Watch our on-demand webinar on fire door testing as per various safety standards. Learn more about the benefits of conducting tests that satisfy the requirements of multiple set standards.
We will focus on fire resistant doors, performance standards and key differences and provide examples of combined testing.
Finally, we will discuss the future of fire resistant doors and provide a demonstration of UL solutions' certification database Product iQ®.
Learning objectives:
- The differences and similarities between UL 10C and EN 1634-1
- Highlights of the furnace conditions used in both standards and the resulting test environment in the furnace
- Considerations when trying to meet the compliance criteria of multiple standards at the same time
- Fire resistant doors, performance standards and examples of combined testing
Matthew Schumann, industry manager for the building materials industry at UL
Matthew has represented UL at various events such as the International Firestop Council, Firestop Contractors International Association, AMCA and various door-related industry groups and standards development committees including NFPA Committee on Fire Doors, BHMA, SDI, DASMA and NAAMM. Matthew is a graduate of the University of Dayton with a degree in mechanical engineering.
Webinar date:
July 9, 2020
Focus on Fire Resisting Doors
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