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Modernizing the Power Grid in the Energy Transition

We help advance the transition to a modern, decentralized power grid through validation and testing services to demonstrate grid code compliance and grid integration.

Wind turbines positioned on a plain next to electric grid towers


The benefits of evolving the energy grid

Our antiquated power grid is in the process of transformation. Why? So much energy is wasted during generation and long-distance transmission. Climate change-fueled severe weather events cause devastation. The threat from vandalism and cyberattack is growing.

At the same time, more and more renewable energy is coming online. This abundance is essential to supporting demand from EVs, heat pumps and other electrified technologies.


Growing concerns spur grid transition

Our electrified future will be powered by decentralized renewable energy production and on-site storage systems. By shifting to a network of microgrids with more localized transmission, we gain efficiency, flexibility and resilience.

But while immensely exciting, global scaling of this new grid paradigm depends on compliance with grid codes that ensure safety, security and interoperability between power producers, users and these interconnected systems.

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Global grid code compliance expertise

As decentralized renewable energy production grows in scale, power producers and regulators around the world establish new requirements governing the energy and technology connected to the grid.

UL Solutions is helping accelerate the deployment of renewable energy flowing into our shared power grid. We support renewable energy innovators throughout the project lifecycle, from research and development through grid connection, with customized services to support safety and performance.


Learn how we connect customers with global regulatory knowledge, compliance testing, grid simulation and certification services for inverter-based resources.

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Empowering trust through certification

We offer certification services for an impressive array of renewable power technology, from materials to components to systems.

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Predicting the future   

We help quantify uncertainty via big data analytics and high-performance computing to perform modeling and simulation for renewable energy concerns, such as energy forecasts for two-thirds of grid-tied solar in the U.S.

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Industry leadership and stakeholder access

We work closely with stakeholders such as The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to develop relevant standards for cybersecurity and the energy grid, including UL 2941, the Outline of Investigation (OOI) for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy and Inverter-Based Resources.

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Ongoing technical and facility investment

We keep in lockstep with energy transition technology innovation and develop technical requirements to perform safety and performance assessments in laboratories around the world.


Services advancing grid modernization and grid resilience



Powering the energy grid

In some areas, available renewable power generation capacity isn’t yet being fully realized because of challenges bringing that power online. Power producers must first satisfy local grid codes that outline safe connections to the grid. UL Solutions helps streamline this connection through energy services performed by grid compliance experts during construction, commissioning and operations. Our services include grid studies, quality assurance inspections and warranty transition inspections that help ensure desirable outcomes and simulate operational behavior.

Relationships that promote confidence

We convene stakeholders in energy production for a common purpose: to advance the abundance of safe, sustainable renewable energy. At UL Solutions, we work closely with utilities, government regulators and manufacturers of equipment such as inverters, microgrids and other key technology to foster agreements and streamline acceptance.

Field or factory evaluation

Manufacturers are racing to contribute to the energy transition with utility-scale renewable energy generating systems, units and components. Gaining market access requires demonstrating compliance with relevant requirements, including grid code standards that vary widely around the world. Whether in the field or at a manufacturing facility, UL Solutions applies safety science principles to thoroughly evaluate critical energy technology.


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