UL Materials Testing and Certification (English)
This method measures optical and mechanical changes induced by precisely simulated weather events. UL Solutions controlled irradiance (CI) Xenon arc apparatus guarantees constant light intensities as well as exact temperature and humidity control. All our tests are thus carried out with the necessary reliability with regard to correlativity, precision, reproducibility and repeatability.
Compared to natural tests, this method significantly reduces the time required to calculate the light aging/weathering stability of test specimens. All important climatic factors such as radiation, heat, humidity and rain can be simulated with these devices.
Standards for Xenon-WOM
ASTM G151, ASTM G155, ISO 4892-1, ISO 4892-2, or equivalent standards
Measuring Changes and Water Absorption
This method is used to determine the influence of water absorption on physical properties. Test specimens are stored in water at elevated temperature for a defined time.
Standards for water exposure
UL 746C
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