Power generating units (PGU)
We evaluate and confirm compliance with critical electrical characteristics of PGU, including:
- Active and reactive power
- Low and high voltage ride through (LVRT/HVRT)
- Protection and control systems
- Power quality

PGU grid code compliance standards
UL Solutions provides testing and certification for a wide array of power generating units and components, such as:
- Photovoltaic (PV) inverters
- Wind turbines
- Energy storage power conversion systems
- Bi-directional EV chargers
- Combined heat and power generators
- Mini hydroelectric generators
- Synchronous generators
- Power plant controllers
Since 2016, European grid codes feature a common requirement based on European Regulation EU 2016/631 – Requirements of Generators.
To help you demonstrate compliance with the North America grid code standard, IEEE 1547.1 - IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces, we can test and certify PGUs accordingly to Supplement A/B of UL 1741, the Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources.
To streamline market access efforts, our team can bundle testing services for a variety of requirements, including EU 2016/631, UL and IEC product standards as well as perform preliminary evaluation for grid code compliance for units and components.
Region/Country | Guideline | Standard name |
European Union | Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 | Network code on requirements for grid connection of generators |
European Union | EN 50549-1 | Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks - Part 1: Connection to a LV distribution network - Generating plants up to and including Type B |
European Union | EN 50549-2 | Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks - Part 2: Connection to a MV distribution network - Generating plants up to and including Type B |
Germany | FGW-TG3 | Determination of the Electrical Characteristics of Power Generating Units and Systems in Medium-, Highand Extra-High Voltage Grids |
Germany | FGW-TG4 | Demands on Modelling and Validating Simulation Models of the Electrical Characteristics of Power Generating Units and Systems |
Germany | FGW-TG8 | Certification of the Electrical Characteristics of Power Generating Units, Systems and Storage Systems as well as their Components on the Grid |
U.S. | IEEE Std 929 | IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems |
Country | Standard | Standard name |
Germany | VDE-AR-N-4105 | Generators connected to the low-voltage distribution network – Technical requirements for the connection to and parallel operation with low voltage distribution networks |
Germany | DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 | Automatic disconnection device between a generator and the public low-voltage grid |
Germany | VDE-AR-N 4110 | Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the medium voltage network (TAR medium voltage) |
Germany | VDE-AR-N 4120 | Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the high voltage network (TCR high voltage) |
Germany | VDE-AR-N 4130 | Technical requirements for the connection and operation of customer installations to the extra high voltage network (TCR extra high voltage) |
Spain | Real Decreto 244 | De 5 de abril, por el que se regulan las condiciones administrativas, técnicas y económicas del autoconsumo de energía eléctrica |
Spain | UNE 217001 | Ensayos para sistemas que eviten el vertido de energía a la red de distribución |
Spain | PO 12.3 | Procedimiento de verificación, validación y certificación de los requisitos del PO 12.3 sobre la respuesta de las instalaciones eólicas y fotovoltaicas ante huecos de tensión |
Spain | UNE 217002 | Inversores para conexión a la red de distribución. Ensayos de los requisitos de inyección de corriente continua a la red, generación de sobretensiones y sistema de detección de funcionamiento en isla. |
Spain | NTS 631 V2.1 SEPE | Norma Técnica de Supervisión de la conformidad de los módulos de generación de electricidad según el Reglamento UE 2016/631 - Sistema Eléctrico Peninsular (SEPE) |
Spain | NTS 631 V1.1 SENP | Norma Técnica de Supervisión de la conformidad de los módulos de generación de electricidad según el Reglamento UE 2016/631 - Sistema Eléctrico No Peninsular (SENP) |
Italy | CEI 0-21 | Regola tecnica di riferimento per la connessione di Utenti attivi e passivi alle reti BT delle imprese distributrici di energia elettrica |
Italy | CEI 0-16 | Regola tecnica di riferimento per la connessione di Utenti attivi e passivi alle rete AT ed MT delle imprese distributrici di energía elettrica |
U.K. | ENA-EREC G99 | Engineering recommendation. Latest Version. Requirements for the connection of generation equipment in parallel with public distribution networks on or after 17 May 2019 |
U.K. | ENA-EREC G98 | Requirements for the connection of Fully Type Tested Micro-generators (up to and including 16 A per phase) in parallel with public Low Voltage Distribution Networks on or after 27 April 2019 |
Portugal | AMBIENTE E AÇÃO CLIMÁTICA 73 | Requisitos não exaustivos para ligação dos módulos geradores à Rede Elétrica de Serviço Público |
France | Guide pratique UTE C 15-712-1 | Installations photovoltaïques connectées au réseau public de distribution |
France | Arrêté du 9 juin 2020 | relatif aux prescriptions techniques de conception et de fonctionnement pour le raccordement aux réseaux d’électricité |
Austria | TOR Erzeuger | Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Stromerzeugungsanlagen des Typs A und von Kleinsterzeugungsanlagen |
Austria | TOR Erzeuger | Anschluss und Parallelbetrieb von Stromerzeugungsanlagen des Typs B |
Romania | ORDIR 30 | Technical conditions for connection to power grids of public interest for photovoltaic power plants |
Romania | Ordin 208 | Technical norm on technical connection requirements for electrical networks of public interest for generating modules, central modules consisting of generators and plants consisting of offshore generating modules (located in the wider). |
Belgium | C10/11 | Specific technical prescriptions regarding power-generating plants operating in parallel to the distribution network |
U.S. and Canada | IEEE Std 1547.1 | IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces |
U.S. | Electric Rule 21 | Generating facility interconnections |
Brazil | NDU 013 | Critérios para a Conexão em Baixa Tensão de Acessantes de Geração Distribuída ao Sistema de Distribuição |
Brazil | NDU 015 | Critérios para a conexão de acessantes de geração distribuída ao sistema de distribuição da energisa- conexão em média tensão |
Brazil | ABNT NBR 16149 | Sistemas fotovoltaicos (FV) – Características da interface de conexao com a rede elétrica de distribuigao |
Brazil | ABNT NBR 16150 | Sistemas fotovoltaicos (FV) – Características da interface de conexao coma rede elétrica de distribuicao - Procedimento de ensaio de conformidade |
Brazil | INMETRO ordinances 004/2011 | |
Brazil | INMETRO ordinances 357/2014 | |
Peru | COES SINAC | Procedimiento técnico del comité de operación económica del SEIN. Aprobado mediante Resolución OSINERGMIN Nº035-2013-OS/CD |
Panama | Código de Redes fotovoltaico, Resolución NA No.8774-elec | Normas técnicas, operativas y de calidad, para la conexión de los sistemas de centrales solares y centrales solares con tecnología fotovoltaica al sistema interconectado nacional (sin) |
Chile | NTCO | Norma técnica de conexión y operación de PMGDen instalaciones de media tensión |
Chile | NTSyCS | Norma técnica de seguridad y calidad de servicio |
Mexico | CRE-3025 | Manual regulatorio de planeación del sistema eléctrico nacional |
South Africa | RPPS | Grid connection code for Renewable Power Plants (RPPS) connected to the electricity transmission system (TS) or the distribution system (DS) in South Africa |
South Africa | NRS 097-2-1 | Grid interconnection of embedded generation Part 2: Small-scale embedded generation |
Morocco | Moroccan Grid Code | Conditions de raccordement des éoliennes et parcs solaires a base de PV au réseau national de transport |
Egypt | Egyptian Transmission Grid Code | Solar Energy Plants Grid Connection Code |
Egypt | Egyptian Transmission Grid Code | Wind Farm Grid Connection Code |
Jordan | IRR-DCC-MV | Intermittent Renewable Resources (Wind and PV) distribution Connection Code (DCC) at Medium Voltage (MV) |
Jordan | IRR-TIC:2014 | Intermittent Renewable Resources (IRR) Transmission Interconnection Code (TIC) |
Dubai | DEWA | Standards for distributed renewable resources generators connected to the distribution network. |
Philippines | Philippine grid code | |
Thailand | PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority) | Regulation on the Power Network System Interconnection Code |
Thailand | MEA (Metropolitan Electricity Authority) | Grid-connected Inverter Regulation |
Malaysia | MS 1837 | Installation of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system |
India | CEA | Central Electricity Authority (CEA) - Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid |
India | Indian Electricity Grid Code | |
Australia | AS/NZS 4777.2 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Part 2: Inverter requirements |
Australia | AS/NZS 4777.3 | Grid connection of energy systems via inverters – Grid protection requirements |
Poland | DRE.WOSE | |
Netherlands | Dutch Grid Code | Electricity Netcode |
Netherlands | NL Regulation | Power-Generating Modules compliance verification Power-Generating Modules type B, C and D according to NC RfG and Netcode elektriciteit |
Saudi Arabia | SAGC Issue 2 | The Saudi Arabian Grid Code |
Saudi Arabia | 1st SAGC | The Saudi Arabian Grid Code |
Saudi Arabia | 2nd SAGC | The Saudi Arabian Grid Code |
Saudi Arabia | 3rd SAGC | The Saudi Arabian Grid Code |
Grid Code Compliance with UL Solutions
Gain expert insights in our on-demand webinar on the grid code landscape, including EN 50549 and RfG 2016/631, and experience a live demonstration of the Global Compliance Manager (GCM) tool, designed to help streamline your compliance processes.
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