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HVACR Performance Testing and Certification Services

Set your HVACR product apart in a crowded market and exceed expectations. Our experts will guide you step by step through the process of achieving performance testing and certification.

Man inspecting an outdoor unit of air conditioner

UL Solutions HVACR performance services

In our laboratories all over the world, technical experts at UL Solutions are dedicated to offering high-quality performance testing services to HVACR manufacturers. Our core services include energy efficiency testing and certification, sound testing and certification, load-based performance testing, Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) testing and custom R&D testing.

UL Solutions provides independent third-party verification to help you demonstrate the performance and quality of your HVACR products so they stand out in a crowded marketplace.


UL Solutions engineers offer benefits that include:


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Extensive experience in product verification and validation
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Deep understanding of HVACR market dynamics and competition
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Customized services to meet your specific needs
icon certification stamp
Tireless commitment to quality and performance excellence


Energy efficiency testing and certification

When you partner with UL Solutions, you gain the benefits of flexible, localized service from UL Solutions laboratories that conduct tests for several international standards of energy efficiency for each region.

The Americas
  • Energy Star®, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Canadian requirements, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
  • Norma Oficial Mexicana (Official Mexican Standard, NOM)
  • RETIQ regulations established by the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy
  • El Salvador Technical Regulation (RTS)
EMEA region
  • EN 16825
  • EN 16838
  • EN 16901
  • EN 16902
  • EN 14511
  • EN 14825
  • EN 16147
  • IEC/EN 62552-1/2/3
  • EN ISO 22041
  • EN ISO 22044
  • EN ISO 23953-2
United Arab Emirates UAE.S 5010-1, -5
UAE.S ISO 5151
UAE.S ISO 13253
UAE.S ISO 15042
Saudi Arabia SASO GSO ISO 5151
SASO 2663
SASO 2874
QS SASO 2681
QS SASO 2682
QS SASO 2663
Qatar/Saudi Arabia SASO/QS SASO 2681 (Non-Ducted and Heat Pumps)
SASO/QS SASO 2682 (Ducted and Air-to-Air Heat Pumps)
SASO/QS SASO 2663 (Energy Labeling and MEP Requirements)
China GB/T 8059
Japan JIS C9612 (Room)
JIS B8616 (Package)
Korea KS C9306
Kuwait KWS 1893/2018
Thailand TIS 2134-2553
TIS 1155-2557
Malaysia MS ISO 5151
Indonesia SNI 19-6713
SNI 04-6958
Philippines PNS 396-1
PNS 240
PNS ISO 5151
PNS ISO 16358-1
Vietnam TCVN 7830
TCVN 6576
TCVN 10273-1
TCVN 10273-2
TCVN 10273-3
Singapore NEA MEPs
Australia / New Zealand AS/NZS 3823.1.1
AS/NZS 3823.1.2
AS/NZS 3823.1.3 
AS/NZS 3823.1.4
AS/NZS 3823.1.5
AS/NZS 3823.4.1 
AS/NZS 3823.4.2
AS/NZS 3823.4.3
AS/NZS 3823.2
AS/NZS 3823.3
  • ISO 5151
  • ISO 13253
  • ISO 15042
  • ISO 16358-1,-2,-3
  • ISO 3744
  • ISO 3745


HVACR performance testing and certifications

Our testing capabilities help you demonstrate compliance within your industry. These capabilities include (but are not limited to):
Logo for load based testing

Load-based testing (LBT)

In LBT, the controls that are integral to the equipment are allowed to operate as they were designed by the equipment manufacturers. This dynamic testing approach involves emulating a building’s sensible and latent loads by adjusting temperature and humidity setpoints of the psychrometric chamber reconditioning system. This method differs sharply from historical performance testing procedures, in which the controls of the equipment are locked and the compressors and fans are forced into fixed speeds (e.g., static testing).

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Sound power level

Sound testing of products is conducted for the purpose of complying with regulatory standards, comparing similar products or competitors’ products, and verifying new product designs for engineering and internal quality control. Appliances and heat pumps are the main focus of UL Solutions’ sound testing.  

Logo of ecodesign


ESPR aims to significantly improve the sustainability of products in the EU market. These regulations establish a framework for ecodesign requirements, impacting a wide range of products. Anticipated delegated acts will supplement the regulation by establishing specific, product-related requirements. UL Solutions can provide ISO 17025 accredited test reports that can be used to declare EU energy efficiency values for compliance with the ESPR and energy labeling requirements.


KEYMARK scheme testing

KEYMARK is a leading certification scheme in the European market owned by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Electrotechnical Committee for Standardization (CENELEC). UL Solutions is an approved KEYMARK empowered certification body, authorized to assess and certify heat pumps to European standards.

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UL Marketing Claim Verification

The UL Verified Mark gives a credible differentiation advantage to HVACR products, demonstrating verification by an independent, objective, science-based organization and providing proof of your marketing claims.

Learn more about ways to differentiate your HVACR products in a crowded market with UL Verify.

Learn about UL Verify

Why UL Solutions for performance testing capabilities?

Our services are designed to support your business goals and help you better understand your product’s performance characteristics, earn key energy efficiency certifications and differentiate your HVACR products in the marketplace.

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