: Rescues (Japanese) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
New PS5-103916 Fall Protection: Rescues (Portuguese) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
New PS5-103918 Lone Worker: Concerns (Chinese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103919 Lone Worker: Concerns (Dutch) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103920 Lone Worker: Concerns (French) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103921 Lone Worker: Concerns (German) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103922 Lone Worker: Concerns (Japanese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-103923 Lone Worker: Concerns (Portuguese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Do you know what to expect when you are working alone or isolated from others? Take this course to learn what lone work is and about some of its common risks. This course is ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30172 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (Chinese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30173 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (Dutch) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30174 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (French) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30175 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (German) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30176 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (Japanese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
New PS5-30177 Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (Portuguese) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.
Major DEV44 Review of Basic Statistical Techniques QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Medical Device GMPs Library 2.0 Updated to include additions to 21 CFR 820.250 - Sampling Plans
Major MSALES04 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Beneficiary Protections Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 11.0 Updated details of 2024 Final Rule, updated references and included clarifying language for pre-service and payment requests.
Major MSALES05 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Marketing Communication and Compensation Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 10.0 Updated to include new updated guidance by CMS, udated references and dates.
Major MSALES06                   Broker and Agent Training Exam Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 5.0 Updated Questions to match changes throughout the training modules.
Major PS5-01367 Preventing Cuts and Puncture Wounds Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101638 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101639 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (German) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-101640 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102253 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102358 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Spanish) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102448 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Korean) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102449 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Japanese) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102450 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Portuguese) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor PS5-00310 Semiconductor Hazardous Energy Control Part 1 Electrical and LOTO;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101439 Office Safety (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102973 Heat Stress (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.4.8 Agotamiento por calor 1.4.11 Mientras espera la ayuda 1.5.4 Ajuste la manera en que trabaja 1.5.5 Factores no relacionados con el trabajo 1.6.1 Resumen Post test Job aid Post test"
Minor PS5-103417 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Componentes del elevador "
Minor PS5-103493 Lone Worker: Concerns Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.4.5 Learning Activity: Health and Safety Risks
Minor PS5-103534 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 Activité d’apprentissage : Composants du chariot "
Minor PS5-103535 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 学习活动:升降车组件 "
Minor PS5-103536 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.4 Leeractiviteit: Heftruckonderdelen
Minor PS5-103537 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.4 Activité didactique : Éléments de l’élévateur
Minor PS5-103538 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (German) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.4 Lernaktivität: Komponenten von Flurförderzeugen
Minor PS5-103539 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 学習活動:リフトの部品 "
Minor PS5-103540 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 Atividade de Aprendizagem: Componentes dos equipamentos de elevação "
Minor PS5-103711 Lone Worker: Concerns (Spanish) Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Working from Home/Remote;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.4.5 Actividad de aprendizaje: Riesgos de salud y seguridad
Revision DATA02 Auditing of Computer System Validation to Ensure Data Integrity Pharmaceutical "Data Integrity Library Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library" 2.2 Updated narration, no content changes.
Revision ETHICS13 Detecting and Preventing Fraud All Industries "Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog" 1.3 Updated narration, no content changes.
Revision ETHICS14 Global Anti-Bribery All Industries "Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog" 1.5 Upated References
Revision FDA42 Import Operations 2: The Process QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.3 Updated Links and minor gramatical changes
Revision GCP19 Medical Device Safety Reporting QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Medical Device Library, Medical Device Catalog 3.1 Removed dead link
Revision ICHreg06 Quality Systems Approach QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical Catalog, Global Regulatory Library 3.2 Updated references and minor grammatical corrections for clarification.
Revision ICHReg07 Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical CatalogEmerging Business - Pharmaceutical LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library 1.2 Upated References
Revision PHA81 Computerized Systems Inspections in the Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical FDA Inspections and Enforcement LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 4.1 Upated References
Revision PHDV79 A Step-by-Step Approach to Process Validation QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs Library 3.0 Technical updates, no content changes.
Revision PHDV95 European Union GMP Requirements for Computerised Systems QA/GMP Trainer "Pharmaceutical GMPs Library Pharmaceutical Catalog" 1.0 Updated narration, no content changes.
October 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103889 Personal Factors in Safety (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103912 Fall Protection: Rescues (Dutch) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
New PS5-103924 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
New PS5-103925 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
New PS5-103926 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
New PS5-103927 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
New PS5-103928 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
New PS5-103929 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.
Major BIMO07 BIMO: In Vivo Bioequivalence Program Part II Clinical Quality Manager Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogFDA BIMO Course Library 3.0 Updated course to remove language regarding regulatory requirements for SOPs
Major PS5-00623 Pre-Job Briefings Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A Global SME review and content update
Major PS5-101434 Office Safety (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-101436 Office Safety (German) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-101588 Office Safety (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-102444 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Chinese) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102445 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (French) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102447 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (German) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102451 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Italian) Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102752 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 1 (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.3.2 Determinación de residuos peligrosos 1.5.4 Categorías de generadores de residuos peligrosos: Grande 1.5.5 Categorías de generadores de residuos peligrosos: Altamente peligrosos 1.5.7 Revisión de conocimientos: Categorías de generadores (pequeña) 1.6.1 Determinar su categoría de generador 1.6.2 Determinar su categoría de generador: Exenciones 1.7.3 Almacenamiento de residuos peligrosos en el sitio 1.7.4 Acumulación de residuos peligrosos en el sitio 1.7.5 Acumulación de residuos peligrosos en el sitio (continuación) 1.7.6 Actividad de aprendizaje: Acumulación de residuos peligrosos en el sitio 1.8.3 Envío de residuos peligrosos fuera del sitio: Empaque 1.9.1 Conclusión"
Major PS5-102753 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 2 (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.2 Introducción: Preparación y prevención de accidentes 1.2.3 ¿Qué haría usted? 1.2.4 Objetivos del curso 1.3.1 Preparación y prevención de accidentes 1.4.8 Actividad de aprendizaje 1.6.2 Reciclar, tratar, reducir 1.7.3 Prepararse para una inspección 1.8.1 Conclusión"
Major PS5-102777 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 1 (US) (Canadian French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.3 Objectifs d’apprentissage 1.3.2 Détermination des déchets dangereux 1.5.4 Catégories de générateurs de déchets dangereux : Grande 1.5.7 Vérification des connaissances : Catégories de générateurs (petit) 1.6.1 Déterminer votre état de générateur 1.6.2 Déterminer votre état de générateur : Exemptions 1.7.3 Entreposage des déchets dangereux sur place 1.7.4 Accumulation des déchets dangereux sur place 1.7.5 Accumulation des déchets dangereux sur place (suite) 1.7.6 Activité d’apprentissage : Accumulation des déchets dangereux sur place 1.8.3 Expédition de déchets dangereux hors site : Emballage 1.9.1 Conclusion"
Major PS5-102778 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 2 (US) (Canadian French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.2 Introduction : Préparer et prévenir les accidents 1.2.3 Qu’est-ce que vous feriez? 1.2.4 Objectifs d’apprentissage 1.3.1 Préparer et prévenir les accidents 1.4.8 Actividad de aprendizaje 1.6.2 Recycler, traiter, réduire 1.7.3 Préparation d'une inspection 1.8.1 Conclusion "
Minor BIM004 BIMO: Clinical Investigator (CI) Responsibilities Clinical Quality Manager Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogFDA BIMO Course Library 2.5 Updated terminology of EIR, headquarter responsibilities, and inspection announcements. District replaced with Division throughout course.
Minor BIMO01 Overview of FDA’s Bioresearch Monitoring Program Clinical Quality Manager Clinical: Medical Device Library, Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, FDA BIMO Course Library 5.2 Added clarification on Sponsor Investigatiors, Non Clinical Laboratoriesm, and replaced Permit with Application throughout.
Minor BIMO03 BIMO: Parts 50 & 56 – Protection of Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) Clinical Quality Manager Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, FDA BIMO Course Library 3.3 Updated to keep terminology consistent with FDA. Guidance Manual has been replaced by Compliance Manual.
Minor BIMO06 BIMO: In Vivo Bioequivalence Program Part I Clinical Quality Manager Medical Device CatalogPharmaceutical CatalogFDA BIMO Course Library 2.4 Added new information about Post Marketing Human Studies Conduct agreement for acceleratied FDA approval. Adjusted wording to alight with FDA terminology.
Minor GCP22 Aspects of Regulatory History QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Medical Device Library, Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 Technical player updates only.
Minor MAPARTD02 Part C and Part D Coverage Decisions Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Part D Library 1.2 Updated to include specialty tier guidance, Part C coverage request language, At-Risk determination requirements, Drug coverage, expidited and exception language, PA and UM language, and aliged formulary exception language.
Minor MAPARTD03 Part C and D Appeals Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Part D Library 1.3 Updated to include levle 1 appeal guidance, good cause language withdrawal requests, dismissal of appeals, & updated citations.
Minor MAPDAG_04_LSC Grievance Best Practices: Grievance Resolution (Closure) Letters to Members (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Including Boosters 1, 2, & 3
Minor MAPDAG_06_LSC Submitting Case Files to the Independent Review Entity (IRE) (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Including Boosters 1, 2, & 3
Minor MAPDCNR_02_LSC Understanding CMS Provider Directory Requirements Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.2 Including Boosters 1, 2, & 3
Minor MAPDCP_01_LSC Medicare Part C and D Effective Compliance Program Requirements Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Including Boosters 1&2
Minor MAPDNR_01_LSC Understanding CMS Network Adequacy Requirements (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Including Boosters 1&2
Minor MAPDSR_01_LSC CMS Star Ratings Basics (Micro) Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Update to MAPDSR_01 Including Booster 1
Minor MSALES06 Medicare Plan Broker and Agent Training Exam Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 4.3 Clarified wording of a quiz questions, to include annual dates, and allowances.
Minor N/A Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library N/A N/A N/A Updated course format to CREATE
Minor N/A MDSAP Library N/A N/A N/A Updated course format to CREATE
Minor N/A HR Compliance and Risk Management Library N/A N/A N/A Updated course format to CREATE
Minor PPACA04 Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act Health Plan Compliance Trainer, HR Compliance & Risk Management PPACA Library, HealthCare Catalog 1.1 Updated for aligment with current Section 1557, employee limitations for grievance process, and clarified language to reflect Final Rule.
Minor PS5-00204 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials N/A 1.4.2 Learning Activity: Conductivity
Minor PS5-101232 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Leeractiviteit: Geleiding 1.5.7 Vlambogen en explosies"
Minor PS5-101233 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (French) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Activité didactique : Conductivité 1.5.7 Arcs électriques et souffles d’arcs électriques Test XML"
Minor PS5-101234 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (German) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Lernaktivität: Leitfähigkeit 1.5.7 Lichtbogen-Blitz und Lichtbogenexplosion Test SML"
Minor PS5-101236 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Atividade de aprendizagem: Condutividade 1.5.7 Arco elétrico e explosão de arco Test XML"
Minor PS5-101237 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 学习活动: 电导率 1.5.7 弧闪和弧爆 Test XML"
Minor PS5-102246 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Conductividad 1.5.7 Arco eléctrico y explosión de arco"
Minor PS5-102327 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Activité d’apprentissage : Conductivité 1.5.7 Éclat et souffle d'arc électrique"
Minor PS5-102463 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 학습 활동: 전도성 1.5.7 아크 섬광 및 아크 폭발"
Minor PS5-102464 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 学習活動:伝導性 1.5.7 アークフラッシュとアークブラスト"
Minor PS5-102465 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.2 Attività di apprendimento: Conduttività 1.5.7 Arco elettrico ed esplosione dell’arco"
Minor PS5-103133 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 1: Classes and Types Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A 1.6.5 Knowledge Check: Data Plates
Retired PS5-101790 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (US) N/A N/A N/A Replaced with PS5-00316
Retired PS5-01045 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (US) (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A Replaced with PS5-103612
September 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103888 Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness (Spanish) Awareness;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management;Workplace Violence and Harassment Safety Catalog N/A You or someone you know could be involved in workplace violence anytime, anywhere. Take this course to learn about the warning signs, how to react to active shooters, and ways you can help prevent violent incidents. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103890 Personal Factors in Safety (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103891 Personal Factors in Safety (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103892 Personal Factors in Safety (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103893 Personal Factors in Safety (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103894 Personal Factors in Safety (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A How do we make safe decisions? Knowledge alone is not enough. Personal factors that affect safety include experience, judgment, stress, fatigue and communication, and each of these influence the actions we decide to take. Take this course to learn about how you can improve personal factors in safety. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103911 Fall Protection: Rescues (Chinese) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
New PS5-103913 Fall Protection: Rescues (French) Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.
Major PS5-01396 First Aid: Medical Emergencies (US) "Working from Home/Remote;First Aid, Health and Wellness;Construction;First Aid, Health and Wellness Healthcare;General Industry and Manufacturing;Food Services and Distribution Safety" Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-100566 Office Safety (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102737 Personal Factors in Safety (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102782 Cannabis Awareness First Aid, Health and Wellness;Driver and Transportation Safety;Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Minor BDL-12132 General Industry Safety Program (IACET CEU=1.2) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Remove retired ladder course, replace with new ladder courses
Minor FDA39 Basics of Inspections: Issues and Observation Food Safety Manager FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 1.5 Updated to include 2023 updatee in Sampling Portion of the IOM.
Minor MAPD02 MAPD: Enrollment Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 10.3 Updated to include the new 2023 enrollment form and updated link to moste recent guidance.
Minor MAPD05 Special Needs Plan: Model of Care Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog, Medicare Advantage Library, Medicare Part D Library 2.1 Updated dates and included narrative provisions to align with regulatory guidance.
Minor PARTD05 Medicare Part D: PDP Enrollment CatalogMedicare Part D Library CatalogMedicare Part D Library 13.1 Rearranged the information in Chapter 5 – Enrollment Process, for clarity.
Minor PS5-00571 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Glossary/1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.3.3 Flammable and Combustible"
Minor PS5-101157 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Test
Minor PS5-101394 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Test Q9
Minor PS5-102578 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Awareness Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Awareness;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.2 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 Flammable Versus Combustible"
Minor PS5-102825 Power Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Retire ASEPTIC08 Micro Series Cleanroom Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire BIMO01 Micro Series Overview of FDA’s Bioresearch Monitoring Program N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire DATA01 Micro Series Introduction to Data Integrity N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire DEV50 Micro Series A Guide to ISO 13485 — The Quality Management System for Medical Devices N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire DEV62 Micro Series Introduction to the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire EHS09 Micro Series Bloodborne Pathogens N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire GCP02 Micro Series GCP/ICH Obligations of Investigators Conducting Clinical Trials N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire GCP21 Micro Series Clinical Trial Audits and Consequences of Noncompliance N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire LAV08 Micro Series Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire LAV15 Micro Series Code of Business Conduct N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire LAV21 Micro Series Harassment in the Workplace N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire MDSM01 Micro Series Basics of the AdvaMed Code N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire PHA38 Micro Series Introduction to cGMPs N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire PHDV101 Micro Series Management Responsibility for Quality: What FDA Expects N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire PHDV71 Micro Series Principles of Aseptic Processing N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire PHDV74 Micro Series Handling an FDA Inspection N/A N/A N/A Insufficent usage
Retire PS5-102452 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Awareness N/A N/A N/A Replaced with PS5-00666
Minor MAPD02 MAPD: Enrollment Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 10.3 Updated to include the new 2023 enrollment form and updated link to moste recent guidance.
Minor PARTD05 Medicare Part D: PDP Enrollment CatalogMedicare Part D Library CatalogMedicare Part D Library 13.1 Rearranged the information in Chapter 5 – Enrollment Process, for clarity.
New PS5-103880 Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Construction;EHS Manager;Environmental;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare;Lean Six Sigma;Management Skills Safety Catalog N/A Many companies are committed to achieving goals related to environmental, social and governance, or ESG. You may wonder, what are those goals and how do they affect my job? Take this course to learn about the purpose of ESG efforts and how companies measure their success, including factors you'll need to keep in mind when completing your work and sharing data with leadership. This course is ideal for all employees.
New PS5-103793 Healthy Buildings: Legionella and Water Management Environmental and Chemicals Safety Catalog N/A Legionella is a bacterium everyone should be aware of. It is ubiquitous in freshwater environments and buildings and may cause disease when it is aerosolized and inhaled, especially among vulnerable populations. It thrives in warm and especially stagnant water. The good news is that you can control it through active water management. Take this course to learn about legionella characteristics, where it thrives, and how to make your water system less hospitable to it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103792 Healthy Buildings: Crystalline Silica Awareness Environmental and Chemicals Safety Catalog N/A Construction, demolition and maintenance activities on or near your property can negatively affect air quality, especially when the work generates crystalline silica dust. There are actions you can take to make sure personnel, tenants and visitors remain healthy. Take this course to learn what crystalline silica is, how it gets into the air, the health effects it can cause and how to control it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103639 Ladder Safety: Selection and Inspection General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Can you imagine what would happen if you were on a metal ladder and it touched a live wire? You could be electrocuted! What if a tall ladder was not secured properly while you were climbing it? You could fall! Different types of ladders have different uses and safety practices. Take this course to learn how to select and inspect ladders so that you can work safely. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103666 Ladder Safety: Setup and Use General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Workers use ladders so frequently that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. Take this course to review how to safely set up and use ladders. This course is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-30160 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New BDL-30160 Ladder Safety, Parts 1-2 (IACET CEU=0.1) General Industry and Manufacturing;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Ladders are a vital tool for many tasks you may complete at work. It’s important that you keep safety in mind when you choose and use ladders. Take the courses in this suite to learn about different types of ladders and how to safely set them up and use them. This suite is ideal for anyone who uses ladders or supervises people who use ladders.
New PS5-103816 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Awareness (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Your hands help you do a remarkable variety of tasks. Throughout the workday, your hands can encounter any number of hazards. Fortunately, many hand and wrist injuries are preventable. This course will present potential hand, wrist and finger hazards, as well as the steps to take to avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.
New PS5-103901 Distracted Driving (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. This course presents strategies drivers can use to remain focused on the road. It is ideal for all drivers.
New PS5-103902 Distracted Driving (German) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. This course presents strategies drivers can use to remain focused on the road. It is ideal for all drivers.
New PS5-103903 Distracted Driving (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. This course presents strategies drivers can use to remain focused on the road. It is ideal for all drivers.
New BDL-30161 Healthy Buildings Suite (IACET CEU=0.2) Environmental;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication Safety Catalog N/A Are the indoor spaces that you own and manage healthy for their occupants? Take this suite to learn about key issues like safe drinking water, maintaining indoor air quality and dealing with tenant concerns about electromagnetic fields. Understanding what impacts these issues, how to monitor and correct them and how to address tenant concerns can help building owners, managers and corporations build environments that support occupant health, well-being and comfort. Ideal learners are facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-30161 Healthy Buildings Suite Environmental;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication Safety Catalog N/A Are the indoor spaces that you own and manage healthy for their occupants? Take this suite to learn about key issues like safe drinking water, maintaining indoor air quality and dealing with tenant concerns about electromagnetic fields. Understanding what impacts these issues, how to monitor and correct them and how to address tenant concerns can help building owners, managers and corporations build environments that support occupant health, well-being and comfort. Ideal learners are facility and property managers and owners.
Major PS5-102702 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101715 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101717 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102779 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (French) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101718 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (German) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-101720 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102924 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Update All Slides Updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-00666 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME review All slides updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-102962 Preventing Outbreaks and Pandemics "Construction;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Manager;Working from Home/Remote;First Aid, Health and Wellness " Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review All slides updated Test and Job Aid"
Major PS5-00316 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog;General Industry Essentials;Construction Essentials;EHS Essentials N/A "Global SME review All slides updated Test and Job Aid"
Major DEV63 Brazil’s Technical Regulations for Medical Devices: RDC 665/2022, 67/2009, and 23/2012 Medical DevicePharmaceutical Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library 3.0 Updated to include Anvisa 751/2022
Minor PS5-00204 Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Electrical and LOTO;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.6 Arc Flash and Arc Blast
Minor PS5-102993 Heat Stress (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Activité d'apprentissage : Préparation pour le travail (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102994 Heat Stress (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 学习活动:准备工作 (delete slide)
Minor PS5-101250 Heat Stress (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Leeractiviteit: Voorbereiding op het werk (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102995 Heat Stress (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Activité didactique : Se préparer pour le travail (delete slide)
Minor PS5-101251 Heat Stress (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Lernaktivität: Vorbereitung auf die Arbeit (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102996 Heat Stress (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Attività di apprendimento: Prepararsi al lavoron (delete slide)
Minor PS5-101252 Heat Stress (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 学習活動:作業の準備 (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102997 Heat Stress (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 학습 활동: 작업 준비 (delete slide)
Minor PS5-101254 Heat Stress (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Atividade de Aprendizagem: Preparação para o Trabalho (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102973 Heat Stress (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Préparation pour le travail (delete slide)
Minor PS5-102347 OSHA Outreach Training Orientation (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A "1.2.1 Bienvenido 1.2.2 Ver esta presentación 1.3.7 Revisión de conocimientos: Requisitos de la capacitación de extensión de OSHA 1.3.8 Comentarios: Requisitos de la capacitación de extensión de OSHA"
Minor MDR01 EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) QA Auditor "Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library " 2.3 Content expanded to include more detail, but no new or regulatory updates have been included.
Minor PHDV103 Approach to Computerized Systems Validation and Compliance Pharmaceutical, Medical Device Medical Device GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Emerging Business - Medical Device Library 3.3 Updated to expand content on supplier leveraging and rist management topics.
Minor PHDV94 Japanese Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Regulations QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.2 Updated to emsure IVD classification and updates in the amendment are aligned with changes to IVDR, as well as the changes to solidify SaMD.
Minor DEV64 Canadian Medical Device Regulations Medical Device Global Regulatory Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Medical Device GMPs Library 1.2 Updated to expand content on ISO 13485 and its ammendemnts.
Minor PHDV80 The Design and Development of Software Used in Automated Process Controls QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs Library 2.2 Updated to expand SaMD and GMP5 content.
Minor PHDV68 Biotechnology: An Overview of Compliance Considerations QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.2 Updated to expand BDP and 21 CFR 600 content.
Minor MA27 Medicare Advantage: Administration and Management Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 7.2 Adds clarity to administrative areas, CMP reporting, and MAOs with terminated contracts.
Minor FDA29 Risk Management 1: Key Concepts and Definitions QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog 1.7 Updated to include the terms and concepts: of a sequence of events, hazards, and hazardous situations to identify that not all harms transpire from hazardous situations.
Minor MA29 Medicare Advantage: Overview of the Medicare Program Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 8.3 Updated to maintain current 2023 numbers.
Minor MA28 Medicare Advantage: Member Services Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage Library 9.3 Updated for clarity and consistency with Medicare Advantage program.
Retire PAN02_HVAC_LSC Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown: HVAC N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire PAN02_SAN_LSC Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown: Sanitation/Janitorial N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire PAN02_WALK_LSC Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown: Walk-Through of Buildings N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire PAN02_WATER_LSC Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown: Water Systems N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire SRTW_Bldgs Preparing Building for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire PS5-102015 Confined Space Awareness for Construction N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103661
Retire PS5-101798 Confined Space Hazards (US) N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103664,PS5-103663,PS5-103662,PS5-103661
Retire PS5-102385 Confined Space Hazards Awareness N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103662
Retire PS5-00321 Confined Space Hazards for Construction (US) N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103661
Retire PS5-101280 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103664,PS5-103663,PS5-103662,PS5-103661
Retire PS5-00328 Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (US) N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103664,PS5-103663,PS5-103662,PS5-103661
Retire PS5-30095 Microlearning: Ignoring Lockout/Tagout N/A N/A N/A content is out of date
Retire PS5-102424 Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety Awareness N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-00316
Retire PS5-102299 Ladder Safety N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103639, PS5-103666
August 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-30158 Confined Spaces, 4-Parts (IACET CEU=0.1) Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Due to their design and limited ways to get in and out of them, confined spaces can be dangerous. This is especially true when you add hazards like asphyxiating or flammable atmospheres and moving parts. Take the courses in this suite to learn what confined spaces are, when they require permits, how rescues work, and what requirements to follow. The courses in this suite are ideal for anyone whose workplace has confined spaces, especially those who may work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103454 HAZWOPER: Direct Reading Gas Detector Safety Construction;Warehouse Safety;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Laboratory Safety Safety Catalog N/A Direct reading gas detectors can provide life-saving data when you use them properly. Take this course to learn how you can use direct reading gas detectors in environments that may be immediately dangerous to life and health, or IDLH, during hazardous waste and emergency response operations. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103461 HAZWOPER: Hierarchy of Controls Overview Construction;Warehouse Safety;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Healthcare;Laboratory Safety Safety Catalog N/A You may already be familiar with the hierarchy of controls, but are you aware of how they work together to effectively control the hazards associated with hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER, activities? Take this course to learn more. This course is ideal for laboratory and industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103661 Confined Spaces: Construction Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Did you know that the regulations that apply to a confined space task depend on whether the task meets the criteria to be part of construction or general industry? Take this course to learn more about the confined space requirements that are in place to protect workers performing construction activities. This course is ideal for construction employees who may work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103662 Confined Spaces: Recognition and Responsibilities Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Many people think of a confined space as a small, dark space like a closet or crawl space. Confined spaces include much more than just tight spaces with limited light. They have shared characteristics that you can use to better identify them. Take this course to learn what confined spaces are and what your employer must do to ensure you and your co-workers remain safe. This course is ideal for anyone whose workplace has confined spaces.
New PS5-103663 Confined Spaces: Permits and Emergencies Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A What happens when confined spaces have hazards like moving parts or dangerous atmospheres? These spaces require permits that help to ensure you and your employer take adequate safety steps. This course will help you understand permit-required confined spaces and will also provide information about what happens when there is an emergency. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Ideal learners are anyone who works in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103664 Confined Spaces: General Industry Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Did you know that the requirements that apply to a confined space task depend on whether the task meets the criteria to be part of general industry or construction? Take this course to learn more about the general industry requirements that are in place to protect workers. This course is ideal for general industry employees who may work in or around confined spaces.
New PS5-103794 Healthy Buildings: Lead Awareness Environmental and Chemicals Safety Catalog N/A Lead is a highly toxic material that can affect construction workers and building occupants and potentially be tracked home to family members. If materials in your building contain lead, such as paint, you must ensure that you are approaching the project with all the necessary precautions. Take this course to learn more about lead, its health effects, where it may be present and how to control it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103859 Warehouse Safety (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
New PS5-103860 Warehouse Safety (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
New PS5-103861 Warehouse Safety (German) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
New PS5-103862 Warehouse Safety (French) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.
New PS5-103883 Excavation and Trenching Safety Awareness (Spanish) Awareness and Microlearning;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily, in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, many fatalities and work-related injuries are associated with excavation and trenching incidents. Cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving you little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the safety procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are employees who work in or near excavations and trenches.
New PS5-30158 Confined Spaces, 4-Parts Electrical and LOTO;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Due to their design and limited ways to get in and out of them, confined spaces can be dangerous. This is especially true when you add hazards like asphyxiating or flammable atmospheres and moving parts. Take the courses in this suite to learn what confined spaces are, when they require permits, how rescues work, and what requirements to follow. The courses in this suite are ideal for anyone whose workplace has confined spaces, especially those who may work in or around confined spaces.
Major DEV53 Medical Device Filings: 510(k), PMA, De Novo, and IDE QA/GMP Trainer Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryEmerging Business - Medical Device Library 3.0 Updated to include new FDA regulation and guidance on FDA eSTAR Template, effective Oct 1st 2023
Major DEV63 Brazil’s Technical Regulations for Medical Devices: RDC 665/2022, 67/2009, and 23/2012 Medical DevicePharmaceutical Global Regulatory LibraryPharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library 3.0 Updated to include Anvisa 751/2022
Major PS5-00727 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 1 (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.9.1 Conclusion 1.3.2 Hazardous Waste Determination 1.5.4 Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Large 1.5.5 Categories of Hazardous Waste Generators: Acutely Hazardous 1.5.7 Knowledge Check: Categories of Generators (Small) 1.6.1 Determining Your Generator Status 1.6.2 Determining Your Generator Status: Exemptions 1.7.3 Storing Hazardous Waste On-Site 1.7.4 Accumulating Hazardous Waste On-Site 1.7.5 Accumulating Hazardous Waste On-Site (continued) 1.7.6 Learning Activity: Accumulating Hazardous Waste On-Site 1.8.3 Shipping Hazardous Waste Off-Site: Packaging"
Major PS5-00729 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 2 (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Image, Text and Audio Updates 1.2.2 Introduction: Preparing for and Preventing Accidents 1.2.3 What Would You Do? 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.8.1 Conclusion 1.3.1 Preparing for and Preventing Accidents 1.4.8 Learning Activity 1.6.2 Recycle, Treat, Reduce 1.7.3 Preparing for an Inspection"
Major PS5-01166 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101291 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101293 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101294 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (German) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101295 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101297 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101626 Warehouse Safety (Chinese) "Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing " Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-101797 Hazard Communication - Pictograms (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.2 Pictogramas y riesgos 1.4.1 Resumen Post test - Q4 Job aid"
Major PS5-102262 Safety and You for Supervisors Part 1: Your Role Warehouse Safety;Construction;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update Title change from Safety and You for Construction: Supervisor Role All Slides Updated Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102300 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102553 Cold Stress (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102651 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Canadian French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102735 Warehouse Safety (Canadian French) "Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing " Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor MDR01 EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) QA Auditor Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library 2.3 Content expanded to include more detail, but no new or regulatory updates have been included.
Minor MDR02 EU In Vitro Diagnostic Regulations (IVDR) QA Auditor Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library 2.3 Content expanded to include more detail, but no new or regulatory updates have been included.
Minor MDR03 EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) QA Auditor Pharmaceutical CatalogMedical Device CatalogMedical Device GMPs LibraryGlobal Regulatory Library 3.2 Content expanded to include more detail, but no new or regulatory updates have been included.
Minor PS5-00306 Semiconductor Electrical Safety Part 3: Implementing Electrical Safety (US) Electrical and LOTO;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety SESHA N/A 1.4.4 Knowledge Check: Arc-Flash Hazard Tables
Minor PS5-101837 Warehouse Safety (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101854 Warehouse Safety (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102222 Stacking and Storage Practices for Construction (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Test
Minor PS5-102391 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.1 Common Injuries 1.3.3 Learning Activity: Common Injuries 1.4.2 Hazard Controls 1.4.3 Knowledge Check: Hazard Controls 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Gloves 1.5.4 Reducing Hazards 1.5.5 Knowledge Check: Hand Protection 1.5.6 Knowledge Check: Reducing Hazards 1.6.2 Repetitive Motion, Fatigue and Vibration 1.7.1 Summary"
Minor PS5-102552 Cold Stress (Chinese) "Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing " Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102554 Cold Stress (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102554 Cold Stress (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102556 Cold Stress (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102557 Cold Stress (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102558 Cold Stress (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102559 Cold Stress (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102560 Cold Stress (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102885 Heat Stress Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;EHS Essentials;Construction Essentials;General Industry Essentials Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.2 Learning Activity: Preparing for Work (remove slide)
Minor PS5-102922 "Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US) (Spanish) " Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Revision DEV62 Introduction to the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) QA/GMP Trainer Medical Device Catalog, Emerging Business - Medical Device Library, MDSAP Library, Medical Device GMPs Library 1.3 Added Israel as an affiliate member.
Retire BDL-30058 Fundamentals of Integrated Health and Safety (IHS) (IACET CEU=0.4) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102032 IHS Introduction: Fundamentals of Integrated Health and Safety (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102033 IHS Module 1: Impact of Health in the Workplace: What is HPM and Why is it Important? (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102034 IHS Module 2: Impact of Safety in the Workplace (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102035 IHS Module 3: Measuring Productivity Loss and Using Metrics to Enhance Health (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102036 IHS Module 4: Using Metrics and Outcome Trends for Enhancing Safety (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102037 IHS Module 5: Value of Integrating Health and Safety (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102038 IHS Module 6: Combining Health and Safety Metrics: The Integrated Health and Safety Index (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102039 IHS Module 7: Creating a Sustainable Culture of Health and Safety (US) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-102040 IHS Resources: Integrated Health and Safety Library 0 0 N/A Outdated content
Retire PS5-30058 Fundamentals of Integrated Health and Safety (IHS) 0 0 N/A Outdated content
July 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New CW-ASMT-01_LSC ComplianceWire® Assignments N/A N/A 1.0 New course Build
New PS5-103756 Healthy Buildings: Mold Awareness and Prevention Environmental and Chemicals/ Healthy Buildings Safety Catalog n/a Mold and moisture are familiar challenges in indoor environments. They can lead to costly property damage and negative health effects in occupants. Take this course to learn more about mold and how you can prevent, identify and respond to it. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103780 Healthy Buildings: Assessing Drinking Water (US) Environmental and Chemicals/ Healthy Buildings Safety Catalog n/a Clean drinking water is something many people take for granted. It's important to know the standards for safe, potable water. Take this course to learn about those standards as well as some of the common sources of pollution. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103790 Healthy Buildings: Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Awareness Environmental and Chemicals/ Healthy Buildings Safety Catalog n/a Electric and magnetic fields, also known as electromagnetic fields or EMFs, are waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together. These energy fields surround us all the time. Take this course to learn about sources and types of EMFs, potential effects, and how to communicate about EMFs with tenants, employees and visitors. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
New PS5-103867 Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Employees (US) (Spanish) Awareness and Microlearning;Employment Liability;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication Safety Catalog n/a The law requires your employer to provide you with access to your medical and exposure records. Why should you care? How do you get access? Take this course to find out! This course is ideal for all employees in the United States.
New PS5-103855 Struck-By, Caught-Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire for Construction (Spanish) Construction Safety Catalog n/a "Two of the most frequently severe types of construction incidents are being either struck by or caught in or between materials and equipment. This course focuses on the steps workers can take to stay out of the line of fire and avoid being struck by or caught in or between hazards at work, including hazard awareness, prevention and control, with an emphasis on taking personal responsibility for safety. Ideal learners are construction workers. Replaces PS5-102221, Struck By, Caught Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire (US) (Spanish)"
New CREATE01 How to Edit a UL Create Course N/A N/A 1.0 Create Conversion
New CREATE02 How to Build a UL Create Course N/A N/A 1.0 Create Conversion
Major MSALES03 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan: Broker and Agent Training — MA-PD, PDP, and Cost Plan Enrollment and Disenrollment Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 9.0 Updated to all Limitation on dual/LIS Sep , and removed ESRD as enrollment example.
Major PARTD10 Medicare Part D: Coordination of Benefits and True Out-of-Pocket Facilitation Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 12.0 Updated to include current 2023 data
Major PHA40 DEA Compliance QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.0 Updated for changes related to the mechanism for submissions.
Major PS5-102885 Heat Stress Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.8 Heat Exhaustion 1.5.2 Learning Activity: Preparing for Work 1.5.5 Adjust the Way You Work 1.5.6 Factors Unrelated to Work 1.6.1 Summary Post test Job aid"
Major PS5-101614 Distracted Driving (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-103146 Distracted Driving (French) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-103251 Distracted Driving (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102357 Distracted Driving (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-102714 Ladder Safety for Construction: Setup and Use (Spanish) Slips, Trips and Falls;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and Update All Slides Updated Test Job Aid"
Minor EHS112 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Highway) EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 ORM-D has been updated to Limited Quantity
Minor EHS114 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Air) EHS MANAGER EHS for Life Science - Basics LibraryHealthCare CatalogMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 2.3 The term ORM-D was replaced with the more current and acceptable term “Limited Quantity.”
Minor FDA42 Import Operations 2: The Process QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.2 Updated language to more closely resemble current regulation language.
Minor MDR library Multiple Multiple Multiple N/A All course in the MDR Library have been converted to the CREATE format. No content updates have been made.
Minor PHDV87 Environmental Control and Monitoring DevicePharmaceutical Medical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical GMPs LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 5.2 Updated to include information from Eudralex Vol 4 EU Guidelines – Annex 1. Updated definitions for terminal sterilization and pyrogen.
Minor PS5-100594 Industrial Ergonomics for California (US) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.1 MSD Signs and Symptoms
Minor PS5-102680 Hazard Communication for Construction: Written Program (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.4.1 1.5.3 Actividad: Responsabilidades de la comunicación de riesgos 1.5.4 Feedback: Hazard Communication Responsibilities 1.7.1 Resumen Test"
Minor PS5-100203 Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Canada) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Driver and Transportation Safety;EHS Essentials Safety Catalog N/A "Functionality 1.3.2 Classes of Dangerous Goods 1.5.7 Classification Labels and Placards 1.6.2 Shipping Document Content 1.10.3 What to Do After an Accidental Release 1.8.1 Consignor Responsibilities Post test Q10"
Minor PS5-102665 Fire Extinguisher Safety for Construction: Part 1 - Fight or Flee (US) (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.3.2 Actividad: Intensidad 1.3.3 Actividad: Agente extintor 1.4.2 Combatir 1.4.3 Evacuar 1.5.2 Actividad: Fuego en el techo 1.5.3 Actividad: Madera de desecho y aserrín 1.5.4 Actividad: Humo 1.6.2 Si decide combatir un incendio... Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102666 Fire Extinguisher Safety for Construction: Part 2 - Using Extinguishers (US) (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.2.1 Bienvenido 1.3.1 Elementos del fuego 1.3.2 Recipiente presurizado 1.3.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Elementos del fuego 1.4.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Etiquetas de los extintores 1.4.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Elija los extintores correspondientes 1.6.5 Actividad de aprendizaje: Operar un extintor 1.7.2 Colocación 1.7.3 Maintenance Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102919 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Spanish) "Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing " Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and update 1.2.2 Introducción 1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.3.1 Definiciones 1.3.3 Actividad de aprendizaje: Las plagas hematófagas – ¿Dónde se juntan 1.3.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Plagas hematófagas – ¿Qué enfermedades propagan? 1.4.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: ¿Dónde podría encontrar plagas? 1.4.10 Actividad de aprendizaje: Control de plagas 1.5.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Protección personal 1.5.7 ¿Qué hacer en caso de encontrar una garrapata? 1.5.8 Actividad de aprendizaje: ¿Cómo retirar una garrapata? 1.5.9 Síntomas de exposición 1.6.1 Summary/Reminder 1.6.2 Conclusion/Summary Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-103285 Lead Poisoning (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.4.2 Plomo en el cuerpo 1.4.3 Síntomas iniciales de sobreexposición al plomo 1.4.5 Revisión de conocimientos: Efectos en la salud 1.5.9 Áreas de cambio 1.5.11 Revisión de conocimientos: Medidas de seguridad 1.7.1 Resumen Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102875 Health Hazards in Construction: Lead Awareness (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.2 Activity: Lead 1.4.4 Early Symptoms Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101628 OSHA Outreach Training Orientatio N/A N/A N/A "1.2.1 Welcome 1.3.7 Knowledge Check: OSHA Outreach Training Requirements"
Retire PS5-102221 Struck By, Caught Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire (US) (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103855
June 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103836 HAZWOPER: Administrative Controls Including Training (Spanish) Construction; Crane and Rigging; Driver and Transportation Safety; Warehouse Safety; Food Services and Distribution Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Healthcare; Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety; Laboratory Safety; Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Administrative controls are an important part of how we control hazards in the workplace. Take this course to learn how and when to use administration, including training, for risk mitigation and worker protection. This course will cover some examples of how these controls can make a difference in workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant employees, including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103822 Formaldehyde (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Laboratory Safety; Construction Safety Catalog N/A Formaldehyde is commonly used in anatomy labs, medical research and teaching facilities as a tissue preservative or as an organic chemical reagent. This course will inform you of the health risks, precautions and handling procedures you need to know when working with formaldehyde.
New PS5-103826 Asbestos Hazards: Workers in the United States (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Managing exposure to asbestos is so important that the government regulates how to keep workers safe. Take this course to learn about the medical and training requirements for asbestos work in the United States that will help you work safely and remain healthy. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103824 Asbestos Hazards: Release Response (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A If there was an asbestos fiber release in your work area, would you know what to do? Take this course to learn the actions you should take as well as what first aid to administer to people who may have been exposed to asbestos. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103825 Asbestos Hazards: Signs, Areas and Monitoring (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Knowing when asbestos is present helps you determine what to do to work safely around it. In this course, you will learn about regulated asbestos areas, signage, labels and monitoring. This information will help you make informed, safe decisions to avoid asbestos exposure. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103827 Asbestos Hazards: Products and Types (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Do you know where you are most likely to encounter asbestos at work? Take this course to learn about the types of asbestos, the locations and products to watch out for, and the signs that they are damaged or deteriorating. Workers need to know where asbestos is so that they can avoid and control it. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103823 Asbestos Hazards: Characteristics and Health Effects (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate; Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A If you saw asbestos, would you know what it was? Take this course to learn about asbestos characteristics and health effects. Being able to recognize asbestos and its health effects is the first step to working safely around it. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103817 Asbestos Hazards: Avoiding Exposure (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can cause serious health conditions, including cancer. That is why it is so important that workers control their exposure to it. In this course, you will learn about the controls you can use to avoid being exposed to asbestos fibers, including ventilation, work practices and personal protective equipment, or PPE. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-30150 Asbestos Hazards Suite (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate; Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in the United States in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New BDL-30150 Asbestos Hazards Suite (US) (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in the United States in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-30151 Asbestos Hazards Suite (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New BDL-30151 Asbestos Hazards Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Employment Liability; Environmental; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Laboratory Safety; Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103835 HAZWOPER: DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Construction; Driver and Transportation Safety; Environmental; General Industry and Manufacturing; Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A The U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook, or DOT ERG, is an essential tool for HAZWOPER workers responding to hazardous material emergencies. Take this course to refresh your knowledge about its contents and learn when and how to apply it in real-world situations. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
Major MSALES03 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan: Broker and Agent Training — MA-PD, PDP, and Cost Plan Enrollment and Disenrollment Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 9.0 Updated to all Limitation on dual/LIS Sep , and removed ESRD as enrollment example.
Major PS5-103361 Safety Everywhere: Carbon Monoxide (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote; Awareness and Microlearning; Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME review, images, text, vo, job aid, test
1.2.4 Objetivos de aprendizaje
1.3.1 Actividad de aprendizaje: ¿Dónde está el monóxido de carbono?
1.3.4 Pruebas del detector
1.4.2 Síntomas iniciales
1.4.3 Los síntomas empeoran
1.4.4 Es posible la muerte
1.4.5 Salga al aire fresco
1.4.6 Ayuda a los demás
1.5.1 Resumen
1.5.2 Conclusión
Major PS5-102431 Excavation and Trenching Safety Awareness Awareness and Microlearning; Construction Safety Catalog N/A Image updates
Major PS5-102780 OSHA Outreach Training Wrap-Up (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A Global content update
Major PS5-102615 Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Awareness and Microlearning; Employment Liability; Health and Safety Management; Workplace Violence and Harassment Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor EHS114 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Air) EHS MANAGER EHS for Life Science - Basics LibraryHealthCare CatalogMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 2.3 The term ORM-D was replaced with the more current and acceptable term “Limited Quantity.”
Minor PHDV87 Environmental Control and Monitoring DevicePharmaceutical Medical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical GMPs LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 5.2 Updated to include information from Eudralex Vol 4 EU Guidelines – Annex 1. Updated definitions for terminal sterilization and pyrogen.
Minor PS5-102801 Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102650 Ladder Safety for Construction: Selection and Inspection (Spanish) Slips, Trips and Falls; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.6 Actividad de aprendizaje: Inspección de la escalera extensible
1.4.7 Comentarios: Inspección de la escalera extensible
Minor PS5-01334 Driver Wellness (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00614 Emergency Response for Multi-Story Buildings Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress; Ergonomics and Office Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00892 Environmental Overview (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; Environmental Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102609 Industrial Ergonomics Awareness Warehouse Safety; Ergonomics and Office Safety; Awareness and Microlearning; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100100 Introduction to Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Tools; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100105 Lithium-Ion Battery Incident Preparedness and Response Planning Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Tools; Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01035 Preparing for Pandemic Influenza First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102987 Process Safety Management: Contractors (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100104 Safe Disposal of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103002 Process Safety Management: Mechanical Integrity (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103014 Process Safety Management: Process Safety Information (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100101 Safe Handling of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100103 Safe Storage of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100102 Safe Transportation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01292 Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (US) Workplace Violence and Harassment; Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00863 Towing Trailers (US) Warehouse Safety; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00211 Hazard Communication - Pictograms (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102993 Heat Stress (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Activité d'apprentissage : Coup de soleil
Minor PS5-102994 Heat Stress (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 学习活动:晒伤
Minor PS5-101250 Heat Stress (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Leeractiviteit: Verbranding door de zon
Minor PS5-102995 Heat Stress (French) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Activité didactique : Coup de soleil
Minor PS5-102996 Heat Stress (Italian) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Attività di apprendimento: Scottature solari
Minor PS5-101251 Heat Stress (German) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Lernaktivität: Sonnenbrand
Minor PS5-101252 Heat Stress (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 学習活動:日焼け
Minor PS5-102997 Heat Stress (Korean) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 학습 활동: 일광 화상
Minor PS5-101254 Heat Stress (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; First Aid, Health and Wellness; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Atividade de Aprendizagem: Queimaduras de sol
Minor PS5-102266 Introduction to OSHA (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A 1.8.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Prioridades de inspección
1.8.8 Inspecciones en el sitio: Recorrido
1.8.14 Actividad de aprendizaje: Fases de inspección
1.9.2 Tipos de penalizaciones
1.9.3 Tipos de penalizaciones (continuación)
Post test
Minor PS5-102277 Dust Mask - Voluntary Use Guidelines (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Post Test
Minor PS5-103295 Safety Signs (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A Post Test
Minor PS5-101915 Chemical Facility Security Awareness Training (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review
Design changes
Job Aid
Minor PS5-01384 Stop Signs and Signals - Large Vehicles (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-100743 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102649 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102455 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-101314 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102456 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (French) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-101315 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (German) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102460 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Italian) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102459 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102614 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Korean) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-101317 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote; Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global SME Review and content update
Job Aid
Minor PS5-102414 Personal Factors in Safety Working from Home/Remote; Warehouse Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global SME review
Course Description
1.2.2 Introduction
1.2.3 Learning Objectives
1.3.2 Knowledge Check: What Will You Do?
1.3.3 Experience Counts
1.3.4 Experience Can Mislead
1.4.1 Learning Activity: Limitations
1.5.1 Stress
1.5.3 Physical Effects of Stress
1.5.4 Dealing with Stress
1.5.5 Knowledge Check: Stress
1.6.1 Fatigue
1.6.2 Physical Fatigue
1.6.4 Mental Fatigue: Effects
1.6.5 Emotional Fatigue
1.6.6 Knowledge Check: Mental Fatigue
1.6.7 Impaired by Fatigue
1.6.8 Learning Activity: Effects of Sleep Deprivation
1.6.9 Dealing with Fatigue
1.6.10 Human Factors
1.6.11 Knowledge Check: Fatigue
1.7.1 Knowledge Check: What Do You Think?
1.7.2 Team Support
1.7.3 Interacting
1.7.4 Effective Communication
1.7.5 Tips for Sending a Clear Message
1.7.6 Tips for Active Listening
1.7.7 Knowledge Check: Giving Feedback
1.7.8 Knowledge Check: Receiving Feedback
1.7.9 Assertiveness in Safety Communication
1.7.10 Take a Step Back
1.8.1 Summary
Job Aid
Minor PS5-103286 Lead Poisoning (French) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding; Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication; General Industry and Manufacturing; Health and Safety Management; General Industry and Manufacturing; Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.2.3 Objectifs didactiques
1.4.3 Symptômes initiaux de surexposition au plomb
1.4.5 Vérification des connaissances : Effets sur la santé
1.5.9 Vestiaires
1.5.11 Vérification des connaissances : Mesures de sécurité
1.7.1 Résumé
Job Aid
May 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103836 HAZWOPER: Administrative Controls Including Training (Spanish) Construction;Crane and Rigging;Driver and Transportation Safety;Warehouse Safety;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Administrative controls are an important part of how we control hazards in the workplace. Take this course to learn how and when to use administration, including training, for risk mitigation and worker protection. This course will cover some examples of how these controls can make a difference in workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant employees, including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103822 Formaldehyde (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Laboratory Safety;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Formaldehyde is commonly used in anatomy labs, medical research and teaching facilities as a tissue preservative or as an organic chemical reagent. This course will inform you of the health risks, precautions and handling procedures you need to know when working with formaldehyde.
New PS5-103826 Asbestos Hazards: Workers in the United States (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Managing exposure to asbestos is so important that the government regulates how to keep workers safe. Take this course to learn about the medical and training requirements for asbestos work in the United States that will help you work safely and remain healthy. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103824 Asbestos Hazards: Release Response (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A If there was an asbestos fiber release in your work area, would you know what to do? Take this course to learn the actions you should take as well as what first aid to administer to people who may have been exposed to asbestos. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103825 Asbestos Hazards: Signs, Areas and Monitoring (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Knowing when asbestos is present helps you determine what to do to work safely around it. In this course, you will learn about regulated asbestos areas, signage, labels and monitoring. This information will help you make informed, safe decisions to avoid asbestos exposure. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103827 Asbestos Hazards: Products and Types (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Do you know where you are most likely to encounter asbestos at work? Take this course to learn about the types of asbestos, the locations and products to watch out for, and the signs that they are damaged or deteriorating. Workers need to know where asbestos is so that they can avoid and control it. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103823 Asbestos Hazards: Characteristics and Health Effects (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate;Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A If you saw asbestos, would you know what it was? Take this course to learn about asbestos characteristics and health effects. Being able to recognize asbestos and its health effects is the first step to working safely around it. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103817 Asbestos Hazards: Avoiding Exposure (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can cause serious health conditions, including cancer. That is why it is so important that workers control their exposure to it. In this course, you will learn about the controls you can use to avoid being exposed to asbestos fibers, including ventilation, work practices and personal protective equipment, or PPE. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-30150 Asbestos Hazards Suite (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate;Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in the United States in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New BDL-30150 Asbestos Hazards Suite (US) (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in the United States in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-30151 Asbestos Hazards Suite (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New BDL-30151 Asbestos Hazards Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate Safety Catalog N/A Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
New PS5-103835 HAZWOPER: DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;Environmental;General Industry and Manufacturing;Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A The U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook, or DOT ERG, is an essential tool for HAZWOPER workers responding to hazardous material emergencies. Take this course to refresh your knowledge about its contents and learn when and how to apply it in real-world situations. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
Major MSALES03 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan: Broker and Agent Training — MA-PD, PDP, and Cost Plan Enrollment and Disenrollment Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library, HealthCare Catalog 9.0 Updated to all Limitation on dual/LIS Sep , and removed ESRD as enrollment example.
Major PS5-103361 Safety Everywhere: Carbon Monoxide (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review, images, text, vo, job aid, test 1.2.4 Objetivos de aprendizaje 1.3.1 Actividad de aprendizaje: ¿Dónde está el monóxido de carbono? 1.3.4 Pruebas del detector 1.4.2 Síntomas iniciales 1.4.3 Los síntomas empeoran 1.4.4 Es posible la muerte 1.4.5 Salga al aire fresco 1.4.6 Ayuda a los demás 1.5.1 Resumen 1.5.2 Conclusión"
Major PS5-102431 Excavation and Trenching Safety Awareness Awareness and Microlearning;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Image updates
Major PS5-102780 OSHA Outreach Training Wrap-Up (Spanish) N/A N/A N/A Global content update
Major PS5-102615 Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Awareness and Microlearning;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management;Workplace Violence and Harassment Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor EHS114 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Air) EHS MANAGER EHS for Life Science - Basics LibraryHealthCare CatalogMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 2.3 The term ORM-D was replaced with the more current and acceptable term “Limited Quantity.”
Minor PHDV87 Environmental Control and Monitoring DevicePharmaceutical Medical Device GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical GMPs LibraryMedical Device CatalogPharmaceutical Catalog 5.2 Updated to include information from Eudralex Vol 4 EU Guidelines – Annex 1. Updated definitions for terminal sterilization and pyrogen.
Minor PS5-102801 Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102650 Ladder Safety for Construction: Selection and Inspection (Spanish) Slips, Trips and Falls;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.6 Actividad de aprendizaje: Inspección de la escalera extensible 1.4.7 Comentarios: Inspección de la escalera extensible"
Minor PS5-01334 Driver Wellness (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00614 Emergency Response for Multi-Story Buildings Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00892 Environmental Overview (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102609 Industrial Ergonomics Awareness Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100100 Introduction to Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100105 Lithium-Ion Battery Incident Preparedness and Response Planning Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Tools;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01035 Preparing for Pandemic Influenza First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102987 Process Safety Management: Contractors (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100104 Safe Disposal of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103002 Process Safety Management: Mechanical Integrity (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103014 Process Safety Management: Process Safety Information (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100101 Safe Handling of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100103 Safe Storage of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor STL-100102 Safe Transportation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Battery Library N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01292 Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (US) Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00863 Towing Trailers (US) Warehouse Safety;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00211 Hazard Communication - Pictograms (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102993 Heat Stress (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Activité d'apprentissage : Coup de soleil
Minor PS5-102994 Heat Stress (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 学习活动:晒伤
Minor PS5-101250 Heat Stress (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Leeractiviteit: Verbranding door de zon
Minor PS5-102995 Heat Stress (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Activité didactique : Coup de soleil
Minor PS5-102996 Heat Stress (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Attività di apprendimento: Scottature solari
Minor PS5-101251 Heat Stress (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Lernaktivität: Sonnenbrand
Minor PS5-101252 Heat Stress (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 学習活動:日焼け
Minor PS5-102997 Heat Stress (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 학습 활동: 일광 화상
Minor PS5-101254 Heat Stress (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Atividade de Aprendizagem: Queimaduras de sol
Minor PS5-102266 Introduction to OSHA (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "1.8.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Prioridades de inspección 1.8.8 Inspecciones en el sitio: Recorrido 1.8.14 Actividad de aprendizaje: Fases de inspección 1.9.2 Tipos de penalizaciones 1.9.3 Tipos de penalizaciones (continuación) Post test"
Minor PS5-102277 Dust Mask - Voluntary Use Guidelines (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Post Test
Minor PS5-103295 Safety Signs (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Post Test
Minor PS5-101915 Chemical Facility Security Awareness Training (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Design changes Job Aid"
Minor PS5-01384 Stop Signs and Signals - Large Vehicles (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-100743 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102649 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102455 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-101314 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102456 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (French) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-101315 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (German) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102460 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102459 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102614 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-101317 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102414 Personal Factors in Safety Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Course Description 1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.3.2 Knowledge Check: What Will You Do? 1.3.3 Experience Counts 1.3.4 Experience Can Mislead 1.4.1 Learning Activity: Limitations 1.5.1 Stress 1.5.3 Physical Effects of Stress 1.5.4 Dealing with Stress 1.5.5 Knowledge Check: Stress 1.6.1 Fatigue 1.6.2 Physical Fatigue 1.6.4 Mental Fatigue: Effects 1.6.5 Emotional Fatigue 1.6.6 Knowledge Check: Mental Fatigue 1.6.7 Impaired by Fatigue 1.6.8 Learning Activity: Effects of Sleep Deprivation 1.6.9 Dealing with Fatigue 1.6.10 Human Factors 1.6.11 Knowledge Check: Fatigue 1.7.1 Knowledge Check: What Do You Think? 1.7.2 Team Support 1.7.3 Interacting 1.7.4 Effective Communication 1.7.5 Tips for Sending a Clear Message 1.7.6 Tips for Active Listening 1.7.7 Knowledge Check: Giving Feedback 1.7.8 Knowledge Check: Receiving Feedback 1.7.9 Assertiveness in Safety Communication 1.7.10 Take a Step Back 1.8.1 Summary Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-103286 Lead Poisoning (French) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.3 Objectifs didactiques 1.4.3 Symptômes initiaux de surexposition au plomb 1.4.5 Vérification des connaissances : Effets sur la santé 1.5.9 Vestiaires 1.5.11 Vérification des connaissances : Mesures de sécurité 1.7.1 Résumé Test Job Aid"
April 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103820 Cleaning Up Small Chemical Spills (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Spills in the workplace are almost inevitable. Because of the range and quantity of substances used in laboratories, manufacturing facilities and other work areas, preplanning is needed to respond safely to chemical spills. Spills should be cleaned up only by knowledgeable and experienced staff. This training will provide the information needed to handle small chemical spills in the workplace. Ideal learners are those who work around chemicals.
New PS5-103798 Conveyor Safety Awareness (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Conveyors move materials quickly and efficiently, but they can be dangerous. Without safe practices and controls, people around them can suffer serious injuries, including amputations. This course will teach people who work around conveyors and their supervisors some basic safety guidelines. It will lay the foundation for the hands-on training that employers will provide about specific equipment, hazards, controls and practices at their work locations.
New PS5-103807 Pressure Vessel Safety (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Distinguish how pressure vessels are categorized and regulated;Identify appropriate safety measures when handling, installing, operating, servicing and inspecting pressure vessels;Recognize potential hazards when visually inspecting pressure vessels
New PS5-103806 Process Safety Management: Process Hazard Analysis (US) (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Employers should perform appropriate Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) techniques in their workplace to ensure employee safety. This course describes Process Hazard Analysis techniques as part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) series. Topics in this course include: Controlling Process Hazards, Risk Assessment, PHA Methods, HAZOP Method, FMEA Method, FTA Method, PHA Reports, and Implementation. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify what a PHA is and recognize the different types of PHAs a company can perform.
New PS5-103801 Radiofrequency (RF) Training (Spanish) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Radiofrequency (RF) is an invisible energy that we use in most wireless equipment and devices, such as those for communication and heating. Although it has many important uses, RF energy also has risks that you need to understand and avoid. Take this course to learn what RF energy is, where you may find it, its hazards, how to avoid them and what to do if you've been overexposed. This course is ideal for anyone who may be exposed to RF energy.
New STL-100135 OG: Continual Risk Assessment Oil and Gas Oil and Gas Library N/A Having a strong Environmental, Health and Safety culture helps keep everyone safe and the environment protected. This course will teach you about our continual risk assessment process to help employees and contractors identify hazards and the controls necessary to effectively address them. Our goal is to help you understand why and how hazards can result in injury, damage or environmental contamination so that you can effectively identify and correct their sources and causes. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.
New PS5-103840 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (French) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.
New PS5-103839 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.
New PS5-103841 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Portuguese) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.
New PS5-103456 HAZWOPER: Elimination and Substitution Controls Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Environmental;Food Services and Distribution Safety; General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Management Skills Safety Catalog N/A The most effective way to control hazards is to eliminate them or substitute them with something safer. Take this course to learn how to use elimination and substitution for risk mitigation and worker protection. We will go over some examples of how these controls can make a difference in hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER, workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.
Major PHA40 DEA Compliance QA/GMP Trainer Pharmaceutical GMPs LibraryPharmaceutical Catalog 3.0 Updated for changes related to the mechanism for submissions.
Major PS5-102299 Ladder Safety Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Image updates 1.6.2 Inspect the Area Where It Will Be Used 1.6.8 Setting up Extension or Straight Ladders"
Minor EHS112 DOT Hazardous Materials Training — Carrier Requirements (Highway) EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 ORM-D has been updated to Limited Quantity
Minor FDA42 Import Operations 2: The Process QA/GMP Trainer FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Medical Device Catalog 3.2 Updated language to more closely resemble current regulation language.
Minor PS5-100901 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Chinese) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course Description 1.4.1 改进机会 1.4.4 如何改进管理制度 Course resources Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100908 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (French) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course Description 1.4.1 Opportunités d’amélioration 1.4.4 Comment améliorer les systèmes de gestion Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102726 Hand Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.3 Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipos de riesgos
Minor PS5-103362 Safety Everywhere: Coping with Cold (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Awareness and Microlearning Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.2.4 Objetivos de aprendizaje 1.3.3 Mantener el calor 1.4.2 Revisión de conocimientos: Frío intenso 1.6.2 Resumen Test Updates"
Minor PS5-103363 Safety Everywhere: Dealing with Heat (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Awareness and Microlearning Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.3.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Enfriarse 1.4.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Emprender acción 1.5.2 Revisión de conocimientos: Qué hacer 1.6.1 Recuerde 1.6.2 Resumen"
Minor PS5-103364 Safety Everywhere: Fire Safety (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Awareness and Microlearning Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.3.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Riesgos de incendio 1.5.2 Revisión de conocimientos: Decida qué hacer, parte 2 Post test Q2 1.3.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Riesgos de incendio 1.4.6 Activity: Fire Safety Plan Test Updates"
Minor PS5-103324 Safety Everywhere: Staying Safe on Two Wheels (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Awareness and Microlearning Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review 1.3.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Vestimenta para la seguridad Test Updates"
Minor PS5-102351 Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US) (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.6.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Ergonomía en acción
Minor PS5-100747 Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Employees (US) Awareness and Microlearning;Employment Liability;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review and content update Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-102345 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Protective Characteristics (Spanish) Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.9 Actividad de aprendizaje: Protección para cabeza y cara 1.5.10 Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipos de EPP"
Minor PS5-102638 Concrete and Masonry Awareness (Spanish) Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Operaciones posteriores al tensado 1.3.9 Actividad de aprendizaje: Requisitos de seguridad generales 1.3.10 Comentarios: Requisitos de seguridad generales"
Minor PS5-102825 Power Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Respuesta a riesgos de herramientas eléctricas
Minor PS5-00301 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 2: Hazards, Controls and Emergency Actions Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety N/A "1.2.2 Introduction 1.3.4 Knowledge Check: Flammable Liquids 1.3.5 Flammable Gases 1.3.6 Flammable Gases – Flammable Range 1.3.9 Flammable Solids – Controls 1.4.1 Oxidizing Chemicals 1.4.2 Corrosive Chemicals 1.4.3 Emergencies with Corrosives and Oxidizers 1.4.4 Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Emergencies 1.4.5 Knowledge Check: Oxidizer Emergency 1.5.1 Toxic Chemicals 1.5.2 Toxic Chemical Dose Response Curve 1.5.4 Exposure Limit Acronyms 1.5.6 Knowledge Check: Toxic Chemicals 1.6.2 Chemical Storage Post Test Job Aid"
MInor PS5-102681 Hazard Communication for Construction: How to Use Labels and Safety Data Sheets (US) (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.2 Pictogramas 1.3.3 Actividad de Aprendizaje: Pictogramas 1.3.4 Comentarios: Pictogramas"
MInor PS5-102873 Health Hazards in Construction: Introduction (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.4 Actividad: Riesgos para la salud 1.3.5 Comentarios: Riesgos para la salud"
MInor PS5-102889 Health Hazards in Construction: Asbestos Awareness (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.2 Actividad de aprendizaje: Asbesto 1.4.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Efectos en la salud 1.4.5 Feedback: Health Effects"
Minor PS5-102872 Health Hazards in Construction: Crystalline Silica Awareness (Spanish) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.2.2 Actividad: Sílice cristalina
Minor PS5-102973 Heat Stress (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Actividad de aprendizaje: Quemadura por sol
Minor PS5-00258 15-Passenger Van Safety Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01306 Accident and Breakdown Procedures (US) Driver and Transportation Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00781 Arsenic Awareness (US) Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01375 Avoiding Rear-End Collisions - Large Vehicles (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01374 Avoiding Rear-End Collisions - Light Vehicles (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00723 Battery and Charger Safety (US) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00102 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training (US) First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01341 Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Overview for Drivers (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-00788 Defensive Driving - Large Vehicles Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01414 DOT Driver Compliance (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01287 Driver Fatigue (US) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-01187 Logging and Chainsaw Safety (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102982 Process Safety Management: Compliance Audits (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103007 Process Safety Management: Incident Investigation (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103009 Process Safety Management: Operating Procedures (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103011 Process Safety Management: Overview (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103003 Process Safety Management: Pre-Startup Safety Review (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-103017 Process Safety Management: Training (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
Minor PS5-102989 Process Safety Management: Management of Change (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;EHS Manager Safety Catalog N/A Job Aid
March 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New BDL-12140 OSHA 10: General Industry Outreach Training Course (High-Tech/Semiconductor) (IACET CEU=1.0) (Actively Proctored) N/A N/A N/A This program provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. UL and SESHA partnered to offer this High-tech/Semiconductor industry-specific version of OSHA’s General Industry training. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. OSHA Outreach Training is only available to trainees within the geographic jurisdiction of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act. Trainees outside this jurisdiction will not receive cards for course completion. The program will take longer than 10 hours.
New DEV66 Overview of UKCA, UKNI, and CE Marking for Medical Devices Medical Device "Medical Device Catalog Medical Device GMPs Library Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library" 1.0 This course describes information about the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the UKCA, UKNI, and CE markings for medical devices.
New PS5-103458 HAZWOPER: Heat Stress Awareness Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Due to the nature of their jobs and the protective equipment required, HAZWOPER workers are particularly susceptible to heat stress. Take this course to refresh your memory about types of heat stress. In it, you will learn why HAZWOPER workers are susceptible to heat stress and how to prevent and treat it. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103627 Hot Work (French) Hot Work;Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, or cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. When you follow them properly, various recommendations for hot work can help ensure that you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous work. Ideal learners are all employees.
New PS5-103628 Hot Work (Spanish) Hot Work;Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, or cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. When you follow them properly, various recommendations for hot work can help ensure that you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous work. Ideal learners are all employees.
New PS5-103802 Office Safety (French) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Office safety is the responsibility of everyone. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides information you need to work safely in your office environment. Ideal learners include office, home office and remote workers.
New PS5-103803 Office Safety (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Office safety is the responsibility of everyone. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides information you need to work safely in your office environment. Ideal learners include office, home office and remote workers.
New PS5-103804 Office Safety (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Office safety is the responsibility of everyone. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides information you need to work safely in your office environment. Ideal learners include office, home office and remote workers.
New PS5-103809 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Petrol is a flammable liquid, and practically everyone uses it to fuel their vehicles. But flammable and combustible liquids are dangerous. Something as simple as whether or not you promptly put a liquid in a flammable liquid storage cabinet can be a matter of life or death. This course covers risks associated with flammable and combustible liquids, and general safety procedures such as proper storage and use. Ideal learners are all employees.
New PS5-103818 Bench Grinder Safety (Japanese) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A A jagged wheel fragment can fly fast enough to penetrate the soft tissue of your neck, eyes and face. Bench and pedestal grinders are powerful tools that require precision and precaution. This course will explain the steps you must take to stay safe when working with these commonly used pieces of equipment. Ideal learners are maintenance employees in the general industry, employees in the construction industry, and supervisors of those employees.
Major MAPARTD02 Part C and Part D Coverage Decisions Health Plan HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 2.0 Incorporated new regulations specific to Integrated Plans, grievances, Organization/Coverage Determinations, and Appeals Guidance.
Major MAPD03 MAPD/PDP: Communications and Marketing Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 14.0 Updated to include new Regulatory Guidance of Feb 2022.
Major MAPDED02 Micro & Boosters Your Introduction to Medicare Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Advantage Library 2.0 Updated Part D, SEP, General Enrollment Period, and non-covered language to align with 2023 regulations. Also updated Part A & B premiums for 2023
Major PRIVACY01 HIPAA and Privacy Guidelines for Medical Device Sales Representatives Medical Device Medical Device - Sales & Marketing Library, Medical Device Catalog 3.0 Information on preceptorships was removed as this is no longer a common practice in the industry due to compliance concerns.
Major PS5-00289 Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US) Drug and Alcohol Policies;Health and Safety Management;Employment Liability;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A "1.8.7 Drug Testing – Process Test Q4 Test Q8"
Major PS5-00953 Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Major PS5-100757 Safety Signs (US) General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-102347 OSHA Outreach Training Orientation (Spanish) n/a n/a N/A Full content update - Fresh translation
Major PS5-102687 Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A

"Global SME Review Functionality, design

1.2.2 Introduction

1.2.3 Learning Objectives

1.3.3 Learning Activity: Bloodsucking Pests – Where Do They Congregate?

1.3.4 Learning Activity: Bloodsucking Pests – What Diseases Do They Spread?

1.3.10 Common Mechanical Pests

1.4.10 Learning Activity: Pest Management 1.5.2 Learning Activity: Personal Protection

1.5.7 What If You Find a Tick?

1.5.8 Learning Activity: How Do You Remove a Tick?

1.5.9 Symptoms of Exposure

1.6.1 Summary/Reminder

1.6.2 Conclusion/Summary Post-test"

Major PS5-102799 OSHA Outreach Training Midway Progress Report (Spanish) n/a n/a N/A Full content update - Fresh translation
Major PS5-102800 OSHA Outreach Training Learner Responsibilities (Spanish) n/a n/a N/A Full content update - Fresh translation
Minor CREATE04 CREATE Overview 0 0 1.1 0
Minor Ethics15 Privacy and Data Protection Industry Ethics & Corporate Responsibility Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog, Emerging Business - Medical Device Library, Emerging Business - Pharmaceutical Library 4.2 Updated to include recent changes to Privay Shield in light of TADPF.
Minor MA38 Medicare Advantage: Claims Processing Corporate Compliance HealthCare Catalog Medicare Advantage Library 7.2 Added clarifying language regarding claim timely filing requirements and added details on Hold Harmless requirements.
Minor MAPD02 MAPD: Enrollment Corporate Compliance HealthCare CatalogMedicare Advantage LibraryMedicare Part D Library 10.2 Updated topics include IEP, MA OEP, SEP, and Maximum Capacity.
Minor MDSM03 Massachusetts Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacturer Conduct Regulation (MA Regulation) Corporate Compliance Medical Device - Sales & Marketing LibraryMedical Device Catalog 3.1 Removed redundancies in language.
Minor PS5-00217 Introduction to OSHA (US) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A

"1.9.2 Types of Penalties

1.9.3 Types of Penalties (continued)"

Minor PS5-100553 Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Test
Minor PS5-100585 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-100770 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Spanish) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-100900 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Spanish) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course Description 1.4.1 1.4.4 Cómo mejorar los sistemas de gestión Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100903 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Portuguese) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.1 1.4.4 Cómo mejorar los sistemas de gestión Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100905 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Dutch) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course Description 1.4.1 Mogelijkheden tot verbetering 1.4.3 Leeractiviteit: Veiligheid, gezondheid en bedrijfsresultaten verbeteren 1.4.4 Hoe managementsystemen te verbeteren Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101139 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Japanese) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A


1.3.1 退避の基本事項―定義

1.4.4 3.視界を妨げず、障害物がないこと

1.4.8 学習活動: 退避要素の詳細(続き)

1.5.2 緊急時行動計画

1.6.5 学習した内容の確認: 緊急時行動計画のコアエレメント/核心要素

1.6.9 消火器 Test Job Aid"

Minor PS5-101393 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-101394 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (German) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-101396 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-101404 Bench Grinder Safety (Chinese) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-101406 Bench Grinder Safety (Dutch) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-101407 Bench Grinder Safety (French) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-101408 Bench Grinder Safety (German) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-101410 Bench Grinder Safety (Portuguese) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-101411 Bench Grinder Safety (Spanish) Tools;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Global content update "
Minor PS5-102188 Ladder Safety for Construction: Selection and Inspection Slips, Trips and Falls;Construction Safety Catalog N/A

"1.4.6 Learning Activity: Extension Ladder Inspection

1.4.7 Feedback: Extension Ladder Inspection

1.4.9 Learning Activity: Stepladder Inspection

1.4.10 Feedback: Stepladder Inspection

1.4.12 Learning Activity: Platform Ladder Inspection

1.4.13 Feedback: Platform Ladder Inspection"

Minor PS5-102195 Health Hazards in Construction: Introduction Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A

"1.3.4 Activity: Health Hazards

1.3.5 Feedback: Health Hazards"

Minor PS5-102196 Health Hazards in Construction: Asbestos Awareness Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A

"1.2.1 Welcome

1.2.2 Learning Activity: Asbestos

1.4.4 Learning Activity: Health Effects

1.4.5 Feedback: Health Effects"

Minor PS5-102197 Health Hazards in Construction: Crystalline Silica Awareness Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A

"1.2.1 Welcome

1.2.2 Activity: Crystalline Silica"

Minor PS5-102201 Hot Work for Construction Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.5 Fire Watcher - Functionality fix
Minor PS5-102209 Slips, Trips and Falls for Construction (Spanish) Slips, Trips and Falls;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.6.4 Revisión de conocimientos: Seguridad con escaleras
Minor PS5-102341 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Canadian French) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A


1.3.1 Les bases d’une évacuation - Définitions

1.4.4 3. Dégagé et débloqué

1.4.8 Activité d’apprentissage : Éléments détaillés d’une évacuation (suite)

1.5.2 Plans d’action d’urgence

1.6.9 Extincteurs d'incendie Test Job Aid"

Minor PS5-102352 Electrical Safety for Construction: Cord and Plug Connected Equipment (US) (Spanish) Electrical and LOTO;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.5 Actividad de aprendizaje: Cómo funciona un GFCI
Minor PS5-102423 Hot Work for Construction (Spanish) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A

"1.4.3 Activity: Control Options

1.7.1. Resumen "

Minor PS5-102470 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-102472 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-102473 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Italian) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-102474 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Korean) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-102662 Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Description Global SME Review Global content update"
Minor PS5-102724 Hazardous Chemical Information - Pictograms (Canadian French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A

"1.2.2 Introduction

1.3.2 Pictogrammes et dangers Test"

Minor PS5-103264 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Chinese) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A

"Description 1.3.1 疏散的基础知识——定义

1.4.3 知识测验:疏散的具体要素

1.4.4 3.畅通无阻

1.4.8 反馈:疏散的具体要素

1.5.2 紧急行动计划

1.6.9 灭火器 Test Job Aid"

February 2023 Updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
*New PS5-103533 Cold Stress (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Cold stress is the loss of body heat to the environment. Low temperature, wind and wetness have a combined effect on the body to create cold stress, injuries and illness. Cold-related disorders such as hypothermia and frostbite can kill or injure workers. Employers and employees should be aware of cold stress hazards, cold-related disorders and how to treat and prevent them. Ideal learners are employees who may be exposed to cold temperatures.
*New PS5-103616 Housekeeping on the Job (Chinese) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103617 Housekeeping on the Job (French) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103618 Housekeeping on the Job (Japanese) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103619 Housekeeping on the Job (Dutch) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103620 Housekeeping on the Job (German) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103621 Housekeeping on the Job (Portuguese) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. Take this course to learn some basic housekeeping practices that will help you stay organized and keep workspaces clean. This course is ideal for all workers.
*New PS5-103640 Struck-By, Caught-Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire for Construction Construction Safety Catalog N/A Two of the most frequently severe types of construction incidents are being either struck by or caught in or between materials and equipment. This course focuses on the steps workers can take to stay out of the line of fire and avoid being struck by or caught in or between hazards at work, including hazard awareness, prevention and control, with an emphasis on taking personal responsibility for safety. Ideal learners are construction workers.
*New PS5-103681 Healthy Buildings: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Environmental;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication Safety Catalog N/A If you do an internet search about indoor air quality, you may become overwhelmed or even alarmed at the information you find. The good news is that indoor air quality is something anyone with the right information can help manage. The goal of this course is to give you that information so that you can feel confident in your understanding about the impact of indoor air quality on health, the common causes of indoor air pollution, and what to do to improve air quality in any space. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.
*New PS5-103716 Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Dutch) Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A You notice the faint smell of rotten eggs and see a co-worker collapse. Do you know what could be happening? How will you get help for your co-worker and avoid becoming another victim? In this course, you will get the answers to these questions. You will learn about the characteristics and dangers of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and what to do if you suspect it is present. This training is ideal for workers in general industry, manufacturing and construction.
Major MAPARTD03 Parts C and D Appeals Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 2.0 Updated to imcorporate new regulatios specific to integrated plans.
Major PARTD01 Medicare Part D: Administration and Management Health Plan Compliance Trainer HealthCare CatalogMedicare Part D Library 6.0 Updated language to conform to Chapter 6, as well as 42 CFR. Updated statistics.
Major PS5-102204 Fire Extinguisher Safety for Construction: Part 2 - Using Extinguishers (US) Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Design, functionality, images 1.2.1 Welcome 1.3.1 Elements of Fire 1.3.4 Learning Activity: Elements of Fire 1.4.2 Learning Activity: Extinguisher Labels 1.4.3 More About Fire Types 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Choose Appropriate Extinguishers 1.6.2 Aim 1.6.4 Sweep 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Operating an Extinguisher 1.7.2 Placement 1.7.3 Maintenance Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102352 Electrical Safety for Construction: Cord and Plug Connected Equipment (US) (Spanish) Electrical and LOTO;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Functionality 1.5.5 Actividad de aprendizaje: Cómo funciona un GFCI Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102431 Excavation and Trenching Safety Awareness Awareness and Microlearning;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Minor BDL-12086 Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (IACET CEU=0.1) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor BDL-12087 Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor BDL-12088 Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor EHS69 Process Gauge Radiation EHS Manager EHS for Life Science - Basics Library, HealthCare Catalog, Medical Device Catalog, Pharmaceutical Catalog 3.1 Clarified content on Radiation Signage.
Minor FDA43 Import Operations 3: Other Activities QA/GMP Trainer "FDA Inspections and Enforcement Library Pharmaceutical Catalog Medical Device Catalog" 3.1 Updated to clarify Import Operations 3 - Other Activities.
Minor PHDV67 Laboratory Safety QA/GMP Trainer "EHS for Life Science - Basics Library HealthCare Catalog Medical Device Catalog Pharmaceutical Catalog" 2.2 Environmental Controls was changed to Engineering controls to better align with OSHA and industry termonology.
Minor PPACA03 Introduction to Medicaid Health Plan Compliance Trainer PPACA Library HealthCare Catalog 5.2 Updated Medicaid dates, references, CHIP data, Federal funding, and SSA::1945.
Minor PS5-00290 Office Safety Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A 1.8.1 EPI
Minor PS5-100087 Active Shooter: Prevention and Preparation Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100403 Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100404 Active Shooter: Law Enforcement Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100405 Active Shooter: Victims Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100813 Active Shooter: Prevention and Preparation (Canadian French) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100814 Active Shooter: Prevention and Preparation (Spanish) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100815 Active Shooter: Law Enforcement (Canadian French) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100816 Active Shooter: Law Enforcement (Spanish) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100817 Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight (Canadian French) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100818 Active Shooter: Run, Hide, Fight (Spanish) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100819 Active Shooter: Victims (Canadian French) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100820 Active Shooter: Victims (Spanish) Ergonomics and Office Safety;Workplace Violence and Harassment;Employment Liability;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A Course Description - Sensitive Material Warning
Minor PS5-100903 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Portuguese) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course description 1.4.1 Oportunidades de Melhorias 1.4.4 Como Melhorar Sistemas de Gestão Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100904 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (German) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course description 1.4.1 1.4.4 Wie Sie Managementsysteme verbessern Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100909 Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Japanese) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course description 1.4.1 改善の機会 1.4.4 マネジメントシステムを改善する方法 Job Aid"
Minor PS5-100974 Incident Investigation (Portuguese) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Course Description 1.2.2 Introdução 1.3.3 Aspectos básicos sobre a Investigação de Incidentes 1.3.6 Verificação de conhecimento: Aspectos básicos sobre a Investigação de Incidentes – Q3 1.4.1 Gerenciamento do Incidente e Processo Investigativo 1.5.1 Coleta de Informações 1.5.2 Melhores Práticas para a Condução de Entrevistas 1.6.1 Benefício dos Resultados Investigativos 1.6.2 Verificação de conhecimento: Benefício dos Resultados Investigativos 1.7.1 Análise Causal 1.7.2 Perguntando ""Por quê?"" 1.7.4 Verificação de conhecimento: Análise Causal – Q1 1.7.5 Verificação de conhecimento: Análise Causal – Q2 1.8.1 Resumo Post Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101136 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Dutch) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Course Description 1.3.1 De basisprincipes van een vluchtroute - Definities 1.4.3 Kennischeck: Belangrijke elementen van een vluchtroute 1.4.8 Leeractiviteit: Belangrijke elementen van een vluchtroute (vervolg) 1.4.4 3. Niet versperd en niet geblokkeerd 1.5.2 Calamiteitenplannen: 1.6.5 Kennischeck: Kernelementen van een noodactieplannen 1.6.9 Brandblusapparaten Post Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-101138 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (German) Wind Turbine;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Global content update Course Description 1.3.1 Die Grundlagen des Fluchtwegs – Definitionen 1.4.3 Wissenscheck: Ausführliche Bedingungen des Fluchtwegs 1.4.4 3. Hindernisfrei und unversperrt 1.4.8 Lernaktivität: Ausführliche Bedingungen des Fluchtwegs (Fortsetzung) 1.5.1 Ausgelöst von Alarme 1.5.2 Notfallpläne 1.6.4 Mindestempfehlungen: Teile 3 und 4 1.6.5 Wissenscheck: Die Hauptelemente eines Notfallplans 1.6.9 Feuerlöscher Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101141 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Portuguese) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Course Description 1.3.1 As Noções Básicas de Evacuação – Definições 1.4.3 Verificação de conhecimento: Elementos Detalhados de Evacuação 1.4.8 Atividade de aprendizagem: Elementos Detalhados de Evacuação (continuação) 1.4.3 Verificação de conhecimento: Elementos Detalhados de Evacuação 1.5.2 Planos de Ação de Emergência 1.6.5 Verificação de conhecimento: Elementos Centrais de Planos de Ação de Emergência 1.6.9 Extintores de Incêndio Post Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101142 Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Spanish) Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Functionality 1.2.3 Objetivos del curso 1.3.1 Los fundamentos del egreso - Definiciones 1.4.3 Revisión de conocimientos: Elementos detallados de egreso 1.4.8 Actividad de aprendizaje: Elementos detallados de egreso (continuación) 1.4.4 3. Sin obstáculos y sin bloqueos 1.5.2 Planes de acción de emergencia 1.6.5 Revisión de conocimientos: Elementos principales de los planes de acción de emergencia 1.6.9 Extintores de incendios Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-101896 Hazardous Chemical Information - Pictograms (Portuguese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.2 Introdução 1.3.2 Pictogramas e riscos Test"
Minor PS5-101943 Slips, Trips and Falls for Construction Slips, Trips and Falls;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.6.4 Learning Activity: Ladder Safety
Minor PS5-102168 Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US) Warehouse Safety;Crane and Rigging;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.1 Welcome 1.6.2 Learning Activity: Ergonomics in Action Post test Q5"
Minor PS5-102198 Health Hazards in Construction: Lead Awareness Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.2 Activity: Lead 1.4.4 Early Symptoms 1.5.3 Housekeeping Test Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102200 Hazard Communication for Construction: Written Program (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.5 How the GHS Impacted the HazCom Standard 1.5.3 Activity: Hazard Communication Responsibilities 1.5.4 Feedback: Hazard Communication Responsibilities Job Aid"
Minor PS5-102201 Hot Work for Construction Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Construction;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.3 Activity: Control Options 1.7.1. Summary"
Minor PS5-102208 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Protective Characteristics Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.4.9 Learning Activity: Head and Face Protection 1.5.10 Learning Activity: Types of PPE 1.6.2 Respiratory Fit Testing"
Minor PS5-102274 Concrete and Masonry Awareness Awareness and Microlearning;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.3 Post-Tensioning Operations 1.3.9 Learning Activity: General Safety Requirements 1.3.10 Feedback: General Safety Requirements (New Slide)"
Minor PS5-102360 Hand Tool Safety for Construction Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.3.3 Activity: Types of Hazards
Minor PS5-102360 Hazard Communication for Construction: How to Use Labels and Safety Data Sheets (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.3.2 Pictograms 1.3.3 Learning Activity: Pictograms 1.3.4 Feedback: Pictograms Test"
Minor PS5-102885 Heat Stress Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Sunburn
Minor PS5-103134 Powered Industrial Trucks Part 2: Pre-Operation Inspection Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Functionality 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.4.2 General Exterior 1.4.6 Knowledge Check: Hose 1.4.7 Feedback: Hose 1.4.12 Knowledge Check: Forks, Lifts and Attachments 1.5.2 Summary "
Minor PS5-103169 Lead Poisoning Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "1.7.1 Summary 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.3 Early Symptoms of Exposure to Lead 1.4.5 Knowledge Check: Health Effects Test Job Aid "
Minor PS5-103488 Asbestos Hazards: Avoiding Exposure Chemicals, Substances, and Hazard Communication;Construction;Employment Liability;Environmental;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Laboratory Safety;Property Management/Real Estate;Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A Move Conclusion Learning Object to the correct place in the outline
Retire BDL-12020 Driver Safety Training - Large Vehicles Suite (IACET CEU=0.1) N/A N/A N/A Low usage and retired courses in the suite
Retire BDL-12025 Driver Safety Training - Light Commercial Vehicles Suite (IACET CEU=0.1) N/A N/A N/A Low usage and retired courses in the suite
Retire PS5-00179 Struck By, Caught Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire (US) N/A N/A N/A Replaced by PS5-103640
January 2023 updates
Update type Course code Course title Industry Course library Version Update details
New PS5-103459 HAZWOPER: Administrative Controls Including Training Construction;Crane and Rigging;Driver and Transportation Safety;Warehouse Safety;Food Services and Distribution Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing;Health and Safety Management;Healthcare;Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety;Laboratory Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Catalog N/A Administrative controls are an important part of how we control hazards in the workplace. Take this course to learn how and when to use administration, including training, for risk mitigation and worker protection. This course will cover some examples of how these controls can make a difference in workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant employees, including maintenance personnel and first responders.
New PS5-103460 HAZWOPER: DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (US) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Construction;Driver and Transportation Safety;Environmental;General Industry and Manufacturing;Sustainability Management;Contractor Safety Safety Catalog N/A The U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook, or DOT ERG, is an essential tool for HAZWOPER workers responding to hazardous material emergencies. Take this course to refresh your knowledge about its contents and learn when and how to apply it in real-world situations. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.
New PS5-103532 Cold Stress (Canadian French) Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;First Aid, Health and Wellness;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Cold stress is the loss of body heat to the environment. Low temperature, wind and wetness have a combined effect on the body to create cold stress, injuries and illness. Cold-related disorders such as hypothermia and frostbite can kill or injure workers. Employers and employees should be aware of cold stress hazards, cold-related disorders and how to treat and prevent them. Ideal learners are employees who may be exposed to cold temperatures.
New PS5-103622 Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Dutch) Warehouse Safety;Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A When you cannot move work to ground level, mobile elevated work platforms, or MEWPs, such as aerial, scissor and vertical mast lifts, may be an appropriate solution. Each type has its own unique characteristics and safety strategies of which you need to be aware. You will receive hands-on training about the specific equipment you will use, but this course will lay the groundwork by giving you an overview of some universal considerations for mobile elevated work platforms. This course is ideal for people who use or manage others who use mobile elevated work platforms.
New PS5-103629 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Dutch) Wind Turbine;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, you name it. So what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed.
New PS5-103630 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (French) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A You have seen media reports about the catastrophic effects an oil spill has on wildlife, the environment, and the livelihood of affected communities. The SPCC regulation was developed to prevent oil releases at facilities from polluting navigable waters of the United States. This course gives employees a general overview of SPCC requirements. Ideal learners are any employee involved in oil handling, transfer, storage, spill response or maintenance of oil equipment.
New PS5-103631 Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Japanese) Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;Environmental Safety Catalog N/A You have seen media reports about the catastrophic effects an oil spill has on wildlife, the environment, and the livelihood of affected communities. The SPCC regulation was developed to prevent oil releases at facilities from polluting navigable waters of the United States. This course gives employees a general overview of SPCC requirements. Ideal learners are any employee involved in oil handling, transfer, storage, spill response or maintenance of oil equipment.
New PS5-103633 Safety Orientation (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A This employee safety program is much more than an examination of set rules. It is a common-sense approach to training employees in order to prevent injuries and illness. Ideal learners are new employees.
New PS5-103678 Materials Handling and Storage (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A By taking proper precautions when handling materials, you can prevent accidents ranging from small splinters, cuts or scrapes, to crushed fingers, hands and feet and even death. Take this course to learn about methods and equipment you can use to handle materials safely. You will also learn about basic ergonomic safety and health principles. This course is ideal for all employees.
New PS5-103704 Pallet Truck Safety (French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Operating a pallet jack or pallet truck is different from operating a forklift or other industrial truck. Take this course to learn how you can help eliminate or reduce injuries and incidents associated with this equipment. This course will give you the basic information you need to inspect and safely operate pallet trucks in a variety of situations. Ideal learners are all employees who operate or supervise the operation of pallet trucks in industrial settings.
New PS5-103706 Pallet Truck Safety (Japanese) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Operating a pallet jack or pallet truck is different from operating a forklift or other industrial truck. Take this course to learn how you can help eliminate or reduce injuries and incidents associated with this equipment. This course will give you the basic information you need to inspect and safely operate pallet trucks in a variety of situations. Ideal learners are all employees who operate or supervise the operation of pallet trucks in industrial settings.
New PS5-103785 Load Securement and Distribution (US) (Spanish) Driver and Transportation Safety;Crane and Rigging;Construction Safety Catalog N/A The North American Cargo Securement Standard forms the basis for the cargo securement and distribution regulations in the United States and Canada. The regulations are designed to ensure cargo stays in place, keeping drivers and other motorists safe. This training details the securement regulations for most types of cargo.
New PS5-103786 Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (French) Warehouse Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Powered industrial trucks like forklifts, motorized pallet jacks, tuggers, tow motors and other powered equipment are used every day to lift and move equipment or materials. Because of the high risk of injury and even death while operating a powered industrial truck, some use and training recommendations have been developed to improve safety. Employers may assign this course after incidents or to help with ongoing refresher needs. Ideal learners are those who operate powered industrial trucks and their supervisors.
Major MSales05 Medicare Plan: Broker and Agent Training — Marketing Communication and Compensation Health Plan Compliance Trainer Medicare Broker/Agent Training Library HealthCare Catalog 9.0 Updated content on Direct Messaging, Disclosure Call Recording Requirements, and to required materials and applicable examples
Major PS5-00264 Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles Working from Home/Remote;Wind Turbine;Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-00270 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 1a: Introduction to the GHS Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "SME Review 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.3 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Curriculum 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) 1.3.2 Knowledge Check: GHS 1.3.3 Hazardous Materials - Employee Responsibilities 1.3.5 Knowledge Check: Hazard Communication 1.4.1 GHS Definition of the Physical State of Chemicals 1.4.2 Physical, Health and Environmental Hazards 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Pictograms and Hazards 2 1.6.1 Physical Hazards – Flammable Liquids 1.6.2 Physical Hazards – Flammable Solids 1.6.3 Physical Hazards – Flammable Gases 1.6.4 Physical Hazards – Pyrophoric Substances 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Physical Hazards 1.6.7 Physical Hazards – Gas Under Pressure 1.6.8 Physical Hazards – Oxidizers 1.6.9 Learning Activity: More Physical Hazards 1.7.2 Health and Physical Hazards – Corrosive Chemicals 1.7.3 Health and Physical Hazards – Semiconductor Acids and Bases 1.7.4 Health Hazards – Hydrofluoric (HF) Acid 1.7.5 Knowledge Check: Corrosive Chemicals 1.7.6 Health Hazards – Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reproductive Toxins 1.7.7 Health Hazards – Respiratory and Organ Toxicity 1.7.8 Health Hazards – Other Health Hazards 1.8.1 Environmental Hazards 1.8.2 Learning Activity: Health and Environmental Hazards 1.9.1 Summary course description Post test"
Major PS5-00290 Office Safety Working from Home/Remote;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Images, functionality 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 Slips, Trips and Falls 1.3.2 Slips, Trips and Falls: Entryways and Hallways 1.3.3 Safety Briefing 1.3.4 Slips, Trips and Falls: Offices and Conference Rooms 1.3.5 Slips, Trips and Falls: Storage and Food Areas 1.3.6 Learning Activity: Slips, Trips and Falls OLD 1.3.7 Tools and Equipment 1.3.10 Cuts and Punctures 1.3.11 Knowledge Check: Storage or File Cabinets 1.3.12 Electrical and Fire Hazards 1.3.13 Electrical and Fire Hazards (continued) 1.3.14 Chemicals 1.3.16 Learning Activity: Office Hazards SECTION 1.4 Parking Lots 1.4.1 What to Do in an Emergency 1.5.1 Preventing Back Injuries 1.5.2 Lifting Plan 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Proper Lifting Techniques 1.6.1 Reporting an Accident or Injury SECTION 1.7 Parking Lots 1.7.1 Pedestrian Safety 1.7.3 Knowledge Check: Parking Lots SECTION 1.8 Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle 1.8.1 Personal Protective Equipment 1.8.2 Learning Activity: PPE SECTION 1.10 Workplace Security SECTION 1.9 Home/Remote Office 1.9.1 Home and Remote Office Safety 1.9.2 Ergonomics 1.9.3 Information Security 1.9.4 Knowledge Check: Home Office 1.10.1 Summary Post test"
Major PS5-00296 Dust Mask - Voluntary Use Guidelines (US) General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-00300 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 1b: Communication, Controls and Emergency Procedures (US) Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "SME Review 1.2.3 Introduction 1.2.5 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Contents 1.3.2 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Requirements 1.3.3 Learning Activity: Labels 1.3.4 Additional Label Requirements 1.4.1 Hierarchy of Hazard Control 1.4.4 Safe Handling Practices in Semiconductor Fabrication 1.4.5 Knowledge Check: Hierarchy of Control 1.4.6 Chemical Storage 1.4.8 Knowledge Check: Storing Chemicals and PPE 1.5.1 Chemical Emergencies 1.5.3 Gas Release Emergencies 1.5.4 Knowledge Check: Hazardous Chemical Emergencies 1.5.6 Large Liquid Spill Procedures 1.6.3 Knowledge Check: Hazardous Chemical Disposal 1.7.1 Summary 1.7.2 What’s Next? Post Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-00301 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 2: Hazards, Controls and Emergency Actions Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "SME Review 1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.2 Flammable Liquids 1.3.3 Flammable Liquids – Flash Point 1.3.5 Flammable Gases 1.3.6 Flammable Gases – Flammable Range 1.3.7 Flammable Gases – Controls 1.3.9 Flammable Solids – Controls 1.6.2 Chemical Storage 1.3.12 Pyrophoric Chemicals 1.4.3 Emergencies with Corrosives and Oxidizers 1.4.5 Knowledge Check: Corrosive Emergency 1.5.1 Toxic Chemicals 1.5.3 Factors that Affect Dose Response 1.5.5 Toxic Chemical Emergencies 1.5.6 Knowledge Check: Toxic Chemicals 1.6.2 Chemical Storage 1.6.4 Chemical Compatibility 1.6.5 Learning Activity: Hazardous Chemical Storage and Handling 1.7.1 Summary Post Test Job Aid"
Major PS5-00571 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Wind Turbine;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress;Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-01026 Warehouse Safety "Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Safety and Manufacturing " Safety Catalog N/A Global content update
Major PS5-100082 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 3: Extremely Hazardous Chemicals Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "SME Review Objectives 1.2.1 Welcome 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.3.1 Extremely Hazardous Chemical Categories 1.3.2 Learning Activity: Data Sheet Layout 1.3.3 Data Sheets/Resources 1.4.2 Knowledge Check: Toxic Hydride Gases 1.4.3 Knowledge Check: Toxic Hydride Gases 1.4.4 Knowledge Check: Toxic Hydride Gases 1.5.2 Knowledge Check: Corrosive Gases 1.5.3 Knowledge Check: Corrosive Gases 1.6.1 Oxidizing Gases 1.6.2 Knowledge Check: Oxidizing Gases 1.7.2 Knowledge Check: Pyrophoric Gases 1.7.3 Knowledge Check: Pyrophoric Gases 1.7.4 Knowledge Check: Pyrophoric Gases 1.8.2 Knowledge Check: Silane 1.9.2 Knowledge Check: Flammable Gases 1.10.2 Knowledge Check: Highly Energetic Materials 1.11.1 Corrosive Liquids 1.11.2 Knowledge Check: Corrosive Liquids 1.12.2 Knowledge Check: By-products 1.13.2 Knowledge Check: Emergencies 1.14.1 Summary 1.14.2 What’s Next?"
Major PS5-101577 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine (Dutch) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 Overzicht 1.4.2 Onderhoud en Inspectie 1.4.3 Elektrische PBM‘s Opslaan Test"
Major PS5-101578 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine (French) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 Présentation 1.4.2 Maintenance et inspection 1.4.3 Entreposer un EPI électrique Test"
Major PS5-101579 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine (German) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 Übersicht 1.4.2 Wartung und Überprüfung 1.4.3 Aufbewahrung elektrischer PSA Test"
Major PS5-101581 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine (Portuguese) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 Resumo 1.4.2 Manutenção e Inspeção 1.4.3 Armazenamento de EPIs elétricos Test"
Major PS5-101582 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part Nine (Chinese) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 概述 1.4.2 维护和检查 1.4.3 存放电气个人防护装备 Test"
Major PS5-102132 Fall Protection (US) (Spanish) Wind Turbine;Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102391 Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Awareness Working from Home/Remote;Warehouse Safety;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Design, images 1.2.3 Learning Objectives 1.4.2 Hazard Controls 1.4.3 Knowledge Check: Hazard Controls 1.5.1 More Potential Hazards 1.5.2 Gloves 1.5.3 Learning Activity: Gloves 1.5.4 Reducing Hazards 1.7.1 Summary Job Aid Test"
Major PS5-102412 Hand and Power Tool Safety Awareness Wind Turbine;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Tools;Awareness and Microlearning;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME Review Design, Functionality, Images 1.4.1 Specific Precautions"
Major PS5-102604 Fall Protection (US) (Canadian French) Wind Turbine;Slips, Trips and Falls;General Industry and Manufacturing;Construction Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102676 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Part 9 - Electrical Protective Devices (Canadian French) Electrical and LOTO;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A "Design, images 1.2.2 Aperçu 1.2.4 Introduction aux dispositifs de protection électrique 1.4.2 Entretien et inspection 1.4.3 Entreposage des ÉPI électriques Test"
Major PS5-102726 Hand Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish) Wind Turbine;Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A "Images Course Description 1.3.8 Cuidarse a sí mismo 1.5.4 Revisión de conocimientos: Herramientas de corte y tipo tijera 1.6.2 Herramientas para cavar Job Aid"
Major PS5-102899 Materials Handling and Storage (Chinese) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102902 Materials Handling and Storage (French) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Major PS5-102903 Materials Handling and Storage (German) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;Crane and Rigging;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Global content update (fresh translation)
Minor Cwire-sys01 Welcome to ComplianceWire N/A N/A 1.0 Course updated to include CW Q4 Release.
Minor MDSAP_Japan Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) — MDSAP Country-Specific Tasks QA/GMP Trainer MDSAP Library Medical Device Catalog 1.1 Updated Japanese Translation to better match the English Content.
Minor PS5-100439 Semiconductor Chemical Safety Part 4: Hazardous Gases and Control Systems (US) Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library Hi-tech/Semiconductor Safety Library N/A "1.2.2 Introduction 1.2.4 Learning Objectives 1.2.5 Learning Activity: Chemical Hazard Categories 1.3.2 Effects of Oxygen Deprivation 1.3.3 Knowledge Check: Effects of Inert Gases 1.4.1 Cryogenic Gases 1.5.2 Safety Precautions 1.6.3 Common Semiconductor Gases by Primary Hazard Category 1.7.1 Controls for Compressed Gas Cylinders 1.7.4 Maximum Allowable Quantity (MAQ) 1.7.5 Knowledge Check: Hazardous Gas Ranking 1.7.11 Learning Activity: Hazardous Gas Controls 1.8.2 Knowledge Check: Emergency Procedures 1.9.1 Summary Post-test primary footer course and module title course description"
Minor PS5-100970 Incident Investigation (Dutch) Management Skills;Health and Safety Management Safety Catalog N/A "Global SME review Images, Functionality Course Description 1.2.3 Leerdoelen 1.3.3 Grondbeginselen van onderzoek van incidenten 1.3.5 Kennischeck: Grondbeginselen van onderzoek van incidenten – V2 1.3.6 Kennischeck: Grondbeginselen van onderzoek van incidenten – V3 1.4.1 Incidentmanagement en het onderzoeksproces 1.5.1 Verzamelen van informatie 1.5.2 Beste werkwijzen bij gesprekken 1.5.3 Foto/schets beste werkwijzen 1.5.6 Leeractiviteit: Verzamelen van informatie, vervolg 1.6.1 Profiteren van onderzoeksresultaten 1.6.2 Kennischeck: Profiteren van onderzoeksresultaten 1.7.1 Causale analyse 1.7.2 Vragen ""waarom?"" 1.7.4 Kennischeck: Causale analyse – V1 1.7.5 Kennischeck: Causale analyse – V2 1.7.6 Kennischeck: Causale analyse, vervol 1.8.1 Samenvatting Job Aid Test"
Minor PS5-101173 Industrial Ergonomics (Spanish) Warehouse Safety;Ergonomics and Office Safety;General Industry and Manufacturing Safety Catalog N/A Job aid added
Minor PS5-102231 Electrical Safety for Construction: Cord and Plug Connected Equipment (US) Electrical and LOTO;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.5.5 Learning Activity: How a GFCI Works
Minor PS5-102361 Power Tool Safety for Construction Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding;Tools;Construction Safety Catalog N/A 1.4.4 Learning Activity: Responding to Power Tool Hazards
Minor PS5-102708 OSHA Outreach Training Wrap-Up n/a Safety Catalog N/A "1.2.1 Welcome 1.3.1 Final Tasks 1.3.2 Final Exam 1.3.3 Survey 1.3.4 Reminders 1.3.5 Thank You!"
Minor PS5-103689 Extreme Driving Conditions (US) (Spanish) Driver and Transportation Safety Safety Catalog N/A Job aid added
Revision CW-CURR-01_LSC ComplianceWire® Curricula N/A N/A 1.0 Fixed technical issue with video.
Revision CW-TI-01_LSC ComplianceWire® Training Items N/A N/A 1.0 Updated Chapter Title; no other content changes occurred.
Revision CW-TI-CDQ-01_LSC ComplianceWire® Control Document Quizzes N/A N/A 1.0 Updated Chapter Title; no other content changes occurred.
Revision GCP02 GCP/ICH Obligations of Investigators Conducting Clinical Trials QA/GMP Trainer Clinical: Pharmaceutical Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog 5.3 Included Chinese
Revision PHA65 Awareness of FDA Inspections for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical GMPs Library, Pharmaceutical Catalog 1.2 References have been updated on p 2 & 9.
Course updates from previous years