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Synopsys Achieves Industry’s First USB-IF Certification for USB4® Device Solution IP by UL Solutions Lab

UL Solutions laboratory in Taiwan worked with Synopsys to complete USB-IF certification testing of Synopsys USB4 device IP.

A smartphone using a USB Type-C cable to connect to a laptop.

UL Solutions announced that its USB-IF authorized Independent Test Labs (ITL) in Taiwan has successfully completed USB-IF certification testing of USB4 Device Solution IP for Synopsys (USB-IF TID: 11711).  The test program is based on the latest USB4 compliance test specification (CTS) published by USB-IF and consists of a comprehensive performance evaluation of the USB4 IP performance, including electrical, protocol, interoperability, and other aspects.

The Synopsys USB4 device IP, implemented on a Synopsys HAPS FPGA prototyping platform, supports the latest USB4 specs and PCIe tunneling. The FPGA version supports operating at Gen2 speeds of 20Gbps, whereas ASIC or SoC implementations will support operating at Gen3 speeds of 40Gbps.

The USB4 specification is developed on the basis of the latest USB technology launched by USB-IF over USB Type-C® interface and is backwards compatible with existing USB 2.0™ and USB 3.2 connections. Running at up to 40Gbps, USB4 can support a much higher data rate than its predecessor and enables the USB Type-C interface to accommodate more types of applications and an enhanced user experience.




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