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Testing and Certification for Wind Asset Manufacturers​

UL Solutions supports the compliance of wind assets to help facilitate market access across the globe.

Wind turbine close-up

UL Solutions helps manufacturers and asset owners assess the safety and performance of wind turbines and peripheral equipment with testing and certification services required for the local market access.​

Our expertise in the wind industry is based on our history. Over the course of our decades of work in this area, we have issued:​​

  • Over 350 type certificates on more than 150 wind turbines configurations and 30 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)​
  • More than 50 component certificates for more than 10 OEMs​
  • A track record of 1,200+ conformity statements for more than 65 OEMs

Type and component certification​

The type and component certification process determines that wind turbines and their systems meet international standards and local site requirements through comprehensive design review, manufacturing evaluation and testing protocols.

Type certification​

The purpose of type certification is to confirm that a wind turbine type is designed, documented and manufactured in conformity with specific standards and site conditions. In addition, type certification covers the erection procedures, installation and maintenance of the wind turbine. A type certificate denotes a fully independent assessment of the wind turbine functioning for its design lifetime. Finally, a type certificate provides the traceability for the applicable documentation for design, testing and manufacturing.

Component certification​

A component certificate is applicable to the major structural, mechanical and/or electrical components of the wind turbine — e.g., the frequency converter, transformer, generator, tower, rotor blade and gearbox. The process also assesses whether the specific component is designed, documented, manufactured and tested in conformity with the applicable design requirements, specific standards and other technical requirements. Component certification is a useful tool for component manufacturers to provide OEMs traceability to their design assumptions, testing and manufacturing processes and sites. A certified component can easily be integrated into the supply chain of OEMs.

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Accreditations and participation in technical committees

UL Solutions is dedicated to technical excellence and quality across the globe. Our DAkkS accreditation is proof of our commitment to quality and competence for such activities as creating a conformity assessment body according to internationally harmonized standards. Within the wind industry, the DAkkS accreditation helps facilitate the acceptance of tested components, parts and wind energy technologies and supports safer, compliant and cost-effective wind assets.​

UL Solutions actively participates in major national and international committees and working groups that are defining wind energy standards, including:​

  • International Electrotechnical Commission​ (IEC)
  • International Electrotechnical Commission Renewable Energy (IECRE)
  • American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) – U.S. National Standards Development
  • German Commission for Electrotechnical, Electronic, and Information Technologies (DKE)
  • DPInst – Committee of German Certification Bodies for Wind Turbines​
  • Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency​ of Germany (BSH)
  • Federation of German Windpower and Other Renewable Energies (FGW)
Download our resources

Accreditation Number: PL-11095-01 Flexible Scope

200 KB

Public information for DEWI-OCC

200 KB

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