Installers of firestop or fireproofing can voluntarily enroll in the audit service that determines compliance with the UL Solutions program criteria and the quality management system developed by the contractor. These contractors have implemented a stringent quality management system that includes a review of project design and construction document requirements; installation, training, application and field quality; and documentation and record keeping. A contractor must properly select and install a system to protect the fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
To participate in the program a contractor must:
- Appoint and employ at least one designated responsible individual (DRI) with applicable expertise.
- Pass the UL Solutions Firestop Exam or NFCA industry exam.
- Maintain a 10-element management system that is evaluated through an annual audit.
Firestop Contractor Program
A contractor must properly select and install a firestop system to protect penetrations and joints within fire-resistance-rated wall and horizontal assemblies. The building codes require these breaches be protected and the UL Solutions Qualified Firestop Contractor Program denotes contractors providing additional quality assurance.
Fireproofing Contractor Program
The UL Solutions Qualified Fireproofing Contractor Program is voluntary and allows contractors to proactively demonstrate their commitment to the proper application of SFRM as specified in UL Solutions Fire Resistance Designs.
Master Audit Certificate of Compliance (MACC)
A Master Audit Certificate of Compliance (MACC) is offered to qualified program participants. Installers may obtain certificate for a structure by name and address from UL Solutions where they installed systems and were specifically audited. Certificates start the facility on the annual maintenance path required by code.
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